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[✗] [Magic Lore/Event Creature] - Voidal Distortion/Mana Walkers


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Voidal Distortion and The Mana Walkers


MA song to listen to: 



Part One, Voidal Distortion




Mana, the most dangerous thing known to mages- but also one of the most manipulated. Little is known about the true origin of pure mana, nor what’ll happen when you decide to overload people with this magical element. Through being overloaded and bombarded with mana, one may gain access to powers that few people have. The overload of mana causes the mage to learn how to concentrate on the mana of their body so they can manipulate it both in and out of their body for several extravagant uses.



Magic Explanation


  • Voidal Distortion is a One Slot magic

  • The Teacher must have a valid TA in order to teach

  • The Student must have a valid MA in order to learn


The void is a wonderful thing, a place of creation and manipulation. Mana can be drawn from the void to be used in spells. Though, not all spells are created equal. Some use more mana than others; the more mana something uses, the more powerful the spell they can cast is. Ritualistic spells can be cast because of the mana inside the mage’s body, as well as having the ability to create concentrations of mana.



Magical Abilities


Spells are key when holding magic within your grasp. Just like all voidal magics, these spells require mana to cast and maintain- though the rituals are quite special in their own right. Due to the mana manipulative nature of the magic, most of the spells deal with having to manipulate mana in an area. This is aided by the fact that mana is literally spewing out of the average Distortionist.


Mana Body [Passive]

The body of a Distortion mage is constantly flowing with mana, so, when it’s being used, the mana tents to seep from their skin. The body of the mage doesn’t wish to let this excess mana leave their system, so it does its best to try and keep hold of the mana for as long as possible. Generally the body shows this in a variety of different ways! Some of these ways include: purple tint to the skin, dark purple or black colored cracks showing along whatever part of them is visible, and aura colored eyes. There may be others ways it shows, but generally those are the normal symptoms.



  • This only happens when the mage casts and provides no advantage in battle

  • The visual effects can be purple tint to the skin, dark purple or black colored cracks showing along whatever part of them is visible, and aura colored eyes. Though other things may be added as long as they don’t provide an advantage, or give you limbs/other kind of additions



  • The amount of mana this releases isn’t able to be seen once it leaves the body, unless stated otherwise in different spells

  • This doesn’t give you a bigger mana pool

  • This comes as an addition to your eye’s Aura and will happen whenever casting a spell that requires mana(Excluding Household Magic)

  • Visuals may be manipulated to be as you like, but it should still be noticeable and provide no advantage to your character

  • These are temporary changes that go away once magic is no longer being cast

  • No physical injuries are created with this


Mana Tendril [Non-Combat/Combat]

The mana within a Voidal Distortion mage can be manipulated quite easily, when it’s not trying to break out of their body. When the mana is out on the air, the mage can easily manipulate it into a tendril type form that sticks out of their body, like a third arm of sorts. Though there are many limitations to this strange ability, one may find it helpful when in combat and when out of combat.



  • This requires three emotes to cast, connection, collection of mana via Mana Body, formation of tendril. The bright side to this, is that after a while of casting this spell, concentration isn’t required to fully form it

  • When in out of combat situations, this can be used a bit more free flowy

  • This tendril will generally come out of the back of the mage and can reach out to the length of the mage’s arm

  • The tendril looks to be what it sounds like, a simple tendril. Though it’s shape can not change, it may still be sued for many purposes

  • Mana tendrils can only lift about 50lbs from the ground and can be used to hit something/one with the strength of a human shoving them

  • Only one may be cast at a time



  • The shape can not be manipulated

  • This mana can not be consumed, nor used to fuel someone’s mana pool

  • After sustaining three striked(average strength or up), the tendril will dissipate into mana that simply floats away

  • The mage can not feel the mana tendril but may control it as though it were a third arm

  • The tendril is in now way sharp, mostly it is blunt


Releasing Ritual [Non-Combat]

