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I> Uialbens <I


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Uialbens are a loosely related family, as well as bloodline that happens to follow a certain lifestyle of edgy crazed living. In my good friend’s words, Uialbens are, "Crazy dark elves that look like wood elves that want to adopt you into their family. Anyone related by blood is mentally unstable, has violent tendencies, or is sexually promiscuous," and while that is not an exact definition.. It’s pretty close. Read onwards if you’re interested.




The Uialben history is very speculative, very few people whom enjoy the Uialben lifestyle even fully know it, and even less wish to hear it. The Uialbens started off with the blood of two dark elven clans long ago, starting as two lovers who found themselves unable to embrace each other due to the nature of the clans they lived in, a classic lovers lament. However, rather than accept their unforgiving lives, they ran off into the wilderness. They hid themselves under a different name, the name ‘Uialben’. Not much else is known about the two lovers, or about the clans they originated from, however they became the first family to birth the children that’d live on a… unique legacy.


Along with the history being rather reclusive, Uialbens with an extensive understanding of the past seem to usually end up either dead, ripped apart, tortured, missing, forgotten, lost, eaten, and many other sadistic forms of brutalized. No one has been able to figure out why many family members of Uialbens, yet anyone who puts effort into trying to figure out the reasoning usually hears the name “Known Fenfir”, a few days before they become the next victim...





Uialbens often have a cascade of different looks, mainly because Uialbens are not trapped to any one race. Uialbens, being extremely scandalous elves, accepting of other cultures and the likes, have basically every single race intertwined into the family name.


However, the most common Uialbens, the mixed blood elves, tend to have a rather ‘hip’ vibe to them. Uialbens tend to be obsessed with wanting to look good, and will tend to go out of their way to fulfill what they believe is ‘good style’. Men often wearing fancy tailored suits, and the women usually adorn themselves with jewelry and fancy dresses.


In the Uialben blood, anyone who isn't adopted will most likely have the Uialben hair color and eye color of dark red. Usually if a Uialben who lives with their kin doesn’t exhibit red/orange hair, they’ll usually dye it with flowers, however most times that coloring would wash away with any rain. Most Uialbens also tend to have the trademarked brown skin coloring, having come from the dark elf blood in them thinning down after many many years of breeding with elves other than dark elves. Images of pureblood Uialbens below.     




Uialbens are said to exhibit certain traits more often than regular elves. These traits being created after the many years of carefree attitude, and longevity of the more carefree Uialbens passing down their ideas of living to their youth. Some people even would put Uialbens into 4 categories: Crazy, Scandalous, Scammers, And All Of The Above. As a result, you can imagine what it’s like when tens of them lived in a closed space for a long time. A dark elf once stated that, “It was the most pure form of chaos and disorder I've ever seen, merely walking into the Estate.”


Uialbens also tend to cherish familial love, caring for eachother as they know that the family they have together will often be the only one the ever fully accepts them. As the Uialben lifestyle doesnt tend to survive far outside of the Uialben Estate walls. As well as familial love, the Uialbens often find themselves having as many kids as possible. This mainly stems from most Uialbens being rather scandalous.. however some do it for the mere love of children I suppose! One look at a singular family tree of one Uialben male can pretty simply put into perspective how loosely they live in terms of romance. Afterall, it’s more like a family horizon than a family tree.








Terr’hi “Mystery” Uialben: The current head of the Uialben family. The Uialben Estate is mostly comprised of his kids, people he has employed to work with him, and many other random bodyguards and lady hounds he brings around with him.


Huey Uialben: Terr’hi’s Uncle, not around much in the Uialben family, as he’s too busy wondering the world in his hopes of becoming a master communist elf man. Most of the Uialbens like his political rants.. even if you aren’t able to follow his nonsensical gibberish at times.


Aurora Uialben: The most beloved kid of the Estate, quiet, sweet, monotone. She’s obviously Terr’hi’s favorite even if he refuses to admit it... however, he does admit it, so a lot of the other kids tend to be jealous. She often spends most of her time learning how to build, despite being a mere 13 years old.


Mika Uialben: Mika by himself built the entirety of the undergrounds to the Uialben Estate. Mika by himself lugged 2 polar bears all the way from the camp nearby the White Vaeyl, back to the Uialben Estate through mountains. Mika Uialben dug out the entirety of the underground to the Estate in 13 years... by himself. Mika Uialben is said to be the most badass, knowledgeable, and coolheaded Uialben... probably why he does all the work.


