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Name) Forever glow


Description and effects:  A potion that glows even in light, it will forever last as a light allowing one to see roughly three feet out each way from where it is held. The liquid of the potion will never lose its glowing property though is known to give light nausea if consumed. It is as thick as sap and has no other effects.



Three leaves of Alabaster leaf finely crushed in a mortal and pestle, once crushed it is mixed with small amounts of water and mixed into a fine paste of sorts.

Soon after you must get sap from a Starlit Monacrie tree and mix it with the paste.



Author: ZachsSlayer!


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(Chillblain Potion)

Description and effects:

The Chillblain Potion, also known as a Fire Resistance Potion, can protect the user from fire. When one drinks this blue concoction, the user’s skin will transform blue and its texture will become rough and scaly. This causes the user’s agility to decrease immensely, reducing them to half their speed. However, the transformed alchemist will now be resistant to fire and things similar for a short while until the effects wear out. Although the benefits can be useful, one should note that the items on their person remain unaffected, so will likely burn up. For instance, clothes will catch aflame. If someone in armor were to consume the potion, the armor would heat up and when the effects wear off, it’ll likely burn the man inside to death. The duration wears off pretty fast (Generally 10 emotes, but players have freedom as long as they're close to the number).



Base: Aqua Vitae

2 Water Symbols (Ice, Freezing)

2 Earth Symbols (Earth, Resilience)





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OOC: This was a nexus potion I used religiously so I’d like to post it to make it valid now that mechanical RP is gone. I changed the recipe up a little bit and emphasised on its weaknesses, but otherwise it’s the same.

Edited by LeoRabbit99
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Name) Paralyzing oil


Description and effects:   This is like many other oils though instead makes whatever cut beome paralyzed and also causes strong hallucinations.



A tenth vial, or one ounce of Corvisange, mixed into 2 parts water, letting it sit for two days. Once done you may add the Zawabate tea in with the mixture. If the tea is boiling and kept boiling the corvisange mix and zawabate tea will combine to make a very ugly brown liquid, if drank at this point it will taste awful, paralyze partially for a few minutes and cause strong but unrefined hallucinations, cannot be applied onto a sword at this point for use. To further the potion you must boil it down for a very long time, getting it to almost a paste at that point all the regents will become a thick brown paste that crumbles easily, to fix this adding lard and heating it very little while mixing it all together and adding half an ounce of water to it, mixing it up and eventually you'll have a thick oily liquid that can be applied to swords.



Author: ZachsSlayer!


LM Approval Required:

Nope. Need screenies of making the potion in character and proof of being taught it.

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On 1/9/2018 at 9:47 AM, TheCritsyBear said:

This mold is rare and difficult to acquire, as it grows with many other forms of mold at once, and it is up to the alchemist to find a way to cultivate and isolate it.

I'm confused a tad, could you elaborate on this? Do you mean that this particular mold only grows when there's a bunch of different kind of mold growing on each other, or something else?

Edited by LeoRabbit99
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8 hours ago, LeoRabbit99 said:

I'm confused a tad, could you elaborate on this? Do you mean that this particular mold only grows when there's a bunch of different kind of mold growing on each other, or something else?

What I mean is it grows in normal bread-y mold conditions. Under those conditions, it isn't the only mold that grows, and thus it grows with tons of other types of mold and is almost impossible to isolate by normal means.

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Artificial Quintessence

Description and effects:

A useful but macabre tool to be found in the arsenal of alchemists and medicus alike, a dark red liquid substance capable of mimicking in some simple manners the practice of necromancy, for which it gains its name. It serves as a form of inert 'substitute' quintessence, without direction or proper flow, similar to the effects of chimera weed, its signature ingredient.


The substance is capable of reanimating recently deceased matter into a state of very basic unlife, keeping it 'alive' for future use, allowing severed parts and organs to be kept 'animated' and for the clinically dead to be kept safe from further damage in case resuscitation is possible. Materials stored in this manner can not be kept indefinitely, as eventually the potion will begin to destabilize and become inert, resulting in very quick loss of material for an unwary alchemist. It can take up to a year for this to occur when storing a single organ under optimal conditions, and only a few minutes when used on something as large as a descendant. Once the potion has become inert, it will need to be changed out for a fresh mixture, or the materials will rapidly spoil.


