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Posts posted by clonky

  1. "Dear Claude, how beautiful this writing is. I do hope my daughters take a path similar to yours. You make all proud." Maude Fitzpeter-Vilac mused, partially to herself as her eyes darted across the parchment. She smiled, and then sent the missive to the way of her husband, so that he could see his relative's work. 

  2. It seemed that a certain Vilac now sat in her bed-chambers, spending her time with her dear husband, and looking to him with a purity of innocence, and a kindness, and a deep respect. How lucky am I, Maude Fitzpeter-Vilac thought. How lucky am I to have a husband so willing, so understanding, that I mustn't be confined by the will of a man, as we are equal in our Holy Wedlock. She reminisced to herself.

    The news of the dear Imperial Highness, Elizabeth, seemed to strike her with a deep gratitude. Maude knew she was going to make a change, and surge into a new life to make a better one for her children and her descendants. She looked upon the sky, wondering if her ancestors were watching what she were doing now. She would make history, alongside all the other women of The Holy Orenian Empire

  3. 13 minutes ago, gohliad said:

    The Princess George reads through the announcement with an initial exuberance for her dearest friend, though soon came a frown. "Oh.." was all that uttered from the cultured woman upon reading of the invitations - or her lack of.


    This was quickly changed, as Juliya Rose was added unto the Invitations list with a personal letter of apology!



    In the uniting of Maude Fitzpeter and Antonius Vilac in Holy Matrimony






    AN Engagement has ravaged the lands, as two individuals - Maude Fitzpeter and Antonius Vilac - are to join in Holy Wedlock following the wedding processions of the Bride's dear sister's own wedding. Upon the next year shall to two be wed in the Holy Cathedral of Providence, as GOD wills it. 

    It is here that we declare all citizens of the realm welcome to join and witness this ceremony after the conclusion of the third Social Season, as Prince Antonius Vilac of Vilachia and Lady Maude Fitzpeter cordially invite all family to survey their wedding ceremony. Following this ceremony, there shall be a reception hosted in the Augustine Gardens, a picnic to be held for the newly wed couple and for all denizens who are to be in attendance. We ask our guests to don their picnic-wear, which includes primarily hats and or shawls. 


    [!] Let it be known that any persons to cause a disturbance during or after the ceremony shall be removed from the grounds in haste. 




    The ceremony shall be held in the confines of the Cathedral of Providence, with the flower girls being the de Savoie children and the Helvets sisters. Lady Philippa Fitzpeter shall also proceed in the ceremony alongside her sister, Maude Fitzpeter. The Ceremony will take place in the year 1829.



    The reception will follow the wedding ceremony and will be held in the Gardens of the Augustine Palace. We will hold a picnic for all the attendees, so please don picnic attire. There shall also be a joust for those who wish to watch. The winner shall be awarded with a 200 mina prize and the title of "Spear of Vilachia" The Groom is not able to participate. Please sign up by sending a letter through Maude Fitzpeter. 






    His Imperial Majesty, John VIII, The Holy Orenian Emperor, and his Esteemed Pedigree @KosherZombie
    His Excellency, Simon Pruvia, Viscount of Pruvia-Provins, and his Esteemed Pedigree @MrChenn
    His Lordship, Oliver Renault de Savoie, and his Esteemed Pedigree @Lionbileti
    His Imperial Excellency, Sir Ledicort d'Azor, and his Esteemed Pedigree @Da_Emperors
    His Excellency, Sir Charles Galbraith @sergisala

    The Right Honorable, Ri'Haskir @Ryloth
    The Honorable, Thalon Nullivari, and his Esteemed Pedigree @_Sug
    The Honorable, Ser Oliver Helane 'The Lion' @Werew0lf
    Her Excellency, Lady Mary d'Arkent, Majordomo of the Palace, Mistress of Arts, and her Esteemed Pedigree @ncarr
    Her Excellency, Tatiana vas Ruthern, High Justicar of Haenseti-Ruska and her Esteemed Pedigree @Juli
    The Honorable, Holy Sir Edwin de Sarkozy, and his Esteemed Pedigree @Guzr
    The Bride's family respectively; House Fitzpeter @Dyl
    The Groom's family respectively; House Vilac
    Her most Magical Elegant Majesty, Queen Amelia and HIH Princess, Queen of Kid-Kingdom Rosehelm and Her denizens. @libbybelle
    The Right Honorable, Countess of Aldensburg, Lady Juliya Rose  @gohliad




