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Everything posted by erictafoya

  1. In his lonely and quiet study, Andrik was reading the annual Hearsay of Haense, and tossed it as he’d found it to be bland. Not long after, a more interesting piece written by his own brother caught his eye. Andrik sipped his evening tea as he relaxed on his chair. “Finally some good ******* drama”
  2. Andrik Nikolas frowned as he sensed that Johann Barclay has stolen the hearts of all of the women of Haense after this heroic display of self-defense.
  3. In the skies of the seven, an old bearded figure stands with his fellow fallen kinfolk and ancestors. He smiled widely as Johann, his own son and heir, fulfilled his… no… their dream. “Finally… the first step to restoration” mentioned the old man Robert
  4. Even in the afterlife, Robert Ludovar was still, undoubtedly, the prettiest Ludovar of them all.
  5. Notice of passing for: Annalisa Joszefa and Branimar Andrik 13th of Gronna ag Droba, 412 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, A few days prior to me writing this missive, my eldest son and daughter both fell to a strange ailment. Doctors claimed they would survive and be healthy, considering their youthfulness. Yet those doctors were wrong. On the eve on 10th of Gronna ag Droba, Her Highness Annalisa Joszefa passed in a feverish state. Just seconds later, His Highness, Branimar Andrik befell the same twisted fate. I can only hope both have made it safely to the gates of the seven skies. I never desired for my children to pass in such a gruesome way. I am forever devastated at their passing, and I only wish for them to be reunited with their youngest sister, who was taken from us years before. A small funeral was hosted for them, between me, their mother, and a priest. Akovia hopes you respect the family's mourning period. Signed, His Royal Highness, Andrik Nikolas Her Highness, Nikoleta Barbara
  6. I'm not making a bid but @sarahbarahis forcing me against my free will to support her so I'm just that nice and accepted. I'm so proud of you <3 \ @HogoBojo Also im a dumbass who didn't read the rules of the auction, so I guess why not Skin: Red Grandeur Bid: 350 minas (please someone outbid this) Discord: 😐
  7. In the skies above, a large man looked down upon his kin, his predecessors, his family with pride. A small formed on Robert's features as he looked at his second eldest, Josef, had finally learned the lesson of settling down for his family. As Robert joined his ancestors, he looked down one final time, saying "Finally"
  8. The aforementioned Prince looked at the missive that was seemingly defending him, or at the very least, shared a common enemy. He thought of writing an official public response, praising the author for at least seeing the flaws of hearsay. But then, he remembered the words of the Oracle @Gusano, and stayed silent on the topic... There was only one thing he could do now. Reform
  9. In his cold and empty bedroom, Andrik could not believe the news himself. At least, not until he was told directly by his last remaining brother, @Xarkly. It felt colder outside, seemed darker, and nothing seemed to make the Prince smile. Not even his children, who he loved dearly. First it was his brother that was taken from him, then his wife left him, and now his elder sister, the one who had raised him and his twin Anaastasya@shay, had died. Many questions would be spinning inside his own head. Was God testing him? Would something else occur? Was he the next Crow to fall? Only one thing was certain... Andrik kept his head up and continued forward. Just like the Oracle told him. He had to live. ... Meanwhile, on the same night, a lonely man sat alone in an abandoned inn. So many horrible memories made in this place, and yet it was the last place he had a memory with her. The two had grown far apart throughout the many years. Despite their love being lost long ago, the strange man still held feelings for her throughout the decades... Now he had nothing. His family? Gone. His friends? Abandoned. The love of his life? Killed. There was nothing left for the man. The man broke into the dusty and cold rooms of the inn, taking a single stool with him. He took his dagger and stabbed it into his own heart, ending his lonely life quickly. Oleksandr? Dead. As Petra Emma entered the seven skies, she would be introduced in a familiar setting from a distant memory. It was the library, long before it's many changes back when times were much simpler and happier for the child. A tall figure could be seen with a selection of many books. His hair was brown, his voice was deep, and he sat with utmost pride. As he turned his face, the first things that could be noticed were his charming white smile, his passionate emerald eyes, and his greased-up hair. There would be no mistake, it was Igor. The deceased Speaker stood up and dipped his head to Petra, as he always had in the past. As the woman stepped closer, he patted her head, and the two shared a long embrace. "It's good to finally see you again, Princess..." As the student and mentor shared a seat, Igor said "We have much to go over, so many lessons I've got to teach you! Let's begin, shall we?"