Mana can be used as bait for a specific creature- a Mana Walker. Through the releasing of man from your body, and a ritual site, summoning is easy. Kind of. While the mana is being released from casting and the passive mana expulsion, a crystal will be prepared before the Mana Walker is finally summoned in. If successful, that is. This ritual should be set up as shown below, though it doesn’t have to be exactly the same:



Each pedestal, a gift will be placed. The gifts will be one of each of the following: Elf’s Hair Vine, a Focus Crystal, three drops of a voidal mage’s blood, and a glowberry. These items will be combined in the ritual because of their mana contents so they could be utilized as bait. Through connecting to the void in the area, the ritual will start and mana will fill the area before eventually flooding towards the center as a Mana Walker is finally summoned.



  • It takes 5 emotes to completely summon the Walker, starting with connection and ending with the summoned creature that is complete after 3 buffer emotes



  • The ritual may be performed without ET/LT approval, but you must get an ET to play the Mana Walker if you want the ritual to succeed

  • The Mana Walker that is summoned can be anywhere from an inch tall to 7ft tall

  • The ritual site must be created to go forth with this and for the ET to play the Mana Walker, screenshots of the emotes must be provided

  • The ritual may only be performed once every two weeks

  • The ET must be willing to play the creature or it won’t work


Manabite Ritual [Non-Combat/Enchantment]

These rituals are ones who bend mana and curse those who hold it within their grasp. There are several different tiers of the Manabite ritual, though one must first learn what it does. Through performing this ritual, the area that it is cast on will become cursed with Manabite- an infliction somewhat similar to frostbite. The infliction will remain only within the walls it has been confined in. When marking the area, beams of mana will be created through mini rituals. These beams will be the markers of the area and be larger the area; the larger the area, the bigger the tier that’s required. The beams look like so: 



Mana will be pulled from the mage’s mana pool and thus create these markers in the area.



  • Each marker will require 3 emotes to create and there must be at least 4 markers

  • There are several tiers of the Manabite ritual, each with different radii as well as intensities, though it’s good to keep in mind that the radius and intensity can be meddled with. Keep in mind that if you have access to only Tier One of Manabite, then you must work within its limits, but if you have Tier Four, then you can work within the limits of that and everything below it

    • T1: This can be up to the size of your average room and only mages, who use voidal magic, will be able to feel this ritual. Their skin will feel like it’s itching. It’s just enough to make it feel annoying, not too painful. The one who created the ritual will be unaffected

    • T2: When using a Tier Two version of the Manabite ritual, one can make it as large as a normal first story of a house. This time, anyone with active mana in their bodies will begin to feel the annoying itch and voidal mages will feel an even more intense version of the same thing. It will feel as though beetles are crawling under their skin. Any sort of pain that was included in a previous tier of this spell is added on top of this one. The one who created this ritual will be unaffected

    • T3: The new max for this spell is capped off at a normal house’s worth of curse. Now, anyone will start to feel the beetles under their skin and a voidal mage’s skin will begin to peel off their bodies. Their muscles will start to form blood red bruises. Any sort of pain that was included in a previous tier of this spell is added on top of this one. The one who created the ritual will only feel minor itching

    • T4: Once again, the radius of this tier if capped off at the size of a normal house. The average person’s skin will begin to peel away from their bodies and those blood bruises will form on them. A voidal mage’s skin will completely flake away with a burning sensation and the mana in the air will begin to feel like needles penetrating their skin. If a voidal mage is here for at least three emotes, then their skin will start to turn black. Any sort of pain that was included in a previous tier of this spell is added on top of this one. The one who made this ritual will feel as though their skin has beetles crawling under it

    • T5: The radius of a T5 spell can be increased to the size of two houses- or the size of a mansion. Now everyone will be affected by the blackening of skin, as it will happen within two emotes of being in the area. To a voidal mage, this will happen instantly upon walking into the area. The whites of their eyes will begin to turn purple and items without active mana(normal stuff around the area) will begin to get covered with al awful black soot. Any sort of pain that was included in a previous tier of this spell is added on top of this one. The one who made the ritual will begin to feel the effects of the skin peeling and blood bruises

