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[Shelved][✓] [Magic Lore] - Voidal Translocation

Mr. Etan

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With time and research, the nature of magic began to broaden and increase in diversity, extending its hand in friendship to the dedicated scholars of the arcane. A great feat in this growth of knowledge was the birth of an art that allowed the mage to put objects in the void as a form of storage, or transport their very essence through the void and spit them out in another place on the material realm. Such a milestone became an addition to Alteration, know as Voidal Translocation.


Magic Explanation

Translocation is the combination of old translocation and shifting lore combined together to create one uniformed magic. The voidal art has brought the spells into one and any possessing either art now unlocked the other. The magic being very similar to each-other it was deemed to combine them.



  • Translocation takes up one magic slot
  • Translocation requires a valid MA to use in game.
  • Translocation may be taught with a valid TA.


Minor Teleportation [Combative]

The bread and butter of voidal shifting this spell allows mages to magically teleport from point A to point B. The mage simply focuses on the location they wish to go and places a visible magical ‘anchor’ before dragging themselves to that point.



The amount of emotes required to teleport yourself depends on the distance being covered. The first emote is always connection, the second emote is the anchor and the third is teleportation. You may tack on an additional emote to double your max distance but you must telegraph on your 3rd emote and it uses up more mana understandably.


Connection -> Focus / Place Anchor -> Shift / (Optional Telegraph emote) -> Shift 2x the distance.


T1: Max distance of 5 blocks, Max 1 shift before Exhaustion. (Cannot Double Distance)
T2: Max distance of 5 blocks, Max 3 shifts before Exhaustion. (Cannot Double Distance)
T3: Max distance of 6 blocks, Max 5 shifts before Exhaustion.
T4: Max distance of 7 blocks, Max 6 shifts before Exhaustion.
T5: Max distance of 8 blocks, Max 7 shifts before Exhaustion.


Example Emotes:
Billy Bob’s eyes turned a shade of yellow as he connected to the void. 

 Billy Bob focused over to the pond five meters away from him, a small dot of magical energy in the color of his aura would conjure forth swirling there quietly.

Billy Bob suddenly exploded in a burst of magical yellow energy, in the same second, he suddenly appeared where the yellow dot was placed in the same burst of energy. He looked rather exhausted from his feat, sweat glistened on his skin. (Higher Tiers don’t need to emote exhaustion until getting close to their max shifts)


- Cannot use this to travel the vertical axis drastically (Cannot shift where you cannot reach mechanically aka atop of walls or into a very steep drop that would kill you on impact)
- Cannot use this to reach places you cannot get to MCly. You may ASK, during an event, the event leader if you may use this ability to reach the place you cannot get to MCly and with their permission do such.
- You cannot bring other people with you with this spell. Just yourself.
- EVERYONE can see your anchor. You must CLEARLY emote it.
- When doubling your distance a telegraph emote of aura swirling you MUST be done.
- Your anchor may be warded and thus destroyed, or if someone covers the Anchor with a large object it becomes destroyed. If someone wards you mid-shift you will appear half way and you will be stunned for an entire emote. If someone intercepts your path before you shift you will end up shifting in front of them stunned for an entire emote.
- You may not shift through people or materials (glass, iron bars and Arcanism included)



Brisk Step [Combative]

Known as “Blinking” to some, this is a quick use of voidal shifting over a small area. This tactic is employed by mages who want to get escape areas as fast as possible.


Unlike standard shifting, the Brisk Step can only move linearly, be it forward, backward, or diagonally; furthermore, when the magic user “Blinks” over, an arcanic trial-- typically the color of their aura-- will follow, rather than an explosion of ethereal energies. Once the mage reappears, the trail fades at their being. This action is a lot quicker to cast than normal but in return it consumes a lot more mana. This spell is picked up during T2 of one's studies and is rather straightforward. Though sending oneself through the force without an anchor can only be done linearly. 


Connection -> Brisk Step


Each Brisk Step Counts as 2 “Minor Shifts” for Exhaustion (If you use Brisk Step once at T2, you have 1 minor shift to use instead of 3)

T2: Max 3 blocksts
T3: Max 4 blocks
T4: Max 5 blocks
T5: Max 5 blocks


Example Emote:
John’s eyes glazed over in an orange glowing hue as he connected to the void.

The knight saw this, quickly stepping forward to lunge his blade into John’s chest!

John would suddenly explode into a bright orange trail that moved to his left by four meters and rematerialized where the trail ended, seemingly gasping for air from how sudden he needed to shift.



- Follows minor teleportation redlines. (see spoiler below)


- Cannot use this to travel the vertical axis drastically (Cannot shift where you cannot reach mechanically aka atop of walls or into a very steep drop that would kill you on impact)
- Cannot use this to reach places you cannot get to MCly. You may ASK, during an event, the event leader if you may use this ability to reach the place you cannot get to MCly and with their permission do such.
- You cannot bring other people with you with this spell. Just yourself.
- EVERYONE can see your anchor. You must CLEARLY emote it.
- When doubling your distance a telegraph emote of aura swirling you MUST be done.
- Your anchor may be warded and thus destroyed, or if someone covers the Anchor with a large object it becomes destroyed. If someone wards you mid-shift you will appear half way and you will be stunned for an entire emote. If someone intercepts your path before you shift you will end up shifting in front of them stunned for an entire emote.
- You may not shift through people or materials (glass, iron bars and Arcanism included)

- Must teleport linearly.
- Must emote your arcanic trail. Can be seen.
- Understand sudden shifting is really exhausting even for a master mage, the shift will leave you disorientated for a moment. Each Brisk Step Counts as 2 “Minor Shifts” for Exhaustion (If you use Brisk Step once at T2, you have 1 minor shift to use instead of 3)



Greater Teleportation [Non Combative]

A feat that is done by those who have mastered the art of teleportation. It allows a mage to set “permanent” anchors at places their soulstones have been bound too. With this, it allows them to open up a magical rift, a door of sorts, that only they may enter and be teleported to the place of this anchor.



