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Everything posted by erictafoya

  1. Igor prepares himself and his son for the grand birthday party of his #1 star student
  2. Within his office in the North Wing of the Palace, The Lord Speaker continued to work restlessly against the advice of the Surgeon General. Despite the stress of countless death, the Royal Duma, and his duties as a father, Igor could not stop work, even if it meant another heart attack. However, his clerk did inform him of the passing of his former colleague and for a moment Igor paused his flow. Igor frowned deeply as he heard of the passing of yet another figure of his past. The once youthful and bright politician was now a stressed and graying man. After the clerk was dismissed from his office, Igor only thought of Marcella for a moment. He never knew her personally but her ambition and drive was something he admired. Both of them the same age, both worked to get into the Aulic Council, and both lived difficult lives. "Your ambition and drive is something all women, nie, all subjects of Haense should look up to. It's a shame that I never got to know you any better, but now you get to rest from your hardworking life, Lady Marcella" With that said, Igor returned to his paperwork. While one rests in the afterlife, the other seemed to be restless...
  3. "It was a fixed trial from the start! Why do I even try..." said a frustrated Robert Ludovar after the murder trial that happened shortly after the death of the Queen-Mother
  4. Walked over to his office after a day of actually writing only to find more tragedy in his way. Next to his office he heard the tears of many. The news was clear to him, the Koenas was dead. Igor signed the lorraine once again. This was the third death that had occured within the year and Igor knew that those close to him would feel this death especially. That night Igor went home to his son and wrapped him in his arms as he prayed for the fallen Queen. "It's a shame to see you go that way... You did niet choose to be Koenas, but you did your best. My only hope is that your children will know your name and will know your bravery. May you rest in peace, Your Majesty. You can finally reunite with your Auntie Charlotte."
  5. After hearing the bad news of the passing of Rabbit, Igor couldn't leave his office. Not because he was busy with work, but he couldn't summon the courage to look at the room that was once Rabbit's. After two hours of debating, he finally came out of his office. Earlier before that day, Rabbit had left a letter to Igor thanking him for all he had done and how the move went well. This would have normally made Igor smile, though this only made the whole thing worse. Such a young and ambitious life, only starting his own journey... Just to be taken away by some unknown bandit in the south. Igor didn't even get to say goodbye, or tell him how truly proud he was. All of the visions of a different life where Rabbit could have inspired the hearts of many were now gone. So much to live for, and yet so little time to actually achieve it. In Igor's head, it was almost... poetic. He gave a light chuckle, though followed by a flood of tears. "Rest well... Rabbit."
  6. [!] A depiction of the evergreen forest outside of the royal city of Karosgrad, c. [YEAR] S.A. TRANSCRIPT OF THE MAER DEBATE OF 367 ES A record and publication of the questions and answers of the Maer Candidates in the debate of the 367 ES general elections. Scribed and ran by Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of the Royal Duma TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1 - CANDIDATES 2 - THE RULES OF THE DEBATE 3 - OPENING STATEMENTS 4 - QUESTION ONE: What are the major issues that the City of Karosgrad has currently and what do you plan on doing to solve those issues as Grand Maer? 5 - QUESTION TWO: The Grand Maer also serves as a legislature in the Royal Duma. What are your main goals in legislation and will they get in the way of your other duties as Grand Maer? 6 - QUESTION THREE: SURPRISE OR INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS 7 - CLOSING STATEMENTS CANDIDATES: Ser Franz Barbanov [incumbent] Henry Bishop THE RULES OF THE DEBATE Each candidate will be asked for an opening and a closing statement, as well as three questions. Each candidate will be permitted to fully finish their answer. Rebuttals to candidates' answers will be permitted after the candidate finishes their initial response. In order to give a rebuttal, the rebutting candidate will raise their hand, and be called on by the mediator. Each candidate may only give a rebuttal once per candidate per question. Rebuttals are allowed to ensue into further debate, if allowed by the host. Rebuttals are not allowed on opening or closing statements. OPENING STATEMENTS Ser Franz Barbanov: “For twelve years, I have been the Grand Maer of our beloved Karosgrad. Throughout this period, I have written plenty of Maer Edicts for the betterment of this city, and even more Duma Legislation for the betterment of this country. It is my aspiration, as with all good things, to continue this trend of prosperity until our that Haense prospers is written in stone!” Henry Bishop: “Greetings people of Karosgrad. My name is Henry of the House of Bishop and I shall be running as a candidate for Grand Maer. While I may be young and not as experienced as my opponent, I hope to speak with you, the people, during my tenure so I may enderstand better the situation in our city and hopefully grow from my time. Together with the good inhabitants of Karosgrad I hope to ensure a bright and beautiful future not only for the City, but for the folk who live within it as a whole!” Prompt #1: What are the major issues that the City of Karosgrad has currently and what do you plan on doing to solve those issues as Grand Maer? Henry Bishop: “One of the major issues that our beloved city of Karosgrad faces is the burning of buildings and the general lawlessness that has ensued over the past year or so. Alongside that, the City sewers have become a breeding ground for lawlessness and criminal activity within Karosgrad as well. What I propose to fix this is cooperation between the HRA and the Duma in order to pass legislation that cracks down harder on criminal activity within Karosgrad and effectively limits the amount of crime in the city.” Ser Franz: “Well, I have to admit, I have a similar answer. We must do something about these acts of domestic terrorism, I plan to work with the Haeseni Royal Army and the Office of the High Justiciar to protect the citizens of this city and all of the country! Besides this, I aspire to cooperate with the Office of the High Seneschal and the Office of the Lord Treasurer to either expand or construct a new district or something similar to encompass a great variety of new stores, so that our economic department can continue expanding and growing!" [!] No rebuttals were offered in this section Prompt #2 - The Grand Maer also serves as a legislature in the Royal Duma. What are your main goals in legislation and will they get in the way of your other duties as Grand Maer? Ser Franz: “For my legislation in the Duma, I wish to continue with the Sensible Legislation that I have done so far. My legislation is simple and clear cut. Additionally, I aim to continue further grand legislation like what I have done with Tribune Lauritsen, particularly our advisory bills that led to the Summer Edict!” Henry Bishop: “My main goals in terms of legislation within the Duma is to ensure its continued presence within the Aulic government and to discuss our plans more openly with the public, as currently I feel the Duma as a whole acts more secretively than it should for a democratically elected portion of government. On top of this, I wish to consistently hold surveys for the people of the City so I may understand what they expect from the government in general. Overall, I do not feel my legislative duties in the Duma will overshadow my duties as Maer of the city.” [!] A rebuttal is then offered by Ser Franz, asking: “Just a… minor inquiry, if I may. You stated that you wished for the Duma to ensure it's continued presence within the Aulic Government? You do realise that the Royal Duma and the Aulic Government are two separate entities, da? With the Royal Duma unable to legislate on the Aulic Government?” [!] Henry Bishop responds with: “Yes, I simply mispoke. I meant to say continued presence within the government as whole.” [!] After that answer was given, all parties were content. Prompt #3 - Individual Questions Henry Bishop: Q: “Mister Bishop. Earlier you mentioned how you wish to crack down on the recent rise of crime within the Capital City. My question to you is if you could please expand on your plan to do so with the powers the Grand Maer has with Edicts and with Legislation.” A: “My plan is rather simple, I will propose to the Duma a number of bills and legislation that will begin putting more funds into the Justicar department so they can effectively employ and deploy more detectives to begin in-depth investigations into these criminal attacks. Alongside this, I will also seek to work closely with the Lord Marshal of Haense to see if there is any way to take pressure off the HRA, as they are spread thin handling rimetrolls and terrorists alike.” [!] Ser Franz offers a rebuttal once more, and is allowed to speak. He says: “I am concerned about your statement regarding pouring money into the Office of the High Justiciar, for such is the prerogative of only the Crown and the Office of the Treasurer, and the Duma would be unable to legislate on it.” [!] Henry answers back with: “I suppose so. Perhaps I will have to rethink my plan regarding working with the office of the High Justiciar, thank you for pointing that out.” [!] After that, all parties were content with the answer. Ser Franz Barbanov: Q: “Very well then. Ser Franz, I shall move on to you then. Earlier you mentioned how you wish to work with both the Office of the Treasury and the Office of the Seneschal for an expansion of the city. With the current rise of population of many different houses and races, it is truly needed. However, are you confident that our Royal Coffers are able to handle such a large project? Mina is much more scarce than it was a few decades ago, so are you sure that the Kingdom can afford it?” A: “This would be a mere construction project. And do niet get me wrong, Kort, our coffers still have quite a lot of money in them. Though this will niet be much of a costly project, especially not with the Colborn donation that happened recently, which will easily allow us to expand. I'd like to thank the Colborns for that contribute, and endorse Adrian Colborn for Alderman for such." [!] Speaker Kort asks if there is more, and then Ser Franz adds: “Well, I'll add quickly, the the project would likely earn much more than it costs in the long run.” CLOSING STATEMENTS [!] After a cordial and respectful debate, the two candidates give their concluding statements Ser Franz Barbanov: “I'd like to thank everyone who came today, and offer a gentle reminder for all of you. Voting Barbanov for Grand Maer is a vote for experience, sensible legislation, and continued prosperity for Haense. It is my deepest desire to see all of us continue on our path together, to create a stronger and greater Karosgrad and Haense.” Henry Bishop: “I thank you all for coming to this debate, and encourage you to elect the candidate you feel will best benefit our great city of Karosgrad. While I may be inexperienced, if I am elected I promise I shall work with both the people in power and the common man to achieve the goal of turning Karosgrad into one of the greatest cities that Humanity has ever seen! Thank you all again, and be sure to vote Bishop for Grand Maer.” [!] The Speaker then concludes, and the debate was called to an end. IV JOVEO MAAN, His Excellency, Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska
