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Everything posted by erictafoya

  1. Somewhere in [REDACTED] sat an old veteran and Crow Knight dawning the armor of The Red Bull. Despite almost being a decade since his end in the mortal world, he had been watching his squire from where he is now. As his squire grew closer and closer to his promise, he had a small smile form on his face. "The time has come, Hildebrand. Let's see if you were truly listening to me. This is your final lesson as a squire."
  2. Father Jakob welcomes his elder sister as she enters the seven skies with open arms. Together, the pair could watch their families from above. Although happy to see her with him, he'd hope that the others wouldn't follow suit just yet.
  3. DUMA ELECTEES PUBLIC Q&A KRUZAE ZWY KONGZEM 16th of Tov ag Yermey, 359 ES DLUM VE EDLERVIK, DRUZ VE EDLERVIK VA BIRODEO HERZENAV E EDLERVIK, In order to establish a betterment of communication between the people of Hanseti-Ruska in which elected officials represent, it is heceforth called that there is to be a town hall for all denizens of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska to attend. There, those elected as Maer, Tribune, and Aldermen shall introduce themselves furthermore and answer all questions called upon them by the citizens. Time afterwards shall be allotted to any who wish to discuss private matters or concerns with the various officials. This shall take place within the Karosgrad Square before the Nikirala Prikaz, upon a platform stationed there particularly for this event. IV JOVEO MAAN, Her Excellency, Irene Cecilya Sarkozy, Lady Speaker of the Royal Duma of Hanseti-Ruska His Royal Highness, Franz Leopold Barbanov, Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Grand Maer of Karosgrad The Honorable Royal Alderman, Dame Aleksandra Ludovar of the Lily The Honorable Royal Alderman, Lady Vespira Ruthern The Honorable Royal Alderman, Miss Valérie d’Airelle The Honorable Tribune, Mister Igor Kort The Honorable Tribune, Mister Fionn Castaway The Honorable Tribune, Mister Hildebrand Mondblume The Honorable Tribune, Mister Konrad Lauritsen OOC Details Time: 5pm EST Date: Monday, February 8th Place: Karosgrad Square, Haense
  4. The older, and much more cooler three year old Ludovar child thinks to one-up his younger brother, knowing that he is more cool and important.
  5. ((OOC: Okay, I see the issue with this bill now. The numbers for the new law itself needs to be changed to 413.03, my mistake))
  6. Father James Charles receives the message as he wakes up in his families keep of Otistadt. He simply sighs as he puts the missive down on his desk. Next to his desk was a dagger that he had since he was a child. James was not the strong warrior nor was he the great commander that his father was, but he was an obedient servant of Godan. Despite preaching for peace and despite preaching for tranquility, he would answer this call from the Vicar of Godan. He grabbed his dagger, blessed it, and then prepared himself for the inevitable crusade.
  7. Upon hearing the grim news, Igor signed the lorraine for both the ascension into the skies for the deceased King, and for the new rule under King Henrik II. "You may have not been the perfect King, but you were still a good man. Krusae Zwy Kongzem, and Long Live the Koeng." said the Tribune, who continued on with his campaign.
  8. Prevja Citizens of Haense! Many of you may already know me or recognize me as your local public servant! For those who don't, allow me to introduce myself. I am Tribune Igor Kort, an ambitious 23 year old with one main goal in life: To represent and serve the public to the best of my ability. Seven years ago I ran for the honorable position of Tribune for the very first time and the wonderful people of this nation was kind enough to elect a 16 year old boy to sit in His Majesty's Royal Duma. Four years ago I was elected once more, and I believe that I have truly shown much growth in my two terms sitting on the Royal Duma. Through trials and tribulation, I wrote many bills during my first tenure. However, I will admit that much of my previous legislation could have been written better, and through experience in my second term I learned that! I believe that I have shown much more improvement in both legislation and in my promise to serve the commonfolk of this realm well. For example, in my first term I wrote a bill that would have defined the names of Bastards. As a young bastard, I thought it would be necessary. However, I now know that it was a mistake of doing so as it would have served no purpose. Although, my intentions were always because I thought it would benefit the common man. However recently I believe my bills have not only improved, but they can also benefit the people even more! For example, if my Emancipation Act were to be given assent from the Crown, the vile and sinful act of slavery will finally be abolished and every citizen of Haense would be protected by the government from the bonds of enslavement. I have much more to show as I am still only a young man in his early twenties, but I cannot do this alone. As a wise woman once told me, The Kingdom of Haense is not a place, but is the wonderful citizens of this great nation! I am only one man whose goal is to serve the public, but I cannot do this without the support of the public! I need you, the wonderful citizen of this nation, to aid me in my campaign because together we can make a change! Your faithful public servant, Tribune Igor Kort, 358ES
  9. IGN: erictafoya11 Character Name: Igor Kort Age: 23 Place of Residence / Street Address: Farm House V Position: Tribune
  10. Igor smiles upon reading the edict. Although his bill to put medical commissions into law was rejected, Igor took joy and pride into knowing that his efforts were not in vein as his duty of spreading the message was complete. "Well done my friend. You may have beat me to it, but I am just glad that our medical professionals can now make a living off of their hard work."
