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  2. A furious butler rides from Haense, having been chased away when she came on a conquest of rabbit rights. A search for the Beautiful Beaulani had led them into the murderous gaze of a madman on horseback. Narrowly escaping with her life, Jackalope detests the hospitality of Haense & the honour of that Rider. Here, she wrote a missive, a call to the ears of any butler, house keeper or home owner on this island: "It is our Duty to uphold the rules of hospitality, so that we may be just, orderly & good peoples. Civilized people do not betray the trust of hospitality. Civilized people do not lower themself to animals by disrespecting the good faith of a home owner who rescues them from the cold. FURTHERMORE, CIVILIZED PEOPLES DO NOT STEAL PETS INTENDED TO CALM THE SPIRITS OF LOST SOULS." Perhaps the butler had become too enraged by these unruly guests, yet still, she wrote: "To those who pride themselves on honour. To those who seek justice and civilization.. Join us in the search for Beaulani the rabbit. Let us be better than these savages"
  3. People handling death goes for both sides of the coin. Personally, I'm a believer of deciding when you wish to PK a character, especially if they don't have a particularly significant death that actually ties into their overall story. Then again, most of my characters don't have revival mechanics. However, for the ones that do, it's just a lot less that I have to worry about since they just come back anyways. I think that's fine, but it's not really what I wanted to talk about This sort of thing is what does bug me about the current death mechanics. People just being annoying with it. For one, you have people like the Ferrymen or bandit "rpers" who literally find any reason to justify killing a character just so they can make you d40 and take your stuff. They abuse the system so they have no consequence for killing characters and thus generate 0 real RP around the action. On the other hand, you also have people like what Unwillingly said who will complain over and over about not wanting to be killed, they either get killed, or get let go, and then are back to the same shit the next day and it repeats all over again. These people don't care about being killed and are just there to be a nuisance to the general public. There's also a case I heard of relatively recently where someone was saying OOCly how they'd PK if they died so they could 1) try and get out of being killed, or 2) get the people who killed them punished even further for it. This person did end up dying and then DIDN'T PK. But, the threat of it made people act differently, or was used to try and make people act differently Another case is that someone is killed because they did X. They revive and start walking about, not doing anything that would cause harm, but the person who killed them sees them and is like "grrr, you did X", and then they kill them AGAIN, for the same reason as before. This, or they will just have everyone call that person "undead" due to reviving because of the monks and will just kill them over and over again. Actions like this also tend to not generate good rp due to the fact the person could literally just be sitting around, already having been punished for the thing, and then die for no reason. I'm of the belief that Death should be treated as an end to a story, at least in some way. This doesn't have to mean a PK, but it should mean that part of a story or grudge is ended. For example, character X stole from character Y, so character Y later finds X and kills him. Y is now satisfied because he got his revenge (and potentially the item back). Later, Y sees X but doesn't kill them because they already let off their steam when they killed X
  4. [!] A message is pinned to the Dúnwen Noticeboard Harvest Time! Same as usual! The time of the harvest is here! Bring your scythes, and if you haven't one, I'll get you one from the storage. It will be a long day, but with the blessings of Lord Knox on our side, it may be a fruitful one as well! -Mimosa Applefoot, local farmer ((4 PM EST, tomorrow on June 2nd, 2024, 6/2/2024. Located in Dúnwen, capital of Dúnfarthing, home of the halflings on Aevos))
  5. Just a heads up, Liches do not have phylacteries in current lore, that's just Draugar. Besides that, I think a solution would be a cost to revival, or better requirements to achieve it. I'll admit, current Necromancy lore is really garbage in how revival is handled. Seeing as you just need a pile of meat and another necromancer, and boom you can revive your buddy from the grave. Personally I think the problem stems not from revival itself, but by the limited interaction that the revival process has. I think if people where able to gain more routes that made rp more intruiging, whether this be curses via revival, PK clauses, magic consequences, it would make revival more unique as a whole. I can't comment on most other forms, simply because I'm not knowledgeable with them. But in terms of Necromancy revival, the one good thing is that you understand as an ordained Necromancer you will and do die, and thus are barred from access to Monk Revival.
  6. As if I couldn't be a humble vampire making black pudding for second breakfast fry ups smh