    • T6: This is the last form of this spell. The radius is still capped at the size of a mansion, but the effects of the spell only get worse. Within three emotes of being there, for anyone(including the spell caster), your skin will turn completely black in a pain filled process. The whites of eyes will turn purple within four emotes, and all ambient items, without active mana, will get covered in black soot within two. Any sort of pain that was included in a previous tier of this spell is added on top of this one

  • The markers must be placed down, though there doesn’t need to be PRO or RO permission for such. Either get yourself or someone else to make the markers with the provided material

  • A sign should be placed saying what this area is, with the tier, as well as providing a forum link to this magic page. A timestamp should also be placed so people know when it expired

  • This area will stay there for only an irl week, thus a timestamp sign should be placed to say when it started and when it’s done



  • The markers MUST be placed in order for this to be rply done

  • Manabite will never kill someone. If left untreated, the wounds can kill but none of the effects directly kill

  • Manabite is able to be healed and victims should be notified of such

  • You can only use bits from the Tiers that you’ve learned, though if you know how to do a T4 Manabite ritual, then you may use T1-T4 manabite rituals

  • You may only make one of these per two weeks


Manafestation [Combat]

To a distortion mage, mana is easily manipulated- both in the void and outside their bodies. With enough concentration, the mana around the user can be concentrated into a single point that starts to form that resembles that of a human figure. This creature is capable at moving at high speeds because of its pure form.



  • To create a Manafestation, it takes a total of 5 emotes

  • When controlling the mana, the mage will be unable to move as all the mana has been sucked away from their body

  • Because of its weightless form, the Manafestation is able to run at speeds comparable to a weak crossbow bolt

  • Manafestations aren’t physical, therefore, they can travel through objects

  • When the Manafestation touches someone’s limb, the feeling as though their limb has ‘fallen asleep’ will cover that limb while also delivering a small mental shock to the person

  • If the Manafestation goes through someone’s head, it will deliver a powerful mental shock. This shock will stun a voidal mage for one emote and stun anyone else for two. Though, as long as they are being touched, the stunning will still go on. You must tell the person to attempt a roll and if they get a 15 or higher, then they may break away from the Manafestation and thus end the stunning effects. To add onto that, they will then be immune to the Manafestation for three emotes(excluding the final bit to these mechanics)

  • If multiple Manafestations collide with each other, then they will combine in size. In addition to this, each distortion mage will have a portion of the creature that they can control. ie: 2 mages then each gets half, 3 then each gets a third, and so on and so forth. For size, when they combine, if you have a 3ft tall one and a 6ft tall one, then it’s height will be 9ft tall

  • Manafestations can only be controlled for 5 emotes, though, if they combine then it adds an extra 3 emotes per how many manafestations have been added. ie: 1 is 5 emotes, 2 is 8 emotes, 3 is 11 emotes, and so on and so forth

  • If you have an evocation, then you may emote the outer layer of the manafestation being a combination of your evocation elements. This is purely visual as it provides no benefit in battle, ie: fire doesn't burn, lightning doesn't shock

  • The following will happen if someone is held by the manifestation

    • 2 emotes: Itching of the skin starts

    • 3 emotes: They will gain the feeling as though beetles are crawling under their skin, this includes parts of their skin bulging out in bubbles

    • 4 emotes: Their skin will begin to flake off their flesh, and blood blisters and bruises will form on their exposed muscles

    • 5 emotes: All of the above continue on as their skin gets darker in color. It will start to seem like cracking as mana floods their body

    • 6 emotes: Their body will fully turn black and their eyes will begin to feel like they’re having a massive amount of pressure placed on them

    • 7 emotes: The whites of the victim’s eyes will turn purple and the cracks from the mana will start to force them to bleed as those cracks turn into cuts

    • From the 8th emote on, nothing changes



  • Manafestations can not physically touch someone

  • An elemental manafestation does not provide battle advantages

  • You cannot walk around or move while controlling or casting a manafestation

  • Once the manafestation is gone, you will no longer have mana to utilize- this expels all your mana