    OOC: Sunday 7/25 at 7 PM EST. (SIGN UP FOR JOUST THROUGH THIS FORM: https://forms.gle/NhWFUctVh6voQUCMA)




    Dated 1828


    Her Most Excellent Excellency Grandest Majesty Queen Amelia knighting Kaustantin, Duchess Francesca, and Arthur




    The feats of the day were momentous. 


    Within the Kid-Kingdom of Rosehelm, the children had a mission, specifically Kaustantin Baruch with his two squires, Arthur Galbraith and Duchess Francesca of Felines. They were to set off to the Badlands in search for the Oracle sheep's evil brother who caused plague and stole things within the Kingdom of Rosehelm. This was an important journey that would take HOURS of travel in terrible weather conditions. They had to go through winding paths and rely on each other to find the right place of where the Evil Sheep had set his abode unto these grounds. Eventually, when all three had made it to the presence of the sheep, they dedicated countless and tireless hours to ensure that the Evil doer was to be rid of. After hours upon hours of endless fighting, the three children slaughtered the sheep and took his head as prize!


    But this day was not all victorious. 


    A scream was heard on the Oracle Sheep's Holy Lands. The prestigious warriors (now knighted) were to return the head of the Evil sheep to the Oracle, though the scream came from Her Greatest most Elegant Majesty, Queen Amelia. The knights and other attendees darted with weaponry now unsheathed, ready to meet at the Queen's aid. 

    "KNIGHTS!" The Queen called in a shriek, calling upon the newly-knighted men and women. 
    Sir Kaustantin, Dame Francesca, and Sir Arthur ran into the Holy Lands, only to find traitors in their midst. But the traitor was not someone who was expected. It was Amelia's brother, George, talking with the Oracle IN HIS OWN PEN. The Knights surged forth to arrest these traitors, amongst them Isabella vas Ruthern. She unsheathed a deadly weapon, and proceeded to fight the LAW ITSELF. George too, participated. Francesca landed a blow to George's head, dazing him, whilst Queen Amelia and Princess Henrietta blocked the door to ensure that the intruders were stuck. They had no way out

    The Knights and denizens of the Kingdom were ultimately victorious, ridding of the foe with the most valiant efforts and prestige. But this called forth for a new law of the Kid-Kingdom of Rosehelm.





    Denizens of the Kid-Kingdom of Rosehelm are graciously asked to preserve the rights of the Holy Oracle Himself in all His Glory, and to seek council with him when he asks of it. The Chosen One is hereby the only citizen of Rosehelm that has jurisdiction of who is allowed to seek delegation within His presence. Therefore, this designates that these lands are blessed by Him and must not succumb to the worldly behaviors of barbaric or unholy folk. A denizen must not declare battle upon His lands, must not talk in a defamatory way toward His Holiness, and must seek The Chosen One if you are to speak in private matters with The Holy Oracle. All who disobey the law shall meet the Knighthood Order of Rosehelm. 


    Few Knights in the Realm of Rosehelm are qualified enough to protect the Oracle and ALL His Holiness. The Holy Knighthood of The Oracle has been blessed by The Chosen One herself and the Oracle. Only few prestigious Knights make it into this Order, and I hereby pronounce Sir Kaustantin, Duchess Dame Francesca, and Sir Arthur to be the three knights who befall this category of great valor. 

    Her Excellency, Duchess Dame Francesca Ada of Felines


  6. Francesca Helvets can’t read so it is true that she would be eating the Kid-Kingdom of Rosehelm’s candy. She didn’t quite understand what all the fuss was about nor did she care. Someday, when someone told her, she would surely make a decree about these incidents. 

