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=The Story of Izzex=



Long ago, a powerful wizard named Izzex visited our realm. His silken robes shimmering with magic, his eyes alight with wonder and curiosity at the pureness of the land. For Vailor, my child, was a far different place long ago. The ruins did not stand, the trees were not felled, the stone was not mined. Fish leapt through the rivers and animals played within the forests, carefree and peacefully. But this wizard was not of our world, and he had seen much. He knew this land would one day be settled, that one day, it would see strife.


So Izzex sat upon a stone and thought long and hard, resting his chin upon his wizened knuckles. How could he stop the inevitable? How could he prevent such terrible things to befall a land so beautiful? As he sat there upon this stone, the sun smiled down upon him from above, bathing the forest in its golden light. As the forest basked in this blessing from above, it seemed to come alive before Izzex’s very eyes and ears. The trees began to whistle, the birds began to chirp, the brooks began to babble, creating a symphony of sound Izzex had not heard in millennia. With tears in his eyes at such beauty, an idea sparked in his head.


This land did not need a sword, staff, nor shield to protect it from that which may destroy it. It simply needed that which he had overlooked in the past. With a grin upon his face and a goal within his breast, he rose from his stone and set to complete his quest. He started with the forests, carving out and crafting that which he would enchant with the power to protect this land for eternity. Izzex thought to himself, as to what he should make. Hearing the chirping song of the birds; he made a harp, hearing the hard working thrum of the woodpeckers upon bark for food; he made a drum, hearing the whimsical melody of the breeze through the trees; he made a flute.


With these instruments in stow, he spread them out from his form and raised his hands, imbuing unimaginable power into each so that one day they might be used to protect that which they were made from. To the harp, he wove in its strings the song of newly hatched chicks, birth of one’s will. To the drum, he sewed into its fibres the song of the woodpecker’s resolve and drive, to achieve what must be done for its family . To the flute. he carved into its form the song of the wind, freedom and litheness. But this was not enough, three instruments alone could not save the world. So he set out with his instruments, stowing them away in the forests of Vailor, unbeknownst to him that one day these would be home to the children of Malin.


Izzex traveled this beautiful land, observing the sculpted land of majesty with awe. To the highest and coldest mountains of the North, he found inspiration in the strong waves, smashing up against the frozen bluffs. One day as he was walking along one of these bluffs he noticed a cave hidden away amongst the ice and snow. Stepping inside he found within glittering gems and veins of rare ores of all different colors decorating the walls. With a flourish of his wrists he pulled the ores and gems from the walls, sending out serpents of flame to melt the ores and gems circling his form. Drawing the molten metals together, he thrust his arms forward, cooling his creation with a blast of wind. Izzex cradled his craft in his hands, spreading them apart before smashing them together, creating a cacophony of sound within the cavern. The wizard had created cymbals, for the land and sea work best when unified. Satisfied with this instrument, the wizard pressed enchantments of great power into the metals so that those that might hear them be as strong as the crashing waves and sturdy as the frozen bluffs.


The wizard’s quest continued as he went south to the harsh deserts of Vailor, encountering a creature he had never met before. A massive beast that looked like the cross between a spider and a scorpion, or a scaddernack as the uruks call it, rose out of the sands, its colossal claws snapping; trying to devour Izzex! Its many legs and large frame were no match for the wizard though; Izzex barraged the great beast with torrential elemental spells until finally, it fell. Its massive stinger resting in the dust beside him. Curiosity struck the wizard and he set to work, removing the conical tip of the scaddernack’s stinger and carving it out into a horn. He gazed upon the fallen scaddernack and raised the horn above his head, taking in the beast features, remembering its temperament and ferocity in combat. With these in mind, he poured his magic into the horn. For all who would hear it would be driven into a state of fervor comparable to the scaddernack. Izzex left the horn amongst the remains of the once ferocious beast, for no beast but the desert itself would keep it safe.