  7. There are, imo way too many ways to die and simply be revived. You've got darkstalkers, ghouls, liches, Azdrazi and cloning and maybe some others. I would definitely support cutting these down.
  8. halflings are forced to be normal, humble farmers instead of edgy darkspawn by lore? oh no, this is a HUGE loss for the halfling community /s
  9. Today
  10. Oh absolutely. Frankly I don't actually care whether or not LOTC wants to have more or less consequences for death thats an administration problem. There's a reason why I said my 'opinionated solutions' are very unlikely and impractical in the state of the server right now. I agree that in reality unless there is some type of massive overhaul the idea of consequence to death wouldn't change on this platform. That being said, something that can easily be changed today if people are more aware of it is the general mindset of 'Oh, just because I have this different flavored form of resurrection its somehow less cheap than just rezzing the next day to CT Monks'. Thanks for the fact chess boss I'm not an Undead Lore nut, just went based off of an old wight's comments (this was also back in like Atlas tbf). Wild though that apperently Liches can come back after getting a phylactery broken though that's wild didnt know that. Edit time
  11. when i played a lich his phylactery was broken. this was a long ass time ago and that character did get raised again later
  12. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” I would look at her for a brief 10 seconds and look around at the room and i would sit down, i ask her “are you a witch?” Which i dont get a reply with. So with a soft voice i tell her how i got here “I came here because I am simply trying to hunt for food” I would scan the tent a little bit and continue “and my story? I will not disclose much of it and all you need to know is that i come from Qalasheen and i am simply a traveler trying to either be one of the best warriors on the land and even more lucky, be a sultan myself, i hope to accomplish either one of those by the help of Allah, and my life, all you need to know is that i do not remember my parents that well except their names and what happened to them, my father i do remember his name and his name is ibn musa. My father was killed by a bandits while collecting woods he was a soldier for the sultanate, I was 10 during that time and after he died i trained with the sword until i was able to beat my sparring instructor, my mother on the other hand from what my father told me is that she died in childbirth, it saddens me i hadnt met her but may allah grant her paradise, her name was Fatima bint Abdul, and thats all you need to know because quite frankly to this day i am still hunting down those bandits but no luck sadly, and that is all you need to know, and any other information i will not be disclosing” i look at the old hag one more time and tell her, “i will have to go now peace be with you” and i would leave the small tent and go east.
  13. An avid keeper of birds, the Lady of Alba made sure to note the location of this new stall and its location. "I will make the time soon to house one in my menagerie, and see that it is rehabilitated under my roof." HEDWIG OF WARSOVIA cooed to herself, eager to take on yet another pet.
  14. it's pretty sad how the only way to invoke a sense of consequence on this server is by creating OOC consequences, such as by making people d40 on death to steal their epic items, or nuggetting their character to the point where RP becomes impossible. outside of that death as a punishment is entirely obsolete. I've had encounters where people will literally beg OOCly not to be killed, only to return the next day to the same instance that originally got them killed, and complain again about being killed (?) in an ideal world death would have consequence, but asking everybody to PK on death would create more problems than it'd solve. you'd get people making throwaway characters who constantly try to murderhobo for the sake of it, people would be even MORE afraid of pursuing risky encounters and thus do nothing but hide, etc. so what we're left with is the current state of affairs where killing your enemy isn't what defeats them, and what consequence there is to dying is determined by player culture
  15. There's literally no reason that Azdromoth should realistically be allowed to fly, he's too fat
  16. The little Gaspard reads over the missive with a somber expression growing upon him. "Hey, I don't know if you can here me. . . I guess it doesn't really matter all to much, but I'm gonna miss you. I can't help but blame myself at times and it hurts knowing that I'll never get to show you how far I'll go. Anyway, rest well and thank you for. . .Everything" The boy lets out a long sigh, followed by a faint grin "I'll make you proud, I promise to you"
  17. i don't think attaching redlines to player skins is a good idea just punish people who rp as an MW3 juggernaut and drop the bow emotes from 3 to 2, don't make it more complicated than it has to be. a bow isnt some weapon of mass destruction it can be countered by emoting *holds up his shield. if someone is stupid enough to charge an archer without any kind of defense they deserve to die
  18. Actually Myst, you don't understand how important and powerful and how much sense it makes that my character can revive via this method. /srs
  19. Name the bow fix after Rider PLEASE!!! Remember his name. 

