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The Rebirth — Tempered Souls (Fi')


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The lore is well written, but you should include the list of what it does on the original topic, as it is a bit difficult to understand just what you mean without it (the list in question is the one you gave to BNK). Also, when you say 'any magic', are you speaking about literally any magic or just the two magic branches that Fi' can usually use? Also, will these types of Fi' mages still have the drawback of immense physical weakness?


Finally, I echo BNKs question about the storage of souls, and add on to that by asking: can you have a Fi' Mage who uses both Tempered and unTempered souls? Also, what is all this stuff about souls leaving a space or something of the sort? I don't really get that :P 

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  • One can swap between the two types of Fi'
  • All magic can be drained with the second type.
  • They will still be physically weaker. But the drawbacks of regular (untempered) Fi' is more than regular magic. This brings it to lesser, so they're not like... headache prone sticks and can use weapons.
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Just to clarify, does this imply that Fi' magic can now drain Necromancy magic? This implies some pull on life force, mind you.

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Or, it implies that the mana used is pushed towards the void. And the life force is carried as a result.

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I would love to see this implemented, if it was accepted however how would you bring it's arrival into the server? The execution per say

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Will this permit a practitioner of tempered Fi' magic to practice other magical types? The main weakness of a Fi' mage is that they are bound to that magic, unable to cast anything else, and therefore may not overpower all other mages simply by existing.

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The reason I ask is it'd possibly be interesting to expand the "Tempered" as you say by a holy order to invite more people into using the magic. For such grand work as you put in (Even if I need a dictionary, a ghost of a Greek poet, and an archaeologist to cipher what you are saying in all that text) it should really be seen more as it's a unique form of magic created solely for LOTC.

Just like Frost Witch magic you can find any server and find systems like enchanting, magic fireballs/lighting/earth/etc is been there done that. Fi is one of the few magics you'd find styles of it, but to work/be in the similar matter showcases the creative level and the limit pushing you can achieve within the system of LOTC my personal feelings of said system aside. 

I'd gladly support this, once I'm done decoding it!

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Or, it implies that the mana used is pushed towards the void. And the life force is carried as a result.

Ah. Hrm. I'll need to have a word about this soon.

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I'm not quite in agreement with how this lore basically allows there to be a do-all anti magic AND allows those do all anti mages to wield swords. Perhaps a full list of pros, cons, abilities it can do and red lines (like every add-on to magic or new magic lore has) is needed, so the community can really see what this is about instead of trying to decipher well written but very vague lore.

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Fair enough, but will we be seeing a more detailed outline of the lore, any time soon? Something similar to what I mentioned would be easy to read, as well as preserving of the original lore you wrote.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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