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  1. On the 14th of Francisco’s Resolve, 92 The Loss of a Mother It has been a year since the passing of Annika Denodado; A beloved mother, viscountess, and friend to all in Hyspia. After a year of mourning, House Denodado shall be hosting a funeral to properly put her to rest, and allow closure for all who knew Annika. Throughout her life, Annika has been a source of compassion to all that knew her. In her early life, she was the woman that gave the Brotherhood of Saint Karl the courage they needed to continue the fight against the mori, even against all odds. She saw the good in all, including those of the horde. She would befriend anyone and everyone that met her, and not a single bad thing could be said about the compassionate Viscountess. In her later years, Annika became known throughout Hyspia as a mother to all, a friend to outsiders, and someone that would help anyone through anything. To her, there was nothing too little that could be done for someone, and she would always go out of her way to make sure that others were having a better time than they were the day before. To her children and grandchildren, she was the kindest person they had ever met, and a role model to strive to become. To her husband, she was an angel that was taken too soon. The Funeral The funeral is to be held in Hyspia, within La Dorada at the Church of Blessed Francisco in four Saints Days time. All who knew Annika are welcome to attend, including those of her maiden family, House Amador. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado Visconde de Banderas, Baron de Sevilla, Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Oficial de Imigracion, Captain of the Opal Odyssey
  2. LA CORTE DE GIRASOL The Soberano’s Court Issued by the Soberano-Consort of Hyspia 11th of Carlos Strength, 92 D.R. A depiction of the Hyspian people. Within the history of Hyspia and its changing trends, brief accounts of its peoples' fashion has been given, but never anything more in-depth. This is showcased in a previous missive on the Hyspian culture and its fashion during the Hyspian schism era, the next missive to be found on Hyspias fashion being found during the Hanso-Hyspian era in which a section was touched on within a Haense fashion missive. The most recent missive is under the late Vicereine Karyna of Malkova's reign, speaking briefly on the common peoples form of dress. What the three have in common is that they are brief blurbs of what the Hyspian fashion is, in which we wish to elucidate the understanding of today in this in-depth missive of what the Hyspian people wear in today's era. Hyspian fashion today has come to be encompassed in two words, fabrics and layers. While status can change the meaning of those entirely, you would find more often than not this common denominator showcased amongst the Hyspian people. Breathable fabrics such as linen, silk and lightweight cotton are most primarily used for the underlayers of the Hyspian outfit - Gone unseen for the most part. It is the overlayers that the people see, that are paired together with vests, ponchos, shawls, belts and the like that make up the vibrant blend that is Hyspian fashion. Light, flowy clothing is seen, allowing for an ease of movement and protection from the Hyspian sun. Dyes and pigments dominate the fashion landscape, vibrant colors contrasting greatly against the desert sands, aquas, pinks and deep greens making their rounds. A depiction of a common Hyspian outfit. In the depiction above, you can see a Hyspian couple stand side by side. On the right, a common Hyspian woman is shown, donned in vibrant fabrics. The shoes worn are closed-toed, made of suede or soft leather, the materials used due to the Hyspian environment. Above this is a vibrantly patterned skirt, this one checkered or patchwork, aiding in showcasing her status as one of the common people. Attached to the skirt is an apron of vibrant colors, embroidery and imagery upon the bottom - the imagery showcasing keeping with the fashion trends which aids in telling further of her status, being a bit more well-off. Moving towards the top, a loose long sleeve is worn, the sleeves translucent and easily able to be pinned or rolled up. Tying up the entire outfit is a vibrantly colored shawl, draped over it and pinned before her, making up the average Hyspian outfit. On the left, you have the common Hyspian man, who is not as trendy as his counterpart. He dons a pair of suede or soft leather boots, closed-toed - which leads up to a pair of breeches of a blue color, loose and soft to allow for easier movement. The breeches are high-waisted, with a vibrantly colored fabric belt cinched at the top over a simple beige underlayered vest, which has a further underlayer beneath it, a mid-sleeve top with a collar poking out. Above this all is a blue vest, made of the same fabric and color the breeches are - embroidery at the edges and simple copper buttons. The look is finished off with a draping cape, dark in color and with a lack of patterns, embroidery or imagery. “Hyspian attire can range widely depending on the wealth and social standing. While more wealthy Hyspians can afford more eloquent and traditional clothing, the more lower class Hyspians usually resort to wearing anything they can sew together.” An excerpt from the Hyspian schism era missive on fashion. A depiction of the Noble Hyspian outfit. In the depiction above, you can see a Hyspian couple stand side by side. On the right, you have the trendy noble donned in vibrant skirts, shawl and a decorative hair comb with flowers - associated with the flamenco look which has been rising in popularity. While unseen in the depiction, she dons a pair of closed-toed, crepe soled slippers with a rise to it, intricate embroidery along the edges. The skirt is bell-shaped due to the farthingale beneath it - an underskirt aiding in forming the shape the Noble lady wishes for. The overskirt, a rich green with many folds and layers is seen over top, ruffles showcased with a silver embroidery. Moving up is the square neckline along a lighter green bodice, translucent ruffles showcased along the top and a powdery fabric strung along, in which a shawl is pinned onto - the pins of a lustrous gold. The shawl is long, of a darker fabric towards the end - allowing for further drapery. The top is translucent and patterned alike, leaving it open to showcase any jewelry found beneath and the shawl left open to showcase the entirety of the outfit. On the left, you have the trendy noble man, donned in vibrant colors, embroidery and imagery, alongside that of the widely popular montera hat that the Matadors so favor. Though unseen, he wears closed-toes boots with crepe soles and golden buttons imprinted with imagery upon suede lined flaps, pinning them down. He dons vibrantly colored breeches, tighter on the bottom and looser at the top, allowing an ease of movement. A soft leather belt is worn, a buckle with imagery showcased prominently, tying the breeches together. Hidden is a simple shirt of light fabric, and above it, a doublet tailored to fit snugly. It is of a vibrant color and intricate texture, ruffles coming together in many sewn-together layers. The sleeves are long, becoming looser at the end when they flare out as bell sleeves. Tying together the entire outfit is the highly popular side-cape, of a different shade to the doublet and showcasing patterns and embroidery of flower based imagery. A depiction of the further layering of the Hyspian outfit. “Cardigans with embroidered flowers and ponchos with intricate designs became a staple, silver or aurum chains tying the pieces together. Added layers of vibrant fabrics, belts, buckles, pins, and the like became more notable in turn. Each adornment becomes a fashion statement of their own; the quality of a brooch or pin and its grandeur helps those to tell the individual's status.” An excerpt from a missive on Hanso-Hyspian fashion. In the previous section, we spoke on fabrics and the importance of layering, going in-depth as to the social classes' way of doing so. In this section, we will touch further on layers that go into creating each artistic Hyspian ensemble. Many options can be found when creating the Hyspian outfit, ranging from side-skirts to ponchos. The way of wearing each piece is open to change. The three ranges seen in skirts and capes being that of shape and length. Side, half and full. Side-skirts or capes are used as more of a statement piece, layers peeking out from beneath and of vibrant color, embroidery and imagery as it is the top-most piece seen by all. Half-skirts and capes are much the same, but allowing for a further cover and protection from the desert sun - the full lengths doing naturally as expected with these articles of clothing. Other articles of clothing often seen used are the shawl and cardigan, embroidered or with loose and translucent fabrics. Ponchos are much the same as the above, though often longer in length, with deep-set imagery of a deeper contrast of color to