  20. The Birds oF -🕊- ParadisE “Sketches of some of the stores more… unique creatures.” A grand new stall located within the city of La Dorada features a plethora of new avian friends, who practically exude social anxiety and require much rehabilitation. Each of our feathered friends has their own story to tell- see below to be introduced to some of them- and visit La Dorada to claim one for yourself. Remember: These creatures require plenty of love and care and attention! A youthful flamingo, who appears to be the ugly duckling of the nest. She was never cared for by her mother, her colour seems to have taken more of a purple hue- which was perhaps the cause of her rejection. Equally, she never found it quite possible to stand upon one leg. Truly, she was a unique flamingo. A pirate bird, so to speak. Kept within an ugly bone cage, this creature saw much of its life surrounded by the seas and the conflict which followed with it. When its former owners were slain, this creature was able to make its way free, though was left with residual trauma. Once resident to a wealthy duchy, this poor creature soon found itself without any of its kin remaining, thanks to raiders. It was forced to seek shelter within caves until it fought its way free, to which it then began its travels across Aevos. Unfortunatly, past experiences has left the creature with a lingering angst towards others. “This striking new shop can be found within the square of La Dorada.”
  21. tune in tonight to see my xan shrine if he dies

  22. The Rabbit. Towards my quiet sanctuary from your hunt, do you seek refuge from the cold you banished me into. Begging on my doorstep for aid, I reward it with open hands. Hot water and medical supplies I waste on your ruse. Cold, and callous tricksters of Haense. It was my mistake to trust and aid you, do not take it out on an innocent. Return what you took from me, unharmed. She placed trust in you, as I did, and I heard her cries for freedom as you rode from me, taunting your victory. What is a victory, in taking a man's pet? To capture and innocent rabbit, for what purpose? To torture? Forgive me, and forget this rambling. Treat her kindly, she is confused. Return her home, if you have a heart. If anyone of Aevos does find a lone white and brown speckled rabbit, with a pink ribbon too far from home; I will offer a reward for her safe return. Do not take out our differences on the innocents, leave them out of this war. - Kalosýni.
  23. happy pride and a good men's mental health awareness month <3 check in your friends, you never know what they're going through

    1. Saun_399




  24. The Funeral of Illatius Issued 14th of The First Seed 1979 To the people of Ravenmire and the former friends of Sir Illatius For many years the people of Ravenmire and the great north have been protected by a man, and this man was named Sir Illatius of Blackworth. He has served the realm for many years now, fighting off mystics and the monsters of the north. Sir Illatius fought with honor and bravery, in his last moments of life he showed himself to be a true knight of Ravenmire. This will be a celebration of his life and all he has done for the Sovereignty of Ravenmire and the Duchy of Blackworth. A statue will be constructed within the palace once built to honor his memory, so the future generations will know of the great Sir Illatius of Blackworth. His funeral will be held in the chapel of Ravenmire, then he will be set out to sea and burned. Lastly after the main funeral service all are welcome to join us in the tavern to drink to Illatius’ memory. Signed HIS HIGHNESS, the SOVEREIGN OF RAVENMIRE, Bo I of the House of Rostova Henry Arthur Haverlock, Duke of Blackworth Sir Magnus Winburgh Baron of the Isles
  25. [w/wolf] son or [w/panther] daughter 

    1. KudosMetro


      [w/o father]

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