  10. "Untangled my mess, have they?" The recently divorced Prince let out a long and tired sigh as he read the missive from the Lady Chancellor of Savoy. Andrik pondered on all of the awful things he could have said just in sheer spite. Yet nothing came out. No harsh words would be produced by the ink of his quill, and no witty responses had been written down onto the parchment. The quill was dry, the ink was bottled, and Andrik still pondered on what to say. What was stopping him? Of course, it could only be one answer. It was the one who he once had the right to call the love of his life. It was the woman who he still had his heart set on, despite his very promise to her. It was the one who got away from him... The letter would only be a thin slip of parchment, fitting in what could only be two sentences. It had no names to prove who it was from, only an address to who it was intended to, Lady Vasileia. It did, however, hold the infamous handwriting used in the dreaded letter that framed Andrik, yet this time it was actually written by his own hand. No one would ever know the contents of the letter unless it was to be made public. This was the only way to move forward. The only way he could cope with a loss this harsh... It was by no means an easy way for him, but it was the right one. His first step of atonement: Integrity.
  11. "It's a cold day today..." The Prince thought as he made his way through the frozen royal gardens. Funny... he almost forgot that the very coat that kept him warm was stitched by none other than his seperated wife... Or the wife he thought he still had. The winds of winter blew throughout the courtyard. Andrik shivered, and the chill of the breeze was unlike any other. He went into his residence, finding that his two children were peacefully sleeping. Annaliesa and Branimar, the ones who were left behind by Nikoleta, had been tear stricken for days ever since their mother seemingly abandoned them. Their father pressed a kiss on their warm foreheads, and Andrik went back to his study. On his desk, a letter seemed to be waiting for him. It was from the Pontiff himself. Knowing what the contents would be, Andrik didn't even bother to open it, for he knew that doing so would only break him further than he already was. In his mind, all he thought was "I lost her... But she's happy." Without rest nor hesitation, Andrik stood from his study and made the long journey towards a certain ruin...
  12. As the old Lord of Ludovar passes on to the next world, the new one seemed to be continuing the legacy of his father! Robert looked down with pride as his son and heir continued the relations he sparked with his own marriage to his beloved Adele @Weebmaster36
  13. From the distant seven skies, a now rested old man sat in a warm fireplace as he looked down onto his children. The man smiled warmly as they have all found peace and happiness in the wake of his death. "I'll look over vy, Kat"
  14. [!] A rudimentary painting of Prince Andrik in tears. It can be inferred that the light that shines upon him is GOD looking over the faithful, and the dark bedroom that he sits in is his everlasting loneliness and suffering. 18th of Tov & Yermey, 408 ES | 18th of Sun’s Smile, 1855 FA Dear Diary… “It’s been cold and lonely in the Prikaz… Colder and lonelier than it ever has. The past few years have been nothing but unpleasant, to say the least. It first started with a tournament. Lady Vasileia Basrid accompanied her uncle, Matyas Basrid. Funny… the event itself was not even official, just an impromptu event meant to lift the morale of our brave fighting soldiers. I was up first, against ‘Danger’ Dougal, and I was the first to get knocked out of the tournament. It’s not like I expected to win anyways. I was just there to have fun, as we all were… As the tournament and time, itself went on, I made my way to Lady Vasileia and made my usual diplomatic remarks. I will admit that I do hold a considerable amount of respect and admiration for the Lady-Regent of Savoy, but to go as far as to question my honor because I invited her to the Royal Booths, a right that is entirely my own, is simply outrageous. The mere notion of me cheating on my beautiful wife with a Savoyard is simply preposterous… My beautiful wife… It’s funny I still call her that. Nikoleta stopped by today in my slumber. Whilst I tossed and turned in my our bed, she collected her belongings as well as our beautiful daughter, Cazimiera. I’d not been close to my children, nor have I been a very good father. Perhaps that is why Nikoleta left me… and perhaps that is why she sent a letter requesting a divorce to the Pontiff… [!] Between the spaces of the paragraphs, dried tears would be found staining the parchment. It can be inferred that the heartbroken Prince was crying whilst writing this particular part of the entry. Dearest Diary, never in my life had I felt such pain… I’d never felt so lost in my entire existence. Why? Why was this happening? Whatever happened to second chances or trying to move on? Why did it come to this? These are all questions I asked myself while it happened. It