  11. Somewhere in a farmhouse outside of the City of Karosgrad, the chimney of this house can be seen smoking. From the inside of the home, the sound of crackling and sizzling could be heard. Two young snails could only watch as they witnessed their father, Dave, being cooked alive. Who left the Snail Racer? Who knows, but who cares really. Dave Jr. would only know one thing, that he would not fail his owner like his father did.
  12. As Igor sat around the campfire of the home of Shog, one of his newly found troll friends, he sat there thinking of what to say or if he should even speak when negotiating with Oxx, the Chief of the Trolls. Although being a politician, Igor was never much of a diplomat. As they wait for a meeting with Oxx, he hopes that his companion, Prince Franz, could do most of the talking. In the meantime, he feeds the baby troll Rumb some of his potatoes.
  13. Snail Owner: Igor Kort Snail Name: Dave Residence: Farm House V
  14. Tribune Igor Kort fully supports his colleague for Maer, giving a thumbs up. "You have my endorsement Dame Asul'onn!"
  15. Prevja Citizens of Karosgrad! For those who may not know me, I am Tribune Igor Kort and about four years ago I was elected as the youngest Tribune to date at the age of 16. Now at 19 years old, I am seeking a second term as a representative to the common population. Last election I made a promise to the people of Haense. I promised to represent the people of Haense to the best of my ability, and with the aid of my colleagues I was able to achieve that. A few examples of the legislation that was passed through Duma was the Natural Resources Bill that I co-wrote and the Medical Commissions Pay Act, which I consider to be my proudest achievement. I have also recently met with Her Excellency the Seneschal, Lady Ingrid Barclay, and proposed a building where elected officials may take suggestions and meet with the public, as all people deserve a chance to have their voice heard in the Royal Duma. While my term has not been perfect, I believe I have done the best that I could for a young and ambitious bastard who was homeless not too long ago. Last election I made a promise, and I will keep true to those words coming into my second term. With the skills that I have learned and the experience that I now have in public office, I believe that I could better represent the public interest and that I could write better legislation. However, like last election, I cannot do this alone. For that, I need the support of you, the citizens of Haense. Should I be elected, I will make sure that the voices of this nation is heard and I will work with my colleagues to make sure it is put into law. Now that the reforms have been made to the Royal Duma, I must and I will fight harder for the people. Together, we can build a stronger and safer tomorrow. Your Loyal Public Servant, Tribune Igor Kort
  16. Father James Charles signs the lorraine upon receiving the sudden and sad news. He silently fell to his knees and clasps his hands as he said a short prayer "Do Thou, O Lord, have mercy on our dearly departed, for the sake of us sinners all who greatly hope and trust in Thee. For Thy mercy can turn bittering weeping to joyous fanfare, for Thou alone judgeth the living and the dead. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And may perpetual light shine upon them. Amen" He concludes, signing the lorraine once more. "May you rest your soul amongst the holiest of men, Your Holiness. This would shall miss your shining light. May your successors continue your legacy and may you live in eternal peace in the skies."
  17. Please include the following in your application: IGN: erictafoya11 Character Name: Igor Kort Age: 19 Place of Residence / Street Address: Farm House V Position: Tribune
  18. Upon careful inspection, Father James Charles would ask for permission to speak. Once given, he simply said "Your Holiness, I approve of this document. My vote is aye"