Finally, Izzex’s quest was almost over. He had made his way from the eastern deserts in the southern highlands. A furious blizzard seemed to ravage the tundra, never letting up, never breaking for the poor wizard who trekked through. Izzex made his way up to the highest point of one of massive mountain range in the south, he beheld the great expanse and felt his breast overwhelm, letting loose a bellow simply to hear his voice echo across the landscape. Izzex thought, what exactly could he create here in such an expansive place where only the wind and ice toiled? His final idea struck him and once again he raised his hands, calling to the ice and wind to help him fulfill his task. Ice circled the wizard, bending his fingers as he manipulated it into new shape and form, hardening the ice until it was a opaque and would never melt. The wizard had created his final instrument, a horn made from the very ice of the mountains. Mimicking the strong winds of the blizzard, to the horn he bestowed the thundering roar of the mountain storms. Stowing the horn away in a cave that wound its way deep within the mountain, Izzex had finally completed his quest. The wizard departed as quickly as he came and was never seen again.


Now the Descendents have finally arrived on Vailor, centuries after the coming of the wizard Izzex. His relics of power lay hidden across the land, waiting for their time to be used. Will they be used to for great good or great evil, only the Creator knows.


The Relics



The Harp of Fantasy


Shaped from a piece of Elder Wood centuries ago, Maehr’sae was created by the wizard Izzex with the intention of preserving the land of Vailor from corruption or strife that may befall it in the future. The harp has existed for centuries and over time the magic stored within has begun to decay, mana radiating out of it and its purpose twisted. It is able to create illusions that can affect all of one’s senses and place the unwary in a pseudo-reality. However if controlled and played, the Harp can temporarily create tangible illusions of the player’s desires and do the same for those within earshot. Those who are exposed for too long to the harp's magic alone will find themselves losing a grip on reality, unable to tell what is fantasy and what is not. The magic within the harp is stabilized when played with all other instruments and is able to strengthen the magical, mental, and spiritual abilities of its listeners.





The Flute of Freedom


Another of Izzex's Elder Wood crafts, Lurene represents the freedom of the winds as they traveled through the forests. As with the harp, the magic within the flute has decayed and become twisted, giving its magic a chaotic and unpredictable factor. The flute's melodies bestow upon the listeners swiftness of foot and swiftness of senses, as if they themselves are the wind. Prolonged use of the flute alone leads the listeners and the user to begin to feel light-headed and air-headed. Their thoughts and personality would be gone with the wind, losing themselves forever. The magic is stabilized when played in unison with the other instruments, the effects of the flute becoming stronger than before.



The Wardrum of Protection


The final instrument made within the forests of the Mali. Telonni represents the drive and instinct to protect one's own kin. As with all the instruments of Izzex, the instrument constantly emits arcane radiation that corrupts and has twisted its own magics. The drum on its own instills a primal fire within those that hear it, the beat of the drum beating within the minds of all who hear it. The user would find the drum to be best for direction massive armies with no remorse to fend off their enemies with no fear, only the instinct to survive. Prolonged use of the drum causes those under its effects to slowly lose their "civilized" behavior, losing their emotions and reasoning. Only to become feral and instinctual animals. Using the drum along with the other instruments would lift the spirits of those who might hear it, intensifying any thoughts of victory, diminishing any doubts. 


Horen's Call


The Cymbals of Unity


Forged through magical means by the Wizard Izzex, the metal cymbals seem to shine with a natural light from within, as if the sun itself was trapped inside. Separate, the cymbals are useless and produce no magical energy whatsoever. As they grow closer and closer, the magical energy within them resonates and releases a wave of magical energy and cacophony of sound. The magical sound of the cymbals would imbue all those within earshot the strength of the crashing waves and the resilient hide of the frozen bluffs. Prolonged exposure to he magic would turn those affected to stone, permanently. Used in symphony with the other instruments increases its effects.


The Devil of the Sands

The Warhorn of Fury


Carved from the sting of a massive scaddernack, the wizard Izzex enchanted this warhorn with the ferocity of beast. It seems to vibrate with an internal hunger that would strike fear into the hearts of any normal man. Blowing into the horn rouses the magic within it, if used in a desert, the horn's magic would conjure up a dust devil that would rage for hours. Used anywhere else, the listeners would be driven into a fervent frenzy, attacking any enemies they would be directed towards. Prolonged use would drive listeners to attack not only others but themselves until nothing remained. Played in harmony with the other instruments would strengthen the listeners with the strength of the scaddernack.



