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Everything posted by tadabug2000

  1. The Countess of Aquilae glanced the invitation over, before a brow arched in curiosity. The grand-heir is born. She'd begin to plan a gift for the newborn Crown Prince, sketching out a drawing before ordering what fabric and material she might need.
  2. The Countess of Aquilae glanced the missive over with faint interest, having missed the Congress in favor of other matters before filing it away. Senator Evander Kervallen read the missive, having been manning the palace gates during the Congress. Satisfied no raid room place, he'd set the missive on the counter of his home.
  3. Senator Evander Kervallen still doesn't know why he was nominated for Minister in the Senate chambers. He hadn't even met the man before.
  4. Senator Evander Kervallen glanced over the missive, enacting a nod before setting it aside as he made preparations for his daughters dinner.
  5. The Countess of Aquilae is pleased with the developments. With his recent assistance in the expansion of the city, she's grown a liking to the man and is eager to see what he might bring to the Royal Council of Balian.
  6. IGN: tadabug2000 Discord: beautifulwatty#6584 Skin no.: 4 and 5
  7. The Countess of Aquillae glanced over the missive, arching a blonde brow as she took the words in. That woman was dead, once her beloved Aunt turned to someone she held no love for, no longer able to spit on her late Uncles name with her actions. She tried to find anger, hatred or otherwise but she felt only relief in this moment. Perhaps Kristofer may rest peacefully within the Seven Skies now, she could only pray. As she took note of the next part, an extended apology to both families of Vuiller and Darkwood, she folded the letter into threes, filing it away for safe-keeping as she thought whether she'd like to speak with this now Emilia Rhodon.
  8. A PRIVATE UNION In the year of our Lord, 5th of Sigismund’s End 28 B.A “With the eagles' foresight we reign victorious.” It pleases the County of Aquilae to announce the matrilineal union of Dona Ophelia Vuiller to Segnor Rodrik Zerionni The marriage took place within the Basilica La Sorella of Balian in a private ceremony for the families to attend and officiated by Father Theodosio. May the couple be blessed in their future endeavors and fly ever high. Signed, Her Excellency, the Matriarch of House Vuiller, Dona Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Countess of Aquilae, Viscountess-Consort of Renduzzo, Procurator of the Kingdom of Balian. His Excellency, the Patriarch of House Darkwood, Don Drako Darkwood, Count-Consort of Aquilae, Viscount of Renduzzo. Dona Ophelia Vuiller of the County of Aquilae, Private of the Company of Balian Don Rodrik Vuiller of the County of Aquilae
  9. Countess Johanne Vuiller glanced the missive over, having just been speaking of this in a Royal Council meeting moments earlier. She'd filed it away for safe keeping soon afterward, a hand settling at her hip as she'd begin anew in instructing her daughter in embroidery. Embroidered bears do not perfect themselves, afterall.
  10. Olenna de Joannes offered a quiet smile, one meant for comfort as Louis came to her in his time of strife. She'd grasp his hand gently, offering ushered words of assurance before settling a kiss against his cheek. "Oh, my sweet Louis.."
  11. The now Countess had gotten the news shortly after the news of her grandfather and aunts passing, stricken with grief. She loved Diana dearly, having learned much from the woman in the years growing up and her having assisted her in her love for the courts of the Palati Monterosa. She signed the Lorraine, breathless as prayers ushered out, one after another as she sought solace within GOD in this time. She could only hope to make her predecessors proud.
  12. “For the Eagles foresight, we reign victorious.” With great sadness, shortly after the announcement of the passing of our Patriarch, news came of another. Dona Ravn Vuiller passed of a heart attack minutes after the letters went out of her brother's death, the last of thirteen siblings and bringing a generation to its end. A mother, sister, grandmother and ever faithful wife. She joins her husband, Sir Duncan Vuiller once more, leaving behind many family members who will miss her dearly. With what was thought to be no will, letters seemed to have gone out of their own volition, each a private entity read by those she loved and cared for. The household holds great love for her, taking time to reminisce, pray and grieve within that of the Basilica. “So Horen submitted, but was wise first, for he felt the presence of Iblees in the world.” Line 17, the Scroll of Gospel. Dona Ravn Vuiller had been a soft-spoken woman, offering sage advice and calm smiles for those of her family during trying times. The scent of stew or baked goods often wafted out from the kitchen, always a treat found atop a table for those to enjoy. A pious woman, she’d kept her cross often clutched close against her chest, ever loyal GOD and her family. She may be gone but she is not forgotten. Respects may be paid within the Basilica, joining those within as they ushered out their prayers. This is a trying time for the household, as another Silver Eagle passes, and yet, still, we stand strong. "Exalted Horen and Saint Julia, behold us prostrate at your feet, learning by your most noble example. Through God our Lord, grant us peace and harmony, and, through the abundant graces God hath given to you, bless us in times of need and plenty alike." May GOD bless us. May Saint Harald Vuiller look upon his descendants with pride and tender care. And may Dona Ravn Vuiller find peace within the Seven Skies. Signed, Her Excellency, the Matriarch of House Vuiller, Dona Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Countess of Aquilae, Viscountess-Consort of Renduzzo, Procurator of the Kingdom of Balian. His Excellency, the Patriarch of House Darkwood, Don Drako Darkwood, Count-Consort of Aquilae, Viscount of Renduzzo.