  7. [!] A depiction of the evergreen forest outside of the royal city of Karosgrad, c. 367 S.A. TRANSCRIPT OF THE ALDERMAN DEBATE OF 367 ES A record and publication of the questions and answers of the Alderman Candidates in the debate of the 367 ES general elections. Scribed by August Vyronov and ran by Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of the Royal Duma TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1 - CANDIDATES 2 - THE RULES OF THE DEBATE 3 - OPENING STATEMENTS 4 - QUESTION ONE: What sets you apart from the other candidates? Why? 5 - QUESTION TWO: Out of all in attendance today, who do you think is the least qualified or would make the worst alderman? Why? 6 - QUESTION THREE: Surprise/ Individual Questions 7 - CLOSING STATEMENTS CANDIDATES: Fionn Castaway [incumbent] Aldrik Baruch [incumbent] Juliyus Kortrevich [incumbent] Hildebrand Mondblume [incumbent] Konrad Lauritsen [incumbent] Petyr Bishop Albrecht Mondblume Aldrik Kortrevich Adrien Bishop Edrich Bishop Adrian Erik Colborn Atil Bishop THE RULES OF THE DEBATE Each candidate will be asked for an opening and a closing statement, as well as three questions. Each candidate will be permitted to fully finish their answer. Rebuttals to candidates' answers will be permitted after the candidate finishes their initial response. In order to give a rebuttal, the rebutting candidate will raise their hand, and be called on by the mediator. Each candidate may only give a rebuttal once per candidate per question. Rebuttals are allowed to ensue into further debate, if allowed by the host. Rebuttals are not allowed on opening or closing statements. Opening Statements: Fionn Castaway: “Hello, my name is Fionn Castaway, Lord Handler of the Royal Duma, and I am running for my 3rd term. I believe I still have a lot to give to the Duma, and I look forward to doing my best in the years to come, should I get re-elected.” Hildebrand Mondblume: “Sank zhou all vho have appeared today to vatch zhis debate. Zy am Hildebrand Mondblume, running for Alderman, and zy hope zhou consider me an option to vote for during zhe polls.” Albrecht Mondblume: “Zy would like to start with ein word of thanks to our chairman Mr. Igor, as well as to our audience who have came out to watch our nation’s political life in action. Ze question which our all face is simple- Vat change ist needed most in our nation und who do zhey trust to bring it about? Ve have seen many challenges to our nation und people in recent years. Zy have grown up seeing our soldiers losing limbs and even their lives in conflicts mit ze Rimeveld trolls, zy have grown up seeing gangs funded by drug money inflicting terror on our people’s homes und business und zy have grown up wondering vat zhe Duma will do about zhis! Zy may be ein new face in ze Duma, but ich am full of determination to serve our nation. Along with mein pader, zy seek to propose a number of bills to benefit our people which I pledge to serve. To our HRA soldiers injured in combat, du vill nicht be forgotten. Zy pledge to ensure zhat all zhose who are gravely injured in service to ze Koeng will be rewarded with tax reductions on property - It ist ze least ve can do fur zhose to whom we owe so much. To ze parents und loved ones of zhose suffering from drug addiction: Zy promise zhat zy will raise ze classification on drug dealing from middling to severe, so zhat dealers will rightly fear fur their lives ze next time zhey attempt peddling poison on our streets. Ich may be young und new to politics, but zy want nossing more zhan to continue mein family’s tradition of service alongside mein pader in zhese next 4 years und hopefully fur many years after!” Juliyus Kortrevich: “Prevja, I shall keep this short as to not bore you all. As a life time statesman, it has been the will of the people that I follow. I wish to continue this by working with the other members of the Duma, and the Koeng’s Aulic council. These troubled times from the troll menace have shaken the hearts of many of us, which I plan on easing with our Royal Treasurer and reducing the burden of taxation.” Aldrik Kortrevich: : "Haense is a Kingdom of many people. People with different views and opinions. Sometimes even different customs and rites. But let us not see these differences as a weakness, but as a strength. It enables us to engage in debate. To engage in the creation of ideas. Many minds to come together to create something greater than the sum of its parts. But let's not just dwell on that. Draw not only strength from difference, but from what we share as well. Haense is home. Our home. I have been living here for all my years on this world and now I wish to serve it further, given the chance. To help the people find their own way to draw strength from both the diversity and the unity that lies in our Kingdom." Petyr Bishop: “Greetings all, I am Petyr Bishop, a proud Haeseni and Canonist. I hope to serve Haense and her people, and protect the virtues and values that have made our nation glorious.” Petyr holds onto the lectern, looking into the crowd??? Adrian Erik Colborn: “Let me say to all of you present here today, that with the recent acts of terrorism, as well as attacks from the trolls, I think it is time to come together, rather than drift apart. We have always had the strength to overcome any and all odds when united. Let us not blame each other, let us instead find ways to cooperate, let us find ways to solve these problems together and ultimately herald in an age where our children grow up well-fed and safe. It is my hope to see you all at the front lines of our battle against terror, thank you for listening.” Edrich Bishop: "Good day Mister Speaker, good day all Aldermen candidates, and all who accompany us in the audience. It is of utmost necessity to prioritize civilian cooperation amidst our war effort, as our soldiers have much to do but collect resources and running errands. I call for an answer for this issue, a clear show of strength for the people and for increasing the populace's morale. Meanwhile, we must maintain the path of Godan to ensure our people continue to praise him as our rightful creator and enjoy the life he gives us. That is all." Adrien Bishop: “Greetings, I'm Adrien Bishop, a Canonist Haenseman, like the rest of you, and I'm running to be one of the Aldermen that shall serve to make where we live an even greater place.” Atil Bishop: “Hello haense. I am Atil Bishop and I'm running for Alderman and I fully support hra the hra and I'm ready for any of the questions that come at me” Prompt #1: What sets you apart from the other candidates? Why? Adrian Erik Colborn: “While I arrived not long ago I have a fresh pair of eyes and ears willing to learn and listen. With them, I see and hear things others may not notice as they are accustomed, perhaps entrenched I am young yet and bring the vigour of youth and the ambitions of my generation for the Duma. In so doing it is my hope to aid wherever I might be able even if I were not to be enacted into the Duma, my recent donation to the Crown serves as an example.” Edrich Bishop: “For all my life have I lived amidst the wonderful walls of Karosgrad. Within this protection, I have come to notice the lack of care for the production of military equipment, as well as the role of the common working man in the home front. If conflict approaches us, how are our soldiers to right, and what jobs are our workers to fulfill without the care that I promise I shall bring to our military industrial sector?” Fionn Castaway Rebuttal: “About the production of military equipment, the HRA have begun large efforts to stockpile weapons and armor for our soldiers, with many of our soldiers, myself included, going out of our way to go on mining trips and such to gather the resources needed for such equipment.” Edrich Bishop response: “I am well aware of the HRA’s effort in the production of said, although what I am speaking about is the inclusion of the common man, is it miners of lumberjacks, to have a chance to more directly and safely aide in the production and recollection of these resources as not only to create more jobs to the impoverished and unemployed, but to show a large collaboration in the home front as to better influence civilian morale.” Aldrik Kortrevich: “Thank you Lord speaker, I shall keep myself as brief as possible. What I see in Haense and in its people is potential. Potential in the common man, potential in the wealthy. Potential in our children. This potential I fell, whilst it may not go completely untapped, could be utilized better. The wealth and prosperity of a nation hinges on its economy, its merchants. And the economy and these merchants are reliant on their suppliers for goods and know-how. In short I wish to pursue is to tap into this potential in both economy and education and improve it for all people of Haense.” Aldrik Kortrevich concludes with that last sentence Adrian Colborn nodded his head in agreement to Aldrick Albrecht Mondblume: Well, Ist nie secret zhat zy am ze youngest candidate today, in fact zy only see ein other young face in ze crowd! But we should nicht confuse youth mit inexperienced. Mein papej, being ein long standing member of ze Duma himself, has been ein lifelong role-model fur me und it ist through him which zy have learned about ze Duma und roles of ein Alderman. Petyr Bishop lofted a brow at the youngest candidate part. Turning to look at his 15 year old at the far left. Edrich Bishop would move to give a stare to his Father, a smirk mounting on his face as he turned back to the audience. Albrecht Continued: In mein recent ventures in ze world of business through creating a new casino zy have grown to understand ze concerns of Haense’s entrepreneurs, whom ich believe represent ze best of our nation as zhey have both ze courage and creativity to fashion Zhese are ze people who ich promise to serve. Perhaps du may call me ein idealistic youth- but zy believe ze future generation of haense has ein lot to offer, und zhat ist vhat zy which to prove in zhis election. - He’d arch a brow realizing he’d mistaken the young bishop’s age, then continue. Ze youth future of Haense, und ist paramount zhat ve involve ourselves in our DUMA. Danke. - With that he’d bring a hand to his navel, and dip his head with a deep exhale. Speaker: Spasibo Mister Mondblume. Mister Petyr, same question to you. What sets you apart from the other candidates? Why? Peyr Bishop put his left hand on the lectern, looking at Igor, “What sets me apart is that I am from no privileged background like some of my peers” He looks towards Albrecht, then back to the lectern “I have been inspired to have the people ever since my uncle-” Albercht Monbdblume’s eyebrows raised, seemingly rather amused by that comment. Petyr Bishop: “Devan Bishop was a tribune, my focus is to serve the people, it isn’t big business that will save us, it will be long toil under the good grace of GOD that will save us, more opportunities for the poor, not for the wealthy.” (Continues) “The farms, the military, the church that is what will help the people of Haense, that is all” Speaker- “Spasibo Mister Petyr Bishop. Does anyone have a rebuttal or are we all clear to move on to the next candidate? I remind all of you to please raise your hands if