  • This may only be cast once per combat as it expels most of your mana- leaving you passed out on the ground

  • Other spells may not be cast while controlling this

  • Any wound that is inflicted will instantly stop the casting and will destroy the manafestation, including a hard push

  • Creatures, like Voidal Horrors and Mana Walkers will be left unaffected by these manafestations

  • Information must be given that the wounds from the Manafestation can be healed


Mana Blast [Combat]

Concentration of mana is a hard thing to do because it takes so much to make a small object. With this spell, one may concentrate a massive amount of mana into a small ball. After a moment, this non-physical ball will blast outwards at the speed of a crossbow bolt. Though it’s non-physical, it can push someone back a little bit, but that’s mainly due to the mana pushing against their mana.



  • The blast takes 3 emotes to charge up and, one to aim, and one to fire

  • It is not physical, so it will never knock someone out or break limbs

  • Any part of the body that is hit by the blast will gain that feeling as though it had ‘fallen asleep,’ as well as providing a small mental jolt

  • If the blast strikes the beat, they will feel a more powerful mental jolt and become stunned for 1 emote, if they are a voidal mage, and 2 emotes if they aren’t

  • This blast will push them back about a block and a half

  • The blast travels as fast as a normal crossbow bolt and can go up to 15 blocks

  • The blast will last for 2 emotes after the blast goes off, letting you swing it around a bit before disappearing on a third emote(after those two)

  • The ball is 2 inches in diameter



  • Only one mana beam may be created at a time

  • The beam will not curve

  • Since it is not physical, the beam can not physically harm someone

  • The beam will go no faster and no slower than that of a crossbow bolt


Mana Drain [Combat/Non-Combat]

Mages tend to run out of mana rather quickly it seems- though what if you decide to force mana in an area back into your body? The answer is simple, Mana Drain and Mana Regain. This mana will enter the body of the distortionist, thus regenerating their mana pool at the cost of the other’s. Though this will not cause a spell to stop, you can make someone extremely tired just by sucking out their mana over a long period of time.



  • It takes 4 emotes to charge, then from the 5th emote on, you start to suck the mana out of whatever your target is

  • It takes 10 emotes to fully recharge your entire mana pool, during this time, the one who is losing the mana will be completely drained of mana after 10 emotes



  • You may only drain mana from descendant-like creatures, ie: humans, elves,  dwarves, orcs, halflings, kha, hou-zi, etc

  • If you lose concentration while absorbing mana, then the process will instantly stop

  • You still need to have a little mana in order to cast this

  • You’re not able to move while casting this

  • Whoever you’re draining must be within your line of sight

  • You must be within a 2 block radius in order to drain


Mana Gift [Combat/Non-Combat]

This spell is quite similar to Mana Drain in the way that it transfers mana from one mana pool to another. Though, this time it is withdrawing mana from your mana pool and shoving it into someone else's. The concentration will take a while, but eventually you can simply push it out in a fluid stream to someone close to you.



  • It takes 4 emotes to charge, then from the 5th emote on, you start to expel the mana towards whoever your target is

  • After 10 emotes, you will be completely drained of mana and your target will be given a full mana pool after those 10 emotesare up



  • You may only give mana to descendant-like creatures, ie: humans, elves,  dwarves, orcs, halflings, kha, hou-zi, etc

  • If you lose concentration while gifting mana, then the process will instantly stop

  • You need to have mana in order to cast this

  • You’re not able to move while casting this

  • Whoever you’re gifting must be within your line of sight

  • You must be within a 2 block radius in order to give




Redlines are useful for any magic, so people can’t just mess up the entire thing in one swoop. These are general relines that you should follow while using this magic. Though because of the disversity in this magic, there’s a few main ones that stands above all: 



  • Distortionists do NOT have bigger mana pools

  • Spells that drain mana will never end out killing the target of the spell, only making them pass out

  • Everything is healable



Tier Progression

Learning is a large part of magic as it takes time to fully learn every spell and to master each and every one. It takes roughly 4 real life months to travel through each tier of Voidal Distortion.


