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[✗] Clarifications to the Mani + Summoning Mani


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Keefy here. 


First and foremost a word from the FM. Keep this post civil or I will lock it down. 


Thank you


Secondly, ET LT only can represent the Mani. They don't empower randomly. You're not going to see one in combat during a raid. You're not gonna to see one be buddy buddy even with the most devout druid. 


If you believe this steps on the toes of your spirit worship in regards to Shamanism please, by all means, reread your lore. It doesn't. This isn't something druids can form contracts with. They don't grant permanent abilities. The one Mani related ability that did got shelved into Oblivion. 


This is not a new toy. This does not make druids stronger. This is not combat magic.  This does not take away from anyone else's magic. This is basically flavor/aesthetic lore. 



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3 minutes ago, WuHanXianShi14 said:

Claiming druids can't interact with demigods on one hand while orcs interact with immortal spirits regularly is simply hypocritical and is not a valid argument. If you think creatures of this calibre shouldn't be approachable in rp, then it applies to everyone, not Just us. No double standards. When orcish spirits, aenguls, daemons and other deities are no longer approachable as well, then come talk to me.


Mani are not allies to the druids and depending on the circumstance are just as likely to harm as well as help. You would know this if you read the lore. I'm not concerned if your only rebuttal to this is "I don't trust druids, they're **** rpers" as druids will not be rping as the mani. Mani are not druid lore, mani is mani lore.


Your opinions on whether or not this lore should exist is irrelevant, since it already does, and has for more than a year. The mani have been actively involved in rp for a long time now, and this is just a clarification regulating HOW they are summoned. Not the place to debate whether or not they should be, since it's already canon lore that they can.


Finally, claiming animist inspired lore based off real world cultures is a carbon copy of orcish lore both shows a profound lack of understanding of this lore, as well as an incredible amount of arrogance and self centredness. May be a hard pill to swallow, but it's the truth.

Mani lore is Aspectian creations making them placed under the AengulDaemons, now that has been said, I have not ever seen the word Mani spoken until this single post, and I have been actively been playing for a long time, also Druids are not more bad with Roleplay then everyone else, that has standard on the matters of Roleplay, and I have no clue with the Immortality Spirits, I am pretty sure they are rarely summoned, unless needed, but idk, also your point of people saying that Animistic religions are an copy of Orcish stuff is questionable, also all gods should (if done right) be killible, unless it is a Deity like The Creator is one, also I'd be careful when acting like my points are y'know saying stuff that is not what I type.

Points are: Make Mani Interactive and killible (which seems to be going forth) and not an Druidic powerconduit (this is one idk if is going forth, but should), give them a good reason to stay around, if no one uses them for Events they should be shelved, now as said good lore, just not much point of them being there is litually no one uses them for Events and them being Event Lore creatures.

Mani as they have turned their backs against the Aspects and become something more, would not want to help the Aspects in anyway if they are an intelligent sect of creatures, unless of course they have something to gain, that is just how LoTC gods work, they have their own goals they want completed, and stops at nothing to get it done. At least that is what I understood them as. 

This is my opinions, sure they migth be a tad biased as I dislike Druids very much, but this lore is good, if not a bit inactive.

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I like Mani lore clarifications ! +1

One point I'd like to see added is that there should be some sort of price to summoning a Mani. Something that makes it dangerous/risky procedure. But that's just my two cents on summoning, since I'd like to see a risk-reward type of thing to it. But +1 !!

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I am confused, isn't druid magic about requesting roots to move and ****, not forcing the tree to move them. Why does literally every time a druid casts, nature agrees to whatever they want doing, like no.

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1 minute ago, HolyTortoise said:

I am confused, isn't druid magic about requesting roots to move and ****, not forcing the tree to move them. Why does literally every time a druid casts, nature agrees to whatever they want doing, like no.

We're literally attached to nature via the aspects by our very soul. A t5 druid will rarely be denied unless it's physically impossible, outside of it's nature, or a redline is involved. 

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4 minutes ago, HolyTortoise said:

I am confused, isn't druid magic about requesting roots to move and ****, not forcing the tree to move them. Why does literally every time a druid casts, nature agrees to whatever they want doing, like no.

This is not a post about druid magic. It's not even a post about druids.

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3 hours ago, Jondead said:

How about we don't give Druids another thing they can use, they already have way too many things and abilities, honestly don't give them anymore s*** why don't we just make Druids gods whilst we are at it? Because at this point they need a phat nerf,  have not seen more of an overpowered magic, a longer learning time is not a good reasoning also, I am sad and tired of Druids getting more things, take some things from them, I can't say I am mad because I am not, I just don't like overpowered magic.


A thing that makes me very frusterated is I'll never make one until they get nerfed, because overpowered magic is not fun to play, or even fight against, when they spawn roots from out of nowhere, it is a pity that it is so powerful that I need to even borderline powergame to stand a chance against them, or get all of my friends to help me, also summons make almost no sense for protecters of the wilds, servants of the Aspects, sure nature magic makes sense, but anything else does not, Mani should not be summonable by anyone, they should not heed the call of some lowly Druid, they should only be used for Events approved by the Lore Team, Druids should not get more stuff, if Druids do get more stuff, their needs to be a clear way to combat them.