As this is not a magical force, but instead a trick of alchemy, the 'undead' created through this process bear no soul shadow, and thus in every way apart from technically being reanimated, are corpses.


When imbibed by a living being, the concoction would grant almost no effect under any circumstances. When consumed by the living dead, the potion is capable of suspending their hunger for a short while, granting the illusion that it has sated them, only for the hunger to frustratingly return them to the state they were in prior to drinking.



Liquid Essence base,

1 moderate water symbol of life,

1 moderate fire symbol of vigor,

Chimera weed,

Descendant blood.




LM Approval Required:

Yes, to confirm that you have the ability to acquire Liquid Essence for the base.


edit: re-added shelf life

Edited by TheCritsyBear
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On 1/3/2018 at 7:11 PM, The Fire Mind said:

The Potion of Chad



On 1/3/2018 at 7:15 PM, The Fire Mind said:

The Potion of Crippling Sorrow 


Virgin denied vs chad accepted. *Clears throat*


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On 1/8/2018 at 7:02 AM, LeoRabbit99 said:

(Elixir of Magical Insight)




On 1/9/2018 at 5:01 PM, Alitruist said:

The Zawabate Potion




On 1/12/2018 at 4:14 PM, Zacho said:

Forever glow



On 1/13/2018 at 4:18 PM, LeoRabbit99 said:



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On 1/14/2018 at 12:59 AM, Zacho said:

Paralyzing oil


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 Ruggine Potions(3 Variants of 1 Poisonous Potion)


Lesser Form : 

Description and effects: 

 The Lesser Ruggine Shuriken Potion is a lesser form of the Poisonous Ruggine Potion, created by less-skilled alchemists only meant to form rashes, if drunken the poison will be easier to fight and won't be as effective as its counterpart. It  is a splash potion that is made from the Territorial Shuriken Flower, if it comes in contact with skin it would immediately spawn infectious rashes that are easily treatable but can have fatal effects.(Similar to Contact Dermatitis) The Rash weakens the skin, spawns blisters and bumps, gives a burning sensation that is unpleasant(Similar to a torch being held up to the effected spot), and if not treated, can spread to other areas and completely envelope your skin; making it weak and susceptible to even little things(stepping on cold or hot surfaces, etc). It destroys your first protective barrier completely making it easy to injure or infect, this is spreadable if someone were to touch the rash for a prolonged period of time which is why it is called Fatal. (The Rashes last from a day - a month depending on if it is treated or not). It is  easily treated by any healing potions if they are rubbed directly on the effected spots, and even a bit of water on the effected spot every now and then can make it feel better and slow down its production. It is primarily cured by the Zawabate Potion, although it takes a few hours to be cured. Theoretically, it takes atleast 2 months for the Rashes to completely envelope your body.  



Base : Territorial Ruggine Flower Nectar(Crush it) mixed with distilled water

3 Lesser Fire Symbols ( Irritation)

4 Lesser Air Symbols (Flight) 

1 Moderate Water Symbol(Travel)


Moderate Form : 

Description and effects:

  The Moderate Ruggine Potion is a Moderate Potion created from the Ruggine Flower, it is the only nonfatal version of the 3 subparts. The Moderate Ruggine  Potion is a splash potion that immediately turns into a mist with the primary effect of knocking unconscious anyone who inhales/smells it, or is simply in its vicinity. It's secondary effects would be to provide an unpleasant burning sensation to whoever is in it's mist and it also provides a pepper-spray effect to the victims eyes.The unconsciousness can last from 10minutes - 3 hours depending on how much is breathed in although the mist dissolves after about 5minutes.This makes it the perfect get away potion. 


Actions of a Person in the Fog : It would take about 20 - 30 seconds for someone to pass out when in the mist.The person affected would feel pressure on their lungs making it hard to breath as the mist lessens the oxygen concentration, they would feel their eyes begin to burn and water making it harder to see in addition to the mists enveloping, and along with these secondary effects they would eventually pass out from the lack of oxygen in addition to the mists ability to cause unconsciousness. 



