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A Whole New Race


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Okay before I get started I just want the admins to know that I know it sounds like a big step to take an update the new race to the game, but please take a few minutes to read what it is about thx :)




Breif Description, first paragraph

This is not just any Minotaur, it is one of the biggest and toughest race although not quite as big as an Olog.

The Minotaur may even try and kill an Olog.

Good Description of looks and other things

This powerful beast stands at usually 11ft tall The bottom half is a Buffalo, the thick coat of skin will protect from spears, Certain swords like stone and gold. the Buffalo part is only from Hip down.

They are usually brown but some may come in black.

Above the waist is a Human covered in black hair.

The head of the Minotaur is a Greasy black curly haired colour, with a thick Unibrow.


The Minotaur is an aggressive beast, they rarely have friends from other races and are usually taunted and hated by others.

For fun the beasts get together in groups and hunt alone travellers, they will either kill them or rob there money, perhaps keep them as a slave even!

Unlike orcs who like eachother usually, Minotaurs would never admit or say they like eachother.

The males would fight over the female minotaur with their Strong Tusks usually causing brain damage to the loser or worse.

Females on the other hand aren't as aggressive but they still hate other races and tend to make tunics out of Halfling skin and sometimes Goblin Skin.

Minotaur Diet

A Minotaur will eat basically anything, from poisnous berries to Human meat, they are Omnivores, but they prefer meat to Leaves and Berries.


Minotaurs speak like orcs as they have huge tusks and their fang like teeth prevent them from speaking normal.

However they don't speak Orcish they have their own language called Mini-te-rain-ian


Hello- Lom'Thra


Goodbye- Shrom'Ta


Stop- Lop


Hungry- Punga


Human- Snaq


Halfling- Gomble


Orc/Olog/Goblin- Grish/ Slobber/ Gombler


Elf (all types)- Pointersh


Dwarf- Dwarf (They can pronounce this)


Home- Slomp



As much as a beast of a race this is, it must have a weakness.

They are quite stupid but not as stupid as Ologs.

They can be easily fooled and tricked into doing things for minas ofcourse!

If they travel for long hours they will forget where they are going and would return home if they are not reminded.

The Tusks on the head ARE NEVER TO BE USED IN FIGHTING is what they are told by the elder Minotaurs.

Infact the tusks are their to carry stacks of food, weapons and even armour.

The tusks curve upwards so it is easier to carry things.

A group of Goblins about 3-6 could kill a minotaur, even one if they were to roll a 20 and jump onto the back and slice the neck.



Orcs can befriend Minotaurs but minotaurs are very Untrusting creatures but if the orc is lucky enough to befriend them, then they can be used as some kind of horse for orcs.

The feet of the Minotaur is useful in battle as they can be used to trample the oppenment, crushing the victims bones.

They don't use swords instead they use their hands to fight, their signiture move is to grapple the oppenment by the neck and throw them onto the ground (back first) and squish their ribcage with their feet and then feast on the meat whilst they are barely alive.




A minotaur can live up to approximatley 600 but most die at 500 from diseases by flies and fleas and usually fighting.


More Detail


Minotaurs usually only come out their village when they need more supplies of food and weapons, they do not jump on the idea of travelling, the only time they travel is when they have babies.

The babies are born in a sack and the sack must get ripped apart at the Temple to show off their new Minotaur to the people of the world, this means that the baby will be strong and will live a happy life.

If they are not born in the Temple then the baby and it's family will be cursed with the plague and must leave the village if they do not they will be killed.

That is a minotaur Belief, no person knows if it is true yet.


Okay thats the end if you have any more questions on this ask me

also as you can tell I worked hard on this so even if it is a no I want you to at least give me some good compliments of what was good and what was bad about my idea thx









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This kind of a brutish aggressive race is pretty much already represented through orks and ologs and i'm pretty sure the ET have already used this kind of a creature in events and such.

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It's a good concept for a race but debating about it here is somewhat pointless since it'd been said multiple times the admin team will not under any circumstances be accepting any new races at this time.

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That race would be abused so much and there would be so much powergaming

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*Dusts off the LM statement Guide*


  • Due to the nature of the current races accepted onto the server we are currently not accepting any new major races onto the server, this fact shall remain indefinite until such time as it is amended which will not be in the near future.
  • This concept at best can be accepted as a one off creature or event team creature, both of which are not very likely due to saturation currently with the current creatures list. 
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Better to just play an olog, really. Aren't so many of us nowadays.

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worth a try, although still no one said "well done on making that, it must have took you 2 hours or something but better luck next time"


If any of you want to know it took me an hour and a half for research and to write it down.

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worth a try, although still no one said "well done on making that, it must have took you 2 hours or something but better luck next time"


If any of you want to know it took me an hour and a half for research and to write it down.



It's a good concept for a race


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worth a try, although still no one said "well done on making that, it must have took you 2 hours or something but better luck next time"


If any of you want to know it took me an hour and a half for research and to write it down.


Last player-made race that got accepted was several months' work.

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Ill make you a potion for hair growth, douse it on you when you play an Orc and then don a Baratheon helmet with the rack snapped off to leave only sharp, bull-like stubs!

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Last player-made race that got accepted was several months' work.


And look where it is now.....

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Lord of the Craft has enough races that are barely played as is, no thanks.

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I like it as an ET race, but not a main race. Spreading us out even more is not a good idea.


We understand you put some work into it, but unfortunately, some ideas simply don't fly, no matter how much work is put into them.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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