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The Dark Brotherhood


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(( Do Thieves guild members get Latebrae rights due to recent guild interaction? ))

((Yeah, as a whole, members of the thieves guild are protected from contracts. But it is more of a collective arrangement. Any action a tg member takes against the db will not result in an immediate contract on their head. Instead, the responsibility will fall on the guild itself, expecting it's leaders to respond in an appropriate manner.))

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Name ((MC)): Cookie9000

Name ((tIG)): Golem_Diablo

Real Life Age:16

(sub)Race: Northerner. But I'm a golem right now.. So that doesn't matter.

Combat experience: Alot.. Dealing with bandits.

Would you consider joining our soon to be created sorcerers league?:

(If so)Any Magic Skills?: Well I might get some "Fire breathe" ability.. But nothing considered "Magic"

Would consider being a spy?: Not really..

Past military experience: Guard at Nical. Page at Galahar.

Past criminal experience: None.

Current Occupation: Minion for Regaki.

Useful, Non-military Skills: Past knowledge of Alchemy.

What have you heard of us IC? Nope.

What have you heard of us OOC? Yep.

What skill level do you currently hold on the following?

Swords: 70

Axe: 0

Bow: 0

Unarmed: 0

Preferred weapon: Stone fist.

Screening Questions

Accepted villain app link (Required):I don't have it accepted, but great chance of it being accepted.

Are you wanted in any countries?: No.

Why do you want to join?: My "Master" joined, so I'm sucked in it too.

Define powergaming thoroughly: Using OOC information in Rp situations. Example: OOC chat: Overlord_Brevias: "Chilling at Laurelin right now" Metagamer: "Ok." Rp Chat: " Overlord_Brevias: What are you doing here, human?" Metagamer: DIE *kills Brevias.*

Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC? Nope.

"Legal" stuff

Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary. No, I will not.

Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion? Mmmhm.

Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head? Yes.

Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood? If I am told to do so.

Have you downloaded the skin or another appropriate skin? Yes. I'm a golem, can't really use you're skin.

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Name ((tIG)): Regaki

Real Life Age: 16

(sub)Race: Wood Elf

Combat experience: Once assassin of the white ravens, knows magic

Would you consider joining our soon to be created sorcerers league?: (If so)Any Magic Skills?: HEWL YEAH. I have lots of magic experience, too much to be described in detail here. (A.k.a. I don't feel like typing it all @_@, you can see IG.)

Would consider being a spy?: I have been before, so yes

Past military experience: White Raven assassin :P been in a few big battles: Siege of Nical and a few Undead battles

Past criminal experience: had a 5000 minas bounty on me

Current Occupation: Dark Divinity member, White Raven mage teacher

Useful, Non-military Skills: Magic, mining, writes books

What have you heard of us IC?: Nothing

What have you heard of us OOC?: Nothing

What skill level do you currently hold on the following?

Swords: 88

Axe: 0

Bow: 20

Unarmed: 19

Preferred weapon: Golden Sword

Screening Questions

Accepted villain app link (Required): http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/33398-accepted-kiryu-the-warlocks-modified-va/page__p__208764__fromsearch__1#entry208764

Are you wanted in any countries?: No, but I am wanted by the Mages Guild, and the Nawari Camp

Why do you want to join?: Asked to join IG by threatening a member, so I accepted

Define powergaming thoroughly: Not allowing other players a choice in a matter, such as. *Runs _____ through with a sword* and not giving them a chance to move or try anything. (I know what it is)

Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC?

I guess not. 

"Legal" stuff

Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary.

Only to other members.

Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion?

Derp, yes.

Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head?

Sure do.

Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood?

If it's wanted.

Have you downloaded the skin or another appropriate skin?

No. I'm keeping my current skin

If this application is approved, you will be PMed and asked to answer how you would respond in-game to two simple situations.


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General information

Name ((MC)): jacihead

Name ((tIG)): Serene Bloodcrest

Real Life Age: 21

(sub)Race: Northerner

Combat experience: Not very much, just fighting monsters

Would you consider joining our soon to be created sorcerers league?: Yes I would

(If so)Any Magic Skills?:

Serene is what you call a Blood Witch, she sacrifices people to absorb their youth and beauty. As well, she is currently doing more research into bonding rituals and blood rituals. She also is learning arcane magic from a close friend. (I wrote some lore for this called the Legend of the Blood witch under ideas and lore)

Would consider being a spy?: Most defiantly

Past military experience: Serene has not fought in any major battles, but has become self-taught in the art of swordsmanship from monster hunting

Past criminal experience: Serene has mostly specialized in luring unsuspecting men to their deaths at her hands, where she then bleeds them.

Current Occupation: Architect, farmer and an Administrator of small town up north

Useful, Non-military Skills: Serene is currently taking a class in history at the AIT. As well she is an avid reader and pursues knowledge around Aegis. Also, she is very useful in her art of seduction and manipulation to get men where she wants them. Most men have a weakness for a pretty face.

What have you heard of us IC?

I have not heard anything so the pact of secrecy must be working! Until I met someone from the guild I did not know anything of it!

What have you heard of us OOC?

I have heard that it is one of the oldest and most respected guilds in LOTC.

What skill level do you currently hold on the following?


Axe: 0



Preferred weapon: A wicked looking dagger Serene carries on herself at all times

Screening Questions

Accepted villain app link (Required):


Are you wanted in any countries?: No

Why do you want to join?: I was approached by a representative, and the guild is very appealing. From what I read it seems to be a mature guild with good role-players. This is something OOC I have been looking for, for a while.

Define power gaming thoroughly: Power gaming is when you do things in game which make your character unrealistically powerful. This ruins gameplay and role-play and makes it so your character is impervious to any hindrances.

Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC?


"Legal" stuff

Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary.

No, I will not

Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion?


Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head?


Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood?

If that is required, that is what I will do

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*A note lands near your base*

I need a job done......

Contact back so we can make arrangements. Im usually in Laurelin or Sister City. Sister City being the quiet, no-one would no place.

Information and price will be given.

~Signed Black

[MC Name: KarmaDelta]

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^^((Unless Jexdane or Ninja has promoted you, I do believe we need a higher ranked brother to meet with the gentleman. If you wish to accompany said brother, that's fine. Just a matter of policy. A little experience bodes well in these meetings.))

@Mage Deltaro Black

Good sir, one of the brothers shall set a meeting with you. You will then be given the opportunity to speak your mind.

Any member in or above the rank of Magni can set this meeting up. This ensures an experienced brother is put in charge of negotiation. Contact me if you wish to handle this.

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*sends another note

It seems things have changed..... i dont want to seek them... but i will keep my eye on you if i need any... "favors"

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*sends a raven back*

One does not simply invoke us without reason. I hope you understand what you have gotten yourself into...

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*sends it back with a short note*

Yes. It was to gather info. But it appears my superiors are handling it......

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....if these birds start shitting on the base, it'll be the end of you all.

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*quickly wipes it up*

Oh shoot... Golem, I'm afraid you're en probatio until you reveal who your master is...

edit: Actually, you've revealed.I didn't see. However, you gave a flawed response of powergaming. revise that.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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