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Creature Hunting Ideas

((Since _zer0's awesome hunting creatures were removed and since the wiki is lacking in hunting monsters, here is my contribution! These creatures are extremely hostile and only the foolhardy would even attempt to hunt them singlehandedly, let alone tame them. Yes, druids can talk to them. But just like you can talk to an orc, it doesn't mean that the orc isn't going to kill you. These monsters would best be represented by blocks, but the last two /could/ work with an ET being a wolf or spider for each respectively. Also, the names rather suck and am willing to take any ideas for it. I will be adding my own drawings later to this to give you an idea of what I was thinking and am open to any feedback you guys have. Any resemblance to another fictional creature is purely coincidental as I made these up in my head.))




Strigzgof -Scaled lizard with quills on its tail that it can launch at its prey. Heavily armored on the top with the spikes and all, but softer on the bottom. These massive beasts usually stand 5’ (1.5m) off the ground, it’s body is 5’ (also 1.5m) wide and tends to be over 12’ (3.6m) long and weigh in at about 900 lbs for female or 1200 lbs for males. Their hide and armor usually takes on a sandy color, but it isn’t unknown for there to be other colors such as black and dark red. The spikes jutt along its back, but the only throwable ones are the ones along its whip like tail. If slain, the spikes make fearsome speartips and the armor plating rivals that of iron. Generally eats cactus and other vegetation with a voracious appetite, but also will pig out on meat when given the chance. These beasts are never seen together, as the area cannot support the diet of more than one of these, with the only exception being mating season. Despite being reptiles, these creatures are very quick and many a hunter have underestimated their speed with fatal consequences.
Drops: 1-6 Strigzgof spikes
  0-1 Strigzgof skull
  1-4 Strigzgof armor
  2-6 Strigzgof hide


Snarlgi - A wolfish beast that can blend into its surroundings with natural camouflage. They generally hunt solo or with a mate. They tend to have elongated canine-ish features, but with a feline style of body that naturally is a dark grey with red stripes. Unlike a feline, they only have a stub of a tail. Physically, they have a massive maw that is dominated with four very large piercing canine teeth, two on bottom and two on top and other, smaller canines fill the rest of the mouth. A very peculiar trait of the Snarlgi is four bone like protrusions on the top and bottom of the head, just a little past the nose on top and past the chin on bottom. These bulges are extra sensory organs that heighten the Snarlgi's sense of smell to incredible proportions and allow them to 'taste' scents on the air similar to how a snake can. Some say that when the wind is right, the Snarlgi can smell a scent as far as one mile away. Their forelegs and front half of their body is stocky and very powerful when put into comparison with their hind legs. They stand on average about 3.5-5’ (or 1-1.5m if your country isn’t special) and can stand on their hind legs to a height of 8’ (2.5m, think of the size of a polar bear and you’ve got it) and weigh in on average of 600 lbs.They live in rocky and forested areas that still have a decent amount of vegetation in the vicinity to hunt the prey it needs to. If slain, it is said that the hide still somewhat contains the property of camouflage that the creature had. These animals prefer to be stealthy about their attack and are known to disappear from a fight, only to come back again when they are least expected. These beasts seem to have a preference for elven flesh but will eat any meat if hungry enough and will go to great lengths to hunt their  prey.
Drops: 1-4 Snarlgi tooth
  0-1 Snarlgi skull
  0-2 Snarlgi hide