the base color. A depiction showcasing a particularly pious Hyspian woman. “Furthermore, Hyspian clothing holds a common theme of square necklines, various jewelry, and embroidery holding symbolism to that of the Hyspian people and of the church, and each layer of fabric is more colorful than the last.” An excerpt from the Hanso-Hyspian on fashion. Spoken of frequently during this missive is that of embroidery and imagery, which will be touched on further in this section. Each piece of embroidery and imagery holds a symbolism in the Hyspian culture, more often than not, being used to show their piety and nationalism. Religious iconography is most prevalent, imagery of Blessed Francisco, favored Saints and the Lorraine cross found most often. Alongside this, thin, aurum detailings are found in embroidery. Nationalism can be found in the beads of embroidery, and upon ones skirts, doublets or veils. Sapphires and blue based jewels are thus used to showcase the love for Hyspia, with use of its colors. Veils when used can be of varying styles, from the translucent veil growing in popularity, short and delicate - and used to better signify youth. These would be attached most often to some form of head piece, of golds or silvers. Longer veils of a non-translucent fabric tells an entire story of its own, detailed imagery and embroidery showcased upon it - jewels pocketed throughout to make up the piece. The base color is of a simpler nature most often, so as to not detract from the imagery used. Crosses, pins, buttons, belts, buckles and the like each are something added onto any Hyspian ensemble to keep the varying layers together, each adornment further telling a story of the individual in question and their livelihood. A depiction of a Hyspian bride and groom. The wedding outfits of Hyspians range and vary wildly, and cannot be pinpointed to any specific style or color. From the more pious dresses, donned in a cross and veil - the only luxury being that of a rich, pigmented color to that of the exotic, in which the grandest display the individual may ever wear is showcased, in vibrant colors, embroidery and imagery. From heirloom dresses, to ones of no expense wasted, wedding outfits - for men and women alike, range widely from one couple to the next. The one thing in common between each is the showcasing of pigmented colors, long flowing fabrics and religious iconography somewhere upon their person. A depiction of a Hyspian woman in mourning. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is the traditional Hyspian mourning garb. This comes in blacks and yellows, with the uncommon splash of color amongst their person. It is perhaps the only time in a Hyspians wardrobe that one would see an abject lack of color, patterns and embroidery. This by no means makes the outfit simple, for what it lacks, it makes up for with intricate and lengthy veils, aurum and silver crosses, beads and pins - and deep, flowing garments. It is heavily frowned upon to wear anything vibrant during a time of mourning, and once someone is to remove the mourning garb and wear something anew, they are thus considered out of mourning. Hyspian fashion is not just about clothing; it’s a celebration of heritage, creativity, and the vibrant spirit of its people. It's an art form that interweaves tradition with modernity, functionality with elegance. As Hyspia continues to embrace its roots while looking forward, the evolution of its fashion remains a captivating journey to observe and participate in. En El Nombre De Dios HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia
  3. A FIFTH ROYAL NAMEDAY Of Rafael and Renata THE VICEROYAL HOUSEHOLD 11th of Javier’s Justice, circa 89 D.R. It is with immense joy that the Viceroyal family announces the fifth nameday celebrations of His Highness, Infante Rafael Arsenico and Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba. They are of the first of their name, and we watch on to see the precedents they set for those to follow after them. The theme of the nameday celebrations is that of ‘A Night in Hyspia’, the meaning of such up to the attendees discretion, though heavily encouraged to come dressed in your best. The night will end with a sleepover for the children in attendance, so be sure to get your parents permission first! [A depiction of the celebrations to take place.] The Festivities The festivities will open with the introductions of the young royals to those in attendance, within the Palacio de Garisol. A series of tables will be set out, showcasing a series of different foods for the attendees to enjoy at their discretion, while a series of performances take place. Following this is a game of ‘Pin the Tail on the Bull’, the unveiling of a new game invented for this very day and the beating of the traditional Hyspian pinata! The night will close off with a sleepover in the palace, where it is encouraged to bring your best onesies to wear! For those seeking to bring gifts, the Infante Rafael is known to enjoy anything to do with fighting or to do with music and the Infanta Renata is known to love all things purple and anything that can lead to adventure. [Thursday, 5pm EST]
  4. Ryba, It has been 10 years since you left your children in my care, with no regard for their safety, or their lives. 10 years since you shouted at me for how you hated our family, and how you were forced to live the life you chose for yourself. 10 years since I went to the courts of Aaun and gained guardianship of the children you had abandoned. 10 years since you threatened my life for attempting to form a healthy familial relationship with your new wife. 10 years since you ran away with said wife to a small village. 10 years since you abandoned your post in the Marian Retinue. 10 years since you ran away from your responsibilities, your family, and those you hold dear with no explanation. I was holding out hope that you would return. I wanted to tell you that your son, Aleksandr, is now married and has four beautiful children, the oldest of which is now 6. I wanted to share with you my son's engagement. I wanted to share with you my daughter's countless victories in battle, I wanted to share a cup of tea with you, and tell you how much you have missed since you had left. But you never wrote, nor ever showed your face in Haense or Hyspia. It is for these reasons that you, Ryba, are hereby disowned from our House. Ryba, your name from this point forth, should you ever go by a name that is not your wife's, shall be Ryba the Black. Signed, Baron of Sevilla, Justiciero of Hyspia, Oficial De Imigracion, Captain of the Obsidian Pearl
  5. Department of the Justiciero The Judicial Department of the Viceroyalty of Hypsia Issued by the Office of the Justiciero 15th of Maria’s Peace, 82 N.R. El Departmento De Justicia [!] A prosecutor would be in the middle of stating his case against the defendant, while a scribe writes down what he says Structure Justiciero Current Justiciero: Demitrey Denodado @Nymstra The Justiciero is the head of El Departamento De Justicia in Hyspia. They are in charge of organizing and running trials within the lands of Hyspia, along with delegating tasks to their Prosecutors and Investigators. He or She is also in charge of charging citizens with crimes, or allowing citizens to charge others with crimes when deemed necessary. When a person is charged with a crime in the lands of Hyspia, a document is created and passed on to the Prosecutors and Investigators. The Justiciero assigns a Prosecutor and an Investigator to work the case. The case file originally starts with a rough outline of what both parties must complete before the court hearing. Prosecuters Current Prosecutors: Rheya @scoobi N/A Prosecutors are tasked with writing the formal argument as to why the person charged with a crime is guilty of this crime. Their job is to convince the Viceroy, through the court hearing, that the defendant is guilty, by using the evidence given to them by the Investigator. A prosecutor will fill out their argument into their case file before the court hearing, so that it may be provided to the Viceroy. A Prosecutor is not allowed to take mina from anyone affiliated with the defendant. A prosecutor is not allowed to break the Law in order to prove to the Viceroy that the defendant is guilty Investigators Current Investigators: N/A N/A Investigators are tasked with investigating a crime that has happened in the nation of Hyspia. This can be caused by being instructed by the Viceroy, Justiciero, or a Citizen that a crime has occurred. The investigator will look into the incident and provide their findings to the Justiciero. If a crime has indeed occurred and the Justiciero pushes forward with a formal court case, the Investigator will provide all of the evidence that they have collected into the case file provided by the Justiciero. An investigator is allowed to question individuals about an incident as they see fit. An investigator is not allowed to break the Law in order to gain evidence. EN EL NOMBRE DE DIOS, HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Patriarch of House de Pelear HIS VICEROYAL EXCELLENCY, Sergio Harold Othaman, Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Lord Minister of His Highness’ Government HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado, Justiciero de Hyspia, Baron of Sevilla, Oficial de Imigracion