all happened so fast… I was begging for her to try and stay… but her answer stayed firm… Funny… Nikoleta was always one to stay true to her own beliefs, and so she did. Our conclusion was short, but my feelings showed true. Every single part of it. I affirmed my love for her and bid my farewell and she bid hers… My eyes had been drowned in too many tears to even notice her leaving. As she left the Palace, I started to cry out in pain. My throat felt as if it were clogged up with the blubber of whales, and my heart sank into my stomach. I felt sick, and I nearly threw up. Questions started to race through my mind - What if? What if I never went to that tournament? What if I never invited Lady Vasileia to the Royal Booth? What if I’d never taken up the mantle of being Ambassador? What if I never became a diplomat at all? All I can do now is wonder and hope that the Pontiff does not grant this wish of hers. I know, it’s selfish, but I still cling on to hope that I can fix this. I gave her my word that I would respect her wishes either way, but how can I? I love her. I want her by my side once more. I want to see her smile, sense her warmth, feel her embrace… I want to turn back the times and tell my younger self to enjoy the smaller things in life. I want to raise my children with her, not alone. I just want her back… But it’s too late for that now. I’ve lost her, and now I’m alone. I feel lost. I have no more friends, and my family despises me. I wonder… is Godan punishing me for my sins? Was it because of the Bishop girl, whose name I’ve already forgotten? Could it be that drunken kiss that had no love behind it but just blind passion? Was that it? Or was it deeper than that… Perhaps it was my negligence as a husband… as a father. Perhaps Godan was not punishing me, but rather I’d punished myself… I don’t know… All I know is that I’m alone once more. I wish I could take everything back. I’d sell my job, my titles, my soul if I need to… If I had just a day to experience true happiness again, I’d sell it all… What’s a Prinzen without his Prinzenas? What’s a father without all his children? What’s the point in continuing if I am lost at every corner? I beg and pray that Godan wakes me up from my eternal nightmare. Please… I just want to wake up. It’s cold and lonely in here” -Andrik
  15. THE WEIGHT OF RULING 4 0 7 E.S. “Throughout my entire life, I’ve sacrificed more than what vy can imagine. I’ve been humiliated, looked down upon, ridiculed, doubted, and demoted despite my best efforts. I’ve made enemies out of friends, shattered relationships, broke the trust of many. All for the welfare of our house… It sucks, life sucks. But that’s the life of our kind, my son. If I were to be handed the opportunity to do it all over, I'd do the same thing. My failures are lessons to me, and to vy. Remember, Johann, A rich man lives an easy life, but a Ludovar lives a hard one” - Robert to his teenage son, Johann Dear Ami… “I’m sorry for what happened the other day. I know I’ve just complicated our friendship to a great extent … I do dearly love Adele, but a part of me still wonders how life would be if the circumstances were different. I fear that a part of me always will… I know you do not want to hear it, but I love you. I love you with all of my heart, but I belong to another now. My heart yearns for another world where we can call each other husband and wife. I know it’s wrong, and I know it’s too late to turn back now, but the best thing for the both of us is to move on with our lives. I wish things could have turned out differently, but this is the path Godan has set for us.” … Your Best Friend, Robbie …It was a cold winter evening in Otistadt, as it always was. The old Baron had quite the dream… He couldn’t see what was going on, but the mumbling of a figure with a deep voice could be heard. These ramblings seemed to be passionate yet weak, aggressive yet controlled, and saddening, but inspirational. Robert couldn’t quite make out what was said, as the sound was drowned out by the fierce winter storms. After a quiet moment, he flickered his eyes open. Robert awoke from his slumber at the crack of dawn, as he usually does. His beloved wife, Adele, was resting by his side. For forty years, Robert had been married to Adele. She was his soulmate, and he was hers. The old man, now fifty-one, out of shape, and weakening, pressed a kiss on his wife’s forehead before getting ready for the day. “What day is it again?” Dear Ami… “Adele’s sister died today… I know this is out of the blue, but I needed to get that off of my chest. Never, in my entire life, had I ever lost someone that I considered to be family. I was never close with Dame Marie, but her death will be something I will remember for the rest of my days… It’s a hard reminder to always cherish those who are close to you. You never know when you’ll speak to them last. I wish we could have more moments that both of us can cherish. Write to me as soon as you can.” Your Best Friend, Robbie Robert hastily made his way down the spiraling stairs. The man’s armor and boots made constant clicking sounds, often