  13. “For the Eagles foresight, we reign victorious.” With great sadness, the Vuiller household announces the passing of their Patriarch and Matriarch, Count Rev Vuiller and Countess Diana Vuiller. A Knight and Dame, a husband and wife, a father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, Uncle and aunt and so on. They leave many family behind as they soar up to the Seven Skies, in turn joining family lost previously. The household holds great love for them, taking time to reminisce, pray and grieve. “Finally, Horen and his tribe built homes of wood and cloth in the plains, and they built temples of stone, and had many children.” Line 13, the Scroll of Gospel. Count Rev Vuiller had built his family up, brought them from mere commoners to the County they are today. Through trials and tribulations, through that of many a war, Civil or otherwise. He stood strong, unwilting, spine straight as he took on whatever may hit the family with unwavering will. We will dearly miss him and hold him in our hearts, share his stories and praise his doings. Countess Diana Vuiller had been the calm amongst the storm, strong against battering winds and supporting the family in all of its doings. Having taught the Vuillers as new nobility that of etiquette, assisting those in debuts and assisting the household in its many matters. Having led us through the Brothers War, aiding in fortifying the keep of Vuillermoz and always the strong presence, she had been beauty, grace and strength. A force to be reckoned with, we mourn her loss and hold her close to our heart, hearing her instruction with each curtsy and her kindness in each conversation. The two could never be without the other, and so they fly forth, side by side in the Seven Skies. As one Eagles flight takes itself to greater heights, that of the Seven Skies, another fully grows its wings. The new head of household, now Countess Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, the first Countess of Aquilae steps forth to lead her family during these trying times. She seeks solace within the basilica, head bowed in prayer, words ushered softly. With this announcement, should any family or friends wish to pay their respects to the deceased, they may make their way to the Basilica and join those within. Letters are sent out to the family branches outside of Balian, ensuring all are fully informed. "Exalted Horen and Saint Julia, behold us prostrate at your feet, learning by your most noble example. Through God our Lord, grant us peace and harmony, and, through the abundant graces God hath given to you, bless us in times of need and plenty alike." May GOD bless us. May Saint Harald Vuiller look upon his descendants with pride and tender care. And may Count Rev Vuiller and Countess Diana Vuiller find peace within the Seven Skies. Signed, Her Excellency, the Matriarch of House Vuiller, Dona Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Countess of Aquilae, Viscountess-Consort of Renduzzo, Procurator of the Kingdom of Balian. His Excellency, the Patriarch of House Darkwood, Don Drako Darkwood, Count-Consort of Aquilae, Viscount of Renduzzo.
  14. Dona Johanne Vuiller, once heiress and now Countess felt the letter crumple partly within hand, exhaling a slow breath in an attempt to get her bearings but her breath caught. Her throat tightened, and tears welled. She'll be responsible later, now, she clutched at her husbands shirt as she cried over the passing of her grandfather. Dona Ravn Vuiller clutched at her chest, a familiar feeling over these years, beginning with her sisters and husbands death coming over her. The news brought upon a heart attack, the last of the thirteen siblings lasting only minutes after the letters are received before she was gone, too. To the Seven Skies, finding solace within her father's arms once more in death.
  15. Dona Johanne Vuiller had no problem with the idea in particular but she arched a blonde brow as she took in the Rosa Lane district, entirely free of downpayment and taxes alike which acts as this very thing mentioned! Nonetheless, she looks forward to see how this may play out.
  16. Princesa Sofia De Pelear beamed in excitement, peering up at her father past her lashes as she'd grasp at his sleeve, swaying partly on tiptoes as she'd question him endlessly of what artifacts would be found. Would they be pretty? Can she have one? Is there a lot? And so and so forth!
  17. SURNAME: Kervallen FIRST NAME: Evander ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: Barracks FACTION(NOBILITY OR COMMONER): Commoner YEAR OF BIRTH: Years confuse me, he's 40 Are you registered and eligible to vote? Yes ((MC NAME)): tadabug2000
  18. Princesa Sofia De Pelear heard of what happened, peering up at her mother past her lashes. "Madre, Spider Atilan got in trouble!" @animewolf0080 Lady Marcella Ludovar couldn't quite help the relief that overcame her. Atilans way of flirting had certainly frightened her. Her hand extended outward to what she hopes to soon be her betrothed, Hamish Kortrevich for some comfort. @lokvank
  19. Dona Johanne Vuiller can only hope that should her and Drako meet their 50th year together, that they love each other even near as much as her grandparents do even then!
  20. Dona Johanne Vuiller glanced over the missive a moment, before filing it away into a cabinet. She'd visited their new allies this past Saints day, taking a look upon their city and befriending those within. "For the Eagles foresight, we reign victorious." She'd murmur out, glad to see the prosperous Kingdom of Balian rise further.
  21. Dona Johanne Vuiller prepares for mass testing! She'd gather what family is about, intent on getting every last one tested, including herself. The lorraine is signed over the cross of Saint Harald Vuiller, uttering a prayer as she'd wait in line soon enough.
  22. Evander Kervallen assisted his father in the preparation of the promised munitions, sleeves rolled back over his arms and the heat of the forge washing over him in familiarity.
  23. Dona Johanne Vuiller wondered briefly what those had to have been smoking to have done what they did that day. It was handled now, nonetheless!
  24. Dona Johanne Vuiller is pleased her family, that of the Vuillers and Darkwoods both are of the first to receive land as peers.
  25. Lady Aobh Black'hil soon found her sister, arms throwing around her and squeezing until a faint pop is heard before soon releasing her. "Come on, Al! Bop the rats." One might wonder what that meant, though, it was only known between the two sisters. Aobh bounced on her toes, head bobbing while muttering out the impromptu song and soon assist-dragging her sister to the barracks where it all began. "If you get more then me, I will even give you a slice of cheese!" She called tantalizingly, or it sounded tantalizing to her, shimmying her hips as a dagger is withdrawn, stabbing down with a thunk as it speared a silvery creature, watching it squirm beneath her blade before it finally stopped.
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