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Everything posted by MeteorDragon

  1. I keep thinking all the PK posts are going to be fake

  2. Sul brings his hands up to his face, rubbing at his eyes. The Ashwoods grumbles to himself. "Oh gods.. purists worse than Haelun'or.."
  3. Got it - changed it down to 4 emotes to match that of Half-Expatriation
  4. Shifting Gates: Combative Shifting one’s self and a group has been practiced for generations, though one can always improve. Similar to Half-Expatriation, the mage will create two portals in the world, only these are made to shift people from one place to another and stick around for a while. Once the two portals are made, they are unable to be moved, but do allow for a great many things to pass through them. OOC Purpose Translocation has one “Portal” based spell that is visible and that’s it. Having one more could add to a bit of fun with people being able to walk through portals that are placed around an area, acting as a combination of Group Teleport and Half-Expatriation. In addition to this, Translocation gets no spells at Tier Four so having this would allow for someone to still have a new thing to learn within the later tiers that isn’t just aesthetic. Credits of the father Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192239-%E2%9C%93-magic-reformat-voidal-translocation-dlc-2999-usd-patch-notes/
  5. Missing a little Cayenne
  6. A magi cackles as he heard of what was happening. Sulieronn slapped his knee. "It just gets better!" He snorted. "They're having a war with no one I tell you! No one cares about you!"
  7. Sulieronn sits with his staff resting simply in his hand, the end of it resting on the ground while he remained hunched over, reading over a missive that lie within the grasp of his left hand. A snort passes from the elven fellow's nose as he comments. "Fools claiming thrones is not something new. This group of moronic bandits should walk into a hoard of undead drones for only there would their smarts start to match up with the crowd. I've seen none as pathetic as they within recent years. Relinquish the name you claim to hold, bandits."
  8. A Magi scribbles down in his notes as he heard of the battle. Sulieronn scoffed and spoke to himself. "Clearly they wish not to fight those whom are simply too stupid to see that this world isn't made for them. Grow Up. Pathetic, truly pathetic, raiders. You are unable to grab an ounce of power so stop trying to make yourselves out to be those born of gods." The elven man had taken a visit to the city he'd once lived in many years ago and took note of how a specific person was banished from that city, curious. Even while feverish, he shook his head and decided to travel to the city once more to ensure that harm would not befall it. "Call them cowardly all you want, but in the end, it's a tactic to keep themselves alive. Simply, you are too stupid to see that."
  9. A strange dark elven man would lean over in his bench as he heard the news. Sulieronn pushed a hand through his hair, some stray licks flowing back down to hang before his eyes as he grumbled "Too much war.. stop trying to claim what you think you deserve. The Maelstorm and Jusmia families relatives.. distant.. but still relatives. Suck up your pride.. you're making Vivian turn in her grave." There was nothing but spite in the man's words as he spat them out with distaste.
  10. Dihydrogen monoxide - a deadly poison. The world puts this sh*t on our CROPS! Everyone who's ever had it has died, but it's a requirement. Too much of it and we die, too little of it and we die. It can disintegrate rocks just by hitting it, it can cause some metals to explode on contact. IT NEEDS TO BE NERFED OR REMOVED
  11. DHMO hurt juniper. Just as it's hurt everyone #StopDHMO
  12. Everyone who's ever had DHMO has died. Think about that.
  13. Most popular modern music sucks. Indie's where it's at
  14. "I hate the Palebeast!" A Sorvian shrouded in red retorts, placing their first against their chest. "Long love the Nahaim-Esau!"
  15. An elf repeatedly smashed his forehead against a table.
  16. A watching ghoul of the past, a fellow of red and eyes of null, claps along with an eldritch man. Only, he too rejoices and remembers a poetry of an old Dealer, "Grief."
  17. Holy shit finally, this is like the only thing I care about- my precious items
  18. I was given a present in the form of Lordship status and a Freddy's giftcard, you think I got cash?
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