Base : Territorial Ruggine Flower

5 Moderate Air Symbols(Speed, Flight, Lightweight, Travel)

3 Moderate Water Symbols(Fluidity)

1 Greater Fire  Symbol(Overpowering)

(After the Potions ingredients are put in the bottle , it is required to be boiled until the substance is completely evaporated into a Mist form.)


Greater Form : 

Description and effects:

 The Greater Ruggine Potion is a Greater potion created from the Ruggine Flower.It is a fatal poison that is quite hard to create. If it comes in contact with your blood stream it would destroy your blood cells ability to carry anything(Ability to Carry Oxygen, Ability to fight infections, and completely destroys the bodies ability to repair wounds) and if ingested it would take over and completely destroy your bodies systems(Similar to a fatal virus). With that being said, it is a fatal potion. If it comes in contact with the skin, it achieves the same effect of the Territorial Rash spawner, but the rashes will spread easier and much quicker due to its influx of ingredients. (Takes Hours - days to kill based on the weight and overall mass of the victim). It is safe to say that this potion is only created by Advanced Alchemists.



Base : Liquified Ruggine Flower Roots(Melted) mixed with Aqua Vitae

6 Greater Fire Symbols(Destruction, Death, Consumption, Irritation, Overpowering)

1 Moderate Water Symbol(Fluidity)

4 Greater Air Symbols(Speed, Travel)


Author:Alitruist(Created IRP by Jhazeem)


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(All of these are subject to change if considered too under/over powered by critics or admins.)



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On 1/9/2018 at 8:47 AM, TheCritsyBear said:

Lesser Vitality Tincture




On 1/9/2018 at 8:47 AM, TheCritsyBear said:

Vitality Tincture


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On 1/18/2018 at 5:48 PM, TheCritsyBear said:

Artificial Quintessence



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Description and effects:

Used by Alchemists who are in service to kings, or wanting a quick method of distillation, the purifier is a formula that when applied to contaminated liquids, harmful fluids such as poison, or any liquid that is infected with deadly or damaging substances, it will begin to dissolve the foreign and vile products within the fluid. Most Alchemists reduce the Purifier down to salts, and use that when they are in the wild and are in need of something to drink, or give it to nobility. Some accounts show Alchemists treating their armor with the purifier in an oil form to acquire resistance against poisonous strikes. Naturally, the Purifier does not work on Acids, cannot be ingested, and depending on how resilient the harmful substances are, a standard Purifier will only lessen the strength. To counteract this, Alchemists can apply modifiers to their Purifier during the crafting process, typically through the use of stronger symbols, representations of power, or other some methods.


Note: If someone tries to ingest the purifier, they will feel their bladder and insides burning. They will promptly vomit, and or defecate as the body rejects the fluid.



Distilled Water (Aqua Vitae, or Aqua Vitae mixed with some sort of fat, or means to make an oil to amplify the effect, and or allow it to be used as an oil)

  • (Fire) One representation of consumption.

  • Two representations of death.

  • (Air) Three representations of fragility.

  • One representation of rejuvenation.

  • One representation of balance.

  • Any other modifiers (IE Power, Travel, etc)





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Dragon’s Breath


Description and effects:

The Dragon’s Breath concoction is something sought out by many jesters and performers, using it in their shows as a means to light torches with their breath. The concoction, when ingested, temporarily gives the user the ability to breathe either fire, or ice. Though more developments can be made in the future to allow for more breath based concoctions. When releasing the fire, the user will have some aesthetic to signify it is occurring, typically smoke or frost lifting from their maw and nostril, or sometimes a burning light in their throat. To unleash a breath based attack, it will take one to two actions, and the range of such being seven meters (blocks) if augments are applied. The fire itself is hotter the closer one is, and will likely leave second to third degree burns with enough exposure (be reasonable), with the potential of incinerating someone should they be in incredibly close proximity, and are exposed. Frost would leave chilling marks, and would, similar to the fire breath, be able to give someone stage two to three frostbite given enough exposure (again, be reasonable); there are accounts of this breath slowly killing people via hypothermia, or freezing them. Of course, the user is limited as to how many breaths they have, with five being the most from any augmentations (perseverance), and using said breath attacks without at least a 2-3 action cool down will be incredibly harmful to them, either burning up their insides, or freezing their insides slowly but surely. Of course, this potion can be further modified for stronger breaths, and longer duration, but that is for the dear Alchemist.