you have a rebuttal.” Albrecht Mondblume raises a hand at once. Speaker- “Mister Mondblume. You may speak” Albrecht Mondblume: “Well spoke, Herr Petyr. But may icht ask vhy du sought it may be necessary to involve me in vyr speech?” He’s hum. “As du would know, ve are both members of commoner families. Und on another point, if ve are nicht to prosper through business zhen how else are ve to grow opportunities fur ze poor und middling families of Haense? Ze businessmen of our nation too ‘toil under ze good grace of GOD” Petyr Bishop: “You own a casino do you not?” Albrecht Mondblume: “Zy do, Herr Petyr.” He’d nod “Only opened too- ein potential source of employment und income if ich may add.” Speaker- “Mister Adrien Bishop.” Petyr Bishop: “Oh ok, and what do casinos do? They get the workers. The ones that truly toil, addicted! They profit off sin and greed, the ails of men.” Albrecht Mondblume “May Icht respond?” Adrien Bishop: “Nevermind, Mr. Igor, my father has already responded with what I wanted to add.” Petyr Bishop: “Mr. Igor, I am sorry for responding out of line” Speaker: “It is alright, but da please respond Mister Albrecht” Albrecht Mondblume would turn to Petyr: Herr Petyr, do vy nicht trust ein Haeseni man who ist of age und sound of mind mit his own mina? Perhaps ve should ban alcohol too und tabacco, as many ein working man can be seen spending his wages on zhat too.” He’d wave a hand. “Nie!” Zy say trust our men und women to know how to conduct their own affairs! Taverns und casino’s bring life to our cities, zhey bring employment to those who work in zhem and taxes to our koeng! As long as their patrons are of age, which ist vhy zy hope to pass ein bill to prevent those under 14 from entering ein casino or any area of ein tavern dedicated to gambling.” Petyr Bishop raises his hand. Albrecht Mondblume: “Zhat ist all, Mr. Igor.” He’d close, his fists closed on the lectern. Speaker: “Mister Petyr Bishop, please respond and then we will move on to the next candidate afterwards.” Petyr Bishop: “I am willing to accept this, Mondblume, Though I wish for it to be over 14, 21 sounds more sane!” Speaker: “We are moving on then. Mister Lauristsen, please answer quickly if possible. What sets you apart form the other candidates? Why?” Albrecht Mondblume: “So ein Haeseni lad can take ein drink from 14 und serve his country’s military und Duma at 14, but nicht play ein game of cards fur money? If vy do nicht trust him to make ze right choice at zhat age zhen vhy do vy trust your son to run for Alderman?” Speaker: “I said we have moved on.” Albrecht Mondblume he’d cough: “Sorry- Mr. Kort. Zy had to reply to zhat statement. Mein apologies.” Petyr Bishop moves to keep both his hands on his lectern, instead of just one Juliyus Kortrevich looks side to side in frustration, and then to the empty seats in front of him “Mr.speaker, I shall be taking my leave. This was meant to allow us to speak to the people, I will go to the streets to actually speak to them.” Konrad clears his throat I was elected to the Royal Duma now eight years ago and I was filled with hunger for change and ambition and over my first four years I write or co-sponsored a majority of all bills proposed in the Duma. With every single one of them passing.” “I worked tirelessly to create a bill that I thought would shift the Duma from its tired and at times negliect ways where filler bills were passed simply because people couldn’t bother to vote and were only there due to their obligated attendance” “I wanted Duma to be ambitious. This led to the Duma Reconstructing Advisory Bill which manifested itself in the summer Edict. This work led to His Royal Majesty granted my and the Grand Maer Lily knighthoods with the rank of Kossar bestowed upon us.” “This is what sets me aside. The hunger. The motivation and the ambition to make change, I do not stop until the goals that I have set have been seen fulfilled and as of yet I have not failed in reach those.” “Like my father before me I intend on doing great things for this Kingdom that I hope will echo in eternity.” Konrad would conclude Igor Kort blinked a few times before saying “Alright then. If nie one has a rebuttal, we shall move on to Mister Adrien Bishop and then we shall move to our final question for today and then closing statements.”. Speaker- “What sets you apart from the other candidates? Why?” Adrien Bishop: “Well I believe I am more family oriented than the either candidates, and I think this is what our policies should reflect, the virtues of family, unity, and Canonism.” A string of interruptions then occurs as the debate when on Igor Kort raised a brow “Please keep inturiptions at a minimum.” He commented before turning to Adrien “Was that all?” Adrien Bishop “That was all, yes I wish to keep it brief, for all of us have families and such to tend to.” Prompt #2: Out of all in attendance today, who do you think is the least qualified or would make the worst Alderman? Why?” Konrad: “Now this. This is a tough one. However out of those attending here on this day…” Konrad would glance between the people by the podiums. Konrad: “I would have to say Mister Petyr Bishop. His is young and even if I do not falter his ambition or potential I would say that most other candidates here have more experience either through the experience of bloodlines from nobility or through having served -.” “In the Haeseni Royal Army or other Haeseni institutions over the years. Lack of experience however is at all times not a flaw as it is fresh eyes but once again. If forced to choose one. It would be Honourable Mister Bishop.” Konrad Conclude Igor Kort: “Mister Adrien bishop” Adrien Bishop “Mr. Konrad, I have a simple question, what does nobility have anything to do with experience?” “If I could add, my father has served as a Baron before, if nobility matters in any form of experience.” Konrad “Noblemen are born with certain expectations and grow up around the Royal court, family members serve in Duma since their birth, members of their household are Aulic councilors. Their entire life they are surrounded by Haeseni councillors, judges and -.” :Legislators.” “That is why I count it as a form of experience. Not all live up to the expectations however they are granted certain educations and preparations due to their blood that common men rarely receive.” Konrad would place his hands on the podium as he concluded, glancing over to the Bishops before returning his focus on Igor Speaker- “Mister Petyr Bishop, if Mister Konrad as concluded you may state your rebuttal.” Petyr Bishop laughs a bit “Tell me, good sir, what is an alderman’s purpose.” Speaker- “Mister Lauritsen, your response?” Konrad: “Its a simple purpose. To serve as a representative of all Haeseni people. And to represent the Haeseni people you have to have education and experience. Something that at a young age most men and women lack. Myself at that age lacked the capabilities to -.” “Sit on the Royal Duyma but I gained the experience later on which served me well.” “I hope that satisfies the honourable gentlemen.” Petyr Bishop: “So you say noble people are those that are experienced, yet the alderman position is to represent all Haenseni people, who I might add, are majority commoners.” “Who to you lack experience, the person lacks experience is you!” Albrecht Mondblume Vehemently shakes his head. Petyr Bishop: “You lack experience as a commoner if you wish to just say nobles are the majority experienced to represent our people.” Konrad: “Are you choosing what sentences you want to phrase?” He’d let out a slight chuckle “I also mentioned server to the HRA and other Haeseni institutions.” Mirabella Violent rose her hand up as she sat watching. Fionn Castaway: “The girl behind you have a question, Lord Speaker.” Konrad: “I am born of common birth so careful there with the accusations young man. And I have gained experience through hard work.” Petyr Bishop: “Then a point like that would inhibit the ability of commoner families of mine, your’s, and the Monblumes to rising to government, to better our nation.” “The point I am referring to being the one of nobility’s experiences.” Mirabell Violet: “I’d like to say something if given permission.” She said, crossing one leg over the other. Speaker- “The debate has been prolonged for quite some time and we need to wrap it up fairly soon. If you have any questions, please state it briefly.” Petyr Bishop: “Then a point like that would inhibit the ability of commoner families of mine, your’s, and the Monblumes to rising to government, to better our nation.” “The point I am referring to being the one of nobility’s experiences.” Mirabella Violent: “Not a question, a mere statement. Half these men are fools as to think they should be running for a position such as this.” Her words were said bluntly. “One seems classist, even if he is of common birth, for opinions change, while some others wish to prod at others. You are men no? Then act civilized. I, as a fifteen year old, am appalled at this.” Speaker: “No responses to that. She was making a statement. We shall move on to Mister Albrecht Mondblume.” “Out of all in attendance today, who do you think is the least qualified or would make the worst alderman? Why?” Albrecht Mondblume Takes a hand to his chin, with a furrowed brow he’d lean out and glance over the over candidates. “Ah- Mr. Igor. It sure isn’t ein difficult question because ich truly sink ve all have Haense’s best interest in heart… it is even harder to pick ein individual but ve can all see zhat ein lost of Bishops are running, Ist nei secret zhey are new to Haense, which ein gutt sing entirely - do nicht misunderstand me on zhis. But, have they truly been here long enough to represent ze Haeseni people? Our job is, in its essence, to serve ze Haeseni , but ve will nicht get any votes without the people’s trust, which takes a while to build vhen du are ein new family in ein new land. Zhey will have ein lot to bring to our nation,. But zy sink zhis election ist too soon, fur too many candidates from ze same family.” Petyr Bishop raises his hand Speaker- “Mister Petyr Bishop, make it brief please, after he has concluded” Albrecht Mondblume: “If ich had to pick one individual zy would choose Herr Petyr Bishop after our earlier disagreement on the legal age to gamble. Ein intelligent fellow such as himself should realise how preposterous it would be to forbid those under 21 from gambling.” Albrecht Mondblume” “He’d have me run my casino, but I wouldn’t be able to gamble in it!” He’d chuckle, then conclude. “Zhat ist all, Mr Igor. Now fur questions” Speaker- “Go on, Mister Petyr.” Petyr Bishop: “Us Bishops are not new, we were here in New Reza, in Arcas, we have served Haense before, my uncle was even a tribune!” The debate continues, but this part of the transcript was removed by the Speaker due to it being off topic. Albrecht Mondblume waved a hand at the response. -A crow swoops down and lands on Albrecht’s shoulder. Fionn Castaway: “I would have to agree with Albrecht on the Bishops, but not for the same reason, I do not see that it would be beneficial for one family to make up a good chunk of Duma, as that would prevent many others from getting in and have an input on the law of Haense. Do not get me wrong, I find it excellent that they have shown interest. However, I find it would be best if only 1 or 2 of them made it in.” Albrecht Mondblume quickly takes the letter which it was carrying, buries it in his pocket, before shooing the bird away Albrecht Mondblume upon Fionn’s conclusion, he’d pipe up. “Mr. Kort. Mein apologies, but ich am urgently needed elsewhere. Zy will