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[OOC] Halfling revival number eleventy bajillion


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Concerning the halfling race in Dunshire


Alright, so as many of you may be aware, the halfling playerbase in Dunshire has waned a bit ever since I went on hiatus after PKing Madeline Applefoot. Compared to the massive spike of activity and great roleplay we had back then, Dunshire has fallen quite a bit. However, we still have a lot of active and semi-active players in the Discord and village, and thus I believe we can easily bounce back from this state of relative inactivity.


What I want from you all is feedback on how we can improve things in Dunshire and how we can keep the place more active and less prone to massive spikes and drops in activity as halflings join Dunshire and as important halflings go on hiatus. Here's my current plan:


-Bring back the Dunshire Drinking Nights, or similar weekly events that are broadcasted to all on the forums.

-Try to establish some more storylines in Dunshire (silly little villains, small adventures, etc. Like what me and @_SuitAndTie_ plan to be doing)

-Wait for the halflings currently on break/busy with work(I know there's at least a few) to come back, thus making the activity situation in Dunshire much better.

-Keep on promoting good halfling morals in the current halflings, and remove any random locks that are in Dunshire (Which shouldn't exist in the first place outside of the Storage Burrow)

-I've heard many Elder halflings suggest that we require residents to do fun little tasks in order to gain and retain control over a burrow, perhaps we could implement something like that

-Maybe hold a festival or two, with lots of booze and food of course.


I am open to any other ideas, and while I'm no longer an Elder in Dunshire and thus don't really have a say in how it's run anymore, I feel like the community trusts me enough where they'd generally go along with anything I plan to do, or any suggestions that other members of the halfling community may have.

See you all in Dunshire!


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