Note: Naturally, the farther one is, the weaker the breath attack will be.



Liquid Essence

X1 Fluidity

X3 Fire/Cold, depending on the breath.

X2 Travel

X2 Attachment

X2 Speed

(Any modifiers)





LM Approval Required:

Yes. Just confirm with an LT that you have gotten liquid mana. They won’t need to LT approve the item itself. The Formula can be self taught if one wanted to. Just don’t be a ***** about it.





Description and effects:

A viscous goo. Most Alchemists make this for hunting creatures, or even give it to guards to try to capture fleeing criminals. The Tanglefoot is a goo that is incredibly durable and sticky, and when attached to things, tends to be a very strong adhesive, even finding its use for temporary patching up holes. Throwing it at people and creatures will do well in slowing them down, with larger quantities, such as a bag, having a good potential to immobilize. Naturally, the proper acids can break down the Tanglefoot, as well as strong force and will, or if one finds themselves unlucky, the sludge will harden to a more brittle state from anywhere to a minute, to hours depending on how what augments the Alchemist gives -- but this process can be sped up through the proper formula and drying techniques, allowing one to pull themselves out of the sludge. The Tanglefoot can be modified, of course, with some alchemists adding burning, freezing, or other harmful effects to harm their targets, even making it more durable and sticky.



Vitae mixed with lard, or some Vitae mixed with slime.

2x Impediment

3x Immobility

1x Fluidity

3x Attachment

4x Resilience




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Solidarity Concoction


Description and effects:

The Solidifying Formula is a concoction which when exposed to air, causes the liquid to crystalize and harden to a more solid state over the course of a few ticks, and depending on the type of modifiers and strength an Alchemist makes the formula -- it can prove to be rather strong, like high carbon steel; and the fluid can be mixed with substances to stack effects. Most alchemists use this to try to bind, or seal cracks; though an Alchemist always loves toying around, some using modifiers to make the liquid take its solidifying effect when aggravated (for example, shaking the concoction), and when laced with a representation such as grace, or some other representation, the edges of the fluid can be sharp and narrowed, making what some folk call: The Liquid Blade.





Of course, the use of this potion does have a time limit, notable as liquid and vapor rise and drop from the formula every so often. Depending on modifiers (resilience, perseverance, etc), the concoction can last for hours, dripping liquid and lofting vapor as its bonds slowly break. To deal with this, Alchemists carry jars, or sheathes for the purpose of catching the liquid when the timer is up, which will be an evident tell that is up to the alchemist’s aesthetic, should it be in reason. Some Alchemists coat the rim of these items with such things as fragility and destruction to break the bonds even quicker when in the sheathe. In addition, from the liquid an Alchemist collects, they can rejuvenate the formula via the use of representations such as rejuvenation, or regrowth. It would then be inverted and shook to revitalize the formula. Quite the useful concoction.



  • Fluidity x2

  • An air symbol (can be acquired via distilling multiple times to get the symbol)

  • ((A modification can be put here, calmness, and then anger right after to give it some sort of an activation switch.))

  • Attachment x2

  • Resilience x1

  • Travel x1

  • ((Any other modifiers, such as grace and perseverance))




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On 1/20/2018 at 2:36 PM, Alitruist said:

Territorial Shuriken Potions(3 Variants of 1 Poisonous Potion)



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On 2/2/2018 at 2:38 PM, The Fire Mind said:




On 2/2/2018 at 2:38 PM, The Fire Mind said:

Dragon’s Breath




On 2/2/2018 at 2:38 PM, The Fire Mind said:




On 2/2/2018 at 2:38 PM, The Fire Mind said:

Solidarity Concoction





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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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