revealing himself to the poor and overworked staff. He asked his eldest and most loyal butler, Sir Francois, the same question he asked himself. “Francois! What day is it?” The old and frail Auvergnian Butler nodded his head to his liege lord and briefly said “The first of Joma and Umund, Your Lordship” the butler responded in his thick accent. From the time he was just a child, Robert had always been pampered by his house staff - as was expected, of course, for the heir to a county. After being reminded of the day, Robert’s face promptly lit up! “Ah of course! That’s what it was, it’s Tax Day! Spasiba, Sir Francois.” The faithful Ludovar servant seemed… surprised by this. Robert rarely ever said thank you, and what was even rarer was addressing his servant as ‘Sir’. It was going to be a kind day today, he decided. “Merci… My Lord” Dear Ami… “It’s been two years since I last wrote to you. How have you been? Life here in Otistadt has been bland as always. The children are healthy though, which is always good. Johann is my pride and joy, as any heir is to his father. He’s only four and his mind is racing with ambition! Marie and Josef are quiet, and I hope it stays that way. Johann alone is a lot, and with a fourth on its way, Adele and I sure have a lot to handle! I’m still sorry for the way I treated you, by the way. I know it happened years ago, but the guilt still lingers… I just want us to be friends again, is that so hard? Please write back to me.” Your Best Friend, Robbie Robert made his way down the many levels of his keep. He passed the room of his son and heir, Johann, and a faint smile appeared on his features. While being as quiet as his armor would allow him to be, the proud father and grandfather went over to his sleeping grandchildren and placed a peck on their foreheads. Despite being rough on all of his children, the Baron discovered a sense of tenderness in recent times. Perhaps it was the lack of work he’d done during the last few years. It could also be that he learned from his failures as a father, like a lesson he once told Johann all those years ago. Or it could just be that the fat old man grew a soft spot for his adorable grandchildren, and he doted on them frequently. Whatever the case, he’d certainly changed. Dear Ami… “That was quite the argument we had last Saint’s Day. I’m sorry it had to end up like that, I truly am. Christopher was surprisingly calm. He’s a good man… I’m glad that your heart is now in his hands. Despite my slight envy, I trust him. That truce we made at the creek is also something I appreciate. It’s funny… I remember the first day we made a cookie truce. We’d been arguing over something so petty; I think it was grass? It’s been so long I’ve almost forgotten the good old days. You know… when everyone was still around? Life seems so stiff, so trapped. It’s almost suffocating to live in my keep now. Ever since papej left us, I’ve been so busy. Too busy for the wife, too busy for the kids, too busy for myself… anyways, enough rambling about me. How are you? Do tell me how your first child is, I hope our children become as dobry friends as we were.” Your Best Friend, Robbie As Robert made his exit from the bedroom, faint groans could be heard from behind him. It was his pride and joy, Johann, slowly awakening from his slumber. A peer and his heir must always have a good connection, and these two certainly did. However, recent events have made tensions between the two high, and the stress was getting to both of them. Johann became increasingly busy with his new position as High Justiciar, while Robert was slowly getting older, bigger, and less active in general. Despite their recent drifts, the Baron was always proud of his heir. He found solace in the fact that even after his death or abdication, they would all be in safe hands. Robert didn’t wait for his son to awakenits and quickly left for the city. “Right… Tax Day.” Dear Ami… “I’m glad we could meet and converse without bickering and arguing. I know it’s going to take a while, but I do hope that our friendship will be the way it once was… Your child, Anya, is an adorable bundle of joy. I am sure that in her future she’ll grow to be as bright, ambitious, and as beautiful as you are. Sorry if that’s bold, but it’s true - you can’t deny it! Regardless, I hope Johann and Anya grow close to one another. Who knows, perhaps their luck is better than ours? I just wish for a happy and simple life for both of them, as they are the future for both of us.” Your Best Friend, Robbie Robert continued down the long spiral stairway, eventually leading him to the first floor. As he walked the halls of his keep and his staff greeted him with a bow, Robert noticed his father’s portrait was crooked. “Godan, were the children playing again?” he asked the staff, though he seemed more amused at the prospect of his grandchildren having fun than pissed off that his predecessor's image was crooked. Robert never had the greatest relationship with his father, and he had not spoken to the former Viscount of Sezwesk since his abdication. Robert was left with a House in