send du mein answers through bird.” He’d dip his head and make his way off stage. Speaker- “Mister Adrien and Mister Petyr Bishop. For the sake of time please answer the prompt at the same time. Out of all in attendance today, who do you think is the least qualified or would make the worse alderman? Why?” Petyr Bishop: “Out of everyone here in attendance? I’d say Konrad, not that he is a bad man, nor an under qualified one, but I believe someone whos is willing to just say a man isn’t qualified due to there needing to be balance in ideals, though I would agree with my son on his choice on konrad if I had to choose anybody.” Konrad let out a brief chuckle as he bobbed his head, listening to Adrien and Petyr before returning his focus on Igor “I have no rebuttal” Speaker- “Spasibo. We shall now move on to the closing statements” Closing Statements Konrad Lauritsen: “First of all I would like to extend the best wishes to my fellow candidates and may Godan go with you all” “My name is Konrad Lauristen and during the last 8 years I have served in his Majesty’s Royal Duma with great pride and worked hard to remodel it to once more be the pride jewel of this great Kingdom. I’ve worked hard to establish a presence on the floor and with the experience I have gathered in doing such I was made the new Royal Inquisitor of the Duma during last session and I intend if re-elected to use that role to put further pressure and accountability on the Aulic council so that this kingdom continues to flourish.. Thank you.” Adrien Bishop: “I’d like like to thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to speak, may Godani bless you and my fellow candidates.” Fionn Castaway: “I would like to thank you in the audience for listening to this debate and I hope that you would give one of your votes to me so that I may make this Kingdom better off for itself and its citizens. Thank you.” Petyr Bishop: “I would like to extend good luck to all my fellow candidates in this election, may Godani be with you all. I thank you all for giving me the ability to speak, and to serve my nation of Haense proudly” Aldrik Kortrevich: "In the end, the choice lies with the people to elect whom they think represents them the best or the most. I would hope they consider me as a viable choice. With good intentions at heart, I'd thank all the attendees who have lent their ear to me and were willing to listen. Remember, that we are a people with potential and a great future awaits if this potential is used to its fullest extent. Thank you." Albrecht Mondblume: “Men und women of Haense, danke fur affording me zhis opportunity to fight fur your trust in zhis debate. Whether du vote fur me or niet, zy will serve du all if ich am to be elected as alderman. There have been moment tonight when tempers have risen but throughout it all ich have argued fur vhat zy am passionate about - Mein home, our nation. Let us have a pair of fresh eyes reading our Haurul Caezk, let us have new voices conversing with the common folk to hear their concerns, let us stand united once more in knowledge that security will be returned to our streets und zhat our veterans will be awarded fur returning us to peace. Vote Mondblume und fill ze Duma mit common folk who love their country!” Hildrebrand Mondblume: Zy am Hildebrand Mondblume, and zy’d like to say a final sanks to all vho came out tonight to vatch zhe debate. Sank zhou to my running mates vho vant to see Haense’s grows, and ,zy once agains vill say, zy hope zhou consider me as a possible candidate for zhe position of Alderman in zhe Royal Duma. Atil Bishop: I have had a lovely time being here and answering all the questions which I enjoyed greatly Edrich Bishop: “Mister Speaker, all Candidates, and all who accompany us in the Audience. Today, we have been shown that it is of the greatest need for our government to subsidize worker unions and syndicates, as well as nationalize and industrialize the recollection of resources for our military effort. This would not only create a reliable, stable, and simple work source for any and all unemployed or in economical need, but it would significantly increase the economy of our nation by creating more taxpayers from the aforementioned jobs. Meanwhile, it will aide the Haense Royal Army in diverting its resources to better professionalize and train our men in the field, and prepare them more efficiently for the coming weeks. Thank you." Juliyus Kortrevich: Vote Kortrevich for a bigger voice and a Haense that will grow stronger generations. Albrecht Mondblume: “Men und women of Haense, danke fur affording me zhis opportunity to fight fur your trust in zhis debate. Whether du vote fur me or niet, zy will serve du all if ich am to be elected as alderman. There have been moment tonight when tempers have risen but throughout it all ich have argued fur vhat zy am passionate about - Mein home, our nation. Let us have a pair of fresh eyes reading our Haurul Caezk, let us have new voices conversing with the common folk to hear their concerns, let us stand united once more in knowledge that security will be returned to our streets und zhat our veterans will be awarded fur returning us to peace. Vote Mondblume und fill ze Duma mit common folk who love their country!” Speaker- “Alright. Spasibo for all who have attended the Alderman Debate for the 366 - 367 ES. General Elections. This has been an interesting debate with interesting responses. I now conclude this debate. Krusae Zwy Koengzem!” Absentee Answers Prompt #1: Adrian Erik Colborn: “While I arrived not long ago I have a fresh pair of eyes and ears willing to learn and listen. With them, I see and hear things others may not notice as they are accustomed, perhaps entrenched. I am young yet and bring the vigour of youth and the ambitions of my generation for the Duma. In so doing my hope is to aid wherever I might be able even if I were not to be enacted into the Duma, my recent donation to the Crown serves as an example.” Aldrik Baruch: “I've already got experience in the Duma, and I am an experienced student of the law. As a civil lawyer, I've already defended the right of Haeseni subjects and have pushed bills furthering their protections under the law. None of my opponents, bar Konrad Lauritsen, has done anything similar. My role in the Duma is to improve the law and protect the citizens, nothing else.” Juliyus Kortrevich: “Throughout my career as a statesman, first in the Imperial House of Commons, serving our people’s greatest interests, then a brief stent as the Norlandic ambassador, and more recently my tenure as a member of the Royal Duma, I have developed the skills required to bring the popular will to the table. I also pride myself in rigorous questioning of proposed bills, to ensure our codex stays simple for us all to read, and to maintain our traditions. I will use my best effort to get your voice heard.” Atil Bishop: “I support the hra fully with full intent of having more fundraisers and mom balls honoring them” Hildebrand Mondlume: “Zy myself sink zy am only set apart from my oser running mates by zhe fact zhat zy’ve been in tribune for 4 terms, making me a ‘veteran’ of zhe Duma if zhou can call it zhat. Sroughout my 4 terms in Duma, zy have presented a few bills zhough zy really looks to help my fellow officials vith zheir bills. If zy make it back into zhe ring, zy personally have a few bill ideas zhat zy sink vill impact Haense’s commoners and everyone positively.” Prompt #2: Aldrik Baruch: “I believe the least qualified would be any of the Bishops. They are newcomers to our Kingdom, with no knowledge of our customs or laws. They seek elected office only to improve their own power, not out of a love for the Kingdom and its people.” Aldrik Kortrevich: “Whilst I admire his enthusiasm and his generous view in regards to what must be done to aid the common man, providing work opportunities as such, I am afraid I consider Mister Edrich Bishop to be too young to run for such an esteemed office at this point in time. Whilst young minds can bring bountiful ideas and opportunities to all, a political position must be considered with a serious tone, it is not a place for game. Adult by law, perhaps, but I do not see him bringing the patience and endurance to the "table of the old". Nevertheless, I would in sight of his interest of pursuing this position, advise him to perhaps learn as an attendant to one of the other Aldermen or "politicians" of the Kingdom, so he may learn his way around." Nod of approval over to the young Bishop if I had been present at that.” Atil Bishop: “I believe Adrien [Bishop] is a bad pick because of how childish and outlandish he acts around people. He is a also very impolite. Though he is a relative I believe he is not right in this spot I believe he should stifk with the hra and military type things.” Juliyus Kortrevich: “Mr. Speaker, it is my opinion that out of all candidates there is no clear worse, however I will speak to the people. Those of us who are incumbent of the last session stand to continue the good work, and in our work have given all the reasons except to vote out of office. Let the incumbent experience lead.” Adrian Erik Colborn: “Ultimately I don’t believe with the acts of terrorism and enemies at our gates that dividing us is a good decision. I want instead to find us united and to learn from each other so that we may more appropriately aid in the troubles of this time. My family was raised on the values of Haense and our current times’ struggles are no stranger to them, nor I. The experiences gathered from the past as well as those of the present will endow me with a different perspective. I intend to fully utilize all that I have to serve not myself but the people and to lift us out of famine. With ourselves uniting to persist against the odds I believe we can do good for all in service of the common man and woman. I have tremendous respect for those that serve our nation in whatever capacity it might come. The Duma serves likewise and is a tool to aid the people and so do I hope to join their ranks, thank you for your question.” Edrich Baruch: "Although it is of my belief, similarly to most other candidates, that all our applicants have the best for Haense in mind, there are clear discrepancies amidst some of our candidacy. Among the former, Konrad has shown inflammatory classist behavior towards the thought of only Haensiti noblemen being able to enter the Duma as Aldermen due to their superior education. To which, I understand the position of Mister Konrad's struggle of being born commoner, similarly to myself or my Father, but it is impossible for a Duma to function without the proper representation of the people, which one of the greatest reasons for its existence. Our legislative sector is in need of minds of the people, prepared minds, I will agree with Mister Konrad, but minds of the people nevertheless. I yield my time to the Speaker." Hildebrand Mondblume: “Out of all in attendance today, who do you think is the least qualified or would make the worst alderman? Why? As zy look srough attendance, zy see many names zhat zy do not know on a personal level. Due to zhis fact, zy feel zhat zy cannot provide a complete answer to zhis question. Eiser vay, zy hold zhe belief zhat all here vould make for good Alderman if - and only if- zhey devote zhemselves to debating and vriting quality bills zhat vould do Haense good, chile also setting aside zheir own personal flaws and bad traits as anyone has to really see Haense grow from its current state; vhich its current state is by no means bad, it is quite alright at zhe moment really.” Individual Question