Raigar B. Uialben: A scammer child who wants to be just like his dad, Terr’hi. As a result, he follows his daddy around, doing all the ‘noble’ deeds he believes his father does, when in reality he is just as big of a deadbeat womanizer as his father before him. Raigar carries himself confidently as Terr’hi’s best child, despite obviously not carrying that role.


Lusha Uialben: Locked in the bottom of her mother’s basement most her life, when she inevitably broke out she went and found her dad. After finding her dad, she gave him all the usual love and praise that any daughter could give their father... just with a lot more psychotic behavior.


Youri Uialben: A rather calm headed child of Terr’hi, often just goes about his own business all day. He travels Atlas with his red hair, praising his religion of the ‘All Seeing Eye”... now, the religion is obviously fake, and no one in the Uialben family really believes it. Yet, some family members feel bad for Uncle Youri, and tend to believe in the Eye merely to make him feel better.


Maura-Loo Uialben: Wife to Youri Uialben, she’s just as crazy as any other Uialben, which made her the perfect wife for one! She often spends most of her day making blood paintings of her ‘fun’ times in the war, as well as wondering why her husband doesn’t tend to show her much affection... She fully believes that he loves her!.. But uuh, he’s kinda off doing his own thing to be honest.


Ninuski Uialben: Son to Raigar, the second strongest Uialben in the family. Spends his time following his uncle around with a liquor bottle, as he often doesn’t wanna deal with the non-stop drama of the Estate. However, he enjoys the family shenanigans whenever it doesn’t involve them making fun of his gigantic forehead.


Azorika Uialben: The dumb brute of a half olog son that lives with the Uialbens. Literally no one likes him except his “PAHPA” Terr’hi, yet he doesn't eat any of the twiggies in the Estate, so in most of the Uialben’s book, he’s fine. Krugmar doesn’t really like him though, something about “Whitewash” orcs.


Zofia Uialben: A child adopted into the family, whom seems to enjoy the life of getting baked after having left her druid family to go out and live with a different psychotic family. According to her she use to live in a really raunchy tree before she lived at the Estate, and somehow that landed her with a room in the arms of the Uialbens.


Johni & Nikolay Uialben: Both scammers at hearts, and grandsons of the Estate. Their work at building the top ground of the Estate, as well as their scamming ways has landed them into the good hearts of Terr’hi, as well as becoming master artist of commerce! After all, charging someone 10 minas in order to get help to the hospital is a very charitable yet profitable deal!


Serilia Uialben: Use to be the sweetheart of the Estate, before promptly ditching the life of insanity to go live as a slave to some Viking camp. People go visit her sometimes, and remind her of the good ol’ days of creeping out everyone in the Estate with her weirdly promiscuous ways.


Roshi Uialben: The other sweetheart of the Estate... that kinda doesn’t really like most of the people there. Calls her grandad “Comu-daddy” for some reason, and mainly sticks around her dad that wasn’t present for her early years, probably because she’s the youngest at the Estate.






Uialbens are my way of trying to get people to play unique and slightly unorthodox characters on LOTC! While I know it’s very easy to play a character that might tend to be serious, important, and stick to certain personality traits, I encourage people to try and think outside of their comfort zone with Uialbens, and play characters that’d never survive by themselves if it wasn’t for the setting of this ‘elven’ family!


If you would like to play a Uialben, there is absolutely 0 app required, and I don’t even expect you or even /want/ you to follow these set standards. I encourage people to be as absolutely creative and interesting with their characters as possible! I merely am trying to bring to the table a fun character idea, and a place for that character idea to start!


If you are actually interested by this post, and something compels you to wanna play a Uialben, please hit me or one of my fellow Uialbens up on discord! We’d be happy ta answer any questions you have. Feel free to message me, Mystery#1104, up on Discord! Aswell, anyone playing a Uialben at the moment might be more than willingly and able to help you! Thanks for spending the time out of your day to read this! I love you! ;3




Edited by Tha_Mystery_Man
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Good on you lot of edgelords for doing your own thing and having fun while doing it. While I can’t say I agree entirely with the basis of your group’s RP, at least you guys have a good time and don’t let anyone stop you.


Image result for all might thumbs up gif

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4 hours ago, ¤Arzota¤ said:

God this edgy conglomerate needs to burn in a fi-


…. Carry on. You’ll grow out of it, so for the love of god enjoy it while you can.


Idk why you're pretending Arzota as a Kameki wasn’t the best thing in the world, mate. 

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((i have met to many ullibens, i can confirm they al are coolio people.))

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