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Aenor Calithil

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Aenor Calithil

Nicknames: He is not called by any nicknames
Age: 217 
Gender: Male, last time he checked
Race: Elf; Half Wood Elf, half High Elf
Status: Alive and wandering 

Height: 6'5 
Weight: Approximately 142, give or take a few pounds
Body Type: Mesomorph, borderline Ectomorph. Oh, and tall, of course. 
Eyes: Aquamarine 
Hair: Hue, this gets a lot of attention from people Aenor's recently met. It begins as white in the front, slowly melding to be a stark black in the back (Look to the art to see)
Skin: He has the skin of a High Elf at first glance, but at a closer examination it's dulled ever so slightly from his Wood Elven blood, but not by much. 
Markings/Tattoos: Aenor has a myriad of scars due to his numerous years as a guard. To begin, he has a scar on the side of his neck from a misfired Carrion crossbolt. He also has scarring around his right eye, seeming to have been etched in (Once more, look, closely,  to the artwork to see). His more prominent scar is the four what seem to be clawmarks across his lips,. 
Health: Healthy as he can be at the moment, but he suffers from Dissociative Fugue on occasion.
Personality: Aenor is an intuitive elf, valuing knowledge more than anything else, or at least almost anything else. He tends to be amiable, yet observing, to most people at first, always giving them a chance to impress him, so to speak. Once he gets to know someone, however, he is fiercely loyal.
Inventory: He always has a longbow and quiver slung across his back. Recently, he's changed from two shortswords, to an elven longsword.  
Further Details:

Life Style
Alignment*: Neutral Good
Deity*: Losely worships the Aspects.
Religion: None by a specific name
Alliance/Nation/Home: Laurehlin
Job/Class: Member of the Order of Sirame
Title(s): El'Chirr
Profession(s): Guardsman and Smithy
Special Skill(s): He's a quick learner, which contributed to his rising in the ranks of many different orders. He prides himself in his knowledge and skills of most weapons, namely the bow. The racial stereotypes are real. Aenor was also trained in the art of smithing back in Anthos. 
Flaw(s): Aenor bottles emotions, destroying himself inwardly over an elongated period of time. Due to this, he can hold onto grudges for extremely long periods of time (that in itself is a hard thing to achieve, as Aenor is usually an easygoing person). One of Aenor's deepest fears is never being remembered, causing him to do some rather unintelligent actions over time. Aenor is also extremely loyal, to the point where he can be blind to all reasoning outside of that whom he is loyal to.  

Current Status:
Arch-type: Fabulous
Sub-Type: Very Fabulous
Rank: Over 9000
Weakness(es): People who aren't fabulous
Strength(s): His hair
Current Spell(s): Hair flip

((In case people couldn't tell, I kid. Aenor has no magical abilities whatsoever))

Fighting Style:
No particular fighting style, he just adapts to any situation to the best of his abilities. 
Trained Weapon: Longbow, recurve bow, Shortswords, Longsword, Shortsword and shield combination, and mediocre at best skills with a spear.

Favored Weapon: The recurve bow

Archery: His area of expertise, the area in which he excels the most. After a decade or so of practice, he has succeeded at firing multiple arrows at once.




Siblings: One sister, currently wandering (Available to play, if anyone happens to be interested.)

Children: Willow Calithil, Kairn Calithil, and Leyu’wyn Calithil

Extended Family: Jotham Calithil (Grandson, Dead), Elizabeth Calithil (Granddaugther-in-law, Dead), Unnamed Great Granddaughter (Not played currently, I believe), Mithras Sylvari (Cousin), as well as any Sylvaris.

Pet(s): Sasha has returned! However, this time she is a Fen, a little orb of light encasing her memories.



(Oh lawd, this is most definitely a WIP.)


Aenor comes from humble beginnings. He was born and raised in a small, isolated fishing village on the coasts of Asulon long, long ago. Aenor was always an intuitive young elf, his nose always in a book at some point during the day. But with his love for books came his thirst for more knowledge. And so, when he was still early in his years, he set off on one of the trading cogs that came by his island every few months. With a teary farewell to his mother, sister, and father, he set off with only the clothes on his back, and his father's bow. Aenor's long, long journey, had begun.



Aenor's true beginnings, or at least the interesting parts, began in Elysium. Elysium is where he first began to associate himself with his kin, but not before spending a good chunk of time with the Haflings, and then the Dwarves. The first real work he ever did was for a dwarf by the name of Thoak Sludgefist, but Aenor lost contact with him long, long ago.


Elysium was a defining chapter in Aenor's life, seeing as how this is where he began his very long, and still ongoing, career in the military. After the usurping of Bravepaw and his brother, Orlanden, Aenor had the notion to join the military and make a difference. He caught Beren Quel'shen after a festival, enlisting then and there. Aenor, still very green, fought in a few battles, although it was more of cowering behind a barricade and firing arrows here and there. Everything began to seem routine, training and patrolling, and Aenor became used to his new life. Soon after, however, the volcano on the island began to erupt. Helping with the evacuation of their home in the mountain, Aenor and his kin fled to the boats along with the rest of the Descendants. Aenor was mournful, losing his first home beside his minuscule fishing village. Yet he was hopeful, hopeful that whatever lay ahead would be better.



((And no, Aenor is not super edgy, rubbing the blood of his enemies through his fingers. Just happened to find this while browsing the interwebs. I mean, how often do you come across a black and white haired, elvish looking character with aquamarine eyes and scarring around his eye? It's just too perfect in that manner ;-;))





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Kairn Calithil continues to annoy people in Malinor.

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