  6. Princess Verónica Weiss Circa 147 S.A. Verónica had been within the courtyard of the Valdev palace before they had gone to meet with their allies on the battlefield. She kept to herself on the side, a knot in her gut. She watched as everyone was chummy with each other. She didn’t offer much in terms of conversation with anyone, it wasn’t that she was being offensive, it was just that those there would rather interact with others. This was her normal, and she had accepted that. Granted, earlier in the day, she spoke with Mikhail and had a rather touching conversation with him. Other than that, she wordlessly went along with everyone as they headed out. During the Battle of the Westmark, Verónica had fought along her fellow soldiers with pride, helping slay the Veletzian foes where she could, and following orders within the ranks. She had been struck by a lance on a retreat called, which had knocked the wind out of her, reducing her stamina for the rest of the fight due to her age.. Yet she pressed on. During one of the times they had fallen back into the treeline, she found herself next to Mikhail Valkonen- offering him a reassuring nod that they were going to be all right in the end. That they were going to make it out alive.. Oh how wrong she had been on her end. Within the heat of the battle, an unknown Veletzen soldier ended up setting their eyes upon Koneas Amaya. Verónica had dutifully stayed as close as she could to her queen, on the field, this allowed her to see the attack attempt. She made her way over; quickly taking action. She raised her Princessa Fatal, a blade made for her by Demitrey Denodado, the sword being her go-to weapon. Her blade parried the long sword of the Veletzen’s, having swung it to her right. The two were mostly left alone as the war waged on around them. With her no longer being a spring chicken, she was easily slain, not having the ability to back up fast enough as the enemy soldier brought their blade up and slit her throat. The red liquid sprayed out like a fountain and covered them as the enemy set out to join their allies. Verónica hit the ground with a thud, time had slowed for her as her life flashed before her eyes. She lay in a pool of crimson that started to gather around her and sink into the earth below. After the battle had been lost, both sides were able to claim their dead. A young Konrad Stafyr had found the Princess’s body first. He screamed out “NO!” in a disdained and agonized voice that carried across the gore-filled field. His cry caught the attention of the now-dead woman's niece. Rosalind Valkonen who now knelt across from Konrad as he took her helmet off, praying that it wasn’t who he thought it was.. Once his fears had been concerned. He desperately attempted to find a pulse in a panicked state. None was found.. Rosalind gingerly did her best to clean Verónica’s paled face off before they could get her out of there and returned to her family Verónica awoke within the seven skies. Her joints didn’t ache and she felt young again.. Her hair was longer than it had in years, she enjoyed her long hair and her face and body were no longer scarred. Before she knew what was really happening, she was walking through a set of pearly gates with others around her who had also fallen during the battle. She ended up stopping at the group that was there for her. To greet her in the seven skies. Finally understanding where she was. Verónica started to weep “No!” She exclaimed in what was utter defeat, crying sheer agony on the spot. Her mother, Laurelie wrapped the newly deceased in a hug “It is alright bebé” she shared in an attempt to comfort her “Ea did niet even get to say goodbye-” she whimpered back in dismay “Ea.. did niet get to say goodbye..” she repeated. Joining everyone within the seven skies should have been a happy occasion but for Veronica. In that moment, it was nothing but a feeling of sheer defeat. Princess Verónica Frisketa Isabella Maria Lucia Elisabetta Weiss died in the Battle of Westmark on the 10th of the Grand Harvest, 159 of the Second Age. Verónica leaves behind, her husband. Four children, two daughters-in-law, and ten grandchildren. Please do not meta-game these letters. Each character listed would be given an envelope that was sealed with spring green wax stamped with the Weiss lion, instead of a sun behind it, there was a lightning bolt. Audo Walter Karl Viktor Martina Mikhail Rosalind Raelle Marian Sofia Y’vette Cesar Demitrey Amaya Roui Konrad Glorier Nova Amethyst
  7. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Your name has been one that has become well renowned as of late, as the cogs of war slowly creep towards your hold. There are many that reside within your lands that I would consider acquaintances; some of them I would even consider friends. These friends speak highly of you, saying you are a Lady that is worth the praise. And so, I write this missive to you. From one Baron to another, from one side to another, I request that you see reason and lay down your blades. There is no need for those who have not taken part in all that has caused this war, to suffer the consequences. You and those who reside under you, I believe, are innocent people. It is not too late to lower your blades, and to seek council with the Covenant. Blackwater Keep has fallen, flattened by the Covenant's army, and your keep is in the crosshairs of siege weaponry. Innocent blood need not be shed. If you refuse, which is understandable, I would still be willing to assist you in evacuating civilians, and those who choose not to fight. Just because we reside on opposite sides of this war, does not mean that either one of us should be heartless to the other. Baron of Sevilla, Justicer De Hyspia, Office De Imigracion
  8. La Dorada A HYSPIAN SONG Written by Sofia of Hyspia Queen-Dowager of Haense and Princess of Hyspia It is with the construction of my birth lands once more that I take up my quill and ink once put down for good. Inspiration roars its head and waits for no one. Much like when I was all but a young girl penning a song for our city of Silver, I pen one now, in congratulations for our City of Gold. May Hyspia prosper, growing brighter and more passionate than ever. ♪♩ The City of Silver is long since gone La Ciudad de Plata hace tiempo que desapareció It has not become copper or bronze No se convirtió en cobre ni en bronce. Listen to our Hyspian song! ¡Escuchad nuestra canción hispiana! Color and passion mold our walk El color y la pasión moldean nuestro caminar Laughter and dance fill our talks Risas y bailes llenan nuestras charlas Cobble sounds beneath our horses hooves Los adoquines suenan bajo los cascos de nuestros caballos. How we cheer for the Princess Ramona! ¡Cómo animamos a la Princesa Ramona! Blessed by DIOS! Bendecida por Dios! We wondered, we wondered Nos preguntamos, nos preguntamos Would we ever see this day? ¿Veríamos este día alguna vez? The independence of our Viceroyalty! ¡La independencia de nuestro Virreinato! We cheered, we cheered Celebramos, Celebramos As we made our way Mientras nos encaminamos To a place of certain beauty Hacia un lugar de gran belleza Color and passion mold our walk El color y la pasión moldean nuestro caminar Laughter and dance fill our talks Risas y bailes llenan nuestras charlas Cobble sounds beneath our horses hooves Los adoquines suenan bajo los cascos de nuestros caballos. How we cheer for the Princess Ramona! ¡Cómo animamos a la princesa Ramona! Blessed by DIOS! Bendecida por Dios! Our Viceroy Cesar I Nuestro Virrey César I Brought us under Haenses turf Nos trajo bajo el yugo de Haense And made the City of Silver Y fundó la Ciudad de Plata Now generations later Ahora, generaciones después We, the Hyspian people Nosotros, el pueblo hispiano. Get our letter Recibimos nuestra carta Of elation from silver to another de euforia de plata a otra Giving us the City of Gold Dándonos la Ciudad de oro ♫