  19. Ser Ivan smiles from the seven skies as he sees the story of the Old Northern Fox being told.
  20. "500 mina for a dog?!? Say less!" said Igor as he went on the hunt
  21. Erik Kortrevich frowns at the state of his house before continuing to burn in hell
  22. THE RED BULL’S FINAL CHARGE 10th of Tov and Yermey, 351 E.S. The landscape of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska It was a quiet and peaceful day in Karosgrad. As Ser Ivan and his cousin, Lord Viktor Kortrevich prepared for a hunt. Ivan seemed to be in good spirits despite what would come. For a while, he had terrors of his own end and he knew that it was coming soon but today would be a good day. Before departing from the city, Ser Ivan would say his farewells to a woman who he considered as his own daughter-in-law, Luisa Barclay, as she was the wife of his student and surrogate son, Ser Ruben ‘The Butler’. “Return home safely, ja?”, asked Luisa. Ivan replied by giving a reassuring smile and saying “Don’t you worry, I’ll be back home soon.” That would be the last time Ivan entered Karosgrad alive… Now properly equipped, the two cousins set off on their hunt. Despite Ivan being disowned decades prior by the very man he was with, Ivan still viewed him as family. As they climbed the hilly forest they saw the peaceful and beautiful wilderness of Hanseti. Birds chirped and the sound of goats in the nearby farms could be heard in the distance. As the two conversed, it was clear that there was no bad blood between the two cousins. Eventually, the pair stumbled upon two wild deer by the riverbank. Ivan proceeded to slowly sneak towards the doe pairing. With past experience in hunting stag, elk, and the like, Ser Ivan would easily immobilize one deer after puncturing its rump with an arrow. On the other hand, Viktor was not so lucky as the second deer managed to escape after a missed shot. After dealing the final blow to the first deer, Ser Ivan and Lord Viktor made their descent to the fresh kill. However, as they moved closer, a flock of birds seemed to be startled as they flew past. It was almost as if it was a warning to the pair however, Ser Ivan assumed that it was caused by the wailing deer. Ser Ivan began removing his arrows from the rump of the deer, gently doing so to prevent the hide from being damaged. As the arrow was pulled out, a cracking sound in the brush caught the pair's attention. Behind them and on the hillside in front of them were a group of men wearing unidentifiable masks. Two brandished bows whereas the other two wielded blades. While being surprised by the unidentified bandits, Ser Ivan remained calm and composed. As to prevent his cousin’s identity as a noble lord from being revealed, he instead pointed their attention to himself as a Haeseni Knight. As the leader of the grouping spoke to the pair, Ivan and Viktor began to converse to each other in Nauvmarian dialect.“I don’t trust them, cozaer. If they attack, run okay?”, said Ser Ivan. “Neither do I, do you recognize their masks?” asked Viktor. Ser Ivan simply shook his head side-to-side in response, the calm exchanges between the cousins and the masked men continued on. Eventually, the group of men grew exhausted from these conversations and they eventually asked the cousins to lay down their weapons and surrender themselves for ransom. Ser Ivan would never let himself be captured and he also did not want to risk his cousin’s identity to be revealed. The group gave the cousins time to think about their next move. As time passed by, the two cousins argued in their native language about what their next decision would be. Viktor pleaded for Ivan to run with him, though Ivan knew that his body was no longer as young as it once was. After a constant back and forth between the pair, Viktor ultimately obliged Ivan’s wishes. Ser Ivan, known as ‘The Red Bull’, would make a stand against the bandits so that his cousin could escape by the riverside. After giving the signal to run, Ser Ivan drew his longbow and aimed for one of the archers. Despite the downpour of rain and winding gusts of wind, he hit the mark right on the mask, taking down the archer. Enraged, the leader ‘Flost’, charged towards Ser Ivan. At this point, Ser Ivan had used up a significant amount of his energy. Through many decades of war and injuries, Ser Ivan’s body had finally caught up to him. Still, Ser Ivan remembered his own oath to the Brotherhood and refused to surrender. As he brawled with Flost, he continued to use the rest of his voice to recite his oath. Despite the injury he sustained, Ser Ivan continued to both brawl and shout at the man. The Red Bull had been unleashed for a final time. Before the rest could overtake him, his cousin returned with the HRA, and Lord Manfred Barclay led the charge. Ser Ivan noticed this as soon as he recited the words “Through in this valley, I find my brothers.” However, this short distraction would lead a sword to be pointed at his throat, causing Ser Ivan to be held hostage. However, never showing an ounce of fear, Ser Ivan continued reciting his oath. As he looked towards his comrades, he felt a sense of bliss and tranquility. The memories of his oldest comrades started to return to him. In the distance, he saw them; his role model Ser Marcus, his close confidant Ionian Mackenson, his best friend Bjornolf Stjorn, and his grandfather and idol Ser Nikolaus were there. In addition, the faces of his son and mother saw appearance beyond the fogged landscape. In his mind, he knew that this would likely be his last stand. He would not allow for his story to end without giving a proper fight. As negotiations between Flost and Manfred began, Ser Ivan decided to take it upon himself to slam his left mechanical arm to the leg of his captor, immobilizing him for a second. His arm’s glass tubing would crack and shatter, which caused unstoppable internal bleeding to occur. As Ser Ivan shouted for a final time “I… shall… not… FALTER”, the sword pierced his neck, bringing the Old Knight to his knees. As the group of soldiers slowly closed into Flost, Ser Ivan’s body was kept on his knees before finally falling over only after Flost perished. And thus concludes the story of Ser Ivan ‘The Red Bull.’ REST IN PEACE Ser Ivan Robert Kortrevich ‘The Red Bull’ ( 1738 - 1798)
  23. IGN: erictafoya11 Character Name: Igor Barrow Age: 16 Place of Residence / Street Address: Farm House V Position: Tribune
  24. I remember the endings to Atlas and this one was surely an interesting one. But Arcas has had its fair share of unforgettable moments. Nice post yandeer!
  25. When Ruben and the Queen are cousins 👀
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