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Clan Uuthlini


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Clan Uuthlini

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    Clan Uuthlini was founded by Veldryn during the time the Descendants were in the Fringe. The Dark Elves of Uuthlini are known for their love of celebration and, curiously, the color blue. Their most commonly venerated ancestor is Arganos the Festive. A skilled musician and acrobat, Arganos is said to have been able to outdrink even dwarves and bring mirth and celebration anywhere he went. As his descendants, the Uuthlini seek to embody the very same spirit of festivity; welcoming bards, brewmasters, dancers, jesters, chefs, and general merrymakers into their embrace.


    Besides their capacity for conviviality and merriment, the Uuthlini are also very well-known for their rather extreme appreciation for the color blue. More than a mere general preference of the color, the Uuthlini surround themselves with it; members always either coloring their hair and/or dressing in all blue. Unsurprisingly, their homes are also very commonly decorated very heavily in the clan color. Their adoration of this color has even earned them the affectionate nickname of “blueberries” among their fellow clans and kin. This moniker has, in combination with their taste for strong drink, inspired the creation of their blueberry-flavored brews, the best-known being their pride and joy: Clan Uuthlini’s Blueberry Lager! This smooth, fizzy beverage with its purplish hue and refreshing taste wonderfully captures the sweet, effervescent nature of the family which produced it. 



(Pictured: An Uuthlini ker proudly sporting his blue ornamentation)


     When Veldryn stepped down as clan leader and bestowed the responsibility upon his son, Alakagh, Alakagh decided to reform the Uuthlini clan, building upon the clan’s traditional symbology surrounding the color blue. Different shades of blue now have different meanings for the Uuthlini as well. Collectively, however, all blues represent freedom, creativity, and inspiration, in accordance with Veldryn’s original design.


What Each Blue Represents

Royal Blue – Honor and Virtue

Light Blue – Joy and Merriment

Cyan – Love and Bonding


Adoption Ritual

    When a new ‘ker becomes an Uuthlini, there will be a small ritual in which the adoptee is presented with a stunningly strong drink. The adopter will ask the adoptee a series of questions as follows:

“For the love of the Blue Spirit and revelry, would you accept Uuthlini as your new family?”
“Would you respect your brothers and sisters, and would you steadfastly reject Xionism or any of the dark arts?”
“Would you preserve the honor and virtue of the clan and vow not to stain our family’s name in any way?”
“Will you love and cherish your new family?”

    After the adoptee agrees to the terms, the drink is consumed. Any current members of Uuthlini present each take one sip to symbolize their new familial bond, then the bulk is drunk by the new member. The new Uuthlini will then either dye his or her hair blue and/or find blue clothes or ornamentation to wear. The clan may even choose to gift the new member with some blue ornamentation. Once the ritual is complete, a feast is to be held later on for the clan and its friends to attend.





Embodiment of the Blue Spirit

    The Mali’Ker of Clan Uuthlini seek to embody the jovial, free spirit of their Patron Ancestor Arganos in their own lives. Even in battle, they remain positive and radiate exuberance. If any elf could be said to have been the personification of buoyancy, jauntiness, playful impishness, vivacity, or imperturbability, it was Arganos the Festive. Perhaps the greatest example of his unshakeable spirit was his legendary battle against the Giant Lurker that terrorized Magarah’lin; a battle in which Arganos lost an arm, laughed about it, and called it a fair fight! The epic tale has been detailed in a Clan ballad known as The Sapphire Song by Maladem Uuthlini:



The Sapphire Song

Down in deep Magarah’lin
Shadow-Prowler lurked within.
Grown to monstrous, awful size
Grey elf blood would be its prize.


Then lament did Velu’s folk,
Til the Mirthful Minstrel spoke,
“Sorrow not, ye somber band;
Hence comes Azure Merryman!”


Went he forth then to the deep,
Lurker Tyrant him to seek.
With song-stone and chitin bow
Would he lay Behemoth low!


Armor black and hungry maw;
Serpentine on wicked claw.
‘Neath the beast a poison trail;
In its wake, the widow's wail.


Blind to all but light and dark;
Herein would the Festive lark.
Fatal weakness to abuse;
Arganos would cunning use.


Battle hymn and laughing heart,
Jester Blue would ply his art.
Nimble foot and sprightly flips;
Epic ballads on his lips!


Then sang Sapphire in reply
Echoed to the ceiling high.
Awash in sound, villain blind
Thrashed about in muddled mind.


Severed arm, yet undeterred,
Nothing could dismay this ‘ker.
“Lacking hand? Still have I toes!”
Acrobat put foot to bow!


Rearing, reeling Lurker Lord;
From its gullet, venom poured.
Unclad underside exposed;
Scores of arrows unopposed!


Lurker slain, Arganos stands;
Mali cheering, clapping hands!
Time of bitter anguish passed,
Seven days the feast would last!


Betharuz then manifest
Issued forth divine behest!
“Arganos, my merry bard,
Spread my jubilation far!”


Thus his worthy quest began;
In it, all his life he ran!
Now, Uuthlini, carry on;
Raise a sacred demijohn!





Uuthlini Weddings

    When an Uuthlini wishes to marry, he or she presents a sapphire to the intended betrothed. During the wedding ceremony, in keeping with Veldryn’s own wedding, the sapphire is split in half and made into a pair of earrings; one for each spouse. Either the groom or the bride hosts a party for the entire city to attend and witness the bonding of the couple. The ceremony and festivities are decorated generously in cyan and light blue to represent bonding, love, joy, and merriment. 


Joyous Camaraderie, but Fierce Solidarity

    The Dark Elves of Clan Uuthlini are a famously mirthful bunch, rarely bothered by much! Many are surprised, therefore, to learn that any threat to their family is met with swift, fearsome retaliation. Some Uuthlini may become surprisingly grim in such scenarios with little warning. Some, however, may attack their enemies with laughter on their lips and a dance in their steps. Should one decide to harm an Uuthlini or anyone held dear by an Uuthlini, such a one should expect to find a new hole in his head or to discover a group of well-armed, blue-clad ‘ker drinking, singing, and joking in front of his burning house.


The Carnival Commission

    After the week-long celebration inspired by Arganos’ slaying of the Giant Lurker, Betharuz, Greater Immortal Spirit of alcohol, cactus green, and celebration, appeared and bestowed upon the Festive the task of spreading his celebration and glory. To this day, his descendent clan continues this divinely appointed task, seeking to cultivate joy and festivity within and among themselves, and to extend it to all around them!


    Contact if interested: Current Blue Father Alakagh Uuthlini ((HarstyleRaver)), Maladem Uuthlini ((Catarrh)), Veldryn Uuthlini ((FactButt))


    ((Many thanks to HarstyleRaver and FactButt for helping me with the clan post in its current form))


Edited by Catarrh
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Jordar gives a thumbs up in approval for his blue eyed brethren.

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The Primarch smiles warmly as the blueberries seemed pop up around the harbor, bringing Dak'ir to thoughts of a simpler time in the war torn Fringe.


"The Uuthlini have ever been a welcoming and jovial clan. Arganos watch their progress in this time as he has for centuries."

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Zaniil hopes the Uthlini will take him up on his offer to co-run the Tavern.

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