via Letter/ Prompt #3: Fionn Castaway: Q: "Mister Castaway, earlier you explained how having many from a singular house within the Duma would be dangerous as it would prevent the opinions of others being within the legislatures. However, if they are all elected then it would have been at the interest of the public. I ask you today, what is more important? Is it more important to have more variety within the duma for different points of view or would the interest of the people be more important?" A:"It is true that if they all get elected that is what the public wants. However, I firmly believe that Duma is meant to be a place for people from different families and backgrounds to come together and decide on bills. Having many people from the same family could making passing bills very hard for certain people, depending on that family's views on that person. In my opinion, there should be a limit on the amount of people from one family that can run. So to answer your question, both are important, but I have to go with variety." Konrad Lauritsen: Q: "Mister Lauritsen, earlier today a viewer described someone today as classist despite their common birth. My question for you is if you believe if the statement is true and if you believe that being classist is an inherently negative thing?" A: “Well we can for starters address that the someone you mention was me after I made an argument regarding how younger noble men with the honourable candidates Bishops, are afforded further education then the common man. Which is in my opinion not a “classist” thought but the truth that we live in and so it always has been. A fifteen year old boy from common birth does not have the same education or experience as one of nobility. That is the simple truth. So if being a so called classist is a realist to that Haeseni is a society based on the ideals of a respected nobility, high authority invested in the Crown, tradition to our Hansetian and Ruskan roots and our staunch customs tied with the canonist faith then so be it. Gladly call me a classist because that is what I believe. But if you’re like me and consider Haense to be great based on those simple truths and ideals we live by then by that account a majority of our nation are classists, which would be the same as a realist.” Hildebrand Mondblume: Q: "Mister Hildrebrand Mondblume, as you said you are the most experienced Tribune standing here today. You mentioned in your previous answer that you wish to see those elected into office to write quality bills. However you yourself admitted that you have few bills that have been written into law but use your time to aid others. If that is the case, are you planning to write more bills this term than you have in the past years?" A: “Zy have a few bills zy vould like to try and pass in zhe duma zhis term. Zy vill still, undoubtedly, help my fellow colleagues vith zheir bills- but zhese past few terms have made me realize zhat zy have unfinished business vith zhe duma in terms of passing bills. Zy haven't fully used my position of Duma in zhe past few terms, but zy plan on introducing more bills to help commoners and the general populace of Haense as a whole.” Albrecht Mondblume: Q: "Mister Albrecht Mondblume. Previously you menitoned how you wish to serve the entrepenuers in the Royal Duma. My question to you is if you'll be primarily focusing on this group of rising entrepenuers or if you'd branch out to help other groups, as a Royal Alderman is elected and represents all peoples'' A: “Ah- Zy am glad ich have ze chance to revisit what ich said, as zy understand it could be misunderstood. Zy used ze example of entrepreneurship along mit military service to show ze osser areas of public life zhat zy have been involved mit prior to politics. But zy will assert zhat ich will be an alderman fur all. In fact, zy would hope to work alongside Mister Colborn here, who has taken it upon himself to survey the populace of Haenseti-ruska to find out what concerns the people most. Upon being elected ich will visit zhe homes of those who have raised concerns in ze survey und will work alongside mein partners in ze Duma to better represent the Haeseni. Zy believe zhere can often be ein rift between ze Duma und ze general populace und zhat ist somesing ich wish to address with mein other Aldermen.” Juliyus Kortrevich: Q: "Mister Juliyus Kortrevich. Previously you mentioned how the people should allow for the incumbents to lead the way into office, therefore in your ideal view there would only be two new blood in the elected body. Therefore the chair asks, do you believe that there would be an issue if the same people were to be elected over and over again?" A: “Mister Speaker, I believe you misunderstood my sentiment. Those who served in the last session are the individuals deserving the people's vote because of the occupational experience and the quality job they had performed. What issues would arrive from electing those who do their job well? None at all. In fact there have been positions in our Grand Kingdom who have voted in representatives again and again until their death, or retirement, none of which have lead to any concern.” Aldrik Baruch: Q: "Mister Baruch. I see that as both an experienced law student and legislature, you are a big fan or may be a big fan of what my former colleague used as her catchphrase 'LAW and ORDER'. So tell me, elaborate on how you would exactly improve the Haural Caezk as you said that was your role?" A: “It's simple. There are many loopholes in the Haurul Caezk that can be used to infringe upon the liberties of Haeseni subjects. While I have every faith that our government will protect the rights of individuals, it is to everyone's benefit that there be fewer loopholes in the law code. We are a nation of laws, after all. It is our responsibility to ensure those laws are fair and unbreakable.” Aldrik Kortrevich: Q: "Mister Aldrik Baruch, earlier you mentioned how you wish to aid our growing economy through merchants and also would like to help our education system. With the previous Hauchdragus retiring from office, how do you think you could help out education system through legislation?" A: "It is the purpose of the Duma to represent its people on one part. But another responsibility is not to only make law, but also mandate beneficial changes and investments in the Kingdom. Economic bills that may bring opportunities to the people, revising the educational system, allow two distinct branches of education, to be equally valid, give alternative opportunities. Subsidizing local productions, implementing a license system, even come to an arrangement in sight of potential government contracts. I'd be willing to work with the members of the Aulic Council, as well as the Maer for such." Petyr Bishop: Q: "Mister Petyr Bishop, I can tell that you are a man of good cannonist values and are a very devout man. My question to you is simple. What are your opinions on the rise of the elven population and how they slowly adapt themselves into our society?" A: “Well, it is not needed for Elves to be canonist themselves, just that they must be virtuous. I see no problem with the rise itself, it is preferable that the elves themselves that come to live in our lands adopt some of our values of life, though not to the extent of completely whitewashing themselves.” Adrian Erik Colborn: Q: "Mister Colborn, as many who are well aware of our nation's history know, your house is more ancient than Haense itself I believe. You have already shown much dedication towards the Kingdom by your generous donations. You constantly mentioned the recent acts of terrorism within the Kingdom so I ask you this, with the aid of your colleagues as you call for unity, how will you solve this issue through legislation within the Royal Duma?" A: “Just as you have mentioned the house of Colborn is ancient and such is no stranger to the current struggles of Haense as we’ve experienced much similar. It would be my hope to work closely with Mr Lauritsen, Mr Kortrevich, Mr Baruch, and my good friend Mr Mondblume and Mr Castaway. I have heard no lack of praise for all of them and their experiences and talent will be vital in aiding us in making it out of our current circumstances. My own hope for legislation is to implement a bill of crisis relief, many who responded to my survey most recently posted speak of a difficulty to acquire food. There are also those that speak of a lack of payment and having trouble earning enough to secure a stable financial situation. This bill would seek to aid those demographics. In what form it might take will depend on what we are capable to secure but our economy, as well as our peoples’ health, is my focus.” Edrich Bishop: Q: "Mister Edrich Bishop, you have brought up your plans of expanding the workforce through creating jobs for resources by having the civilian populace take up these spots instead of just primarily the Royal Army. My question for you today is how you plan on implementing this plan through legislation in our Haural Caezk?" A: "Thank you, Mister Speaker. It is of my knowledge that the Haural Caezk is extremely broad when regarding civilian worker Unions and other Syndicates relating to low class workers, and thus it is of my duty to slowly integrate an economical plan fit for the Haural Caezk in which it will not cause much diversion of our economical resources and be safe enough for our Treasury to withstand. This economical plan would be a series of legislative propositions in which I will promote acts for regulating, and creating if necessary, worker unions in which, at a later date when they can become self sufficient, subsidize for the creation of further jobs. This process will be long and arduous, but ultimately will provide the promised effects. Also, I will be proposing acts for nationalizing our resources, so we can more safely create routes in which our unions can transport resources that we can call truly Haensiti. Thank you." Adrien Bishop: Q: "Mister Adrien Bishop. You responded how you are more family-oriented than your fellow candidates and that quality would reflect on your legislations. Tell me how you would accomplish your goal of improving the lives of families through the law?" A: "Well, to put it briefly, I wish to improve the lives of families by trying to pass bills for benefits such as, tax cuts for larger families that need to focus on their children and elderly, to encourage more events for the families of Haense to come together and socialize. And I wish to make programs that will encourage families so that the bright future of Haense is ensured." Atil Bishop: Q: "Mister Atil Bishop. It is clear to this chair that you are a man who values the Military a lot. Therefore I ask you, what could you do as a legislature in the Royal Duma to further aid Military Veterans? Many have tried in the past, but many have also failed." A: “I believe that I could further the the aid military veterans and the military itself by getting more out there by having events run by the hra like a festival to honor them with stalls and jousting and sword fighting. We should also have events to honor our fallen military members like a mass funeral to honor the fallen” IV JOVEO MAAN, His Excellency, Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska His Lordship, August Vyronov, Duma Clerk
  8. "Hanging... drawing... and quartering... Dear Godan..." Igor comments as he signs the lorraine. He expected the punishment to be harsh, but he couldn't stand to think that this was truly the way it would end. He simply shut himself inside his own office, working until he passed out.