If their is an Anti-Druid Magic, o let me know, if not they need a core flaw in their Magical abilities, like using it too much kills them, like Voidal, or they get very exursted after a while like Ascended Magic, if their is one, do let me know.

Jon, I love you fam. You're a good dude. But do you even know what you were saying when you wrote this?

If you honestly think that druidism is one of the more overpowered magics on the server then let me, a player that has a druid persona and has been using the magic for maybe. . . 2 months now? I'll tell you first hand this isn't overpowered my boy. If you have to powergame in order to beat a druid then I think that's all on you. We're able to do a lot of things with our current lore, however we're far from over powered.


You mention "spawn roots from out of nowhere". As Jaeden I believe mentioned earlier. This isn't the case. If you're in a MASSIVE FOREST (Such as most of them in Atlas) these roots come from the trees around the druid. They aren't just spawned out of nowhere, and if they are then it's powergaming, and maybe you should contact an LT to fix the issue.


Druidism is like all magic in the fact that after a while of casting they WILL GET EXHAUSTED. Its just that (and a lot of people that don't have magic don't really understand this) one little spell isn't gonna make them *drops to the floor wheezing


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8 minutes ago, Trinn said:

One point I'd like to see added is that there should be some sort of price to summoning a Mani. Something that makes it dangerous/risky procedure. But that's just my two cents on summoning, since I'd like to see a risk-reward type of thing to it. But +1 !!

Oooh, yes I like this idea. Since some parts of Druidism is incredibly tiring, it'd make sense if summoning a Mani had incredible tiring effects, but also had a chance of failing and harming the parties attempting to summon it. Something along those lines to add more interesting RP, and more consequences for attempting to do something as this.

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7 minutes ago, HolyTortoise said:

I am confused, isn't druid magic about requesting roots to move and ****, not forcing the tree to move them. Why does literally every time a druid casts, nature agrees to whatever they want doing, like no.

Go read the lore before posting on the forums and making an ass out of yourself. Druids are connected to nature, they control it and commune with it to protect it. 

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Again. This isn't a post about druids or druid magic. 


Regarding @Trinn the process of summoning a Mani is risky in the sense that the mani can simply choose not to help you, or worse yet (and quite plausibly) turn on the descendants, out of anger or offence. 


I think an inherent danger in the ritual summoning process could be a good idea, but I'm out of ideas on that front. Anyone who has ideas throw them at me.

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10 minutes ago, Total_Xanarchy said:

Jon, I love you fam. You're a good dude. But do you even know what you were saying when you wrote this?

If you honestly think that druidism is one of the more overpowered magics on the server then let me, a player that has a druid persona and has been using the magic for maybe. . . 2 months now? I'll tell you first hand this isn't overpowered my boy. If you have to powergame in order to beat a druid then I think that's all on you. We're able to do a lot of things with our current lore, however we're far from over powered.


You mention "spawn roots from out of nowhere". As Jaeden I believe mentioned earlier. This isn't the case. If you're in a MASSIVE FOREST (Such as most of them in Atlas) these roots come from the trees around the druid. They aren't just spawned out of nowhere, and if they are then it's powergaming, and maybe you should contact an LT to fix the issue.


Druidism is like all magic in the fact that after a while of casting they WILL GET EXHAUSTED. Its just that (and a lot of people that don't have magic don't really understand this) one little spell isn't gonna make them *drops to the floor wheezing


Love you too my dude, I have just seen Druidic Magic to be very overpowered as it can quite litually bend nature to the persona if a high enough tier, also I never knew Druids got exhusted after casting too much, never seen that happen strangely enough, sorry man, just get easily triggered about Druid things sometimes.


Sorry if I miss-read anything man, it just seems like Druid magic can become insanely overpowered over time.


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The Mani are very much similar in regards to the Aspects as in that,

3 minutes ago, WuHanXianShi14 said:

 the process of summoning a Mani is risky in the sense that the mani can simply choose not to help you, or worse yet (and quite plausibly) turn on the descendants, out of anger or offence.  

They do not care about descendants. You're just as likely to get vaporized as they are to actually help you.

They serve the Aspects. And much like the Aspects they do not interact with druids regularly, and do not expect to, so when such a ritual occurs, what you get will vary highly.

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Just now, Keefy said:

You're just as likely to get vaporized as they are to actually help you.

Lore-wise yes, but in the purpose of players receiving special events nobody will ever get vaporized by them

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1 minute ago, HolyTortoise said:

Lore-wise yes, but in the purpose of players receiving special events nobody will ever get vaporized by them 

Players don't make that call. We of the LT and ET do. To my knowledge only one mani summoning was successful. The other two, got pissed off mani who did absolutely nothing for them and left. Those were all summon the more amiable mani.

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Talked about this a bit with you before, but yeah, I'd rather see the summoning of the Mani have more risks added to it in order for it to become a last resort effort. Not in a sense that the mani are dangerous, but rather adding to it that the process of summoning them become a danger as well


I'd say the greater the mani, the greater the danger. I don't know if it'd be as dire as a PK Clause, but something to make it a definite last ditch effort. Im eating rn and have no ideas will hit u up if I think of smth

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