  9. EL REGIMIENTO DE HYSPIA The Viceroy's Own Volunteers Issued by the Viceroyal Crown 2nd of Owyn’s Light, 150 S.A. Prelude [!] The Hyspian Regiment preparing for battle The question of a nation’s survival and the defense of its homeland must be answered by its ability to protect itself. That ability is resonant in its people. Countless tales enumerate the brave Hyspians of yore who have laid down their lives in defense of their culture. The Hyspian Regiment is a product of that historical passion for the Hyspian cause. That passion shall be honed and refined to preserve and protect the freedom of Hyspia’s Crown and her people. After many years of reliance on the Crown of Haenseti-Ruska for the protection of her people, it has now become imperative for Hyspia to take up her own arms once again. Therefore, it is by decree of the Viceroyal Crown to introduce a reformation and reorganization of the armed forces into an unyielding structure; to be used as a model for the rest of Hyspia’s continued existence. The Duties of the Regiment [!] A Hyspian Soldier preparing for patrol The duties of a soldier of the Crown are numerous. The main duties affirmed are: to protect the people, bring honor to the Crown, and to achieve personal glory on and off the battlefield. Soldiers are expected to act in a manner that reflects the Regiment’s moral code, whilst never violating the basic moralities that a soldier may hold. Every man and woman that serves in the military is expected to keep a strong ethical code and follow orders only when they are morally sound. With martial prestige as a soldier comes martial responsibility. The regiment requires its soldiers to participate in intense training to ensure only the most disciplined and skilled are representing the nation. Every soldier is trained to follow orders in combat and any violation of this could result in loss of pay, or even loss of rank depending on the severity of the situation. Actions such as supporting an enemy of Hyspia, or an enemy of Canonism as a whole will result in an immediate court martial, loss of pay and rank, and possible blacklist from the Regiment if found guilty. Oath and Traditions [!]A depiction of an oathing ceremony The Regiment relies on three tenets of faith and loyalty to demonstrate exemplary comradery amongst its members. All soldiers must abide by the three core tenets. “Respect thy faith and thy dignity. An insult to a Hyspian is an insult to all. Follow thy Oath and never stray afar.” To be Oathed is a centuries old tradition in which each member is tested upon their personal becoming. To truly be an asset and of sound prestige within the Regiment, each recruited member must face a fully grown bull in the ring. In the event however that they have proven themselves through heroism or displayed their steadfast loyalty in the protection of Hyspia, they may be exempted. Once an initiated guardsmen has taken on the bull they are then moved on to the duel. Only the upper ranks of the Regiment may conduct the oath. With this in mind the initiate in testing will be expected to duel an upper ranking member of the army. To win or lose is less valuable than the true purpose of this test: to see where the skill sets of the recruit lies. A true testing and show of strength however may lead to a quicker promotion. It is at the will of the Viceroyarch or the Colonel to decide such. The Oath “I, _____, do solemny swear to uphold the honor, integrity, and stability of the Hyspian Crown. I shall uphold the Laws of Hyspia, uphold the three main tenets, perform my duties to the best of my ability, and I shall protect the Viceroyal Family and all Citizens of Hyspia.” Releasement of Position, and Traitorous Actions [!] A depiction of the execution of a traitor At the top of the relinquishment of position is retirement. Once a member of the Regiment has reached a point where they no longer intend to be of service to the nation’s ranks, be that of age, different interest, or new achievements directly conflicting the enlistment of the soldier. They may formally request to be retired from their position in the Hyspian Regiment. However, there are times where the expulsion of a member is necessary. Note that not all leaving of ranks and brotherhood should be an ordeal leading to execution or exile. In a few cases, however dire, one may be requested of honorable medical discharge. Such honorable discharges are few and restricted. An example of a medical discharge may be accredited to permanent disablement. Though that not being the only reason one may be honorably discharged, it is left to the higher ranking officials to decide. Nevertheless, members of the military who retire or are honorably discharged shall always be respected and celebrated for their faithful contributions and steadfast loyalty to Hyspia. Opposite to an honorable discharge is a dishonorable discharge, in which one shows infidelity, thievery, or illegal actions. A fairly simple one as the former member of the Regiment is expected to be tossed away into a grim cell for a set time as the judge or Viceroyarch sees fit. The latter scenario, however, is far less of a punishment in comparison to a member who has been labeled a traitor. Such examples are: one who has fled the ranks, or worse gone to a foreign ranks in an attempt to sabotage the Regiment. The only suitable punishment for such would be a public execution. The Ranks and Roles [!] Painted in traditional order of ranking leaders The Regiment is divided into vertical cohorts. The titles and responsibilities of each rank have been engraved in Hyspian martial traditions since the unification of the Hyspian people. In honor of the Hyspian culture, the ranks reflect the rich history of Hyspia’s martial prowess. General The honorary title belongs to the Viceroyarch of Hyspia. Traditionally serving as the head of the military and commander of the troops. The military is at the Viceroyarch’s command. Colonel The highest authority in the practical chain of command, second in official rank to only the Viceroy. The main job of this position is to ensure the Regiment’s combat readiness and continued function at all times. Lieutenant The second in command of the Regiment. Whoever holds this position shall be in charge of ensuring the proper training of soldiers and overseeing events, taking charge only when necessary. Cabo The main corps of event hosts, Cabo are soldiers who have proven themselves capable enough to lead events such as training, patrols, and day to day duties such as rallying troops to respond to situations. Gaucho A fully oathed soldier of the crown. Proven themselves worthy in a multitude of combat and non combat situations. The main corps of veteran soldiers will be this rank. Soldado Freshly recruited soldiers of the crown, these men and women have yet to prove themselves, but are on the path. They have the crown's authority, but still need the proper training in order to be a true soldier. Milicia Citizen soldiers, an auxiliary corps rallying to defend the nation if called upon. No formal training necessary. Enlistment [!] Painted depiction of fresh recruits on a patrol Prior to enlistment, one must satisfy the minimum prerequisites required for admission: I. One must be at least thirteen summers old. II. One must be a Hyspian citizen. III. One must be of able mind and body. If all prerequisites are satisfied then the candidate may be admitted into the Regiment at the Colonel or Viceroyarch’s discretion. To defend one’s home and nation is a right that all Hyspians shall hold. The Regiment shall be the main force of resistance against all oppressive forces that seek to bring woe to our nation. May DIOS keep Hyspia and her people, ever steadfast and determined in their right to exist. Viva Hyspia! Signed, HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear HER HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Crown Princesa of Hyspia, Duchess of Paraiso HIS EXCELLENCY, Señor Jose Fuentes, The Colonel of Hyspia, Commander of the Third Regiment
  10. A ROYAL CHILD BIRTH OF THE DUCHESS OF KVENOLAND KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by THE CROWN Naf zwy 21st hag i Wzuvar ag Byvca i 481 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, After the trying times had with the ending of Almaris and our consequent move to Aevos, as our people gathered once more and a new home and capital was built, the Queen-Consort Sofia Camila of Hyspia found herself with child who was soon born to a midwife in the clinic of St. Amyas. During the early morning hours, as the sun just barely began to crest up over the sky, the sounds of a healthy, screaming little girl has been welcomed into this world, with the crystalline blue eyes of her father and hair much like her mothers. Keeping with both the mother and fathers familial traditions, she has been granted names containing Haeseni, Hyspian and Rhenyari based aspects to them and with that, we do so happily formally announce and introduce our daughter: HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, THE DUCHESS OF KVENOLAND, Isabel Theodora Mariposa Leila Reza Amadea Barbanov-Bihar @ibiou Damar lifsti va Edlerviki, His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Slesvik, Solvesborg, and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia, and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Siegrad, Torun, Toruv, Valdev, and Werdenburg, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Astfield, Buck, Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, and Thurant, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Slesvik, Solvesborg, and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia, and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Siegrad, Torun, Toruv, Valdev, and Werdenburg, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Astfield, Buck, Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, and Thurant.
