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Tipheret, Yil'irfaun, The Aengul Of Annihilation

Ibn Khaldun

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"Therein the audience, I alone exclaimed in ecstasy to find that you would be fashioned. You are higher and lower than us and our congregation of deathly loyal. You are the epitome of opposites, manufactured with wholeness. You have been separated from your Creator and this span between the opposites of divine and profane gives you a myriad of directions to pursue. In this span was 'good' and 'evil' created, your options laid out before you. Your base encasement doth pull you at random, some feeling to be sly, some sinister, some charitable, the clay is malleable and is the lowliest of materials. You have in you  the divine in form of breathe, the spirit that yearns to unite with that one who blew.


I shall be your companion so long as you truly yearn for unity and can bear separation. I shall annihilate your vase and allow your breathe to traverse immaterially. Yet you shall bear the woe of not being united eternally for the Creator must conjure that and not I, so pick your footing wisely for I must bring you back forth."










They say the Aenguls have an agenda when they tamper with the realm of mortals. What lofty goal hath Yil'Irfaun except to embrace those who realize their dual nature. Yil'Irfaun revealed himself to the Zil'Maktumi initially as they delved into the ideal of gnosis while dabbling in the high culture of philosophy at Tawilkamah. The idea of a hidden knowledge outside the realm of the senses, one unassailable by the intellect, rose amongst the minds of an ascetic class of Maktumi known as the Magi. The reflection upon the myths concerning Creation allowed the Magi to argue on behalf of a spiritual-physical dichotomy concerning the four brothers and their descendants, including themselves.The dichotomy splits man into two parts: his physical embodiment defined as a lantern and his spiritual contents or soul defined as a light.


The basis for this dichotomy is found in the earliest account of the Creation as described by the Wandering Wizard: "The first mortal being to be created was a man. This man was sculptured with clay and water, but left hollow. Soulless, God's creation lay there for the other immortal beings to see. The Aengul and The Daemon, the two spirits created before the mortal beings and before the creation of Aegis. Not much is known about these two spirit races, but hopefully in the future we may know more. God then blew his own breath of existance into the hollow shell and the Man lived." The gnostics, not only the Magi, argued that this machination between the Divine and profane man instilled in man a particle or 'spark' of the Divine.


The Zil'Maktumi took this theory further in fleshing out the host of Aenguls and Daemons present to see man's creation declared and had. They say that the Creator only received one rejoicing Aengul whilst Iblees is said to have argued against the creation, but ultimately concurred as the Creator made the AenguDaemons out of utter devotion and strict, undeterred obedience. The Zil'Maktumi argued that man had been manufactured to have the willing choice of acknowledging their Creator or denying them, a tale and life of love and union or ignorance and separation. The Zil'Maktumi through their asceticism learned to yearn for union and patiently accept separation.


The Aengul they meditated upon and found is one of obscure description. The Magi claimed only to hear the Aengul, a thundering and monotonous voice, but never had laid eyes on it. The Aengul itself warned them that seeing this Aengul would cause them to rupture and expire in the blink of an eye, it held such majesty. Rather, the Magi inquired for a means to experience separation and union to aid them against their foes and that they received. The Magi developed a method of quick contemplation with the Aengul they would eventually call Yil'Irfaun or That which has greater or hidden knowledge that would allow them to dissipate and reappear in nearby locations. They would train this skill to allow them quicker reflexes and reactions that enabled them to earn a fearsome reputation on the battlefield and as cunning assassins.

This skill of teleportation enabled increasingly decadent Magi to assert dominance over the Tursadae or Red Ones, a tribe of laborers that had villages scattered along the shores of the Ul'Jakari Desert. This dominance over the working class Zil'Maktum ushered in an era of high culture, but also decadence and indolence in the Magi capital of Tawilkamah. The Magi eventually earned the disdain of the Urodae, a tribe who initially stood as the guardians of the Zil'Maktum lands and acclaimed for their cavalry tradition. The Battle at Tekamas saw the Urodae crush and imprison a majority of the Magi and made Tawilkamah a petty city-state and vassal under the Urodae. The fact that the Magi still held connections to Yil'Irfaun despite their increasingly arrogant and indolent nature aroused the confusion of some of the thinkers of the Zil'Maktumi at the time.


The Aengul Yil'Irfaun, or recorded as Tipheret in some obscure non-Zil'Maktumi sources, appeared to have its own goal overarching the entirety of its engagement with the Magi. The gnostic Aengul appeared to have wanted to play at its own desire of creation and refined its skill at creating matter. The annihilation of the physical self and the repetitive task of replicating the physical self seemed to be its means of training its creative energy. Yil'Irfaun is accused by few heretical Zil'Maktum as being a demiurge, a figure that is lesser than the Creator, but seeks to try and mock the capabilities of the Creator.

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Didn't you write up teleportation lore once before, or is this the same source?


You are correct Hex, except I left my teleportation lore previously rather obscure. This fleshes it out and perhaps provides something fun for players to emulate vis-a-vis this supposed Magic plugin coming out in 2024 Mayan Calendar Standard Time ;)


This is IG now? Would like to see a few events based around this!

I'm welcome for anyone to take the helm into getting this implemented in-game, I haven't had my account on LotC for months now. Let me know if you are interested or if anyone really!


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((Remember this is an RP thread, posts should be in RP or have elements of RP in them before you ask OOC questions.))

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This lore has been Denied

The LM's are pretty unanimously against this deity, considering the gift of teleportation, and its desire to act as the Creator. I personally enjoyed the read, however I don't see the positives in its lore applications.

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