shambles, where most of his siblings were either too sick or too careless to put effort into the family, and where his children were still learning how to walk properly. However, in his moment of weakness, he was not alone. Aleksey advised him while also running his businesses, Erwin was his aid who employed his servants, while Adele continued to mother their children while Robert was absent. Robert learned the importance of family and friendship during that period in his life, and his House has grown strong because of it. “I’m sure vy would be proud, papej…” remarked the Baron as he fixed the portrait himself. He eyed his father’s figure with pride, despite their rough relationship. Throughout the years he’d figured out the perfect moniker for his father. Something accurate, fair, and not too biased. “Enduring. Kazimar the Enduring.” Dear Ami… “It’s been so long. What is it, six years now? I traveled to Elysium in hopes that I would find you, but I couldn’t seem to spot you no matter how long I searched. I miss the conversations that we had together. The times where I could always find you in Elysium, and you could always find me in Haense. Perhaps I just miss you, I don’t know. We’ve grown so distant… but I suppose that’s normal. Hell, Ruslan, Tatiana, and Adalia rarely interact these days outside of professional functions. I guess this is just a part of us growing up. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to enjoy the moments that he’ll have while it lasts… I’ll always cherish what I have.” Your Best Friend, Robbie Robert exited his home, and the cold winds instantly hit his face. It was… a chilling feeling, which was odd for the Baron who’d lived his entire life in the same frozen wasteland he called home. Outside of his keep, his noble stallion, Storm, was waiting for him. Robert was fond of horses from a very young age. Since he was a young child in the Cadets, he’d been taught the art of horse warfare. The Cavalry Sergeant walked up to the stables and was handed the reigns of Storm. The few moments Robert ever felt relieved were when he was playing with his grandchildren and when he rode his horses. The sharp winds nearly cutting his face was an exhilarating feeling for the old man past his prime. Robert felt free as he traveled the roads of Otistadt on Storm as if his 230lbs mass was cut in half. “Onwards to Karosgrad, Storm. Canter, boy, Canter!” Dear Ami… “Have you heard the news? Haense is aiding Sutica to fight against a rebellion! I’ve always wanted to fight in a war where monsters and giants were not involved. Finally, a human war! I know it may sound barbaric of me to want to fight for glory in a war that ends up in the loss of human life, but how can I help it? My entire career so far has led up to a moment like this. Our first mission shall be to the Barony of Rhein, where we expect little to no resistance. If all goes well, the fortress shall act as our base of operations. Pray for my soul and for the souls of the soldiers who might die in this war. You’ll always be in my thoughts, as well as my family.” Your Best Friend, Robbie The city was quiet upon entering the gates. Apart from the occasional drunkard in the tavern, everyone seemed to be sleeping still. Robert didn’t question this, as it was still very early. In fact, it was so early that the sun had not yet shown it’s presence. As he slowly made his way throughout the streets, Robert recollected the fondest memories in his life. Towards the Barracks, he heard himself in the far distance yelling and training his soldiers. He was a much younger, physically healthy, and active man. Some would say that was Robert in his prime. As he stepped closer to the square, he thought of the first interactions he had with the majority of friends he would make in his lifetime, that being Tatiana, Harren, Annaliesa, Adalia, and last but certainly not least, his best friend of all, Amicia. These memories the old Baron cherished were ones that he held dearly, but were never ones he thought often about. Strange… Nevertheless, he made his way up the palace steps and into the tax office… Amicia… “You were born on a beautiful day in 1803, just before I was born. You died peacefully in your home of a Free Elysium, next to the people you loved and who loved you back, in 1842, two months before your 40th birthday. Your smile was as beautiful as it was when I last saw it, and reports say you seemed to be at peace. I’ll never get over your death. I’ll never be able to say farewell to you or tell you that I love you. I’ll never see your beautiful smile, hear your laughs, or stare into those eyes that have trapped me for all these years. I’ll never get that clarity, but it's okay. I know that you are truly at peace now. Your life was full of love and happiness. We shared laughs, tears, warm moments, and even a kiss. I know that in your final years, we did not speak at all, but I hope that you knew that I loved you, and I hope that I earned your love back eventually in the end. I’ll always love you.” …Robert The commotion was confusing and yet clear at the same time. A small scuffle was ongoing