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[Idea/lore] Dwarven Fire Pots!


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The late hours of the evening had cloaked the city of Kal'Arkon in darkness, yet the stars upon the heavens gazed down, lending their light to the streets. While the city lay resting, its bustling life now quiet for the night, a single dwarf lord remained outside. Since the war had erupted, this cave dwarf had endured many a restless nights, willingly or unwillingly. His intention was still crystal clear, and soon his project would be complete; his masterpiece that would hopefully turn the tide of war, and remind the Descendants, that dwarven ingenuity reigns supreme in all four corners of the world.




Dwarven artillery had always been a sight, but in recent years the technology was known to all races of the Fringe. Trebuchets, catapults, these were all weapons utilized by the various factions of the world. Balek Irongut thought this through for a long time, yet he realized he himself was in no way as skilled an engineer yet, as to produce a completely new type of siege weapon. Instead, he shifted his focus, concentrating on projectiles instead. Long gone were the days of the cannon, with iron balls smashing through enemy fortifications like butter, but perhaps he could discover something with a similar result?


He immediately set up his small research camp, ready to take on this new challenge. 



Months went by, as Balek Irongut searched for ways to improve the projectiles of the dwarven artillery. He requested ingots of the best dwarven steel, to forge them into metal boulders. It took him nearly four days to perfect the boulder, but he soon realized the weight of such a projectile would make them extremely hard to handle, as well as never to soar through the air, like rocks and boulders of less weight would. He even went so far as to strap vials of alchemist's fire onto ballista bolts. He learned the hard way, never to fiddle around with such a liquid again, after the vial exploded violently before the ballista shot was fired, leaving only a pile of ash from what was once called a siege weapon.


Later that evening, Balek sat down near the firepit, eyeing the kettle bubbling quietly above. The smell of cooked meat filled the room. It reminded him of the days earlier, where he had poured boiling oil over the unfortunate soldiers of Oren, to defend the Mouth of Dungrimm. "Oil" he spoke loudly, scratching his beard where he sat. He widened his eyes as a grin formed upon his face. 


The next day he ordered big clay pots from the Smithing Guild, as large as rocks. Cauldrons filled with oil from Dungrimm's mouth were carried up to his research station by young beardlings. Balek proceeded to fill these large pots with the flammable liquid, sealing the mouth with nothing but a piece of canvas wrapped around. He watches in amusement as he lit it aflame, the canvas slowly shrinking in the flames, only to spark the oil within. The smoke came shortly after, oozing out from the pot in a steady stream. Balek stood and watched, not sure what to do, with no idea whether the thing would just die out, or blow up into a thousand bits. Having stood there for nearly thirty seconds just staring, the clay pot rolled down the hill as Balek shoved it off with his foot. A loud, crackling sound boomed as the pot cracked into pieces upon impact with a rock that laid in the way, the flames shooting outwards from the center of the inferno it had caused.  Balek had successfully perfected his new creation: The Dwarven Firepot!




Dwarven Fire Pot


The Dwarven Fire Pot is a round, 2.7 feet wide, half-baked clay pot containing various flammable liquids. It is utilized by setting the canvas wrapped around the mouth of the pot aflame, which will ignite the liquid inside. It may then be flung at enemy fortifications or soldiers with the use of either a catapult of a trebuchet. Upon impact, the clay pot will crack, and its fiery contents unleashed, creating a massive fireball which will severely sear anything or anyone in its vicinity, as well as set fire to anything flammable. It is most effective against wooden fortifications, other siege weapons, and/or groups of people.


Any flammable liquid can be used, such as oil produced from animal fat & plant resin, or tar made from pine wood. Upon ignition, it usually takes about a minute before the hot temperature spreads out evenly, thus ready to be thrown for maximum effect (i.e biggest fireball). 





I've yet to see fire pots used in warclaims here on LotC, and I'm not sure whether they actually exist or not. In any case, this is a dwarven version, and I'm hoping we can use it in battles. Ty fo' readin!


© Balek Irongut

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Sounds like alchemist's fire. Which I believe was banned from use in warclaims.

These are normal fire pots, commonly used in sieges in medieval times, to set structures aflame etc. Alchemist's fire is, far as I am aware of, an acidic concoction which can dissolve stone, and is extremely volatile. Quite the difference I think.

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In which case how do you suggest these are handled during warclaims. Adding more factors such as these lead to more human error which brings... the rage.... ;)

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These are normal fire pots, commonly used in sieges in medieval times, to set structures aflame etc. Alchemist's fire is, far as I am aware of, an acidic concoction which can dissolve stone, and is extremely volatile. Quite the difference I think.

Alchemical fire is a solution which, when in contact with oxygen or excessive pressure, explodes violently into a large uncontrollable, water resistant, long lasting orange flame. It can burn a house down and in minutes. This is different. It is not as insane as alchemical fire.

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In which case how do you suggest these are handled during warclaims. Adding more factors such as these lead to more human error which brings... the rage.... ;)

Like any other projectile is handled. GMs. The only difference is that against stone structures, fire pots will do little damage to the structure, but may set aflame whoever happens to be in the vicinity of the impact. If we're talking wooden structures, that's a whole different story, and the fires could potentially burn the whole thing down, UNLESS a player puts the flame out before it engulfs a too big area.


Then again, hot oil and water = /VERY/ bad combination.

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Pitch pots are already a thing, as far as I know. They're not widely used because, well, fire is just LC'd out and lava usage would result in massive cobble blobs. (In terms of actual mechanics.)

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Pitch pots are already a thing, as far as I know. They're not widely used because, well, fire is just LC'd out and lava usage would result in massive cobble blobs. (In terms of actual mechanics.)



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