  11. [!] Written by the late Crown Princess Esperanza Alba Laurelie Camila de Pelear of Hyspia, her writings have been published by the Viceroyal Crown for the public to see, may the Bard Princess rest in peace upon the Seven Skies. Idioma de Las Fans Viceroyalty of Hyspia’s Language of the Fan Hyspian Cultural Codex: Volume I Introduction With the growing popularity of decorative fans, the high class society of Hyspia soon developed a sort of ‘language of the fans’ referred to as Idioma de las Fans, popular amongst the high class ladies within Hyspian Courts. What first started out as internal communication within singular social circles soon grew into a must know for any sophisticated lady within high society, paired with a fan often decorated with precious gemstones, delicate laces, and intricate designs. Common Fan Designs The value of the fan often reflects the pedigree of the lady who owns it. A noble woman and her very pretty fan. A common lady and her very common fan. The Language of Fans Starting Communication Carrying in the Left in Front of Face - I’m Paying Attention Common Phrases Fan Resting on Left Cheek - Yes Fan Resting on Right Cheek - No Holding the Fan in the Left Hand, In Front of Face - Follow Me Placing the Fan on the Left Ear - Please Don’t Leave Placing the Fan on the Right Ear - Please Leave Hiding the Mouth - We Are Being Watched Conversation Carrying in the Left Hand - Wishing for Acquaintance Holding the Fan in Both Hands, Closed - I Wish to Speak to You Carrying in Left Hand, Open - Come and Talk to Me Carrying in Right Hand, Open - I Don’t Wish to Speak Relationships Fanning Slowly - I am Married Fanning Quickly - I am Engaged Holding the Fan in Both Hands, Open - I am Single Holding the Fan in the Left Hand, Half Shut - Desire to Become Friends Holding the Fan in the Right Hand, Half Shut - Desire to Stay Friends Matters of the Heart Twirling the Fan in the Left Hand - I Love You Twirling the Fan in the Right Hand - I Love Another Tapping the Heart Once with the Fan - I Like You Tapping the Heart Twice with the Fan - Meet Me Later Tapping the Heart Thrice with the Fan - You Have Won My Love Pointing the Fan to the Ground - I Hate You
  12. By order of Princess Sofia de Pelear of Ciudad de Plata a Notif of Dama de Honor has been issued for Senorita Isidora Adella Antúnez The first trial has been issued for one such Isidora Antúnez entrance into the position of Dama de Honor for Princess Sofia de Pelear of Ciudad de Plata. The role is a hefty one, though it comes with perks of the trade, should you go on to pass all three. During this time, the Viceroyal family will be watching the girls actions to see if she’d be a good fit and look forward to what may come of this all. The first trial is this; Plan, coordinate and host an event that will fit your perspective Princess standards. The rules are this, it must be within Ciudad de Plata. You may have assistance, within reason. An invite must be sent out to the public as a whole. Should you accept this first trial, come in person to state your intentions. May DIOS guide you! Viva Hyspia! Signed, Her Highness, Sofia de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia
  13. A confession. She couldn’t feel anything at first. Nor hear anything. Until suddenly it all came rushing to her, the roaring passing through her ears, the rapid thud of her heart. The grief clogging her throat. Sofia naturally had her suspicions. She never did believe him innocent in his trial originally. And now there had been another murder. This one her father. Their father. She tried for a moment, to remember a time when she thought of the man she shared a womb with, as her brother and her mind drew blank, hazy. What cruelty this was. He always did have a way of ruining everything, coddled until he couldn’t be no more. A feeling welled up, one familiar yet foreign. A moment of satisfaction. That she was right. He had dealt such pain to the family. That feeling soon left, though, favored by grief. Despite herself, she found she had occasionally missed the man she once called her brother. What would life had been like if he was not a psychopath? Could they have been close? The cliche of twins you may read within a novel? Or would it have been the same? And as that last feeling joined the rest, she felt nothing but vengeance come over her. If it were not for him, her father would be here this day. If it were not for him, the family wouldn’t have splintered as they grieved. Always, always if it were not for him.. Sofia de Pelear, daughter of Cesar and Laurelie de Pelear sat upon the pews of the church after having signed the Lorraine and bowed her head. And so she prayed, "DIOS, in your name I pray, free me from this grief and anger alike. This hatred I feel for who was once my twin. He took life from this world, that of my Padre and does not regret it. Vengeance may be a sin and yet, I feel it burning through me. Show me your light, your guidance. DIOS, I plead to tu deliver me from this pain and allow me to think with a clear mind and body. DIOS, in your name I pray. Amen.” A tear slid down her cheek, growing silent within the expanse of the church.
