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The Corrupted Grace


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   "It was never supposed to happen. This. Death. None of it. The point of Grace was to marry into nobility but look what we've become..." Mumbles Richard.. "You are a Failure Echo. You went rouge... the mission is corrupt. You are corrupt" He goes on to say.


 Echo Raises his hand from the handle on the upper balcony as he trembles, staring at the clumps of deceased bodies scattered near the gates of their home. "Brother..." He laughs "For you have failed us" He would say abruptly as he lunges towards Richard with his sharp fangs. As the fight ensues, the rest of the family and other residents looked out the window doing nothing as blood began to drop from Richard. As Echos Fangs penetrated his own brothers neck he looks into his eyes, watching the life drain from him with a smirk on his face. Echo turns to see the observers, nodding. "We are the Grace family." He says, holding his brother up "And nobody will stop us" He smiles, throwing his brother over the balcony, landing on the hard cobble path.


" Poe and Luthar walk out, side by side with Echo as they look over the walls, forgetting the newly dead corpse sitting near the front door. Luthar began to speak as fire erupted from his hands, shooting them over the walls "A letter to all whom deserve it..." He smirks "Echo. We will need to stregethen these lands with more of us. Let us have dinner..." He laughs, turning and walking back through the door.



   As Luthar walks back, Poe looks to his remaining brother "I don't feel it anymore..." He sighs "I dont feel the pain of death or the burden of others screams." Echo nods "The hallucinations have done you well then." He says abruptly. As Poe nods, placing a hand on his brothers shoulder and walks back into the home, leaving Echo to ponder to himself as he writes up invitations for their initiation dinner.


  The letter reads : "Fellow brother. We have seen your actions and are planning to reward them. Come to eat dinner with us and share your stories to see the opportunity to join and strengthen the Corrupted Grace."

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"I really don't like killing others, but sometimes...some people..."

Archibald contemplates

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The Svane family, the ruling house of the city of Diamant, discusses Echo's earlier attack in them [[in-game]].
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"F-f-f-fangs?" a lone traveler asks, scared


((Is this like a...dark magic thing? Or different creatures? I guess what I am asking is how did you get fangs 0-0))

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"F-f-f-fangs?" a lone traveler asks, scared


((Is this like a...dark magic thing? Or different creatures? I guess what I am asking is how did you get fangs 0-0))

I got fangs by sharpening the hell out of my teeth, my teeth were already long so they have the image as fangs. Not fangs sticking 9 ft out of my mouth but you get the point.

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