Tier 1, The Beginning

Just like your average voidal magic, you’ll first need to connect to the void. This voidal connection will let you cast any and all spells within the Voidal Distortion magic- within reason. Unlike normal voidal magics, the teacher of Voidal Distortion will concentrate their mana for several moments before pushing it into the body of their Student. This activates mana within the student, forcing their body to start flooding with mana. A student will stay here for one week.


  • Abilities

    • Mana Body

  • Limitations

    • N/A


Tier 2, The Concentration

The first spells are learned when the mage hits Tier Two. At this point, the teacher will start to show the student how to create masses of mana. These masses of mana will almost instantly destroy themselves as it’s just training, but eventually they will be taught how to use these masses for different spells. This takes three weeks to fully go through.


  • Abilities

    • Mana Body

    • Mana Tendril

  • Changes

    • Addition of Mana Tendril

  • Limitations

    • You must concentrate in order to use Mana Tendril


Tier 3, The First Ritual

After that long period of time being a Tier two mage, the mage will finally be ready to learn more about Distortion magic. Their concentration of mana will be able to be enhanced severely to the point of being able to form different things with pure mana as well as learning how to make smaller rituals with the magic. This state will last roughly five irl weeks.


  • Abilities

    • Mana Body

    • Mana Tendril

    • Manabite Ritual

    • Mana Blast

    • Mana Drain

    • Mana Gift

  • Changes

    • Addition of Manabite Ritual

    • Addition of Mana Blast

    • Addition of Mana Drain

    • Addition of Mana Gift

    • Enhancement of Mana Tendril

  • Limitations

    • You may only create Tier One and Tier Two Manabite Rituals

    • You may only Drain 30%, three emotes, worth of mana

    • You may only Give 30%, three emotes, worth of mana

    • You no longer have to concentrate to summon a Mana Tendril


Tier 4, The Walkers

At this point, a Distortionist will finally be ready to start practicing the more dangerous versions of spells, though they aren’t quite ready for the biggest spell of them all. The teacher will no longer need to help the Student as much when the reach this phase, but they must still be taught in order to learn these spells. This Tier will last another six weeks.


  • Abilities

    • Mana Body

    • Mana Tendril

    • Manabite Ritual

    • Mana Blast

    • Mana Drain

    • Mana Gift

    • Releasing Ritual

  • Changes

    • Addition of Releasing Ritual

    • Enhancement of Manabire Ritual

    • Enhancement of Mana Drain

    • Enhancement of Mana Gift

  • Limitations

    • You may create up to Tier Five Manabite Rituals

    • You may only Drain 80%, eight emotes, worth of mana

    • You may only Give 80%, eight emotes, worth of mana

    • You no longer have to concentrate to summon a Mana Tendril


Tier 5, The Creation

Finally, the job of the Teacher will be finished. They will teach the very last spell that is to be gifted to the Distortionist mage. A lot of practice must be put into learning this spell as it takes a lot out of the user and has the possibility of causing great harm to anyone and everyone.


  • Abilities

    • Mana Body

    • Mana Tendril

    • Manabite Ritual

    • Mana Blast

    • Mana Drain

    • Mana Gift

    • Releasing Ritual

    • Manafestation

  • Changes

    • Addition of Manafestation

    • Enhancement of Manabire Ritual

    • Enhancement of Mana Drain

    • Enhancement of Mana Gift

  • Limitations

    • You may create up to Tier Six Manabite Rituals

    • You may Drain up to 100%, ten emotes, worth of mana

    • You may Give up to 100%, ten emotes, worth of mana

    • You no longer have to concentrate to summon a Mana Tendril



Part Two, The Mana Walkers




Mana Walkers, a species that was born from and of the Void. These strange creatures come with a lot of different perks to them and other strange oddities. One of the more notable features on these creatures is how they come to the Mortal Plane. This can happen is a few different ways: a Tear in the Veil, Voidal Tears, the Releasing Ritual from a Voidal Distortionist, or by being called because of a powerful source of Mana. Though the Mana source from the last cause must be huge, something practically no mage could even muster up. Simply, these creatures are drawn in by an extensive amount of mana as it tingles their need to feed.



