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5290 Rep Farm Business Owner

About Velkuzat

  • Birthday 12/28/2006

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    Stop snoopin'

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    fear me,
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    your mother
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    I have 2 locations

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  1. πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ

  2. "Purify the 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒢𝓀s!" Princess Helena cheered, having witnessed Raguel's declaration months before within the church. "Down with the el-" the girl paused as one of her handmaids whispered to her, her grin falling. "Elves are okay, but not them!"
  3. Helena squinted at the paper that'd drifted into Balian, frowning. "Must they make Automaton Intelligence draw all their art? Godani . . . they're stealing descendants' jobs!"
  4. Helena Novellen toiled the fields and worked the mines day and night, all so that the war effort could continue to DECIMATE some brigand heathens. "GODAN wills it!"
  5. Helena of Balian gasped, turning to her two ladies in waiting with the flier. "We MUST make sure we attend! I love fall!" she squealed, preparing her first pumpkin-spiced beverage of the season. @Zombiefide@MickMeist
  6. Helena of Balian hurriedly began preparing a gift with many a bottle of glitter glue and macaroni.
  7. flamingo rp post when

  8. Helena Novellen - off on some distant isle away from all the political strife and war, with her tutors - had received the news at last of her mother & father's fate. It was not long until the girl was back on a ship, headed the short distance to return to Aevos. "A trial? Regency!? He did what!?"
  9. how do I do lawful good DND paladin rp? everyone is .. . . morally gray . .

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pancho


      Lawful good characters are my most fun runs in DnD. It inherently creates conflict within the party and it progresses a story very well. Stick to your guns. (My lawful good cleric killed two of his squad last session)

    3. SimplySeo


      I second what Dingo said, and don't be afraid of getting bitten in the ass by sticking by your morals.

      Adding onto that.

      After a lifetime of edgies my current character is a lawful good barb/fighter/Paladin multiclass and its fun to stick by your principles when the world/more morally gray members of the party are trying to cut you down at every turn. On the flip-side, its really cool when you rub off on the party and improve them by example.

    4. Rusty Derringer

      Rusty Derringer

      On 9/2/2024 at 4:09 AM, ScreamingDingo said:

      Unironically just stick to the moral interpretation of good that your character has, even if it’s not the most convenient thing to do OOCly.


      the way to play a lawful good character is to genuinely just be consistent in their approach. Aim to not character bleed for OOC gainΒ and/or to pander to those around you.

      Just play your character as you should, even keep a list of like values/rules your character goes by and use that as a reference to frame your decisions and/or dialogue.

      Stop being based.Β 

  10. πŸ‘πŸ‘

  11. Some roving, rotting figure paused to read the flier, head stooped close to make out the text. "I, TOO, WILL KILL ALL THE CHILDREN!" BhΓ’al cheered, promptly going on its merry way.
  12. Will redstone doors need to be known of IRP? Or can they all indiscriminately be lockpicked?
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