  7. The Maid of Honor; Maude Fitzpeter remembered well of the gorgeous ceremony and the flourishing length of the dress on Juliya. She remembered tearing up at the joy of seeing her beloved friend succeed in such a manner, and now she knew that Juliya was happily married to a Count. 




    Francesca Helvets gathered with the council to ensure that Juliya would receive a gift by the orders of the Queen of Rosehelm!

  8. "OH MY! What a joyous occasion for my dearest Phili... She has come such a long way and has proved our family name to be good. Joseph d'Azor is such a lovely man as well, and I am astounded to be part of such a perfect family." Maude Fitzpeter then began to write a heart-felt letter to her sister in congratulations, and began to cry tears of joy. She ran around the palace with the invitations, yelling out that her sister was to be wed. 



    Published 1832 by Maude Eleanor Fitzpeter 



    What is the Rosemoor Bill?

    The Rosemoor Bill will be introduced by the House of Lords with the intention of passing. It is subject of inheritance, particularly with female inheritance upon the Holy Orenian Empire. It proposes that it no longer discludes or disqualifies female heirs on basis of sex, making it so that women of the Empire are validated as true heirs to land and title. 




    It has been of great topic across the lands of the Holy Orenian Empire the Bill’s surface into the public that many have taken it upon themselves to don support. Whether it be by showing up to rallies in support of women inheritance, or wearing brooches and badges signifying the Bill’s importance. Not only are plenty of women showing their support for the future of the Empire, but so are various men who wish to see our denizens progress into a betterment of our future.

    A few select men have been asked for an interview concerning the topic of the Rosemoor Bill and why they have decided to show their support. Not only are these men citizens and representatives of this realm, they are also men of holy backgrounds, of government positions, and overall influential men. 


    "A hymn becomes more beautiful the more voices that join in."

     - Father Francis Brown, Vicar of Providentia






    Father Francis Brown, Vicar of Providentia

    His Imperial Excellency, Secretary of War, Lord Joseph d’Azor

    Holy Sir Edwin de Sarkozy
    Prince of Vilachia, Antonius Vilac


    Joseph d’Azor pictured with Philippa who sports Sir Edwin’s Rosemoor Badge!


    Why do you support the Rosemoor Bill?

    Joseph d’Azor: I think it's simply just about time. Women of the Empire have fought, bled, and died upon foreign soil in defense of the realm. They serve within the commons as my own sister does and give so much. Is it not merely fair that they be offered the same succession right as all?

    Father Francis: It has been shown, throughout the course of history, that women are just as virtuous as men. Take for example; Saint Catherine of Felsen. She was a great leader and a true inspiration for compassion and virtue. Or, Saint Emma of Woldzmir. Another great woman. She took up the sword for GOD. 


    What do you believe the future of the Holy Orenian Empire will be if the bill is passed?

    Sir Edwin: The same, if not improved. By not allowing women to succeed, we’ve been cutting off half of our Empire’s brilliant minds from great servitude. If the Bill is passed, I won’t be surprised if we see a remarkable increase in various sectors of our Empire.

    Father Francis: I feel Oren will become more open to twice as many voices, twice as many ideas, twice as many voices to praise GOD. A hymn becomes more beautiful, the more voices that join in.


    How do you believe the Bill will shape the future of young women and men?

    Antonius Vilac: The Bill will not only shape, but create a most desirable environment for the youth to achieve and pursue their dreams, offering them the most needed tools for success in a society that can give and take. The magnitude of this movement; adjacent to the Bill, will only drive this future to splendour within the heartlands, right by its heart: the Johannesburg of Almaris, the capital of the Holy Oren. Providence.


    Do you plan to partake in any of the conventions or upcoming events proceeding the support of the Bill?

    Sir Edwin: Indeed! I’m bringing my entire family, and so should the reader of this paper. 


    Father Francis: Just tell me when they are, and I will try my best to be there. (You heard it here! Inform your Vicar!)


    How have you shown your support for the Rosemoor Bill?