Physical Description




These strange creatures come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The main feature that goes throughout all Mana Walkers is the general way their bodies are made. It’s made of pure mana, though, that mana wishes to be able to escape from the body that contains it. So, how does a Mana Walker prevent their body from literally exploding into mana? A simple solution to a never ending problem! They have a layer of solid mana that acts as flesh so the mana stays within the creature. This skin type layer is about as strong as a hardy leather coat, not to mention that it is several inches thick. Their physical form, on the other hand, is quite meldable and is generally shaped to work with whatever needs the Walker has to fulfill. Most choose to take the shape of an animal or decedent as that is the most useful- who would want to be a tree? Just like their Horror brethren, Mana Walkers have no gender though some may choose to look like a male or female- once again, in order to reach their goal of eating. Since their form is so meldable, Mana Walkers can have a lot of one type of limb, and none of others. Because of their mana bodies, Walkers are completely weightless while still being able to lift massive amounts. Even though their body is weightless, they are still affected by gravity and all the normal elements of our realm.



Mana Walkers are creatures who love to eat. Their diets consist of Mana, Mana, and Mana, with a side of Mana. Though they live in the Void, it can only sustain them for so long before they explode into a ball of mana. These sizes don't generally have a name, but it is given that they grow bigger for the more mana they eat. A Mana Eater could be anywhere from the size of a ping pong ball, to the size of ten Atlas’(the continent, not the book). Those are more so a general sense, since they can be much larger and much smaller than that. The bigger the Walker, the bigger the mana pool they hold. Though, the time it takes for them to reach the ground make be longer, they gain no weight as they grow. This means they can be just as fast in a bigger form as in a smaller form.


Aging and Death

Unlike most creatures, Mana Walkers can not age. They live for as long as they have mana. Say this mana is destroyed, then the creature will die, fading away into the abyss of the void. The only other way to destroy a Mana Walker, is by destroying it so much that their very being is no longer able to function. These Mana Walkers also hold no soul, meaning any sort of attack that’s directed at the soul will be rendered useless.



Mental Description


Every creature has a mind, it just depends on what it thinks about and how well it can think. That makes these creatures dangerous. Their minds don’t care about how much damage is caused, nor how people feel about them while they do it. All a normal Mana Walker thinks about is how to get food. Their minds focus heavily on finding the strongest sources of mana and consuming it all. If they kill something along the way, then it is nothing to them. On occasion, a Mana Walker will gain a mind and start thinking for itself. Though, it never changing their constant urge to feed.





Mana Walkers are creatures from the void, meaning they have access to some strange and powerful abilities. These are mostly used for it to achieve its main goal- feasting.


Mass Telepathy [Non-Combat/Combat]

Mana Walkers are purely made up of mana, meaning they have no voice box to project their voice. Like any normal creature, communication is needed so they have developed a way to project themselves through a Telepathic connection. With this powerful spell, a Mana Walker may project their voice to anyone within a massive radius of them. This voice can be described in many ways as it is different for all Walkers, but they can speak both common and moonspeak. Sometimes, they speak a combination of both, saying half of a sentence in one and the other half in the other.



  • The voice will project at a radius depending on how large the creature is, though most have a radius of 10 meters of telepathy when ‘talking’ and a max of 100 meters when they are ‘yelling’

  • They can speak in both Moonspeach and in Common

  • The voice of each Mana Walker is different from all the other ones

  • This may be done at a moments notice and can be done while an action is being performed



  • This can not be used to blast out someone’s ears or to hurt their head on some way

  • Their voice, at its normal speech, is just above a whisper and at max, what a normal person would sound like in a room


Consume Mana [Non-Combat/Combat]

This simple ability is used by all Mana Walkers in order to complete their goal of feasting. Their jaws will drop down, if they have one, if not then they will make one for the spell, and the Mana they wish to consume will be pulled in towards their maw. When the mana is consumed, the creature gets bigger and hungrier.