  9. Igor sat in his office as he sent letters to each candidate of the election. His workplace where Irene once kept nice and clean was now absolutely riddled with crumpled up documents, unfinished works, and empty bottles of Carrion. The news of his once admired predecessor and a woman who he looked up to only stressed the Lord Speaker more than ever. But Igor knew he couldn't stop... Work work work. That was all Igor knew now. However, in his mind he couldn't get the thought of Irene out of his head. He never had a close connection with her, not in any way outside of his profession anyways. Igor just couldn't help but feel some sort of despair and frustration towards the whole situation. He then slapped himself hard, took two shots of Carrion Black, and went back to work. It was all he could do to get his mind off of it. "Damn you Irene..."
  10. "So that's the other one who was responsible..." Igor commented to his clerk August as he read over the missive
  11. "And when we needed him the most, he vanished..." Igor said, referencing the current situation on the attempted assassination of His Majesty "Truly, a man of great service and a man I wished to meat as Speaker to former Speaker. A missed opportunity, but may he rest well in the skies..." Somewhere in the Seven Skies where Ser Ivan had finally ascended to, he greets his uncle with a simple nod "I know I wasn't the perfect man throughout my life, though I eventually became the man I was due to your teachings. No man has done more than you have. No man... I thank you, uncle." In the depths of the void, Erik looked up and smiled a bit, despite his eternal damnation "You've done your House proud, despite niet being raised by any parents... May you rest in peace nephew"
  12. After a long day of debates and stressful life, the last thing Igor wanted to hear was that there was an assassination attempt on His Majesty. Then as it seemed nothing could make his day worse, it did when he found out who did it. Igor shook his head over and over again, denying it before finally coming to terms of the situation. It was clear that his predecessor, the woman he had looked up to, the woman he had used as a reference of admiration, the woman who led him to the path where he is now, was now in chains for a treasonous offence. Igor had nothing else to say. He was disappointed to his core, but deeply saddened at the state of Irene. "You are in the hands of the Jovenaars, His Majesty, and Godan... May he bless you, despite your sins..."
  13. NOMINATIONS FOR THE 366 ES GENERAL ELECTIONS KRUZAE ZWY KONGZEM 7th of Msitza and Dargund, 366 ES DLUM VE EDLERVIK, DRUZ VE EDLERVIK VA BIRODEO HERZENAV E EDLERVIK, By the will of His Majesty, Koeng Heinrik Karl II, the elections of 366 ES shall be called to elect eight officials. Nominations shall now be open for the next month, and citizens of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska are called upon to fulfill their civic duty to vote. Eight of these officials shall be brought onto the Royal Duma, including a Grand Maer to manage and improve the institutions of the city of Karosgrad. These eight officials shall be elected under two offices, which are; ROYAL ALDERMEN Seven Royal Aldermen are elected as representatives of the whole people of Hanseti-Ruska, by majority vote. They are tasked with giving voice to their constituents within his Majesty’s Royal Duma by proposing and shaping legislative bills. Royal Aldermen may be of any birth, common or noble. Royal Aldermen are recommended to produce at least two bills during their four-year tenure. GRAND MAER The Grand Maer of Karosgrad is elected by majority vote to represent the people of Hanseti-Ruska in the Office of the Lord Seneschal and assume the duties of management of the city’s social institutions, assisting in growth of the city’s business and economy, and bringing city wide events to Karosgrad. This role is vital and important to the city, and its abilities depend on the office holder as well as their desires to shape the city to its betterment. The Grand Maer may be of any birth, and does not sit on His Majesty’s Royal Duma. For a citizen to nominate themselves for any of the above offices, they must satisfy the eligibility criteria: 1. Candidates must be at least fourteen years of age; 2. Candidates for Grand Maer must be a resident of Karosgrad; 3. Candidates for Royal Alderman must have a residence within Hanseti-Ruska; 4. Candidates must not have a criminal record; 5. Candidates must not be a titled peer; 7. Candidates may only nominate themselves to run for one office; 8. Candidates cannot bribe potential voters, or otherwise purchase votes; 9. Candidates must not use any signs for their campaigning process, and thus they are strictly prohibited and will result in a fine. Candidates may make public missives, speeches, and host rallies. ((OOC : CANDIDATES HAVE UNTIL TUESDAY 12PM EST TO RUN)) Please include the following in your application: IGN: Character Name: Age: Place of Residence / Street Address: Position: (Alderman or Maer) IV JOVEO MAAN, His Excellency, Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska
  14. Speaker Igor chuckles as he reads the published missive "My my... first it was 'hearsay' and now its 'whispers'. In any case, the young Vikomit seems to be a hot topic when it comes to gossip. I pity the young lad, though hopefully he see's this nothing more than gossip." Igor then places the missive down and then continues to sip his tea in his office.
  15. Igor raised a brow as he read the entire missive, intrigued at how the author of this gets their information "I wonder if they'll write something about me one day... I'd love to see what they could dig up."
  16. Mister Speaker Igor Kort prepares himself for quite the eventful year training his body, especially his liver, for the drinking contest. "I can't wait to get absolutely waste- I mean enjoy in the festivities of our independence day!"
  17. Igor Kort, the Lord Speaker of Haense, read the pamphlet with much amusement. He then threw it on the fire below his pot as he boiled his potatoes "There, at least now it can serve as tinder" he said before watching the boiling potatoes with much more care than he did reading the pamphlet.
  18. "Now this is a Barclay Bargain!" Igor exclaimed
  19. While taking a nap in his own office, Igor heard a faint noise of keys from the office across from him. After letting out a mighty yawn and cracking a few of his stiff joints, he opened the door to see the office of the Palatine was left open. The Speaker found himself concerned immediately, thinking there was some sort of security breach within the palace. However after inspecting the office himself and the other doors in the area, it made no sense that it was a burglary. None of the other doors were unlocked or broken in, and it seemed that the door was fully functioning. Then, a carrier made his way to Igor carrying a letter. The Lady Palatine, the first ever in history, had retired in short notice. Igor drew a heavy sigh, though he didn't blame Marcella. Despite having a short tenure and never showing her true potential, Igor had seen her growth as the Deputy Palatine before she took office. As he went into his office and sat down on his desk, which was riddled with stacks of papers as well, he wrote a letter to Marcella expressing his best wishes and farewells. "Safe travels, Marcella. I wish you the best on your journey..."