  14. [!] A notif has been posted among the noticeboards of Ciudad de Plata, Karosgrad and Haense vassals alike, detailing an upcoming class hosted by the Vicereine, Laurelie de Pelear and Princess Amity de Pelear within Hyspia! [!] An oil painting done by Vicereine, Laurelie de Pelear, 1896. The Vicereine and Princess of Hyspia invite the children of Haense and allied nations from the ages of five to seventeen to a painting class. Here they will be taken on a tour of the island, learn the craft of painting, mingle, and make connections among their peers. Canvas, brushes, oil paint, paint pallets & aprons will be provided. The de Pelear family looks forward to your attendance. Signed, Her Highness, Laurelie de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep and Gereon's Hold Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Princess-Consort of Hyspia
  15. The Hyspian Herald! Vol. 5 A newsletter for kids, written by kids! --- Two Royal Courtships! A certainly grand announcement is to be had as this generation of Hyspia begins to come to a head, the announcement of not one but two courtships has come to this writer's ears. The first; heralding in a new age for Hyspia is the courtship of Crown Prince Francisco de Pelear and Lady Amity Morovar. Though, who can really say we are surprised? The Lady had been sent as a Ward to the family at the mere age of twelve, and we all saw this coming. The second courtship is one not quite expected after the drama previously mentioned in another volume of the Herald, the courtship of Prince Alejandro de Pelear and Senorita Callista Santos! What will come of their match as Callista's own brother pines after the Prince's twin, the Princess Sofia de Pelear? Only time will tell! The wedding of Baron Felix Weiss and Maria Antonella! As announced in the previous Herald, the marriage of the now ennobled Baron Felix Weiss and the Senorita Maria Antonella, now Baroness-Consort of Zvaervauld took place within the Church of Blessed Francisco in Hyspia. The first marriage to happen upon the Ciudad de Plata lands since it was settled! A lovely ceremony took place, with the King of Haense himself sitting at the very front row. Shortly after the ceremony, a match began in the Hyspian bullring - sans the Bulls. An all-out fisticuffs match with a large sum given to the winner! That wasn’t the end, though, as the rapidly bonding families of Weiss and de Pelear seemed to not be quite done. The Baron Felix Weiss had called the oldest attending down below and delivered a donation of minas for the de Pelears ongoing expansions! The Attack of the Ferrymen! Shortly after those departed from the Baron Weiss wedding and celebrations thereafter, the Ferrymen had descended on those of Hyspia and a fight began! Many jumped before the royalty present, some making their escape to bird for help while others stayed and defended their home. It wasn’t long before the tables were turned, as those of Hyspia and those of Haense who arrived worked together to drive away those who’d ruin the day! A chaotic day certainly to remember! Skeletons in the Clinic?! Injuries were tended to after the fight and reports were made, though believed to be hallucinations after an exhausting day had, of skeletons getting to their feet and running after people when their caretaker no longer wished to help them! Strange times! Perhaps some of those clinical herbs were the cause of a joint hallucination? The Recovery of Relics and Reabsorption of Household Titles! The second Hyspian court to take place within Ciudad de Plata was hosted by the Crown Prince Francisco de Pelear, where a few announcements took place; though, the real winner in this was the recovery of relics. Thought lost to time and strife, the banner of Castila Arenisca recovered from when the Hyspians lived under Urguan alongside the Monet artifacts, the Crown of Baroness Frisket, the mother of our Viceroy and a daemon steel spear. With the recovery of the artifacts, and with the embracing of ancestors, the title of Barony of Del’mar had been reabsorbed by the de Pelear household. Shortly following this announcement and some others, petitions took place where the Princess Sofia de Pelear approached with a relic recovered of her own, the Blessed Franciscos staff. Certainly a day of celebration for the Hyspians as history thought to be lost is recovered! The Growing Bond of the de Pelear and Weiss Household! One would have to be blind to miss the growing bond between the two households, never seen far apart from one another. The de Pelears supporting Weiss in the vying for nobility, the now Baron Felix Weiss taking on a position of Master-At-Arms of the Princess Veronica de Pelear and training her, among many other moments anyone with eyes can see. With the Princess Veronica de Pelear and the heir to the Barony of Weiss, Lord Audo Weiss becoming fast friends, one does has to wonder where this growing bond will lead. The Banishment of Lorec Bani Stormheart! Not a surprise to anyone, that was for sure! The banishment of Lorec Bani Stormheart came as a petition during the second court of Hyspia by concerned parties, a list of grievances and many more added on by onlookers as those pleaded the man be banished from their home. Having been responsible for the loss of limbs, plural, thievery, the murder of livestock and breaking and entering of homes, it was only natural the Crown Prince accepted the peoples plight and announced the banishment. The New Court Mage and Summoning of a Crackadonk! As of recent, a Court Mage may have been noticed within Ciudad de Platas walls, making himself known upon arrival with a grand display of magic: The summon of a Crackadonk! Having invited the Weiss heir to fight the summoned being, those watched on and it was rumored that the Crown Prince and the Baron Weiss discussed punishments in the background should the heir get hurt in this fight! A Grand Princes Interview: Georg Sigismund Barbanov-Bihar! A depiction of Grand Prince, Georg Sigismund Barbanov-Bihar. With the recent granting of honorary Hyspian citizenship to the Grand Prince of Haense, an interview was conducted with the man himself, the Grand Prince of Haense, Grand Prince Georg Sigismund Barbanov-Bihar! In the effort of keeping this writer's identity hidden, the interview has been done entirely via letter. “What is your name?” ‘Georg Sigismund Barbanov-Bihar, the Grand Prince of Kusoraev! I've two more middle names, actually, Tuvya is my baptismal name, after Saint Tuvya. Very fitting during this Tuvmas season, no? The other is Antonio, given to me with my honourary Hyspian citizenship, which I received recently!’ “What is it like being born as the heir to a Nation?” ‘A lot! It comes with many things, being the heir to a nation. A lot of people, I think, would say that there's a lot of pressure in it. I don't really disagree, you meet these people every day, and you realise that these are people who you'll hold great influence over one day. Of course I've tried to be a friend to everyone, which I think has helped take a lot of the pressure off me. I'm not quite so worried or, what's the word? Hesitant? About what my life is going to be like, I'm quite excited actually, I always have been, just ask Esfir!’ “What is your favorite thing about Hyspia?” ‘I'd have to go with the answer I'd use about any place in the world, the people. I've met quite a few people from Hyspia, both in and outside of it, and they've all had these wonderful personalities and stories to themselves. Of course, Hyspian cuisine is also excellent. I specifically assigned my chef, Arjen Morovar, to learn more of their cuisine, and I'm hoping to send Otto Gant to get some Hyspian wine as well. I haven't tested it yet, but I'm sure it's excellent! It also just has an incredibly unique culture, which I rather enjoy.’ “What would you say your greatest accomplishment as Grand Prince is?” ‘I do not know if you would count it as Grand Prince, but as a person generally: Finding love, of course. I do think it is my greatest guide of all, to have my dear Esfir by side. I do not know what I would be without her. Of all the things I have accomplished, and all the things I will accomplish, that shall always be the greatest of all.’ “What are your future goals for Haense?” ‘Oh, there are so very many! I've many things that I want to look at, the Law, the Royal Duma, and the Aulic Court are first on the list, but trust that I hope to not let a stone remain unturned. Though the guiding principle of it all shall be to set Haense up for growth. We are a nation which grows still by the day, and the ambitions of our institutions must match this!’ “Anything else you’d like to tell us?” ‘I haven't quite so much, only to let everyone in Hyspia know that they can always come to me. I aim to be a King as much for the Hyspian people as for the Haeseni people, for you are all part of my people, and as I sign all of my documents: "Damar lifsti va Edlerviki."’ Honorable Mentions! This writer gives thanks to the shoutout in the fifth volume of the Palatial post and looks forward to future editions! Alongside this, we eagerly watch to see the Kvaz Khronicle and its doings as the most recent publication and newsletter within Haense as a whole! Upcoming events! The ridding of the Sea Monster! The finished construction of a boat upon the ports! Ronan tea and talk party with the Musins! A game of Sardines within the Sapphire mines! Keep a lookout for coming events within Hyspia! --- [!] The Hyspian Herald would be anonymous for the most part, though posted on notice boards within Ciudad de Plata and within Karosgrad itself!
