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[✗] The Legend Of The Treant


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The Legend of the Treant
"One day, a wood elf sat on the canopy of a tree, overlooking the forests far ahead of him.. He gazed around until his eyes locked upon a construct. The construct looked tall.. Certainly taller than the average wood elf yes.. And the construct was strong too, it was able to withstand the weight of the boulders it was carrying.. The wood elf stared at the construct in amazement, before the gears in his head would start to turn. You see, this wood elf was not a simple wood elf, he was a Druid, and a rather good one. This Druid had been connected to nature for such a long time he didn't even remember how it was before he was attuned. Though the combination of his knowledge and the sight of this mystical construct set him out on an adventure.
A wild smirk came onto his face as he ran through the forest.. "That is not the right one.. That one neither.." He'd say as he ran his eyes past several trees. And like this he kept on walking for a while, trying to find the right tree. Though after a good while, there it would stand.. A beautiful robust birch tree.. About two elves high, he knew this was the right one.. He felt it. The wood elf sat down in the grass next to the tree before closing his eyes. He would start murmuring a few inaudible and incomprehensible phrases before raising his voice. "My aspects, bless our realm with the beating of your heart.. A creature so beautiful only you could've created it!" He called out as he raised his birch staff into the air. He opened his eyes, revealing the green hue they now carried. The grass and flowers around the Druid would start swaying wildly from side to side.. What was going on? It became apparent soon, as the tree would start shaking wildly.. As its thick would shoot out of the ground before posing themselves on top of it once again.. The tree would groan deeply before it'd free itself from the ground.. 
The Druid would immediately feel the effect of fatigue the Treant would evoke.. He would speak a few words "Friend.. Protect me on my journey to the grove.." He'd say as he'd slowly stride his way to the grove.. The Treant complying with his summoner's request, following the Druid where he'd go.. Always ready to beat the dangers away from him. "
Yes indeed, I have returned with another piece of lore! This time on these strange creatures called treants.
But what is this creature we call the treant? Well it is quite simple.
The treant is a creature that is summoned and kept alive by Druids. It's basically a walking tree.
As was shown in the lore above, the Treant is created by the Druids. 
Though this is only possible for the more capable Druids (We are talking t5 communion and nature's control.).
The Druid that wishes to create a Treant must carefully pick the tree, as the Treant will take on the characteristics of the tree it comes from.. A weak weeping willow will produce a very weak Treant, while a strong and robust birch would produce a strong Treant. It is also advised for Druids to take care of the tree well before summoning the treant. The tree doesn't only pass on its strength but every single detail, it even gives the color to the Treant. The type of tree would also decide the Treant's resistance to certain climates and weather conditions.. For example a pine Treant would survive in cold climates with more ease than an oak Treant.
The Druid should also keep the size of the tree in mind, the bigger the tree the harder it is to unroot it.
After the Druid selected the tree, it's necessary for the Druid to pray to the aspects and verbally express the purpose he has for the Treant. This routine is followed by the uprooting of the Treant.
The every day life of a Treant
It feeds itself from the nutritions in the ground. When the Treant is uprooted by its creator it would start taking the energy from its creator to keep it alive. Every time it is uprooted it only had one sole purpose, that'd have been made clear by the creator at the moment it got uprooted. When the Treant is uprooted in the presence of the aspect stones it's capable of moving around freely for an extended period of time, to do smaller tasks such as guarding the gates.
Druids capable of summoning treants are druids entrusted with the heavy burden of Druidic magical abilities allowing them to make a treant experience as extraordinary as they desire, within reason of course.
The Treant can be either emoted by the Druid in question or a event member, depending on what the Druid wishes for.
Written by maxu1234 and cmack1028
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Unfortunately, this lore has been [Denied]


The LT finds that the Treants draw some very strong parallels with golems, and even ignoring that they are far easier to create and summon than a golem, being able to craft one on demand at any point where's there's a tree nearby, which is most places. Additionally, Druidism has quite a few abilities already, and adding such a powerful one to such a widespread magic is something we're a bit averse to. 

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