  20. A depiction of the evergreen forest outside of the royal city of Karosgrad, c. 363 E.S. TRANSCRIPT OF THE TRIBUNE DEBATE OF 363 E.S. A record and publication of the questions and answers of the Alderman Candidates in the debate of the 363 E.S. general elections. Scribed and ran by Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of the Royal Duma TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1 - CANDIDATES 2 - THE RULES OF THE DEBATE 3 - OPENING STATEMENTS 4 - QUESTION ONE: In your honest opinion, what is the biggest development in Haeseni society, law, or politics in the last four years? 5 - QUESTION TWO: What is the biggest problem or issue Haense has or had in the last four years and what will you do to solve that issue? 6 - QUESTION THREE: SEPERATE INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS 7 - CLOSING STATEMENTS CANDIDATES: Candidate Hildebrand Mondblume [incumbent] Candidate Fionn Castaway [incumbent] Candidate Konrad Lauritsen [incumbent] Candidate Mariya de'Draghiscescu [incumbent] Candidate Rabbit THE RULES OF THE DEBATE 1 - Each candidate will be asked for an opening and a closing statement, as well as three questions. 2 - Each candidate will be permitted to fully finish their answer. 3 - Rebuttals to candidates' answers will be permitted after the candidate finishes their initial response. 4 - In order to give a rebuttal, the rebutting candidate will raise their hand, and be called on by the mediator. 5 - Each candidate may only give a rebuttal once per candidate per question. Rebuttals are allowed to ensue into further debate, if allowed by the host. 6 - Rebuttals are not allowed on opening or closing statements. OPENING STATEMENTS Mister Lauritsen - "Fellow Haeseni. My name is Konrad Terrence Lauritsen. Named after two of the greatest Haeseni statesmen who has ever lived. I aim even higher. I stand here today seeking my second term as Tribune in his Royal Majesty’s Duma and I promise you that a vote on Konrad Lauritsen is a vote to push this country in the right direction. During my first term I wrote five bills and co-sponsored another eight. A combined of thirteen bills have the Konrad Lauritsen signature. More than all the other Tribunes or Aldermen combined during the last four years. This is only the beginning, Duma is not to be about bills its to be about Debate, about progress. Myself and those that I work with have a clear set of goals and that is to continue our work to adjust Haeseni law so that it functions for the common man but most importantly to set up a system to keep a balance and revoke any negligence and complacency for the Duma but also the Aulic Government." Mister Castaway - "Good evening, subjects of Haense. I am Tribune Fionn Castaway, running to keep my position. I would like to promise, like I did last time, that I will work hard to make Haense a safe place for all, regardless of any factors in your life, be you rich or poor, Human or Orc, Nobility or Commoner. We all deserve a chance to be treated equally, and I aspire to make Haense the place for that. Thank you." Misses de' Draghicescu - "Greetings all! People of Haense, I am Tribune Mariya de' Draghicescu. I am also running to keep my position. During the debate, I hope that I can bring up points of what I wish to change and what I see as issues in the city. I thank you all for coming tonight." Mister Rabbit - "Good evening, those in attendence. I'm sure my presence here seems more than a little off-putting, though I assure you all that I am as competent a candidate as any. But I am here because I see a need for representation that is currently unfulfilled... The young people of Karosgrad are just as much a subject as any older than they, and I hope to be their voice in the Royal Duma." Ser Mondblume - . QUESTION 1 - In your honest opinion, what is the biggest development in Haeseni society, law, or politics in the last four years? Mister Castaway ANSWER - "In my opinion, it would be the progress towards bolstering the HRA and making it more and more prepared to defend Haense and it's people, should a conflict start. Also, the slight progress made towards integrating minorities, though there is still work to be done there." Mister Lauritsen ANSWER - "The biggest development.. Its a tricky question because in some regards you could argue that there has been very little development. Aye, bills have been passed. Legislation written and trials held. But what actual development has come from this? But within our society you cant deny that our definitions of strength and integrity has further been verified with His Royal Majesty’s wedding and the coronation held. Its an example of Haeseni pride, dignity and a display of cultural traditions steeping back over a century. So I can not, not say that." Misses de' Draghicescu ANSWER - "From the past four years I have noticed something I see as a huge development... To be honest, I'm not exactly sure if this was this term or not but I have just learned of such. Anyways- the payment of doctors is what I speak of." Mister Rabbit ANSWER - "I believe that the largest development in these past few years is tied to religion - Many great strides have been made to increase the public's knowledge and practice of the worship of the almighty Godan. This would be a development in society." Ser Mondblume ANSWER - . QUESTION 2 - What is the biggest problem or issue Haense has or had in the last four years and what will you do to solve that issue? Misses de' Draghicescu ANSWER - "Well- I actually have two issues that I see as an issue in which I wish to voice my say and opinion on. I see that the price of housing and the taxes of the city has become an issue. An example I can give on such, some saint-days ago, I went to ask my sister-in-law if she may me and her brother, my husband, to take over the house and place it in our names... She swiftly said that she could not do such due to the rules as a steward and that I would have to come to her or any steward and pay full price for the house... Turns out the house came at a cost. 425 minae, and taxes are 80 minae. I then realized that this was an issue. I've noticed that housing for all people compared to other states and nations come to cost a lot more... Which is fairly odd, as most places such as the Holy Orenian Empire's capital hold larger homes than we do in Haense. So- to fix this issue I will attempt to work with the steward, and such, to begin writing for the home prices and the taxes of homes to be lowered. Secondy, I would like to bring up the issue of people being paid within the city, in terms of people and certain lines of work not getting paid like other lines of work do. For example, I have only seen now that people who work in the fields of the military and in the medical field are getting paid. That being said, I wish to work with the treasury and people around to come up with more jobs and ways for the state to pay them for how they work and do which benefits the city and people. Thank you." Mister Rabbit's REBUTTAL & QUESTION - "Only a certain amount of money comes from taxes, and that same money is then invested back into the people and the city. Housing is one of the primary sources of income for the Crown. Are there any programs that we currently have that you are willing to see funding taken away from to accommodate the decrease in taxes and housing prices?" Misses de' Draghicescu's RESPONSE - "Uhm... Of course. I see that goes a little bit with my secondary response to the main question. Adding more jobs that fund the people. More jobs equal to a better income for the people. That being said, when we lower taxes we add jobs after a certain amount of time we slowly begin raising taxes again. Hopefully that is a well enough response for you Mister Rabbit." Speaker - "Does this satisfy your question, Mister Rabbit?" Mister Rabbit - "It does, Lord Speaker." Mister Rabbit ANSWER - "I have seen - and have been involved in - incidents where the public knowledge of government affairs is left halfway know. That is to say, citizens have some idea of what is happening in the government, but they are left to fill the gaps with their own imaginations. There have been times where conspiracies, misinformation, and out right lies have run amuck and an unwelcome stir in the peoples hearts and minds. I have a simple solution for this problem: I will introduce legislation, that is, should I be elected, that will foster the ability of the crown to release the truth in an easily-obtained format. In the coming days of Karosgrad, subjects can expect press releases of affairs that concern them to dole out the truth, and lay to rest rumors and conspiracies that float around unchecked. That is all. Mister Castaway ANSWER - "I still firmly believe that more strides could be made to further integrate Haense's minorities and make them feel more welcoming. There have been strides made, but still a lot that could be done. To help further this cause, I will focus on bills and amendments that will protect any and all races from hatred and discrimination, to help make other groups of people more welcomed so they can see how great of a community Haense really is." Ser Mondblume ANSWER - . Mister Lauritsen ANSWER - "The biggest issue that has arisen in Haense is a sense of complacency.. A negligence of our duty to this nation. Not by the common man of Haense but by the Duma and the lack of accountability we give towards the Crown’s Aulic council and the Lady Palatine. We need to check one another more frequently, the duma has to act as a bridge of responsibilities for the Palatine and the Aulic Council in order to further align the needs of the Haeseni people. Our work to change this has already begun. Last session I alongside Grand Maer Franz Barbanov wrote an advisory bill which passed to ask the Crown to restructure the Duma accordingly. So that we can once more put pressure on our officials and therefor create a more constructive society that evolves. Our road there has just begun but as the men who came before us once led us here we shall continue to build our own paths for Haense." QUESTION 3 - SEPERATE INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS. These are questions that are formulated by the Speaker based on the previous responses given by the candidates. Ser Mondblume ANSWER - " Speaker - "Mister Castaway, earlier you said that our biggest issue right now is the lack of integration of the many new minorities that have found themselves migrating to Haense. If a majority of one of these minorities were proven to be a threat and danger to our Kingdom, would you still strive to make that minority welcomed?" Mister Castaway ANSWER - "Of course. Obviously, many measures would have to be taken to ensure the safety of the kingdom, such as searching members of the minority upon entering and exiting the city, but if it allows the innocents of said minority to continue living here with the same rights and protections as the natives, it would be more than worth such measures, in my opinion." Speaker - "You mentioned earlier that the biggest issue Haense has is complacency and how the Duma should hold the Aulic Council and Aulic Government more accountable. Which branch of the Aulic Government do you believe is the weakest so far and what advise could the Royal Duma give to that branch in order to improve it?" Mister Lauritsen ANSWER - "Well, to say that any branch of the Aulic Government is weaker or stronger then one another would at the situation we stand in today be quite unfair. We have seen a recent shift of generations in our government over the last years and many