in the tax office. A man lay dead at the very steps Robert was walking down, and two women were the primarily culprits. Despite his advanced age and in a poor physical state, Robert was still a decorated Sergeant of five wars with four decades of experience and was sworn by oath to defend the innocent. The chase was intense, and destiny had led the Baron to find the pair in his own home of Kazstadt. It was still only the crack of dawn, and most of his household was either in slumber, or too busy in the loud kitchens to hear of any commotion. Robert found himself alone, with only his loyal steed Storm and the weapons accompanying him. This would not be the first time the veteran faced adversity. Afterall, to take on two ordinary women shouldn’t be too hard, right? “HALT!” the Baron shouted out in his disciplined tone. “In the name of Sigismund III I demand to know what’s going on!” The Sergeant’s questions went nowhere, as the two seemingly ordinary people attacked him soon after. Robert’s assumption on their ordinary state was incorrect, as one of them seemed to know magic and launched a spike made of rock towards him, whilst the other threw a dagger. The helmetless Baron seemed to inherit the luck his younger brother Aleksey had, and both attempts on his head missed. It seemed the tides were on his side, until… Dear Ami… “It’s been five years since your death… I’m sorry to say, but your daughter has passed on to the afterlife. Godan only knows if she was granted salvation… But all I know is that I don’t feel regret for what I did or the words I spoke. All I wanted was stability and joy within our house, and she wanted other things in life. I suppose our expectation for them to be close almost came true… But like us, it was not meant to be. I did not harbor hatred for Anya. I admired her protection over my grandchildren. I hope that in the afterlife, you can forgive me for my failures. It seems that the older I get, the more apparent these things are to me. The best thing I can do for my family’s future is to pass on whatever wisdom I have left. I do truly miss you.” Your Best Friend, Robbie The magic-user revealed her true form. Her skin turned as icy as the terrain surrounding them, her glare as cold as the Rimeveld itself. She resembled a human, but her face was more wicked than anything. The battle ensued, and Robert was still favored by luck. Maybe… just maybe, he can pull this off. Maybe he’ll be able to greet his wife when she rises. Maybe he’ll be able to hold his grandchildren’s hands again. Maybe… he can see his children happy together once more. It’s a beautiful and calming thought. “Vyr tricks don’t impress me, witch” Robert spat out at the enemy ahead of him. No longer was he fighting for glory, justice, or even for protection. The Baron, Sergeant, husband, father, and grandfather just wanted one thing… To see his family one more time. To Amicia, “It’s been six years since your death. Things have turned around for me in life, truly. While I’m still hard on my children, I know to control my temper and only use my judgment fairly. No longer will I pour mountains of expectations on my children. No longer will I punish them without proper cause. My grandchildren shall also be spoiled until the end of my time in this world. I value the happiness of a child early in their lives, as I was not blessed with the happiest of childhoods. Though I do value the pleasant memories of my life, especially with ones with you. I expect that I am coming to a close in a chapter of my life, whether the cold embrace of death is upon me or if my son will finally be ready to take on the reigns, who knows? Only Godan knows the path that I’ll be set on… and I hope that I’ll be united with you in the afterlife soon. This shall be the final letter I write to you. For thirty-four years, I’ve written a letter to you, and yet, I’ve sent none of them. I don’t know why I make a habit out of it, even after your death. Perhaps I find it… therapeutic? No matter. After my death, these letters shall be found by my family and what they do with them shall be on their authority. Whether they’ll forgive me, hate me, or forget me, is up to them. I realize now that my controlling behavior, although it did good temporarily, ultimately pushed myself from those who I loved. Oh well… Only time will tell. As you would say, Au revoir, Ami, and thank you for being with me, even after your passing.” Your Best Friend always, Robert What seemed like a few minutes felt like hours. The battle was two against one and yet was still a stalemate. The fight seemed to be desperate for the Baron, as he’d thrown everything from his spear to boiled potatoes. Truly a madman, Robert somehow gained near level ground, wounding the mortal companion of the frozen witch, though not before a knife grazed his cheek. Funny… this was the first and only injury he’d sustain on the head, even though he went to war without a helmet on. All hope did not seem lost… That is until a third had joined the party of companions. Now, it was only inevitable. Never did the Baron prepare for death, but he accepted