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Aesterwald Needs You


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*A parchment lays posted for your eyes to gaze upon*


Wanted: Skilled Craftsmen and Guilds


Attention all Guilds and Organizations, mages, clerics, warriors, and scholars alike, Aesterwald is interested in harboring your practices and house your groups, guilds, and organizations. Vanderfell is a bustling city full of opportunity and housing for your guilds and organizations. It’s populace is very active and has many jobs needing to be done. The lands of Aesterwald are very vast and full of many things that your guilds or organizations can explore, investigate, and/or hunt. The populace is always willing to accept assistance. To warriors and clerics, The Order of the Black Eagle are willing to accept you into their cause, being the military of Aesterwald and its defense. To mages and scholars, the people of Vanderfell and Aesterwald welcome you, as they are in need of your practices and guilds. Currently Aesterwald boasts an underground library with shelves lined with many books awaiting eyes to gaze upon them and is willing to expand its collection of knowledge with your help. Other skilled craftsmen are encouraged to sell their wares and subject their practices in Aesterwald. Miners, blacksmiths, fletchers, and other skilled workers are wanted in Vanderfell as it has many houses available and store fronts awaiting hospitality.


Seek out an Vanderfell Steward today!

Be sure to ask around the bustling city full of opportunity.

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