    Sir Edwin: I stitched up these badges of sorts, showing my support; I’ve been handing them out throughout Providence (Get your Rosemoor badge from Sir Edwin today!)


    Joseph d’Azor: I wear this pin, [Rosemoor Pin] and I support women where I can. Oren has left its feudalistic tendencies into the past centuries ago. We promote and assign based upon merit. Whether the best person for a job is a man or a woman, it matters not. For example, I serve upon the cabinet of His Imperial Majesty where Princess Josephine sits as one of the greatest administrators this Empire has ever had.


    Antonius Vilac: I have conversed with participants and read many documents, including those of the past and those to come. I have met with associates and figures of renown, shared thoughts and opted to wear the brooch that represents this movement that wishes for change in our time.


    Anything else you wish to tell our ladies?


    Joseph d’Azor: They have made this cause for themselves and carry it well. I’ve seen men bend and break under lesser pressure before, yet the women of the Empire keep moving forward. The best I can say, Maude? Keep going.

    Sir Edwin: I wish to tell them naught. They seem to know what they’re doing.

    Father Francis: Keep working hard for what you want. GOD smiles upon diligence. Don’t give up, have patience. 


    Antonius Vilac: You are the mothers, the daughters and the bearers of light in the present and to deny you of the opportunities that came from being birthed by one, and showing the world to another is but a cruel crime. There shouldn’t be any reason to deny you of the same gifts we have been afforded for being alive - we all deserve the same, your fight is ours too.






    This paper was made to help inform and teach those who wish to hear from the people of the public. As the author, I find that the work for this Bill is not between gender, but between all of us as a united Empire. By interviewing the men of our Empire, the goal was to inform other men of the conjoined support - showing that this fight for righteousness is not pursued by one gender, but by all. We are equal peoples, and therefore this missive is to present the combined efforts of man and woman to unite in equal harmony. As I, Maude Fitzpeter, being the interviewer. I leave these interviews to the reader, to learn, to feel pride of the different personalities of the supporters, and to know that this is the future of our great Empire.


    GOD Bless us All. 



    Antonius Vilac sporting the Rosemoor flower with Author Maude Fitzpeter



    Thank you to @Sevafor taking the screenshots and to @KaiserJacobII @Milenkhov @Guzr @Taketheshot for participating in the interviews <3 (took all day to gather interviews and write this, so I appreciate all who participated!)


  10. Upon reading the missive indicating the Rosemoor Bill's proposal, Maude Fitzpeter turned unto Philippa and began to speak to her in accordance with the Bill's topics. "If a man can say that we have the right to government positions and political stances, then why does that forbid us the right to inherit?" She queried in her sister's fond presence, huffing lightly and reading over the Bill once more. She then left to go for daily prayer in the Church's pews. 

  11. "It seems I've a populous of gossip after me. Nothing wrong with a little dancing, right?" Maude Fitzpeter commented to herself, a smile drawing across her face at the praise she received - what a special season this would be, surely. She took the papers and stashed them away for sharing purposes. 

  12. Exuberant words came from that of Maude Fitzpeter - it was clear she was speaking to Juliya Rose in the most exciting way girls do during this time of their lives. The season was upon them, and Maude was bequeathed with an extravagant gift from Lady Maisie already.  
    "We've been waiting for this, dear Juli. Let us not forget what we've learned." The girls then probably laughed as they practiced how to walk. 





    A depiction of Maude glaring into a mirror, simply at her own reflection. 




    You see beyond the Plain.

    Where the flower grows and the oustretch streches,
    With an endless mind we think,
    Steep in our own vanity.

    I see her in you.
    I see her in myself.
    Beyond the Plain and to the trees peak,
    She's still there, yet it remains the same.

    He visions her.
    Feel in his mind's Plain,
    Where his Meadow crosses
    And where his field ends,
    Into expanse

    All of Grass. 



