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  1. OOC: ᚨ ᛊᚨᛁᛚ ᚱᛁᛊᛖᛊ| A SAIL RISES |ᚨ ᛊᚨᛁᛚ ᚱᛁᛊᛖᛊ A ship can be seen leaving the fjords of the west.. ___________________________ ___________________________ ♫ Green and white sails rise in the shadow of the western fjords. A dragon figure breaks through the waves of the western sea, dwarven men rowing oars through the difficult path. The dwarven raiders called a song that shook the neighbouring Crotsthadt. Drums strike as their opponent is ever closer to facing their shields and axes. You spot a young Ireheart sitting within the hull of the ship, the dragon at his back. His viewing of the fjords is halted by your sight. He takes a look at you, standing upon the mountain range opposite him. The raider's hand raises itself, beckoning you to join him. “COME JOIN US, IN DUNGRIMMS GLOREH!”
  2. THE MOUNTAIN ALLIANCE Since the founding of Kal’Urguan the mountain dwed have been the foundation of the dwarves, from their many feats to their esteemed Paragons, the sons of Urguan have relied on the skill and determination of the mountain dwed. Back in the days of old, in the city of Kal'Karaad, Bastion Ireheart, Fili Grandaxe and Verthaik Frostbeard signed a bloodpact, bringing the mountain clans into an alliance, forging an unbreakable bond between Urguans kin. Decades later, the pact was renewed between Kerwyr Frostbeard, Fimlin Grandaxe and Gror Ireheart, once again bringing the clans close, and in return, making the Grand Kingdom much stronger than it was before. The pact was once again restored in Almaris between Bakir Ireheart, Kronk Stormheart, Argnos Frostbeard, and Thumbrindal Grandaxe So history shall repeat itself once again in Aevos, the mountain clans of Ireheart and Frostbeard shall sign a bloodpact in accordance with the following terms. 1. Signatories agree to support each other militarily if aggressed upon 2. Clans of the alliance formally agree to never employ hostility to each other, in the case of an act that cannot be ignored, the signatories shall meet to discuss a means of action. 3. Signatories shall not pledge allegiance to any sort of conflict without discussion. 4. Clans of the Mountain Alliance agree to support each other politically. 5. The Signatories of the alliance agree to meet every stone month. Signed, Clan Father of the Irehearts Clan Father of the Frostbeards
  3. The Brathmordikan Temple of Almaris was overrun by the Mori and Duren held onto the body of a fatally wounded Ireheart dragging him closer to the city square. Before making an escape the elder Ireheart observed as the Dwed of the underground gallantly fought and with great valor able to defeat many Mori though were still being pushed back. Upon a retreat, Duren takes one look back at the Temple and witnesses a grand miracle conjured by another’s magic. A manifestation of Lord Dungrimm spilled out into the Temple slamming a large hammer upon many of the Mori causing the walls to collapse and providing time for escape. Duren glances back as he evacuates into the valley from the city and a bright light shines upon the mountain where his grand-son Balor rests. He squeezes his eyes closed from shedding a tear as he whispers a prayer for his fallen kin “ᚱᛖᛊᛏ ᛁᚾ ᛈᛖᚲᛖ ᛒᚨᛚᛟᚱ”. He hesitantly turns his body to continue the evacuation leaving his late grand-son in the care of Dungrimm. Duren and his great-grandson Balor II carrying the injured body of their Ireheart kin out of the mountains to safety. Once they reached the harbor the exhaustion from being the vanguard at the Temple finally overcame them. Some stone years later, Duren & many other of the Dwarves have reached the survival lands of Failor and established Camp Dwed to subsist despite the odds. Though many of them had not rallied for so long since the exodus. They have managed to continue their councils without even proper courts or temples. Celebrations and ale-pouring commonly occur as the camp cherishes the life spared to them by the Gods and also mourning for those who were lost. Even in the face of insecurity the Dwarves of Urguan keep to the pursuit of Yemekar, striking the earth!