of our current councillors are compared to their predecessors still new in their roles. Such as our Lady Palatine, High Seneschal, Aulic Envoy and even yourself the most honourable Lord Speaker. The issue right now is not the current state of the government, even though I will be the first to admit that its not flawless and it overall has its pros and cons with the current state. Its the state of the Duma itself where we are more content to arrive on time each year, sit in our comfortable benches and simply vote yes or no on bills. We need to hold the councillors accountable for their decisions and put a pressure on them to ensure that both the old and the new members of the Crown’s most esteemed Aulic Government remains on their toes and does not fall into a pit of negligence. This is the most pressing challenge and issue our nation has today because if we do not solve this then our nation will fall deep into a stale state without any proactive work to promote activity, cultural progress and military prowess. And this we can NOT afford." Speaker - "Mister Rabbit, earlier you mentioned how government affairs in His Majesty's Aulic Government has been kept well hidden from the public eye to the point where there have been conspiracies and misinformation about it. Are you currently aware of the rights of The Crown when it comes to the law and are you also aware of the current laws of slander against the Crown?" Mister Rabbit ANSWER - "I am aware of both of these things, though I believe you misinterpreted my statement earlier. I understand that the Crown has the ability to keep any information it needs to keep private. However, when such information that causes trouble and has been leaked to the public should be addressed publicly as well. As for slander against the Crown - I believe that this should apply to more than just the crown... Let me elaborate. As an example, let us say that a man believes that a group of bandits has been using a shop as a face for dirty business. It is clearly false, and as such, an official could provide explanations for circumstances that might've lead to this misunderstanding. That is all, though I am welcome to further discussion should it remain unclear." Speaker - "Misses de' Draghicescu. Earlier you spoke much about alleviating taxes while also increasing government spending on wages. By doing such, the Kingdom could potentially lose much of its profits as taxes are a large part of our income. In the past, this is why the Crown has rejected monetary policies in legislation. How could you solve this issue as a Tribune in the Royal Duma?" Misses de' Draghicescu ANSWER - "Again, I also seek the addition of jobs that will give portions of their income to the crown, somewhat like taxes do. Jobs like, a miners guild that will mine and such for the military and for other state purposes, such as trading materials around the lands. Jobs like this would keep the income of the crown, but I would also say jobs that are rather independent coming to the money portion of things... Jobs that get paid directly from their customers instead of from the crown... and then giving a small portion of what they make to the crown. Hopefully that answers your question." CLOSING STATEMENTS Mister Rabbit - "I recognize that I am the odd one out in this election, and most of those attending will have little to no gauge of my political skills. However, this position of Tribune requires more than a strong mind or political skill. My primary goal is not to be the best Tribune to grace the hall of the Royal Duma, but to instead to better listen to the people. Their concerns are more important to me than my own conceptions about the state of this fine city. That is all. Mister Castaway - "I would like to thank everyone for giving up their time to come listen to me and the rest of these candidates, and I hope I can count on your vote come election day. Danke again, that is all." Ser Mondblume - " Misses de'Draghicescu - "I would like to thank you all for coming tonight, and I look forward towards the voting and hope you all allow me another chance to serve you as your faithful and loyal servant. Let us move forward for the betterment of this nation. Thank you. Mister Lauritsen - "To conclude my part in this debate I will thank all Haeseni people, my fellow candidates, the Crown and his most esteemed councillors and His Majesty the King for granting us the daily life that we have and to note that even though my rethorics against the state of the Duma and risk it has against our nation I am proud to see Haeseni men and women so diligently press on and know that the Kings and politicians of old would be incredibly proud to see where we are today. God Bless this Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and God Bless King Heinrik the Second" IV JOVEO MAAN, His Excellency, Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska
  21. NOMINATIONS FOR THE 362 ES GENERAL ELECTIONS KRUZAE ZWY KONGZEM 7th of Msitza and Dargund, 362 ES DLUM VE EDLERVIK, DRUZ VE EDLERVIK VA BIRODEO HERZENAV E EDLERVIK, By the will of His Majesty, Koeng Heinrik II, the elections of 362 ES shall be called to elect eight officials. Nominations shall now be open for the next month, and citizens of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska are called upon to fulfill their civic duty to vote. Eight of these officials shall be brought onto the Royal Duma, including a Grand Maer to manage and improve the institutions of the city of Karosgrad. These eight officials shall be elected under three offices, which are; ROYAL ALDERMEN Three Royal Aldermen are elected as representatives of the whole people of Hanseti-Ruska, by majority vote. They are tasked with giving voice to their constituents within his Majesty’s Royal Duma by proposing and shaping legislative bills. Royal Aldermen may be of any birth, common or noble. Royal Aldermen are recommended to produce at least two bills during their four-year tenure. TRIBUNE Four Tribune’s are elected as representatives for the common folk of Hanseti-Ruska, by majority vote. They are tasked with giving the common people of Hanseti-Ruska a voice in His Majesty’s Royal Duma by proposing and shaping legislative bills. As such, the candidates for Tribune must be of common birth. They may not be of noble birth. Tribunes are recommended to produce at least two bills during their four-year tenure. GRAND MAER The Grand Maer of Karosgrad is elected by majority vote to represent the people of Hanseti-Ruska in the Office of the Lord Seneschal and assume the duties of management of the city’s social institutions, assisting in growth of the city’s business and economy, and bringing city wide events to Karosgrad. This role is vital and important to the city, and its abilities depend on the office holder as well as their desires to shape the city to its betterment. The Grand Maer may be of any birth, and does not sit on His Majesty’s Royal Duma. For a citizen to nominate themselves for any of the above offices, they must satisfy the eligibility criteria: 1. Candidates must be at least fourteen years of age; 2. Candidates for Grand Maer must be a resident of Karosgrad; 3. Candidates for Royal Alderman and Tribune must have a residence within Hanseti-Ruska; 4. Candidates must not have a criminal record; 5. Candidates must not be a titled peer; 6. Candidates for Tribune must not be of any of the current ennobled families within Hanseti-Ruska, those being the Houses of Baruch, Barclay, Vanir, Kortrevich, Ruthern, Ludovar, Amador and Vyronov; 7. Candidates may only nominate themselves to run for one office; 8. Candidates cannot bribe potential voters, or otherwise purchase votes; 9. Candidates must not use any signs for their campaigning process, and thus they are strictly prohibited and will result in a fine. Candidates may make public missives, speeches, and host rallies. ((OOC : CANDIDATES HAVE UNTIL TUESDAY 5 PM EST TO RUN)) Please include the following in your application: IGN: Character Name: Age: Place of Residence / Street Address: Position: (Alderman, Tribune or Maer) IV JOVEO MAAN, His Excellency, Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska
  22. [!] A painting of Mister Igor Kort at sixteen after winning his first election, circa 350 E.S. THE BASTARD’S PROMISE 16th i Vzmey ag Hyff, 362 E.S. TWELVE YEARS AGO– I began my career in politics after graciously being elected as Tribune so that I may serve in His Royal Majesty’s Royal Duma as a representative of the common people. I was young then, only sixteen years of age and still but a nervous boy. Another too commenced their career not long before mine, and that was Lady Irene Sarkozy. I did not know much of Lady Irene before I was elected as Tribune. After all, I was too young, too ambitious, and too hungry for a way to prove my worth in life. Despite my good intentions, I am not too blind to admit that I was a selfish boy. However, throughout her twelve-year tenure, I have learned a lot about her. She is a strong, intelligent, and hard-working woman, one that any young aspiring politician can look up to and respect. Her determination and will to do the best for the Kingdom was clear to me upon our first official meeting. It was a quality that I believe is an important task for any leadership position and one that we both share. Less than a year ago, I was elected to be Lord Handler; a position that I could only have dreamed of when I was an aspiring politician. Now, as my mentor and idol Lady Irene Sarkozy has retired, His Majesty Heinrik II and the loyal citizens of this Kingdom call upon me to take her mantle and to serve as dutifully and as honorably as she has. Despite my new responsibilities as Lord Speaker my mission to serve the public as Tribune has not vanished. As your newly appointed Lord Speaker, I swear to all citizens of the Kingdom that the sessions of the Royal Duma shall be a productive and meaningful body that properly keeps to the laws that protect our nation. This I swear to you, and I shall do my best to do good on my promise today. SIGNED, His Excellency, Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska
  23. Somewhere in his office, Igor would receive the news of his mentors retirement. After taking a moment to read the memoir, there is another knock to his door. A second letter from the King himself arrives. One that would forever change his life. It was determined that he was to be appointed as Lady Irene's successor. As Igor took a moment to recollect himself, he sent a letter back to the King accepting the position. It was out with the old, and in with the new...
  24. As Igor woke up from his nap of after doing a 'hard' day of work, he would learn of the retirement of the Lord Palatine soon after. The Tribune, who was still in his prime, had much respect for the man who had served his Kingdom longer than he himself had been living. However, he also realized as time went on the old guard was being changed, and a new guard would soon take over. Igor sent his best wishes to the former Palatine and his wife on their fishing trip. . . Meanwhile, a phantom in the dead of the night overhears the gossip of drunken citizens. "Did you hear the news?" asked one of the drunken men "They say the Lord Palatine has retired! Gone fishing he has." As the Old Knight hears this, a rare smile appears on his face. The revenant in his transitional phase managed to chuckle a bit as he disappeared back into the shadows "Well I'll be damned..." , said Ser Ivan. "I hope its a big catch... Good luck you two, don't get a cold again."
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