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Status Updates posted by SimplySeo

  1. We'll never forget you.

  2. At last, the Numelore is done.

  3. it occurs to me I don't know what nuptials means.

    1. Deer__


      In fairness, me too. I had to google it

    2. sarahbarah
    3. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      It's alright young padawan, even a french man knew your language more than you.

  4. I want to play an Artic Lagofyn!!! Please please please please please please please please please! I want to be a succubunny

    1. Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Sorry but Succubunny is not a race being submitted to LOTC

  5. enable conflict I'm a dwarf again for 2 weeks i need to kill elves

  6. The Chicoms are at it again.

  7. I can't believe Madone would do this

    1. Sarven


      How could the fidei defensor allow this

  8. **** dragons charles the bald lore just dropped

    1. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      There will 3 books published !

  9. pls let me use the rest of my tile now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adelemphii


      tiles are for chumps, all you need is fishing

    3. Shorsand



      *burns it more

    4. SimplySeo


      i can't believe you've done this

  10. i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball i love bucketball 

  11. @ibraheemc2000You have Janissaries, I have Crusaders, we should hang out.

    1. ibraheemc2000
    2. DrHope


      First templar Janissary when


  12. Anyone else crash whenever they enter Adria?

    1. TheCapybara


      Sorry! You didn’t pass the vibe check!

    2. Laeonathan


      youre not cool enough I guess

  13. What if the real wench was the friends we made along the way.

  14. I was moving furniture all day what did I miss

    1. UnusualBrit


      humans be wilding over titles

  15. I have a persona slot on my alt I'm not really using and need something to do during my usual RP hubs downtime. Anyone have any interesting personas that need played?

  16. reject mass-produced universally issued plate armor guard skins. Embrace chainmail.

  17. You ain't that guy, pal.

    1. _Sug


      I'm not that guy, dude.

  18. Well that'll do it.

  19. Been dying of covid the last three days, what I miss.

    1. Puglord


      eh, nothin that major. just an alt of a tos player being outted

    2. Gnomeh


      and an OOC discord auction

  20. Nooblius is a knave and false prophet

  21. Remember kids if you violate multiple rules at once they can only charge you with the most grievous offense.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samler


      Lol surely not?

    3. MeteorDragon


      wanna test it for us?

    4. RandomRhunes


      2 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:

      wanna test it for us?

      I’ll test for ya

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