  16. The Hyspian Herald! Vol. 3 A newsletter for kids, written by kids! --- The First Hyspian Court! The First Hyspian court took place after Ciudad de Plata was constructed, where a few interesting things took place! The Santos family, mentioned in the previous edition of the Hyspian Herald stood before the Viceroy and declared their loyalty, and in turn Cesar I had offered one of their members of their choosing to Squire beneath him. How exciting! Following this, the Wick children or now teenagers approached the dais and they too swore their loyalty and in turn asked to be provided a more fitting last name, now deemed the de Rosas! Wyn de la Plata, one of the guards within the house guard had been promoted as well for his continued and storied work! Survival of the Inferi Siege! The siege of the Inferi on the Haense capital of Karosgrad is something highly covered and known, not needing to be elaborated on too much for the readers. Nonetheless, it’s been said that the Hyspians showed fully armored and kept guard of the East gate during the fight and proved strong much as many others did during the ongoing siege! This writer is proud of their work that day and applauds them on their efforts. A New Family? The Lovatos house sigil is depicted here. After the arrival of the Santos, a new family seems to be making their rise, though certainly not as quick as the first! The Lovato household appeared from the sunset, making their way through the city and getting settled in a home near instantly. They are too often found in the clinic tending to injuries, Inigo Lovato here making a few of the girls about swoon with his gentlemanly attitude and friendly demeanor. Will they soon give the Santos a run for their mina? A Dama de Honor Leaves! Once Dama de Honor to Princess Sofia de Pelear, one Wilhelmina de Rosa has packed her bags and left Hyspia behind. Rumors speculate it having to do with the Princess twin, Prince Alejandro, though that can neither be confirmed or denied as of this moment. With the departure of the Dama de Honor, will the Princess set out new trials for those willing or chase after a girl intent on staying away? Amity Ionna is back! The Lady Amity had been in her mourning blacks for some time now after the loss of yet another family member, though now they have been put away in favor of velvety blues and purples. She’s right back at it, planning and hosting events as ward under Vicereine Laurelie I. Quite notably, though, shortly after her Quinceanera took place, a series of gifts began arriving for the girl. A new necklace here. A delicious treat there. Whoever could be wooing the young Lady? A Guards Interview: Wyn de la Plata! A depiction of Wyn de la Plata and the Princess Sofia de Pelear. What with the recent conflicts and promotion alike, an interview has been conducted with Hyspias all-time favorite guard: Wyn de la Plata! In the effort of keeping this writer's identity hidden, the interview has been done entirely via letter. “What is your name?” ‘Wyn de la Plata.’ “How did you come to be a guard for the Viceroyal family?” ‘I was talked into joining by the Princess when we were kids.’ “What is your go-to weapon?” ‘Mainly between dual shortswords or my fists, but I can pick up just about anything that’s needed.’ “What would you say your greatest accomplishment during the Inferi siege was?” ‘My greatest accomplishment while it may not seem much to some people is escorting the wounded to safety and help so that they may breathe and fight another another day.’ “Anything else you’d like to tell us?” ‘No.’ And there you have it, resident guard of Ciudad de Plata, Wyn de la Plata! Upcoming events! Princess Sofia and Prince Alejandro Quincenera is coming up, celebrating their fifteenth birthday! The day before, each will separately host events to prepare them and for a day of fun! An invite to a dinner party with Musins is had, allowing those to go for a night of fine dining! A high-stakes game within the Ciudad de Plata palace! A poetry night within the tavern hosted by the Santos! A feast within the palace to celebrate the survival of the Inferi siege! The Viceroyals vow renewal! The Quinceanera of the Santos twins! Keep a lookout for coming events within Hyspia! --- [!] The Hyspian Herald would be anonymous for the most part, though posted on notice boards within Ciudad de Plata and within Karosgrad itself!
  17. The Hyspian Herald! Vol. 2 A newsletter for kids, written by kids! --- A Camping Trip! Previously covered in another missive, The Children of Hyspia and their Camping Shenanigans, this writer thought they might give a bit more on the drama that unfolded! The children of CIudad de Plata gathered at the gates of the city, sleeping bags and belongings in hand as they chattered excitedly and soon enough, they made way for the campsite! It opened with varying events already touched on, only for the first drama worthy moment to happen! Marshmallow after marshmallow fell into the flames as one such Senor Reetus struggled in his attempt to make smores! By the help of Senor Gaius and Princess Sofia, he was able to enjoy his sweet treat! More interesting, naturally, was the game of Sardines they all played towards the end. The children gathered up by the sapphire mines nearby the campsite and after the rules of the game were explained, they began. One child hid, the rest looking for him and as they found him, they’d join that same hiding spot, packing in tight. Grumbling, annoyance and fights broke out in such close quarters! The second round led to a lengthy session as two of the children couldn’t seem to find the rest packed tight like sardines, so much so, a sign was put just out of their hiding spot! Eventually, the group gave up and went back above, calling for the duo to join them. To finish off the night, a set of scary stories were told, with too many questions for anyone's liking. The scariest thing there had to be the threats given if Senor Adam didn’t finish his story! The Santos Family! The Santos family are a recent but rising addition to Hyspia! Having recently come from another place unknown, their family is arriving in droves and making waves. What with one sibling attempting to fight for the affection of one Prince Alejandro! They aren’t the only Santos making themselves known, either. Senor Mateo had decided running with the bulls would be a great idea, though covered later in the Herald! Will the Santos family continue to rise or will their moment of stardom wane? Amity Ionnas Quince! The blonde lady of Morovar had her Quince just last night, her sister-in-law opening with a speech and the girl herself opting for a grand entrance, where she was then crowned with an heirloom tiara! Varying music played, dances were had, most notably her with the Crown Prince Francisco and a special treat by Morovars Kebabs and its proprietor and her brother, Senor Arjen Morovar came off the grill! Kebabs! Kebabs, followed by varying Hyspian dishes and a multi-layered vibrantly pink cake having to be delivered by not two, nor three but four people to the table where the guests waited. A wish was made and gifts given to the girl, ranging from badly written poetry to gifts of the magical variety. Certainly not an end to the night, the adults were thanked for attending the party and the younger generation made way for the converted tower, where varying blankets and pillows sprawled about for a sleepover! Running with the Bulls! While this happened during Senorita Amity Ionnas Quince sleepover, it deserved a section in its own right. The group having decided they wanted a new game after Crown Prince Francisco took victory in a pillowfight that left many a kid rubbing a bruised arm, one such Senor Adam suggested he run with the bulls and Senor Mateo agreed to join him! The resident bull caretaker, Prince Alejandro released Jose the prized bull into the arena and the struggle began! The two boys ran about the arena, at times avoiding the bulls horns and others trying to grab on in an attempt to get on its back. Jose bucked and huffed, and to the crowd's surprise, the two boys seemed to be doing just fine! They got upon the bulls back, holding on for dear life and just as we’d thought they’d win the night, Senor Mateo went flying straight into the nearby wall! Prince Alejandro came down and in one fell swoop, flipped the Bull on its side with natural agility and it stayed down. A medic was called soon after, for any worried readers! The Infatuation of the Royal Family! The Infatuation of the Royal Family has come to whole new levels for each member of the de Pelear generation, save for the youngest. A series of gifts began arriving for Princess Sofia, namely flowers before letters soon began to follow. The house guard naturally investigating it, the culprit seems to be passing them on by! If that were not enough, as poems begin being delivered via a dropoff point, it was found out she had not one but two stalkers. If only that’d be the only de Pelear child affected! The twin to Princess Sofia and seemingly of infatuation, is Prince Alejandro. With the arrival of the Santos, comes the constant catfight of one Dama de Honor and one such member of the family, both crushing on the boy-prince! Dances are interrupted and accusations thrown about! And the icing on the cake, or the tip of the iceberg, the Crown Prince finds himself receiving barrels of soup from a secret admirer. A strange gift but a gift nonetheless! Alligator on the attack: Hand lost! Recent news of an Alligator prowling the waters of Ciudad de Plata has circled the city, bringing with it news. One of the Santos, a Senorita Callista Santos, had fallen into the waters or was rumored pushed, losing a hand in her frenzied escape as the Alligator snapped it away. What will be done of this fiendish creature? Upcoming events! The first court of Viceroy Cesar I will take place shortly after this missive, covering what has been happening in the city and allowing for the petitions of his people! A bonfire feast will take place later this week, the lake and gardens mentioned in the last Herald having been healed and celebration to be had! A game of secret Krugsmas is to take place, those signing up assigned someone they are to secretly get a gift for! Sign-ups end at the very beginning of the Saints month of Krugsmas! The decorating and lighting of the Krugsmas tree soon to be in the Ciudad de Plata square is to take place! Keep a lookout for coming events within Hyspia! --- [!] The Hyspian Herald would be anonymous for the most part, though posted on notice boards within Ciudad de Plata and within Karosgrad itself!