    "Why did you write this poem, Maude?" 
    The words rang in her head, over and over. The voice of her brother Anthony, or it be her dearest friend Juliya Basrid. Did Maude have an answer for her companions, the ones she held close? No. The answer was hidden, a deep secret indulged in her mind. Maude was haunted with this looming feeling. Ever since her youth she was struck with vanity. It wasn't her doing to be so vain. Then whose was it? 

    It was her father's. The only parental figure upon her innocence. 
    "Know your place, Maude, you are far greater than what they tell you."

    It was a replay, a constant melody. Yet the notes were not joyous. With each chord on this piano, this orchestra that sang in her mind it was much like a funeral march. Even though her father repeatedly told her who she was, she still was lost in confusion. 

    "Is it because I look like her?" 
    Maude could not forget what she told Lady Mary. An altercation occurred with Anthony. Upon her arrival did she see his change in mood - his tone so mundane and the light of innocence had vanished. She wondered if this is what adulthood was like, yet her mother was nothing like this boresome reality. She thought her brother would know, would realize that he mustn't fall into the trap - the stigma given to men of the household. Maude could only let her mind run free, and it came back to the same place it was before. 

    I look like her. 
    This was no sudden realization. It haunted Maude since her childhood. The one person that nurtured her deeply, the one being apart from her brother that she held dear. It was her mother. Maude wished she were a painting, so she could scrape away at the threads of a canvas, morphing her face to look like another. Yet every time she came across the mirror, she was smitten with herself. It was because the depiction of the youth was that of her mother - The coiled dirty flaxen locks with the tinge of red. She couldn't get the only depictions of her mother from her head. The visions of her in her dreams, and once her eyes fell unto her own visage, all she could see was her. 

    "You are a talented seamstress! We should be business partners!"
    Maude was a mere child - at six was she still somewhat unaware of her looks. Though Maude had an unknown intrusive feeling. When Simon Carrington asked to join in business ventures with her, she kindly accepted. The Carringtons were always kind to Maude and her pursuits, and dress-making or sewing was one of them. But it was a distraction. Maude knew what extended its hand to her - it was an opportunity. 
    If people were to look at my dresses, they were stray away from my face.

    Maude wondered, a constant shifting wonder from one person to the next, if they saw her as her mother. She had no identity, no path to pursue. It was her looks who held her back - a constant reminder that her mother was deceased and she had to be the walking image of her caregiver; the adventurous woman who'd tuck in Anthony at night, in which Anthony would do the same to little Maude. The youth now stretched to be sixteen and the overwhelming pain of being a replica of her mother now followed in elongated pursuits, as if taunting her. She could run, yet she felt herself trip and stumble as the looming shadow of her 'Ma' was hung over her. 

    They hate me.
    Maude was determined this was the truth. Yet the girl felt so much affection from her brother, his changed atmosphere, his more matured nature made her convey. A contemplation struck her like lightning, and the lightning wouldn't stop. An overflow of thoughts as if the wall she built for years from her childhood now fell to a surge of water. She began to feel overwhelmed. Her innocence was never with her, it was gone from the start. Even as a child she questioned Anthony - Why do I have to look like her? You must hate me. Even with his consolation after, she never seemed to be at ease. Although Anthony's features were soft and usually reassuring, all she could now vision was his countenance contorted into something of hatred and disdain. 

    But even with Maude looking like her mother, she didn't change. The only changes she pursued were of different hairstyles, yet her face was a reminder. Even in some of her encounters with herself in the mirror were treacherous and shameful, she also saw the light her mother radiated. Her mother held the kindness of a swan, and without her mother to console her in the dearest times, she felt a piece of her caregiver was still between her. Maude was her own caregiver now, with the spirit and hope and vision her mother had. She was what her father lost, and what her eldest brother missed. Even with these lingering thoughts of disheveling her face to become Maude Fitzpeter, a part of her wanted to remain her mother. 

    And so she remained, engulfed, even enraptured by the consolation of a black swan, who happened to be her mother that possessed her, teased her in her pursuits. It was her curse, yet her solace. 



    Just a flavorful post for Maude. The only thing PUBLIC in this post is the poem. All the rest of the post is private information to my character only. 


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