Crystal Crawler (or Moiner’s Baine for dwarves) - bane to dwarves and miners everywhere, the Crystal Crawler is attracted to ores, like a uruk is to violence. These creatures subsist on stone as their primary diet, but view ores as a delicacy, the rarer the ore, the greater the pleasure these creatures seem to derive from devouring it. (This could be used to explain why it’s so hard for less experienced miners to find ores, since only a experienced one could find a place undisturbed by a Crystal Crawler) Crawlers appear as a large arachnid (that is the same size as a giant spider in minecraft), with a carapace that usually is a rocky color. The legs end with strange crystal spikes (the type of crystal varies with the Crawler) if slain, these beautiful crystals can fetch a pretty penny. Instead of a normal spider’s head, it has a vaguely humanoid head with mandibles, dripping with caustic acid, where the mouth would be located. From this hideous orifice the Crawler’s method of digesting its food and a surprising offensive tactic comes into play. The Crawler can use the acid to dissolve stone and ore in a matter of seconds in order to tunnel, or can spew the liquid at an assailant. The creature can use this once every five to six seconds. It has been disputed that these creatures do not perish, as a crawler dead of natural causes hasn’t been found, and the crawlers constantly grow from their feeding. This could imply that there are crawlers out there that are truly massive, and woe be to the fool that awakes them. The danger with these monsters is that even alone they are capable of reducing a warrior to a pile of flesh stripped bones. However, one seldom finds a Crawler truly alone.
Drops: 1-8 valuable crystals
  1-4 Crawler eyes
  0-1 Crawler acid sack
  1-3 Crawler chitin plates

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Why do we need monster lore that no ET will never genuinely use more than once?


And why does it need a drop chart?

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Why do we need monster lore that no ET will never genuinely use more than once?


And why does it need a drop chart?

Well, the hope is with the nature of these beasts living near active races and the making of a monster hunting guild (the Marked Men) would make hunting monster events more frequent. Needless to say, implementing these creatures would hinge more on the event team, but I also believe if players want to do it themselves, they don't need the event team,just their imagination. 


A drop chart would give those who hunted the beast an opportunity to save trophies from their hunts and can lead to some cool rp storytelling and such. Perhaps after slaying a snarlgi, a hunters uses the hide as a camouflage cloaks to hunt other sentient being for the thrill, which makes these hunters harder to apprehend and lead to a good mystery as to who these mysterious hunters are and where they came from. Another one is perhaps some orcs gathering around the fire to share stories and an old hunter procures an ornately carved spike and tells the story of how he got it.


Hopefully, this answered your questions, if not just let me know and I can try to explain it differently. :) 

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Quite a large number of our creatures that already exist are not much threat. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Creatures


But many of the monsters I have seen aren't listed as creatures because they are instead rare occurrences. Like the giant cockerals and that hydra. Commonly found creatures could be a nice thing. Just for someone to make something interesting to mess with whilst on wanderings. Like the Marked Men when they do their initiation in the swamps. There's always some weird-ass monsters coming out to attack the poor lads.


And there could always be the possibility of having a fairly simple coding for custom mobs to randomly spawn. Take a wolf, give it a nameplate of "Strigzgof" and customised health and hit values on a minutely low spawn chance.

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Quite a large number of our creatures that already exist are not much threat. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Creatures


But many of the monsters I have seen aren't listed as creatures because they are instead rare occurrences. Like the giant cockerals and that hydra. Commonly found creatures could be a nice thing. Just for someone to make something interesting to mess with whilst on wanderings. Like the Marked Men when they do their initiation in the swamps. There's always some weird-ass monsters coming out to attack the poor lads.


And there could always be the possibility of having a fairly simple coding for custom mobs to randomly spawn. Take a wolf, give it a nameplate of "Strigzgof" and customised health and hit values on a minutely low spawn chance.

Yeah, created quite a few creatures for the initiations and also the encyclopedia we kept in check, in private. There's quite a few monsters that aren't listed on the wiki which are quite canon.

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The lore has unfortunately been  [Denied]


Now the reason behind this decision wasn't necessarily due to anything wrong with it, however it does follow a pattern we've seen with many a piece of lore. It's a creature. Already LotC holds a vast library of accepted creatures that just sit around unused, awaiting their time within the 'unplayable creatures' segment until someone finally decides one day, that they will be used. Because of this we're slightly against accepting more creature lore unless it's something really, really good and unique.


If ET are looking for creatures to roleplay then they can use the massive amount already present such as the ones Elindor bought up.


Quite a large number of our creatures that already exist are not much threat. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Creatures



 Also a personal qualm with accepting creature lore that gives players items is that we hold little control over the capabilities and restrictions of this new material. We cannot enforce powergaming rules from creature scales we've no idea what they can do. I'm not against rewarding players for submitting their time and overcoming a beast through decent RP however the items do need to be explained in depth, given purpose and in turn capability to be managed.



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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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