  • Consumption of Mana takes three emotes if out of combat, and six if in combat

  • Once the emotes start, the creature has a hard time moving around as it is busy with one thing it wants

  • As they consume, the mana will be immediately absorbed and will become part of the creature’s mass

  • They can consume mana from practically anything, though the amount is generally too miniscule to fulfill their want to consume. The things that hold the most mana that a Walker would want is:

    • Voidal Mages

    • Voidal Artifacts/Magical Items

    • Pure mana, generally what’s created with a Voidal Tear

    • Voidal Horrors

    • Other Mana Walkers, though the bigger Walker will generally win in the end



  • Mana consumption can only kill plants as well as rot rocks that it comes in contact with. It can also kill Voidal Horrors and Mana Walkers by consuming all their mana

  • Magical Items/Voidal Artifacts that have their mana eaten will be unable to be used for two elven days as it takes time for the mana to regenerate within the item


Mana Feeling [Passive]

Mana Walkers are very adept at getting the mana they need to grow. Though they don’t have eyes, they can feel when they are close to any source of mana. This ability helps them locate fresh sources of food.



  • This ability is always active, meaning they constantly know where mana is and how much of it there is

  • The larger the amount of mana, the larger feeling the creature will have

  • The things with the largest amount of mana are generally

    • Voidal Mages

    • Voidal Artifacts/Magical Items

    • Pure mana, generally what’s created with a Voidal Tear

    • Voidal Horrors

    • Other Mana Walkers



  • Mana can only be felt within a 30 block radius, for a normal Mana Walker that is. The bigger they get, the larger the area they can feel


Mana walkers, being creatures of the void, can know practically any voidal magic but none of the others. Generally, the creatures use up mana that lies in the void instead of their own mana as they despise getting smaller. Some of these magic’s include:

  • Transfiguration

  • Telekinesis

  • Voidal Translocation

  • Voidal Shifting

  • Any and All Evocations

  • Conjuration

  • Arcanism/Celestialism

  • Mental Magic

  • Sensory Illusion

  • Arcane Displacement

  • Voidal Feeling

What’s truly strange about a Mana Walker, is how many spells they can cast at once and how many different types of magic they can hold. The average Mana Walker isn’t restricted by slots nor how many spells they can cast at once. Since these beings are so adept at using magic, since they are basically magic, that little concentration is needed for them to perform their spells. Since they are beings with so much mana within them, as well as being able to hold a tremendous amount of power, some have access to the last ability within their arsenal.


Mana Explosion [Combat]

Sometimes a Mana Walker will see that it’s end is getting closer and closer, so it will choose to go with the last resort to try and absorb mana. Though they never really are able to gather mana this way, some Walkers see it as a necessary measure. Simply put, they will remove their mana flesh after condensing into a single point- about the size of a baseball. The loss of the fleshy layer will prove to be the last straw, no longer holding the mana together, it will explode out in an event known as a Mana Explosion. It depends on the size of the creature when it died, but the larger it is, the worse the explosion will be. The lands will be scorched, drained completely of the mana it desperately needs to survive. The land will turn black and the air will darken. Anything that was living that got directly blasted with this will suffer the same agonizing fate that the land did.



  • To transform into the ball, it takes two emotes. The second phase of this takes around 10 as the explosion happens at the tenth emote. 12 emotes total

  • Effects:

    • Land: The land will be turned into a sort of black soot. Any bit that touched this mana explosion will be turned into such. It will also seep into the ground, going down about 30 meters. This land will make sure that no living life can live there for decades to come

    • Air: The air within the area will turn black and poisonous. Those who breath it in will feel their lungs and throat start to burn and soon after, their entire body will start to feel the sensation. As well as this poison gas, the mana that was left over will turn into purple lightning. This creates toxic storms that blast the world with deadly lightning. Instead of a normal electric shock, like a normal lightning bolt, this purple blast will hold the same burning sensation as the poison air

