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Character Name

Millosm Lepida


Basic Information


Nicknames: Milo, Millo


Age: 27 (auto age on)


Gender: Male


Race: Human


Status: Alive and Well




Height: 6 ft


Weight: 134 lbs


Body Type: Slender build, muscular arms and legs


Eyes: Dark Blue


Hair: Short, brown hair


Skin: Tan


Markings/Tattoos: None


Health: Physically healthy, mentally ill

Personality:  Kind, always means well but he tends to become very rude and ill-mannered when he is stressed.



Inventory: Wears a satchel on his side if he is not wearing his Ruric Tabard.


Further Details: Suffering from schizophrenia and slowly developing multiple personality disorder


Life Style


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Deity: Believes in a single Creator.


Religion: He believes in a higher power, does not care enough to put a label on it.



Lives in the town of Nyrhold, in the county of Lorraine, in the Nation of Oren. He is loyal to the Rurics, but not necessarily to Oren.

Job/Class: He is the Ruric’s “most trusted bannerman”




Profession(s): He is a chef and a woodworker


Special Skill(s): Good liar, knows how to get on people’s  good side when he needs to, great fighter when he is enraged or defending someone he loves. He is quick and agile on his feet and he makes bad ass pancakes.


Flaw(s): Tends to let things go to his head, can get very stressed and angry very easily. When stressed, he does not think things through and he has trouble keeping his thoughts to himself. His mouth will often get him into trouble. He suffers from two voices in his head constantly telling him what to do, and most of the time they do not mean well. When he gets stressed he will sometimes give in to the voices. When he is under this state of mind he has no control of his actions and remembers none of them. The way he acts is dependent on which voice has taken over. If it was Zant, he will act violently towards the ones Millosm loves and will try and get Millosm hurt. If the voice was Vobis, he will do all he can to embarrass Millosm and do his best to humiliate him.








Fighting Style: When he is level headed, he will use his light weight to his advantage, dodging and maneuvering around his opponent until they tire, then he will either tackle and restrain them, or he will target the back of their legs or arms to prevent any further resistance or attack. If he is enraged however, he will swing his sword in frenzied movements with great force. He will attack any vulnerable spot he can find, even if it would kill his opponent should his attack prevail. If he is protecting someone he loves, he will do his best to ignore any wounds inflicting unto him until he either cannot go on further or he has defeated his opponent.

Trained Weapon: He has been trained in swordplay with other Ruric Bannermen





His parents’ names are not known to him, however they are both presumed dead.






Daia (farfolk, adopted, missing)

Extended Family:




Millosm, Milo for short, was born in The Holy Oren Empire. He grew up poor in the small town of Aegar, but what his parents lacked in wealth, they made up for in love. They always tried to do their absolute best to make him happy, and to keep him ignorant of the harsh outside world. Because of this, he rarely went outside and almost never played with any of the neighborhood children. His father worked hard in the wheat fields outside of town, working from dawn to dusk in an effort to take home as much money as possible. His mother was his primary caretaker, until he reached the age of 10. She was inflicted with a crippling disease that could not be identified by any of the village doctors, and she passed just a few weeks after. His father, although heartbroken, no longer had to work as often as it meant one less mouth to feed. He now came home in time for dinner, and often took a day off once a week.  Millosm's old world view, a view in which bad things only happened to bad people, was shattered. The boy who stayed inside, never questioned authority, and kept to himself was gone. He often snuck out while his father was working in an attempt to learn what else he was lied to about. He walked the woods after dark, even when told it was forbidden. He butted into all of his father's personal affairs, and was deemed a "trouble maker." However, the most drastic change of all, was one of his sanity. He felt more alone than ever, and although he actually snuck outside of his house often, he never made any friends. His loneliness was brought to the limit when his father left him at the age of 13 due to a draft for the dwarven war plaguing the land. Millosm began talking to himself frequently, as a way to cope. He would talk to himself during the entirety of tending the fields, something he had to start doing in order to buy food. A few months after his father left, Millosm was given terrible news that his father had disappeared. He was MIA, and presumably dead. Millosm now found it hard to get out of bed, and the conversations between himself were unending. One day, in the midst of telling himself he needed to get out of bed and work, he received an answer back. One within his head. It told him "Milo, just skip the day. They won't notice you're gone. just go back to sleep. You'll thank me for it later." Millosm contributed this to overworking himself, so he went back to sleep. But this didn't stop the voice, who began talking to him during all waking hours. He was a bad role model, always encouraging negative behavior out of Millosm. He informed Millosm that his name was Zant. Millosm got into much more trouble now because of Zant, and he always blamed Zant for when he got into trouble. In Millosm's eyes, Zant was his only friend. That was until he met Bellany. Millosm met her when he was 15. He was sneaking around at night, listening to Zant's urges to find "some nice coin laying around." This always led to stealing, which a fourth of the time would lead to being caught. But Millosm listened to his friend, and began lurking the streets, searching for a cracked window or unlocked door. Whilst creeping along a small house at the edge of town, he heard what sounded like crying, and hitting, followed by a human girl about his age running out the front door. His gut urged him to confront her, while Zant urged him to walk away. Courageously, he talked to her. She wasn't very open at first, until Millosm offered her some fresh bread he had found cooling on a window sill, a fact that he didn't share with her. She spoke of how she had forgotten to sweep the living room floor, which made her father angry. She expressed how he had hit her and told her to come back after she had thought about what she had done. She told Millosm that she had to leave, else father would be upset that she would be taking too long. Millosm met with her the next night however, and this led onto another night, and then another. By the time they were 16, they were in love, and Millosm had stopped his trouble making ways. All he wanted was Bellany, no more answers, no more mischief, just Bellany. He often snuck Bellany out of her house at night so they could spend time together at his house. When they turned 18, Millosm proposed to Bellany, but she wasn't sure of herself. She was afraid her father would interject, forcing her to stay with him. Millosm went with Bellany to confront her father. Her father was furious, and told them that they would never see each other again; when Bellany protested, a fist was slammed into her face. Millosm stared in horror as another fist was slammed into her. Bellany was crying and pleading for her father to stop, but all Millosm could hear was Zant, who was tired of being ignored. He told Millosm one simple thing: Kill him. Zant repeated himself and repeated himself until he was screaming inside Millosm. Kill him! Kill him! Millosm snapped. In a bloody rage, Millosm threw himself onto Bellany's father and began beating him and beating him. Millosm screamed in anger as he pulled out the lucky heirloom his father gave to him before he left for war. It was a jagged, curved knife that Millosm always carried with him. He had never once used it against someone, the only time he ever used is was when he was hungry and needed to peel fruit, or even sometimes as a tool to help with lockpicking when he was younger. But now it was being put to good use. He thrusted the blade into her father repeatedly until there was nothing but a bloody mess. Millosm stared at his blood drenched clothes, horrified to what Zant had seemingly forced him to do, then he looked at Bellany, also covered in her father's blood. In fear of what he might do to Bellany should he snap again, he fled the town immediately. What the authorities would do to him wasn't even on his mind. He just thought of Bellany, and wanted her to be safe from him. He wandered the forests beyond the fields for quite a while, living off the land. But he didn't stay for long. He wanted to be free from Zant, who was nothing but a burden on his mind now. This led him to many places in search of information, The Republic of Sulvis, The Crownlands, and Cloud Temple, where he stayed for several months, learning of new philosophies and ways to control his angry companion. He has picked up many skills in his adventures such as Sword fighting, cooking, and he has learned that kindness towards others keeps tends him out of trouble.



(The following is a disclaimer. I do not own any of this artwork unless stated so, nor do any of these directly depict my character, they are just a guestimate of what he should look like, unless stated otherwise)








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