it. Robert yelled the oath that was given to him as the fight ensued. He no longer thought of his survival, but only of his family. “Give me time to think, Godan… I’ll meet vy soon. I just need to think of them…” he said to himself. “One last time…” [!] In the distant rising sun, Robert would hear faint laughs in the distance. He saw an image in the blowing storm of a small boy and girl playing together. It felt so familiar, so comforting. The scene changes and the boy was now an old man. By his side stood his wife, his children, and his grandchildren. It was a happy scene, a peaceful one. The oldest man seemed to look ahead to the doomed Baron and nodded his head. It was now clear, he was looking at his own life flash before his eyes through the blowing winds. “It’s time…” In what was a show of brave defiance, Robert shouted his oath for all the land around him to hear. It was so fast, yet so passionate and clear. His loyal steed, Storm, was already cold on the ground next to him. It was clear who the next target was: himself. As the frost witches advanced, his side seemed to be impaled by a spike of ice. Finally, the time had come… Dear Ami, “I hope my handwriting has improved over the years! I’m writing this a little short notice, but I’m coming to visit Elysium for old times sake! I know that your nation is at war, and tensions are high, which is exactly why I wanted to visit. How has my best friend been all these years? I’m starting to fear that you’ve forgotten me! Well, you might not even recognize me when I get there. I’ve lost weight, grown taller than my papej, and not to mention I have facial hair! I am truly excited for when we’ll speak. I have so much to tell you! Make sure to bring freshly baked cookies for us at the gates!” Your Best Friend, Robbie It was quick and painful, but the Baron held out his sword in pride, not as a desperate attempt to cling on to the little life he had left, but as a defiant gesture to die in fear. This was his last stand, his last action, his last scene… Krusae zwy Kongzem Rest in Peace Robert Aleksandr Ludovar 13th of Grand Harvest, 1803 FA - 1st of Deep Cold, 1854 FA | 13th of Gronna i Droba, 356 ES - 1st of Jomma i Umund, 407 ES
  16. As the sun rose on the Nikirala Prikaz, the Duke of Akovia was awakened by the glimmering sunlight from his lonely cot. The Prince started his day off normally, or as normally as possible these days, with a hot cup of tea with cream. "Let's hope today is better..." he commented to himself. Recent times for Andrik had been difficult, to say the least. Everyone seemed to be against him, or at the very most distant. In his mind, nothing could get worse... at least not yet. Despite the troubles, his life seemed to be improving. His wife, Nikoleta @zuziee, was finally opening up more once again. Despite not being able to sleep in their normally shared bed, Andrik entered their bedroom to change into his regular outfit, and Nikoleta followed suit. "Dobry Morning, Niki" he said to his wife as she got ready It was nice... this was nice... Until... Loud and terrifying screams could be heard from the Alban section... Andrik turned his head, his face filled with concern. Upon locking eyes with Nikoleta, his fears were confirmed. The blood coming from her could only mean one thing, someone just died... He rushed to the Alban wing and nearly tripped himself on his untied laces. "This can't be happening... This can't be happening" he said over and over again. But it was happening... Marus, the youngest golden crow out of their royal generation, was dead. Andrik couldn't believe it, but his baby brother's body lay cold and empty on their bedside. Soon, the rest of the family would find out, and the Knights removed the prince's corpse... It was a nightmare... a true nightmare, and Andrik learned a valuable lesson. There is only one thing that stands above everything else in life... Family
  17. As Fionn entered the gates of the seven, the scenery around him would change. A familiar building could be spotted in the distance. It was the Old Stout Crow Tavern, long before it's many changes throughout the decades. As Fionn made his way closer towards the building, a tall yet charming figure could be spotted sitting at the bar. The figure seemed big, strong, and yet kind and gentle at the same time. His voice was deep, proud, confident, almost commanding, yet it was also charming, smooth, and inviting. It would be familiar to Fionn, and one that he had not heard for many decades. As his voice and image became clearer, it would be evident that the man had a glass of scotch in one hand, and the bar keeps hand in another. The mad lad was flirting, even in the seven skies. The tall figure stood up and turned upon hearing footsteps come closer. His shining green eyes would almost sparker as he spotted who it was, and a large and charming smile formed on his features. It was Igor. "Well, I'll be damned... You finally died, and it wasn't from alcohol?" the man quipped. "Welcome home, my best friend. It's good to finally see you. Sit down, share a glass with me" he offered, "Tell me, how's the wife?"
