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Cult Of The Acerbus


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[[Only respond if linked to this by me in-game]]

In the dawn of the eerie night, a figure steps aside to you, a reddened hood covering their face, the massive figure stands at an amazing nine feet tall... as he steps over you can't help but feel a chilling aura of suffering cloaking the edgy figure.

They simply extend their hand to you, handing you a paper. Do you accept?


[Your name] slowly walks down the road, and as you walk, a ruin is seen nearby, with a cleric peacefully praying and gathering strength from whatever patron, inquiring to yourself, do you decide to kill the cleric, or instead tell your leader? [Your response]

You step towards the leader, as the leader extends them the robes of an Acerbus, a mask plopped atop of it, remembering your training deep within your mind, you without vigor nor emotion extend your hands to grasp them, what do you say/do? [At least a paragraph, do your best!]


You begin to write your application with a calm upon you, answering all the the following.


[[OOC: from now on at this point]]

Do you agree to joining the cult for the benefits of players, realizing we create events and not further our own character's goals?

Do you agree to willingly participate in these events?

Did you meet me IC or were you linked by an already existing cultist?

Do not act as a stereotypical character that can be considered extremely "edgy" we don't murder children, we're basically terrorists who spread fear.

Your bans, and for what reasons?

Do realize if you do anything that suggests you are doing this for personal benefit, you shall be promptly removed. Same if you power-game, meta-game, cyber in chat, link inappropriate material, and break any form of rules. Any form of immaturity will get you removed. Also realize our guild information will be shared IC once you are fully initiated.

PS: Making new character's specifically for this purpose of being a cultist here is allowed, but if you go inactive we may remove you from our chat.


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Kelsey von Craw sighs in boredom, having been a good few years since she's been in a cult or killed anyone.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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