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  1. Past hour
  2. Akari read through the missive with a frown. "Too many words, too few meanings" He muttered to himself. Then, unimpressed by their political attempt, the Maehr walked away.
  3. Villorik profoundly disliked this.
  4. "Ti... That's right! Ay'Celianor!"
  5. Today
  6. Laerdya recalls her first trip among the wastes between Stars.. The damage wrought was not easily undone..
  7. Finnian, unaware of this strange phenomena linked loosely to his own, should be glad that this was not the horror he had seen. Although unable to quite remember what the cosmos did show to him, perhaps quite too mentally challenging to hold onto, this.. this was a different line of unfathomable.
  8. Eugh FEET! (This was fun, thanks Mori!)
  9. OOC: This post was made possible thanks to the Arcane Displacement Feet– I mean feat. Thank you, Mordu. Thank you. Naturally this is not common knowledge ICly. Credit to ScoutTheWitch for the page divider and the art border. Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwxYiVXYyVs “Are you ready?” Questioned Valindra, as she finished the etching of the final occult rune on the circle situated in the very corner of her quarters. The sigils were truly of no immediate origin, and seemingly a collection of random inscriptions devised from the mind of the ‘aheral. Candles of numerous lengths sat lit on the very edges, and a line of salt was scattered around even these, as to deter any cosmic horrors that dare try to follow them back to Aos and Eos once their glorious expedition had been seen through. “Ti!” Responds Ryvel with a nod. A look of nervousness and excitement spread across his features and was even clear in the tenseness of his body language. After, he steps into the circle with Valindra, bag full of supplies in hand, as well as a Celianorian flag. Trepidation was visible betwixt the pair, the tension so thick, one might ponder if it could be cut through with a knife. “The cosmos is a beautiful place, Ryvel. You will see.” The ancient magus assured, blowing away the wood shavings from her carving efforts. Striking a light to each candle, she rose to a stand, stepping into the very centre of the circle and wordlessly bidding the ‘ame to join her via an outstretched hand. Readily accepting the offer without so much as a second thought. Nods were exchanged between the pair, and Valindra cleared her throat, speaking forth a phrase that only she knew the true meaning of. “In mundo confidimus, quid agam nescio.” A pause came, and nothing appeared to happen. For a moment, the walker was filled with worry that her ritual, one she’d practiced now several times over, had failed at the very last hurdle. Confusion crossed her features, followed by irritation. With a stomp of her foot, she bellowed out one final word, a warning to whatever cosmic forces powered the ritual. “Perge!” The runes etched upon the ground suddenly flared with an occult indigo glow that rose up and curled around the frames of the two would-be adventurers. Higher and higher, brighter and brighter.. And with one final flash, they were gone, having bid their home realm of Aos and Eos a temporary farewell in their search for extra-planar glory! For a while, there was naught but darkness for the pair, the light that had consumed them having dazzled their vision. All that they knew, at least for a few seconds, was the most ghastly, fungal stench. After a few moments had passed, the pair turned to one another holding their breath and suppressing gags, wretches and even expelling the fine lunch they’d enjoyed just a few moments prior. Their vision began to return, the initial stun dissipating, though at what cost? Almost immediately, hands darted to backpacks to cover their faces with those air purifier cloths, as to at least negate some of the horrid odour that surrounded them. The smell hit before all, though as the pair eventually got a grasp of their other senses, they stared around in joint horror. Before they had felt a soft, supple ground, with a few tall grass-like bristles, yet so very different. Now they had all too quickly come to realise that that squishy ground was flesh, those bristles were hair, and that putrid scent came from nothing less than the mountains of feet they were surrounded by. Toes towered above them, attached to the end of one particularly large foot, dwarfed still by a number far off in the distance. It was feet, toes, legs and ankles as far as the eye could see. And with every second, the pair were covered in a snow of athlete’s foot. The pair exchanged but a single glance, for that was all that was needed to convey their awe and disgust (though mostly the latter). As beautiful as the cosmos are, nobody would dare refute the vile, ungodly nature of this plane. With Celian flag and climbing gear in to(e)w, the pair began to scale the biggest of the five toes before them, clinging onto the skin to support them for dear life. “I refuse-” Valindra began, though choking breath follows the cut off words, unable to suppress her body’s natural reflex to gag at the scent. Even with perfumed respirators, the stench proved too great, a truly vicious adversary. “..to die here!” Ryvel finishes for her, a similar gag taking place with the ‘ame before breaking into a