  4. Khaz’a’dentrumm ᚲᚺᚨᛉᚨᛞᛖᚾᛏᚱᚢᛗᛗ [Music] “I lay dying on that rock from mid-eve until nightfall, surrounded by the mixed bodies of friend and foe alike. For the better part of the day the sea storms blew salty wind upon my broken body, but as the full moon rose, the clouds parted for the Masked Lord’s alabaster hall to rise above the black sea. If I was to die that day, there would be no other place I would rather die than in the gaze of Dungrimm’s pale moonlight. As my blood spilled onto the cold, wet pebbles of that rocky beach, tangled within the limbs and corpses of slain Dwed, I saw a sight I shall never forget-- for eight shining Dwedlonarri descended upon golden goats from the light of the moon itself. Without wings and without effort, they flew upon the dark firmament to the battlefield. From the body of Dwarf to the body of Dwarf they walked and lifted them whole into their hands, though before my eyes their body remained in pieces on the ground before me. To Agilmar, and Droctbold, and Gangulf did they walk and lifted them up onto the back of their goat, taking the bodies of the Ironborn too with them indiscriminately. And yet, as one passed to me, I saw only blinding moonlight when I gazed upon her face. I remember nothing after this, as I awoke being dragged from under the body of Gangulf, finally found by another crew from da Kirkja Gorix. I knew it was not my time, but that the warriors who died that day would find themselves before the Lord of Death that night.” -The words of Viligast Grimgold, sole survivor of the raid of Tal’Karaave, Age of Blood Artists representation of the Daughters of Dungrimm descending from the moon. There is a place where a soul goes when death finds it-- Khaz’a’dentrumm, the Halls of the Slain. Located high above the mortal realm upon the ivory disk known as the moon. It is here that Dungrimm, Lord of Death and War, holds his court. In these sacred halls the fate of souls are decided, and those who find themselves lacking are cast into Vuur’dor, the Void. There are many interpretations of the guide of the soul to these hallowed halls. Some believe that Dungrimm or Belka serve as the psychopomp of a soul, while others grant it to a lesser divine being, such as the Daughters of Dungrimm or Kjellos. Whatever interpretation of the guide of the soul is correct is of little consequence, as it is what happens within the halls of Dungrimm that bears the most importance. Upon entrance to these halls, one will find themselves surrounded by their friends and family, leading back to their first ancestors. After this greeting, the soul will be called before the throne of Dungrimm and the other Brathmordakin will be summoned to high seats in the hall. The entire life and deeds of the spirit will be judged by Dungrimm, highest of judges, and it will be determined if they have lived their life in accordance with Yemekar's Rhun. Artists representation of Dungrimm before the gates of Khaz'a'dentrumm. If one is found to be worthy, they will be bid upon by the Brathmordakin assembled in what is called the Auction of the Dead. It is the realm of who bids the highest for the soul where the final afterlife of the individual shall be. Brathmordakin are more likely to bid upon the soul of one who lived in accordance with their domain and teachings. Once the auction has been completed, the soul will go to live and serve in the hall of the Brathmordakin of their patronage. If one is found to be lacking, or if as some say their soul is not bid upon by a Brathmordakin, they shall be cast through the gates of Vuur’dor, into the bowels of the Void, where some believe Khorvad lies. What happens once the soul has been cast into the depths of the void is a mystery to us upon the mortal realm. Some believe it is destroyed entirely, others that it is churned and reborn to try again, and some yet still believe they are left to Khorvad’s desires and wishes. All souls will one day find themselves within the halls of judgment, rich or poor, warrior or coward, young or old. In truth, the fate of the souls of foreigners is not known, with some claiming that non-Dwarven souls find themselves in lesser realms upon death. Others still believe that they too will find themselves in Dungrimm’s halls, yet without the teachings of the gods most find themselves cast out into Vuur’dor. Only in death will we know for certain. The date of one’s death is known only to the Brathmordakin, which is why it is important for one to live each day in accordance with Yemekar's Rhun.
  5. ᛋᛁᚷᚱᚢᚾ ᚱᛁᛉᛉ ᛗᚨᚾ DUNGRIMM’S GYM GUIDEBOOK. ᚺᛖ ᛞᛁᛞ ᛁᛏ ᚨᚷᚨᛁᚾ Bench press. To start your bench press journey you shall roll out of 100 using /roll 100. (Unless voidally weakened, you roll out of 50.) Whatever you get you add +40, this is how much you bench press in lbs. (Example, /roll 100. I get 50, I add 40 so i get 90 lbs as my first personal record.) Once you have a personal record you roll out of your personal record and add 10% of that record. (For example, I got 90 lbs so I roll out of 90, get 50 and add 9 since 9 is 10% of 90.) A roleplay example. Sigrun Ireheart attempts to benchpress more then his previous PR of 270. xMuted rolled 160 out of 270. We add 27 since 27 is 10% of 270. Sigrun Ireheart benches 187 lbs, must be an off-day. Pull-up. Pull-ups are simple. You roll out of 20 and that is how many pull-ups you are able to do. Once you roll a 20/20 you get to roll out of 25. Once you roll the new best you add 5 to your rolls. Barbells. Man I don't know just curl them and get SWOLE. Dwedmill. You roll out of 20 and that is how many miles you are able to run Once you roll a 20/20 you get to roll out of 25. Once you roll the new best you add 5 to your rolls. Punching Bag. *punches Other things. Feel free to roleplay any equipment there being in the Gym, note that these are just recommendations. If you wanna get SWOLE irp in a different way go ahead CHAMP!