The Roaring Blizzard

The Amphorn of Bravery


The final instrument created by the wizard Izzex. Created from the very ice and snow that lay upon the southern mountain range, this horn is not blown into but rather sung into, amplifying any number of voices behind it and expanding them over several miles. Mimicking the roaring winds of the blizzards, the amphorn's magic lies in its range. Being able to take a small amount of volume and amplify it allows the horn's magic to reach across a wide area. Use of the horn alone creates a raging blizzard across its area of effect. Prolonged use of the horn seems to give life to the blizzard, abominations of ice and snow taking shape within the storm and rushing towards those using the horn to slaughter them. Used in harmony with the other instruments allows for all the instruments effects to be amplified even further, carrying the sound and empowering those who seek to prevent the world's destruction.



OOC Note: All instruments are cymbals of each race's respective traits and cultures. The magic 'decayed' and causes ill effects when used more then once per ingame year(prolonged exposure) because this keeps the balanced when not used for war or events. The instruments are meant to be used in events where the enemy is strong enough that the descendents would NEED magical or divine help to defeat it. Using them for a battle would surely turn the tide, but the way massive pvp fights are right now, it wouldn't be worth it :P. So its best just to save them for massive PvE evens. The legend itself could be stored within a book somewhere, I wrote it as a bedtime story from an old man to his grandson. So it could be something well known just never really taken into consideration.

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Will these be actually hidden in chests in dungeons and such, or will there be events to find em?

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Will these be actually hidden in chests in dungeons and such, or will there be events to find em?


I conceived this idea as a GM and an event line was created to introduce the first instrument via corruption of the environment due to the extreme amount of magical energy being radiated from them. I'd like that event line to continue in that the races will be able to discover their instruments for some, others will have to initiate the event line by finding it first, which wouldn't be hard. The locations themselves will be kept a secret, but noticeable changes in the environment would alert you to their presence. Personally, I can see advantages and disadvantages to players finding them on their own, were it arranged properly where the player would acknowledge and participate in what part he or she would play in the endgame of the event were they to find it on their own, I see no problem with it.


On the other hand, these instruments would kill a person after a few days if not stored properly. Think of these things as miniature nuclear reactors but magic. Extremely powerful, extremely dangerous, and should only be used to benefit and not destroy. But destroying stuff with these is totally okay for the sake of RP and its done right of course. 

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The only think I dont like about this is that you used GW2 warhorns...



C'mon man...



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Maybe if Izzex returns he could make one for them..but there would have to be enough of them around for it to be worth it.

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This lore is detailed and interesting. I have a few questions regarding it.


Is it plausible that a single person owns all of these? If so, would one person holding all of these instruments be, in your opinion, overpowered? 


Can these weapons be used purposefully to attack another single person, or a group? For example, if I locked a group of people in a room with the harp, would they have to go mad?


How are we, as a server, or perhaps you as a lore writer, going to keep these items from sitting in a chest, collecting dust? 

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Apologies for late response, I'm currently camping and service is limited to stores and roads when we travel. Anyways!

It is plausible, but incredibly unlikely because there would be no point to one person posessing all the intstruments. The instruments would have to be played simutaneously for their full, unbridled power to be of some use. But yes, they would be pretty damn powerful and I highly discourage one person owning all of them.

You could but the player will also be affected unless they are wearing something to block out sound. But one must keep in mind the instruments can force an emotion or experience, not a specific one. Everyone in the room would be affected differently. In the harp's case, people would be placed in a trance as they undergo an illusion the harp evokes within their mind.

I would like to see the instruments used for server wide and racial events that affect the server to some scale. Perhaps fighting a minor antagonist to something benevolent or random. The main storyline I had in mind for these is that after gathering the instruments and fighting a creature that makes Iblees look like an edgy necromancer. Hence the buffs. It would be an endgame battle that could only be survived with buffs. Winning would be up to the players.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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