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Azgar standing above one of his prisoners, khopesh-like weapon in hand.

Character Name

Nicknames: 'Aegor' 'Myth' Azgar 'Aegor' 'Igni'Acaele' 'The Red Paladin' 'The Sorcerer' Airaion
Age: 349
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Status: Alive

Height: Six foot ten (6'10)
Body Type: Tall, slim. 
Eyes: Redish orange.
Hair: Grey
Skin: Tan
Scar running down his face, scars covering his body.
Intelligent, wise, humble, arrogant, benevolent. 
A staff, his mage-gold gauntlets, healing equipment, a weird spear sometimes carried.
Further Details:
He's extremely tall for a mix breed dark-elf / high-elf hybrid.

Life Style
Alignment*: Chaotic Good 
Deity*: Aeriel and a host of other aenguls, even worships Velulai. 
Religion: The Articles of Creation. 

Aliance: N/A
Practioner of magic, writer.
 writing, paladin, lumberjack, smith, miner. 
Special Skill(s):
Naturally very intelligent, good sword fighter.
Sticks to his morales. Arrogant. 

Arch-type: None
Sub-Type: None
Rank: None

Fighting Style: Unorthodox
Trained Weapon: Sword
Favored Weapon: Sword
Archery: Lacking.

Parents: Alexander : Sirene
Siblings: Magnus Ardere (Dead) Howard Ardere (Dead) 
Xulore (Alive)

Aelia Sylvari-Ardere (Alive)
Arken Ardere-Sylvari (Alive??)

Extended Family:

Aethria Ardere (Niece)
Aethyrs Ardere (Nephew)
Lafthi Sylvari (Uncle)
Richard Tarus (Master)

Gluith, inherited from his dad, a bird of 20 years, getting pretty old, greying feathers.


Airaion was born with the name Mithras, in Ravenhold just over two centuries ago. As time went on, he had a loving mother who often told him of his father, Talis Ardere who had left them to fight a war against neighboring wood-elf tribes that were giving Malinorians a hard time. His mother, however, eventually died. Murdered in a bar by a mali'aheral. A high-elf following the vows of purity, he threatened to throw Mithras into a vat of acid, due to his race, his mother was half orc half dark-elf, his father a high-elf who lost their purity just before Mithras was born.

The High-Elf however, showed mercy. He didn't wish to kill a child, as much as the child was impure, they deserved death, but he couldn't bring himself to it, he said some snobbish words over Mithras and his families impurities, and injured him before leaving.  Mithras would grow hateful over time, and as he grew hateful, he grew lustful for power. He began to bandit the people of the King's Roads of Aegis. Turning as feral as a wild animal. As time went on, he began to grow apathetic, he hated people, he lost his morales, though he seemed to never, ever kill children no matter how the situation was going to turn his hand. 

Eventually, when he turned 50 he was legally an elvish male, and once he turned one hundred, the boats for the Verge sailed, and Mithras went with them. Conjuring upon himself the name Mythras (Mee-t-roz) he began a hunt for dark-magic, which led him nearly everywhere, until one day. He witnessed the epic might of a fire-evoking conjurer, wishing that power for himself and having no leads on rumored magics of the dark, he began his long search, eventually in Asulon being captured by the Mori'quessir and being made a slave.  

​Later escaping and reaching the boats that were being made, he went to Elysium a few years after his escape, witnessing many mage-guild escapades. Eventually, once the boats to Anthos struck, he journeyed for a few years until joining the Arcane Delvers. Eventually, many years after, he self taught fire-evocation,  before getting a teacher named Richard Tarus. Eventually Richard left, and stopped training him. Inventing the concepts of adding onto fire-evocation, he learned to evoke smoke and heat along with the fire. 

Going insane with a split personality, he struck Oren with the help of his small party of bandits consistently, even conspiring to rob the delvers multiple times with his friend Raidriar. Eventually meeting the spirit of the at the time dead mage Salamandra, he learned many useful lessons from the old mage, eventually even, Salamandra returned to life later on.

Becoming Head Master of the Malinor School, he tried to do the job, and did well at first, but between the insanity and his near death experiences, he started to hate his life until he met his uncle, Lafthi Sylvari. Lafthi was the brother of his father, Talis. Forming a strong bond with Lafthi, Airaion's life began to take a turn for the better, until eventually, Lafthi disappeared. This itself sent Airaion into near insanity, one of his few family members he could enjoy talking to, gone. While he remained taunted by others and wounded on daily basis, and tortured by the Dread Knight Verin. 

Becoming Azgar again, he joined the Cult of Frozen Night, aiding Setherien's efforts in decimating and immolating  the descendant races. Azgar, now powerful as a fire-evoker, destroyed a wraith in a single bolt of fire, obliterating them swiftly. This itself seemed to help him break free of his insanity, the realization that he held power which could be used for things greater than doing a draakar's dirty work. Eventually, he once again turned pure of heart, beginning to leave the past behind him.

Becoming a cleric of the patron Arke'ith, aengul of endurance. He began to work towards trying to be a better person, and succeeded. Joining the Demones Manor, he worked as a guard, happily, and efficiently until it fell to the Scourge. Angry, with a rageful wish for revenge, he left on a pilgrimage before returning much purer, and seeing that his uncle Lafthi was back showed him to his small house, showing him some magical artifacts as they also shared information on their lives up until then.

Lafthi was Mithras unofficial magic master, who helped him be smart with how he used it years before while he tutored under Richard Tarus. They decided to briefly duel, and bother remained outmatched, and neither won as it was a tie. Lafthi once again disappeared near the end of the Fringe. 

Mithras went to the Thales, building a house with his cousin Aenor in Alras, before going to the new lands. He now is picking up his life from scratch after giving up the life of a cleric due to his hate of the aengul that fueled his power, simply carrying his sword and shield in place of it. 



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