  18. An oversized and tired Baron sits on his quiet and lonely chair after a hard day of battle. The siege was action packed, and Robert had not had so much fun in what seemed to be decades. It was only after the battle that his brother-in-law Edmund @Coolcod77informed the entire Kingdom that the Field Marshal and Prevailer, Ser Ailred var Ruthern, a man that Robert had followed into battle countless times and had rose to his position under, was dead. The old and fat Baron made his way up the spiraling stairway, his armored boots making a clink with every heavy step he took. Upon making it to the balcony, the cold wind pressed on to his face. It was a chilling and yet calming one. After his servant left the Baron their finest bottle of Carrion and a glass, he was once again left alone. Burble, gurgle, splash... The glass was filled to the brim with Black. One was poured over the edge of the balcony, facing the direction of Vidaus, while the rest filled the Baron's stomach. However, for the first time in years, Robert drank normally. He had a hardened glare to the mountainous horizon. It was here that he realized, he was the last patriarch, current or former, and was also one of the last to stand. A cruel and yet important reminder that not only was he getting old, but lonely. "Rest easy, old comrade. Vyr reunited with Feni now..." he said before returning to his study, and once again, alone.
  19. Here's to one of the best Moderators on the server. Unbiased and always professional when being a moderator, I applaud your mineman service <o
  20. THE FUNERAL OF ANYA LUDOVAR On this 407 ES It is with great sorrow that the House of Ludovar announces the death of one of it’s beloved members, Lady Anya Ludovar nee de Astrea. On the eve of the 5th of Tov and Yermiy, 405 ES, Lady Anya was found missing with a pool of her own blood covering her bed in the Nikirala Prikaz. A suicide letter was found along with a few strands of hair. Her bodily remains are currently unknown, but it is widely accepted that Lady Anya has passed on. Lady Anya was the beloved mother to three beautiful children, Amicia, Adele, and Aleksey Ludovar. She was also the wife of Lord Johann Ludovar, heir to the Barony of Otistadt, and daughter to the late Princess Amicia de Astrea and Prince Christopher de Astrea. On the eve of Vzmey and Hyff, 407 ES, a funeral service shall be held in honor of the late Lady Anya. A ceremonial pyre bearing her bloodied sheets shall be burned and the ashes of the pyre shall be left in a tomb, which shall be laid to rest in the Ludovar Crypts. The following are invited to attend the service… His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III, King of Hanseti-Ruska, FIDEI DEFENSOR, and the Royal Family @Xarkly His Princely Grace, Johann Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree @Frymark His Grace, Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree @Gusano His Grace, Rhys var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree @Nolan_ The Right Honorable, Vladrick Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree @Endershadow292 The Honorable, Aleksandr Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and his noble pedigree @Etow His Lordship, Sigmar Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his noble pedigree @AmazingAzura His Royal Highness, Otto Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree @Mio His Grace, Eugeo de Astrea, Duke of Elysium and the subjects of Elysium @Suicidium Signed, His Lordship, Robert Aleksandr Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt, Lord of Kazstadt His Excellency, Johann Fredrick Ludovar, High Justiciar of Hanseti-Ruska, Heir to the Barony of Otistadt
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