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Longfall Boots


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DeNurem Corp, creator of popular products such as the Kebab-O-Tron, Infini-tree Endless Arrows Bow and Vendortron amongst many others, is proud to present the newest in its lineup...


The DeNurem Corp LONGFALL (LONGitudiontal Force AcceLeration Lessener) boots!


Have you ever been running from a rampaging, frothing undead abomination, on your last legs, when you tumble down a few meters to your untimely doom? You probably haven't, since you'd forget it, but our marketing department assures you it's a very common tragedy!


Well, we have the solution for you! The new LONGFALL boots are specially designed to dampen the force of falling, reducing fatal wounds to less fatal wounds using a miracle of science... SLIME! Our scientists have adapted a highly malleable form of the slime native to Kal'Arkon into a cushion that allows you to breeze off falls with ease!


So, I hear you ask, how do you get one of these pairs of boots? Well, valued customer, you may send off a cheque for 100 minas to the DeNurem Corp. ((jontillmon)) and your shiny new boots will arrive in a matter of days if not hours.


Happy falling!






*Disclaimer: Jumping off things is a potentially dangerous activity. There is a risk of serious injury or death with every jump. While jumping off things, please adhere to approved operating standards for the LONGFALL boots that minimise these risks, but be aware they cannot be completely eliminated. No guarantees as to a participants safety can be given and any failure of LONGFALL boot technology is purely at the fault of the user or any related parties. DeNurem Corp does not take any responsibility for any damage caused by irresponsible falling or jumping and makes no claims that this technology will actually help you in any shape or form.. Participants take part in jumping STRICTLY AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you do not understand and accept the risks inherent in jumping and falling activities, you should not participate in them. DeNurem Corp removes themselves from any liability that the user may bring upon themselves from any irresponsible use of LONGFALL boot technology. 




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i'll take two

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This is an idea I can get behind, I should invest in this.... ((jontillmon.......guy....))

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This is an idea I can get behind, I should invest in this.... ((jontillmon.......guy....))


Every sale comes with complimentary tin foil hat.

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"Slime. Hm. Magic induced impact cushions at the soles in order to absorb falling speed or velocity in direction of the cushion zones. Simple, basic, yet efficent in a way." Silus notes, reading about it, whilst tinkering on Triarch's body. "Perhaps I can implement that in you, Triarch, perhaps."

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It's time to get involved in the stock market again.  I smell the Apple of LoTC rising.

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*cough* Cave Johnson here and I want to tell you that you would need my money to make such expensive boots.

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*cough* Cave Johnson here and I want to tell you that you would need my money to make such expensive boots.


Don't worry, here at DeNurem Corp. Science Division we have all the money in the seven skies and beyond. Yes, that's right, we have literally heretical levels of money.

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((If you have the item already... what is this post doing in the idea section? If you have the item, mechanical standard fits in (the results happen in MC, so you can rp them), and as such it's no longer an idea, it's roleplay. No need to place threads for lore that isn't needed in these section of the forums. As for the actual lore for it, I like it quite a lot.))

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I'd take a pair.. there's lots of high places to fall from in the fringe..

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