    • Life: Animals who suffer from this explosion will instantly die. Their bodies will shrivel up as they turn into a more solidified black soot. Meanwhile, all the plants will suffer a similar fate. Leaves on plants will be turned to dust while the stems/trunks will be transferred into a solid black soot. Basically, everything is dead. There are a few changes when it comes to descendant like creatures. When the blast hits them, their clothing will be the first to go, dying just like an animal would have. When it reaches their skin, it will only be the exposed skin that gets affected. A major burning feeling will be felt throughout the body of the person as their skin gets charred. Eyes that are exposed to this will turn purple as mana energizes within their being. The burns are healable, but the black will stay on the person as a never fading scar

  • After the explosion goes off, the damage will be done instantly in a purple flash. Anything that is 10 meters outside the explosion radius(which is 100 meters in diameter) will be instantly zapped with Mana Lightning, the same thing that happens within the air after the explosion. There will also be a loud boom that rings out as well as horrid earthquakes



  • A Mana Walker may only create a Mana Explosion if they are larger than 40ft tall. Anything smaller will not work and anything bigger will add another meter of radius per 5 extra feet of height

  • This will instantly kill the Mana Walker



General Redlines


  • These creatures may only be played by an ET

  • These creatures can have a bit of free form since it is ET only, though most creatures that pass through are around the size of your average human

  • Any spell that drains mana will not end out killing the target, only making them pass out



Part Three, The OOC




Voidal magics have been at a loss for ritualistic type spells and thus this idea came to be. The thought that not everything has to be a spell you use in combat, so some spells were added that can be transferred to combat, but are made in out of combat situations. Then there was the idea for spells that deal directly with mana since no(to my knowledge) spells deal with mana in it’s pure form, much less a large concentration of it, so I think it’s reasonable to see some spells like that come into existence on LOTC.




This could not have been done without me, obviously, or without @DJCrips. Scientist also helped out

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Listen I like you as a person but this lore is pretty over the top and not needed with the stupid ton of other magics there are in the server.

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Yeah, I tend to go a bit over the top on things, though I try to balance it out, kind of. If you've got suggestions on what I could do with this to make it a bit better then I'd love to hear it

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Really cool and seems you put a ton of thought into this, though I agree it needs to be simplified a little bit.

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21 minutes ago, Arundlt said:

Really cool and seems you put a ton of thought into this, though I agree it needs to be simplified a little bit.


I can try to clean it up a bit. Though I might have go get someone else to help me with that bit. Any suggestions on how I should go about that?

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the second part is already existing lore.

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The walkers and the mana drain made me think of a recreation of the Predator scene where he covers himself in mud to hide from the heat seeking vision, but instead a mage exhausts the **** out of themselves to try and expell enough mana to hide from the walker lmao. Anyway, I think I like it’s support focus but I dunno how much it’d be used. Cool read though, good job.

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18 hours ago, Parker said:

the second part is already existing lore.


Link it to me?


1 hour ago, z3m0s said:

The walkers and the mana drain made me think of a recreation of the Predator scene where he covers himself in mud to hide from the heat seeking vision, but instead a mage exhausts the **** out of themselves to try and expell enough mana to hide from the walker lmao. Anyway, I think I like it’s support focus but I dunno how much it’d be used. Cool read though, good job.


Thanks mate and yeah lol, though you'd just kinda pass out 

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14 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:


Link it to me?



The concept of the mana-hunter was coined and done during early 15-16. These were horrors and abominations focused on solely devouring and draining mana-filled anomalies in the world. There’s nothing that’s ‘official’ lore for such and shouldn’t stop you from attempting to do it. It’s under the behemoth section, but it’s definitely changed since then



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9 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:


The concept of the mana-hunter was coined and done during early 15-16. These were horrors and abominations focused on solely devouring and draining mana-filled anomalies in the world. There’s nothing that’s ‘official’ lore for such and shouldn’t stop you from attempting to do it. It’s under the behemoth section, but it’s definitely changed since then




Thank you mate, guess I can try to keep this in for now

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