coughing fit. A hand raised to place over the cloth that covered his face, trying to close off the putrid air from reaching his lungs. Finally, after cresting the final, yellow toenail that marked the top of the mountain they aimed to scale, the pair were finally able to get a good glance at this abomination of a plane they’d landed in. Toes here, Bunions there.. Feet everywhere. With a brisk, impatient wave of her hand, Valindra motioned for Ryvel to sink the pole of the Celian flag he carried into the flesh atop the toe, sparking a jerk of that appendage in pain. As to avoid being thrown off from the peak of Mt. Footsuvius, the pair deftly rappelled down the side of the fungus-laden toe to rush back to their point of arrival. One final look was all it took, to convey their overwhelming desire to both leave and unsee the realm they’d unfortunately landed themselves in. With a final, victorious battle cry betwixt gags, wretches, and groans of repulsion, Ryvel and Valindra disappeared in a flash of purple light, covered in footly stench, dead skin and spores of fungus. “Ay’Celianor!” As quickly as they had vanished did both Ryvel and Valindra return, physically fine, but mentally changed. The pair had danced among the stars as aengudaemons so did… But at what cost?
  10. "One of the most hollow defensive alliances I've ever seen, their land is literally free real estate" Brother Ninnias concludes

  12. [!] A paper is pinned under the missive: "Lurin has been working with the CCC to achieve peace with the orcs. We took all last night to get it, it's up to your queen now if she wants to avoid bloodshed or not; Lurin stays by its acts. Vikela was offered peace once before and laughed at their enemies. The CCC was formed to bring peace, not to fight for people who cannot fight their wars, it was a Concord to remain peaceful in the coast, not to lose our lives for people who are so brave to laugh at the face of a bigger threat than themselves. The terms for a new era of peace have been settled, Lurin and Vortice told your Queen what their thoughts were, if she listens you all will be fine, if she does not then there's nothing we can do to save your lives; maybe you should start by thinking why noone wants Vikela as a neighbour."
  13. [!] This was address to all of Lurin. Quill to paper. Nothing fancy expect for a signature. We stand united. We stood united. Yet there is a chance to stay united. A treaty signed by peace, and to keep each other safe that was the promise that was made. A promise Is like the illusions one tries to glamour themselves with. At the end of the day the mask has to fall and true colors must be shown. It greatly disappoints Vikela the actions that have shown such. But with such actions truth shall be shed to light. It is with much displeasure I bring to the world what actually happened that night since you do not have the dignity to tell your own people. That night before the notice was posted, you were made of aware of what was going on. All the coastal leaders were made aware of the turmoil in the south. There was much to discuss and time to do it. Amongst those that were told whether through letter or Chatter, The golden Lubba, Mika was told, for if not all those we trusted wouldn’t have been told. Mikas has always been a friend and will always stay a friend to Vikela, for many reasons. How it happened I do not know fully , I can only speculate what happened within your own council chambers. But I must picture that it came down with Mika holding the quill out to you. To honour your word to the people you signed a pact with. To honour your word, but what is a word but just the weight of ink on paper? I have to wonder if you valued the meanings from the beginnings? Yet did you even have honour in your heart? I must ask these questions to myself to understand how it all went wrong. Logically it makes no sense. Trade is your biggest asset. You, make deals and pacts and trade. But a merchant who can’t keep his word is nothing but a swindler, no better than a bandit giving false promises and abandoning the deal. I personally thought you were better than that, Lumia. We, Vikela, forged an agreement together, and you know you signed that parchment. The letter couldn't have come back to us without that signature. If there was forgery, it was with in your chamber, not our actions. I simply lay bare what you pointed at us. Forgery? Your jests of are from anything but funny. Forgery of lies, perhaps. I can’t fault you for running from danger—that is basic instinct. But it takes those cut from a different cloth to stand taller. I will no longer address you directly, I much would no longer even wish to know who you were , are and will be, because it will not go down in history. Instead, I speak to your people, whom I have come to know these past months. They are cut from that different cloth. To the people of Lurin, the fighters, the dreamers, those who keep their word, I do not believe you wish to end this fight, not where it’s been left. Many of you followed your leaders into battle for peace of mind. If you wish to depart now, then perhaps all my words and thoughts were in vain, but I can understand the value of one’s life, to protect all that holds dear.But I believe there is more here than meets the eye. There are still