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Status Updates posted by SimplySeo

  1. I am sorry I could not log on for mineman roleplay today. I fell down a flight of stairs and choked on the asprin, the Gods are trying to kill me.

    1. RaccoonPete
    2. Wand


      That's a bad flight or fight instinct.



  2. Mickael is a good boy.

  3. Mineman politics can turn good people into assholes, y’know that?

    We all just sometimes need to take a breather, step back, close discord. Listen to music, watch the news, spend time with family, something that ain’t mineman.

    1. NotEvilAtAll



  4. Maybe a dumb question, but is there any lore written on the celestial bodies of LOTC? Planets, stars, etc? Besides the existence of the sun and moon is anything else written down?

    1. Heero


      The stars are Aenguls and Daemons. Funny enough, the Dwarves are right when it comes to religion. The Moon really is the after-life. Who would’a thunk

    2. argonian


      canonism is literally canon lore, read “ancient history” in the wiki lol 

    3. Ixli


      yeah, check the wiki bruv

  5. All this conflict blacklist stuff is whack, yo. Hella whack.


    But that’s just my opinion

    1. Kanadensare


      hella whack yo

  6. The war between Urguan and Mynebor was longer than Urguan and Oren.

  7. Do you think a dwarf is small enough to ride a tiger? Asking for a friend.

  8. Can’t wait for another two weeks of AFKing in the city


    Activity quotas for the only racial nation of one of the main descendant races seems kinda bullsh*t in my eyes, but alright.

  9. Jorvin and the boys get declared an Enemy of the Brathmordakin

  10. Interested in helping police and defend the Dwarven nation? Consider joining the Iron Guard! Looking for both ambitious new players interested in making a name for themselves, and old players interested in serving as officers! Sign up here or PM me 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. argonian


      do i get to gun down young doomforged males 

      Edited by shoahinsnowyfields
    3. z3m0s


      That made me laugh a lot, thank you

    4. argonian
  11. For absolutely no reason in particular, theoretically what magics would one be needed to make a Sith LordSHEEEV.png.7f11f4ef5bc627fdd85cbe434761fa59.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mavromino


      You could make a case for voidal shifting as Sith Lords were always extremely mobile.

    3. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      what joel said - that, and a lack of moisturiser


      if you're interested as to what Shade is, send me a message - I'll give you a rundown.

    4. GDPR 014
  12. Looking for a new community to join? Interested in a close-knit group of fun-loving RPers? C’mon down to Kal’Varoth and make a Dwarf today!

    1. SubscriptShark2


      preferably a frostbeard right?

  13. Dwarves are being discriminated against. Heck longlegs

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J33xt101


      @Burnsy Are you still sour about the honor duel you lost in Holm? 

    3. Burnsy


      @J33xt101 So I mention a problem that could pertain to you to, and the first thing you have to say is something completely unrelated to the discussion. You’re ******* hopeless.

    4. J33xt101


      @Burnsy That problem has nothing to do with me. You guys do the exact same thing.

  14. I’m considering making my second character a human, I have a general character theme going, but I have two questions.


    Is there an existing Inqusitorial/Witch-Hunter type group? Doesn’t have to be an official or sanctioned group or anything, I just wanna get my Warhammer references on.


    Is there someone who is willing to give me a brief rundown on the main human ‘cultures’? I don’t know much beyond the fact I’ve seen fantasy-frenchmen and fantasy-germans running around sometimes.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Parker



      there you go friend. Something you could help me on.

    3. SimplySeo


      @Parker Not quite what I was going for, but thank you anyway!



      @LithiumSedai @D4NNA Is there anything I can read on Waldenian custorms and culture?

    4. LithiumSedai
  15. frick

    I’ve only gone and bloody done it

  16. Sweet baby jesus the mob spawning.


    Still not used to being jumped by slimes every time I walk down the street

  17. So far one of my only real complaints with the Dwarven community is the fact that most of its members are in euro-timezones. Makes it hard to find people to RP with sometimes, wish we had more Americans

  18. I’ve heard the Dwarf community gets a lot of flank and honestly I get why but I’ll be real with you, going on two months of active playtime I can say these guys have been the friendliest and most welcoming guys OOCly that I’ve encountered. Some of the fellas are a little rough around the edges but I honestly love these guys.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SimplySeo


      Don’t get me wrong, I know what happened, I got the story. But like I said, they’re not for everyone but they’re good dorfs, bront.

    3. zaezae


      Only people who I’ve seen roleplay fear without merely being cowards. Good lads. 

    4. Forestdwarfman


      We love you to Jorvin 


  19. Relatively new here and don’t quite know how to navigate the forms yet, can anyone tell me when the map change happens? I want to know how to prepare

    1. Fishy


      The map change should happen in roughly a month or two. When there is a release date a thread will likely be posted under the News section of the forums.
      You don’t really need to prepare for the map change as items and minas are reset. My best piece of advice is to find a group of friends to play with once the new map is released.

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