  18. Dear Analiesa!: A Hyspian Song by Princess Sofia Camila Valentina Isidora Ravn de Pelear written in celebration of the Princess Royal Analiesa Josefina Barbanov-Bihar as a wedding gift of the ages! ♪ Dear Analiesa Querida Analiesa Sing me a dream Cántame un sueño The only Princess of Haense wedding La boda de la única Princesa de Haense With family held dear Con la familia querida And corset strung tight Y corsé apretado Hear the cries of the peoples delight Escucha los gritos de deleite del pueblo ♩ ♪ Dear Analiesa Querida Analiesa Dons a veil Se pone un velo As she floats down the aisle Mientras ella flota por el pasillo Dashing husband in wait Esposo apuesto al acecho Now is the time to celebrate! ¡Ahora es el momento de celebrar! ♩ ♪ Dear Analiesa Querida Analiesa Hear me sing Escúchame cantar May you have a blessed family Que tengas una familia bendecida And make a magnificent team! ¡Y hagáis un magnífico equipo! ♩ ♪ Dear Analiesa Querida Analiesa May you gleam Que brilles A cherubim ceremony! ¡Una ceremonia de querubines! ♩
  19. The Hyspian Herald! Vol. 1 A newsletter for kids, written by kids! --- Death to something beautiful! The children of Ciudad de Plata had gathered at the urging of one such Senor Ali’ikoa, as he had something great to show them! As they gathered before the nearby pond and garden, they could only watch as the boy waded into the waters and loosed a potion. Death sprouted up as fish turned belly up, plants and trees died, withering and wilting and the group found themselves horrified. The once beautiful gardens had turned into something unsightly! The group ran, making plans as to how to fix their beloved garden! A Series of Quinces! Upon the announcement of the Crown Prince, Francisco de Pelear of Hyspias Quinceanero, a series of Quinces seemed to sprout up! Taking place first was the Quinceanera of one such Senorita Wilhelmina Rosa Wick, Dama de Honor to the Princess Sofia. The palace was decorated with crimson streaming banners and the Quince planned with utmost urgency, it happened within the night, where a speech and dancing was held before an interruption! The same person who’d destroyed their beloved garden interrupted Wilhelminas quince, leaving trouble brewing and a distraught girl as her moment was ruined. The following Saint's day, the Crown Prince's Quinceanero was a success! Beginning with a duel and ending in a ball, one might even say he’s caught the eye of a few ladies, all vying for a dance with him. With three more Quinces on the horizon, what just may happen next? Is Ciudad de Plata Earthquake Proof? Last Saints day, an earthquake shook Ciudad de Plata and shook the group as a whole! Ushered into the newly bought home of Wyn, a Squire beneath the Viceroy, the group waited with bated breath as the windows rattled and objects clattered to the floor. Frantic knocking was heard, and one such Senorita Amity rushed inside, having been asleep in the recently converted tower of the palace before the sound of crackling thunder followed by an earthquake woke her! Panicked discussions happened after, while earthquakes weren’t common, was Ciudad de Plata earthquake proof? Drama in Ciudad de Plata! Shortly after the earthquake, Senor Adam had challenged the Squire Wyn to a duel! The Squire Wyn won by a landslide, absolutely crushing the hopeful boy even as he’d kept egging him on. The Creation of Hoospia! After the children of Hyspia had heard of Hoonse, a child kingdom, with permission of their parents, Hoospia was created! Roles were dished out, the Prince Alejandro de Pelear being named King of Hoospia and Senorita Amity Morovar, ward to Vicereine Laurelie I being named Queen of Hoospia, only for her rule to be challenged by Senorita Wilhelmina Wick, Dama de Honor to the Princess Sofia! It was to be put to a vote! After a few Saints days of egging each other on, and fighting for the position, miraculously Dama de Honor Senorita Wilhelmina Wick withdrew from the race and henceforth was named Grand Lady of Hoospia by the now Queen, Amity Morovar! Upcoming events! In the coming week, we have the book drive, happening this very day in the grand opening of the Little Hyspia Library! Bring a book, enjoy some drinks and take in the new sight. Following this, the next Saints week will see Senorita Amity Morovars Quinceanera, alongside the Santos twins. --- [!] The Hyspian Herald would be anonymous for the most part, though posted on noticeboards within Ciudad de Plata and within Karosgrad itself!
  20. Welcome to Ciudad de Plata!: A Hyspian Song by Princesa Sofia Camila Valentina Isidora Ravn de Pelear written in celebration of the construction of the Hyspians new city within Haense! ♪ Desert Sands Fly Away Las arenas del desierto se van volando Snow now paves my way La nieve ahora pavimenta mi camino Haense chill nips at my heels El frío de Haense pellizca mis talones Is this the Hyspian way? Es así como se hace en Hyspia? ♩ ♪ The snow now melts away La nieve ahora se derrite The Silver Island at the bay La isla de plata en la bahía Boats rock up to shores Los barcos se balancean hasta las costas Is this the Hyspian way? Es así como se hace en Hyspia? ♩ ♪ Sapphires glitter prettily in mines Los zafiros brillan bellamente en las minas Pearls pried from beach lands Perlas arrancadas de las tierras de la playa Fish caught by the fishers band Pescado capturado por la banda de pescadores Is this the Hyspian way? Es así como se hace en Hyspia? ♩ ♪ Bulls snort and push Los toros resoplan y empujan Crowds grow in the tavern Las multitudes crecen en la taberna Horchata passed all around Horchata pasó por todos lados Is this the Hyspian way? Es así como se hace en Hyspia? ♩ ♪ Welcome to the City of Silver Bienvenidos a la Ciudad de Plata Where Hyspians make their way! donde los Hyspians se abren camino! ♩
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