fighters among you who wish to uphold the alliance forged in companionship. To you, I say stay. Continue to fight. Keep the resistance alive and give Vikela one final stand. At the end of this era, it is companionship that brought Vikela together, and it is companionship that will keep it. I implore you, join the fight, as friends as companions. Will you stand and fight as you did in the beginning, or will you run back in the city? For those who wish to continue to fight, there will be a place within vikela for you take shelter in. Either choice is yours to make and there will be no further judgement on your actions , as they are your own. But I shall warn you only what I know to be true, from dealing with Krugmar and Orc diplomancy as a whole for the past three hundred years. The orcs know you fear them now. The orcs knows you just betrayed an ally, and know at least Lumia is an oathbreaker, and if we, Vikela falls, who’s to say they will stop at us? The choice is yours. Sincerely, Andria Rosalis
  14. Thanks mate, we just want to have fun and hang around, not getting too much into map politics. Thank you for your support :)
  15. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Young, strapping and looking every part the accomplished hunter, Placidus instantly shatters that image by tripping over himself as he goes to sit down. Giving the old woman an apologetic wave as he picks himself up, he arranges himself on the seat, now looking similar to a slightly anxious, very concerned dog. Taking a sip from the waterskin secured to his side, he pauses to catch his breath. "Right! My story begins with the very thing that brought me right to your, uh, lovely home!" Reaching into his travelling pack, he withdraws a plain wooden board, one scored by many knife marks. Setting it on his lap, he retrieves several preserved samples from various pouches secured around the edges of his bag - minute portions to be sure, barely enough to feed a single man, but certainly enough to pique the interest of potential buyers. Arranging the selection, he gives the woman a bright smile. "As you can see, arrayed on my board are a number of delicious cheeses. All are available to be tried, and if the product offered here is to your satisfaction, then the..." His expression sours as the hag seems supremely unimpressed. Packing everything away with a deftness that belies his previous demeanour, Placidus' offers her a thin smile, his eyes flinty. "Fine. I suppose I should know better." A bitter laugh escapes from him as he leans forward. "You said you were expecting me, right? Where is he? Where is Mirahsul?" The hags response is a non committal grunt, a thoroughly dismissive retort. Despite this her eyes keenly watch Placidus, as if checking for something. "Who?" "What do you mean, you don't know who?" His voice fills with frustration as he stands up, pacing back and forth. "I came here all the bloody way from Norland, and I'm not bloody leaving without SOMETHING that points me to him. He said you would help. You said you were expecting me." At the sight of the hag's emerging smile, he throws up his hands, his exasperation evident in every motion. "What is it now? Why are you smiling?" The hag laughs and takes his hand, gently pulling him down to sit across from her once more. He acquiesces, confusion filling his face. She speaks to him, her smile wry and her words coy. After the conversation finishes, Placidus finds himself standing outside the tent, slightly stupefied. He stares at the paper he clutches, his eyes scanning the numerous instructions and indications scribed upon the paper. A map, almost. To him. Breathing out, Placidus feels a great weight lift itself from his shoulders. "Shit. You were right, old man. I'd fall in love and... He speaks to the night sky, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. Rubbing the back of his neck, Placidus adjusts his pack and sets off, his shoes thudding against the packed mud road.
  16. Henrik Amador prepares a basket for the first grandchild - a grandson, no less - and his recovering mother. When it's on its way, he settles back, and with a rare smile - lights a celebratory cigar, hoping for a visit as soon as the young family is ready.
  17. Freja


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    Hi there, as you can see, you have been accepted onto the server! Well done on your application, you’re doing great! Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC! To get started, The server IP is mc.lotc.co The server is 1.18.2 - 1.19.3 To get started, I suggest going to tutorial island or do; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? Here are some links to help you start out! https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Settlement_Guides https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Nations_and_Major_Charters If you need help, Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord notapan . I’m often online, so you can message me with /msg NotAPan to find me in game. If I’m not around You can always do /creq with your questions or you can also use the LotC Discord which is right here! : Discord Lastly, here is the new player hub, I recommend you look over it! New player hub Have fun role playing! :D
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