  6. Year 105 of the second age. ᛋᛁᚷᚱᚢᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛚᚨᛞ Sigrun’s campaign ᛏᚺᛖ ᛞᚹᚨᚱᚠ ᛟᚠ ᛒᛟᛏᚺ ᚹᛟᚱᛚᛞᛋ Foreword. This pamphlet is written to tell you all of my ideas and my personal qualities as to why I believe I would be the best pick for the next Grand King. First off a few of the situations myself and other dwed want to see fixed. It will be be split up in a few categories, as follows: Problems. 1: Citizen Engagement & Things to do. 2: Military 3: Reviewing Acts of the Senate. 4: Amendments of the articles. 5: Stagnation of Trade. Ideas. 1: Urguan Leadership’s reshuffle. 2: Allies. 3: Clan Encouragement. 4: Hefrumm Qualities. 1: Positive Qualities. 2: Previous Positions. Closing word. Problems. Citizen Engagement & Things to do. Urguan has recently developed a problem with keeping our loyal citizens engaged in the affairs of our city. With the Legion getting disbanded, there are not many things for our dwed to do in Kal’Darakaan. I plan to reinstate a military force in Urguan which will be detailed further in this pamphlet. Urguan has a select few guilds to be a part of in Kal’Darkaan, but not many jobs apart from being tavernkeep. Military will be one more but I also plan to have dwed be able to take up more varied jobs within our Kingdom. I plan to use Urguan’s famed deeproads for more job opportunities to those who wish to have a smithery, bakery etcetera down there. But any extravagant things will be presented to the King’s Council and Senate. Military. As of my retirement from Grand Marshal, the King’s Council at the time had disbanded the Legion in favour of a King’s Guard which would take up the mantle of keeping peace in the city and preventing crime. I believe the Legion should be reinstated with a new Grand Marshal at its head. With the current situation in the world, with the falling star and worm killing cloudbreaker we need a competent legion to handle the situation. I would appoint the Marshal myself, but would open up the floor for various people that believe they have the experience and qualities needed to take up the task of restarting the Legion. I would help them in any way I can myself. Urguan's military shall be re-vitalised and shall take it's toll on the Ibless-Uruk war machine and it's allies the necromancers and their great worm. The Great Stronghold that is Urguan will hold firm against these foul Beasts and shall act like a beacon of defense for any that may reside within. Urguan shall not be bested by a tree, nor Orcs and certainly not the foul undead. Reviewing Senate Acts. Leading up to Bakir’s retirement from Grand King, I had asked various dwed about problems they see in Urguan. One that was brought up multiple times is that the dwed wish to review and reevaluate some previously passed bills in the senate. I would like to call up any dwed to present bills they have problems with, so we can review them as a people. Amendments of the Articles. The Articles of Urguan have been outdated for a while now, i believe the King's Council and senate should take a great long look at the articles and write amendments to them wherever there needs to be updating. Stagnation of Trade. Trade has recently stagnated in Urguan, which is a great shame as dwarven goods are known and respected around all of Almaris. I would encourage trade by offering to pay the first two weeks of tax on stalls and carts any Urguani dwed may hold in different nations. Festivals of Trade and other events where dwarves would be able to sell and spread dwarven goods to various people from various nations. The workforce shall play a big part in creating these dwarven goods, and together with the government they shall spread it around the world. Ideas. Urguan’s leadership reshuffle. Urguan has long had the same positions make up its King’s council. Whilst many of these positions are vital to running Urguan, I have a select few that have recently been proven to be not necessary for Urguan, and one that I believe should be considered for the King’s council. Here is my list of positions I would have in my King’s Council. Grand King. The grand king needs no introduction for the King’s Council. He is the agreed upon representative of the people of Urguan. Grand Chancellor. The Grand Chancellor has recently become a vital part of Urguan’s leadership with the introduction of the Senate. The Grand Chancellor is the one that represents the Senate’s views and should be the direct representative of the Senate towards the King. Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal is the head of the Military in Urguan, they are the Military’s direct representative to the King. Dealing with defending the Kingdom and notifying the King’s council of any threats to Urguan’s sovereignty. Chief of Hefrumm. As with the meteoric rise of Hefrumm during Bakir’s reign as Grand King, it makes sense that there should be a position to represent Hefrumm in the King’s Council. With Garedyn The Green at the helm, they have proven themselves to be a wonderful people that form the bulk of Urguan’s activity. Their importance in the current Grand Kingdom of Urguan cannot be understated. Grand Steward. The Grand Steward is the representative of Urguan’s economy including stewardry, housing and banking and would represent all problems regarding such. High Prophet. The High Prophet is the one representing all religious matters in the King’s council, as they deal with the council of prophets of the Kirkja Dverga. Lord Justiciar. The Lord Justiciar deals with all legal matters in the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and should be the representative to all legal matters and justice throughout the nation. Scrapped position. King’s hand. The King’s hand position has long overstayed its welcome in the King’s Council, as it has its duties changed multiple times and never once has worked out. No longer shall upper leadership work in secrecy, and it shall truly have Urguan's people best interests at heart. Allies Haense. The Haeseni government and people have proven to be an incredible ally for the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and we should do everything in our power to keep them as an ally. Balian. As with the recent dissolution of Oren after our victory against them, the people of Balian have proven to be a faithful ally to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Petra. The people of Petra have clearly grounded themselves between the nations of Almaris. They are a proud people and an even fiercer ally in combat. All of these allies have proven to be incredibly important to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and all measures should be taken to ensure our future cooperation with these nations. Clan Encouragement. The clans of Urguan are the ultimate backbone to the future of Urguan, and I believe the government should do everything to ensure the prosperity of these clans non-directly. Each clan should have a clan leader that isn’t afraid to ask the King’s Council for any help regarding problems they may have, and I will ensure no expense shall be spared to ensure this. Hefrumm. As seen during Bakir's reign, Hefrumm has experienced a meteoric rise with Garedyn The Green as it's spearhead. As they form the bulk of Urguan's people i believe they are long overdue for more granted autonomy and appreciation from the government of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Their importance to the Grand Kingdom cannot be understated. They are the lifeblood that fills our valley and city's halls. Hefrumm should be granted full autonomy over their valley. The King's council with the Chief of Hefrumm as one of it's positions will draft up a renewal of the articles to favour the renewed and reinvigorated Hefrumm people. Qualities. Positive Qualities. I, Sigrun Ireheart, am a dwed that carries all the passion and fire that our previous king had, but I assure the Urguani people that I will be a comprising king, and will strive to represent the dwarves of Urguan in the best way possible. I promise that I will carry all of the energy in Urguan on my back and would make sure every dwarf with a problem would be represented dutifully. Urguan is in a tough spot as of this moment, but with all of our heads stuck together we will come up with a solution to any problem our proud people face. Previous Positions. Grand Marshal. I have served as Urguan’s Grand Marshal for over two decades and have done everything in my power to ensure victory with the minimal loss of dwed life. The energy and vigour I had as Grand Marshal would be transferred over to my reign as Grand King. Clan Father of the Irehearts. As Clan Father of the Irehearts, I have ensured our clan’s position in Urguan as a famed elder clan, as I plan to do the same with Urguan on the global stage. Priest of Dungrimm. As Priest of Dungrimm, I have ensured the word of Dungrimm’s spread in the Kirkja Dverga, and have even constructed a statue in his honour. Closing Words. I thank every dwarf in Urguan for taking the time to read this pamphlet. I truly believe I have the qualities and ability to take Urguan into the next age bountifully. I ensure that every dwarf would be represented dutifully in the King’s council and Senate. We shall all make sure that Urguan becomes the stronghold and activity centre it previously has been. I hope you have the faith in me to vote Sigrun Ireheart as next Grand King of Urguan. [!] A picture has been affixed to the bottom of the pamphlet.
  7. ᛞᚢᚱᛖᚾᛋ ᚡᛖᚾᚷᛖᚾᚲᛖ Upon returning from a long journey Duren Ireheart embraces the many clan kinsmen in the halls but there was one he looked forward to seeing the most. Yet the beardling grandchild he raised would never appear. The Clan brought upon the hard truth of Balor’s demise by those of San’Velkuz bringing a fury of Duren’s beard. Amidst the counsel of his kin, memories of Balor’s trials return, creating a strong conviction within the Clan. A personal grudge shall be placed upon those of Krug until the individuals of the crime have been brought to justice. An investigation will take place and should any resistance be met will result in displays of Dungrimms arts. Retribution shall be manifested as the natural and just refund for harm.
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