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Anawkin's Character Cards


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Character Name;  Alror'vus Seran
Nicknames: Al, Alror..
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Mali'ker (Elf.)
Status: Alive and thriving.

Height: A sturdy 6'2
Weight: 180 lbs.
Body Type: Lean muscled.
Eyes: Dark purple.
Hair: Snow white.
Skin: A shade of black and grey.
Markings/Tattoos: N/A
Health: Great.
Personality: Alror is a very strong-minded young mali'ker, he takes pride in his opinions and isn't afraid to voice them to others. That's not to say he doesn't have a kinder side though, he is (or atleast tries) to be kind to any woman he meets, and shows the utmost respect for any elderly women. He can be soft at one moment but crude in the other, whomever he surrounds himself with changes his mood greatly.
Inventory: A iron carved scimitar, several varieties of potions, a dull bread knife as well as an ornamental looking staff which he caries either in his hand or on his back.
Further Details: He's single ;) (Working on this when I get to flesh him out a bit more.)

Life Style
Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral, he follows his own heart with some regards to the law, as he only follows a few he deems reasonable.
Deity: He worships no diety.
Religion: N/A
Alliance/Nation/Home; Darkhaven and Lenniel somewhat.
Job/Class: Idle, he is still fiddling with what direction he wants to take, but has a knack for magic, especially enchanting.
Title(s): None.
Profession(s):  None. Only hobbies.
Special Skill(s): N/A as of yet.
Flaw(s): Is easily attracted to woman of his own race, often butts heads with others and finally  he's known to pass the hours of his day by causing trouble.

Current Status: Semi-learning. (Delving into enchanting by himself.)
Arch-type: Arcane
Sub-Type: Altercation.
Rank: Tier 0.
Weakness(es):  Has never enchanted anything.
Strength(s): Has never enchanted anything.
Current Spell(s): N/A.

Fighting Style: Up close, and personal.
Trained Weapon[s]: His scimitar, and other small swords.
Favored Weapon: Scimitar, especially his. :P
Archery: Couldn't hit a target from an inch away.

Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Children: Not yet.
Extended Family: None as of yet either.
Pet(s): A stray pup, whom he keeps in his home.


-Working on it-

-Working on it-


(Will update whenever I can, hope you enjoy.)

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Character Name;  Ett Knotfoot.
Nicknames: Just Ett.
Age: 20
Gender: Male.
Race: Halfling.
Status: Alive and well.

Height: 3'9.
Weight: 60 lbs.
Body Type: Scrawny and thin.
Eyes: A vivid sky blue.
Hair: Dusty Black.
Skin: Fair, pale.
Markings/Tattoos: Non-existent.
Health: Good.
Personality: Cheerful, Uplifting, Mischievous , Rowdy and full of energy.
Inventory: His trusty shovel, a bag of hops and a few trinkets to cause shenanigans.
Further Details: None.

Life Style
AlignmentNuetral Good.
Deity: No Diety.
ReligionNo Religion.
Alliance/Nation/Home;  Wherever the halflings are~
Job/Class: N/A
Title(s): N/A
Profession(s): N/A
Special Skill(s): Baking, Brewing and Trouble.
Flaw(s): Tiny, Scrawny and frail.

Current Status:
Not a magic user.

Fighting Style:
Shovel whacking.
Favored Weapon: The splendorous golden shovel.

: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Children: N/A
Extended Family: None as of yet.
Pet(s): None.

~Working on it~

~Working on it~

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