Quite simply a reward for mastering the art, a flavorful way to use ones soulstones is here. One must note that this spell is ENTIRELY non combative and it is against the rules to use such in combat as it follows the soulstone rules.


Connection -> Rift is Formed -> Exit through Rift -> Appear next to soulstone pillar.


Example Emote:
Sarrion would say his goodbyes to his friends, stepping off to the side, his eyes suddenly flared up with bright green aura as he connected to the void.

Sarrion would raise his hand as powerful green aura gathered in his palm, slowly he etched out a circle in the air as the aura would weave through the air and form a circular form. All of a sudden the aura would cave in on itself, opening a rift of bright green color. Various parchments in the room would flutter about as the air picked up from the power of the rift.

[!] The elf saluted, making his departure through the rift. It would close up instantly behind him.

>Soul Stone to Location<

[!] Sarrion would suddenly appear next to the soulstone pillar in a burst of bright green aura.



- This spell is purely non-combative. Using this in the middle of combat is breaking soulstone rules.
- This spell follows the soulstone rules. If the soulstone is SS blocked or recharging you cannot use this spell.
- Only you may enter the rift. You cannot bring anyone with you.



Group Teleportation [Combative]

With theory one can send themselves through the void but what about their friends? Through testing and study comes a new ability with voidal shifting to focus your magic and shift a willing person from point A to B. This would, of course, follows the same properties as normal shifting not exceeding normal standards in any way. The only difference notable is that a shroud of the casters aura would begin to cover the target, alerting anyone if they were unsuspecting.



Following the same ruleset as minor teleportation the amount of emotes required is based on the distance being covered. The first emote is connection, second is always anchor placement, the third is telegraphing your impending desired teleported individuals and the fourth is teleportation. You may not double the distance for teleportation and for every person you shift the cost of mana is equivalent to shifting each person individually. (So if you can do 5 max shifts, and you shift 3 people, it counts as 3 shifts.) and for every person being shifted an additional emote of getting ready is required.


Connection -> Anchor Placement/Focus -> 1 emote of Aura shrouding someone per person -> Teleportation


T3: Max distance of 6 blocks, Max 5 shifts before Exhaustion.
T4: Max distance of 7 blocks, Max 6 shifts before Exhaustion.
T5: Max distance of 8 blocks, Max 7 shifts before Exhaustion.


(Caster and One Person)
Dargo the epic magician’s eyes glazed over in a bright green as they connected to the void.

[!] The Kha would look outwards roughly five meters, a flow of lava in the middle that his friend and himself needed to cross safely. A green dot of aura suddenly appeared swirling at his desired location of travel.

Dargo looked to Largo, with a hand gesture a shroud of green aura would begin to flow around Largo.

[!] Soon after, Dargo would begin to be covered by this same shroud of aura.

[!] Suddenly the two were gone in an explosion of green aura, Dargo and Largo reappearing on the other side where the green dot was.


(Caster and Three Persons [Basically an additional emote PER person])

Dargo the epic magician’s eyes glazed over in a bright green as they connected to the void.

[!] The Kha would look outwards roughly five meters, a flow of lava in the middle that his friend and himself needed to cross safely. A green dot of aura suddenly appeared swirling at his desired location of travel.

Dargo looked to Largo, with a hand gesture a shroud of green aura would begin to flow around Largo.

Dargo then looked to Jargo, a shroud of green aura enveloping him.

[!] Moments later with another gesture of Dargos hand, Margo would also be joined in this shrouding of green aura.

[!] Soon after, Dargo would begin to be covered by this same shroud of aura.

[!] Suddenly the two were gone in an explosion of green aura, Dargo and Largo reappearing on the other side where the green dot was.



- Your anchor must be visible, everyone can see it.
- An additional emote must be made per person being shifted.
You may not shift someone who is moving around on any of the axis (Falling doesn't count).
- Follows the same redlines as minor teleportation. (See Spoiler Below)


- Cannot use this to travel the vertical axis drastically (Cannot shift where you cannot reach mechanically aka atop of walls or into a very steep drop that would kill you on impact)
- Cannot use this to reach places you cannot get to MCly. You may ASK, during an event, the event leader if you may use this ability to reach the place you cannot get to MCly and with their permission do such.
- You cannot bring other people with you with this spell. Just yourself.
- EVERYONE can see your anchor. You must CLEARLY emote it.
- When doubling your distance a telegraph emote of aura swirling you MUST be done.
- Your anchor may be warded and thus destroyed, or if someone covers the Anchor with a large object it becomes destroyed. If someone wards you mid-shift you will appear half way and you will be stunned for an entire emote. If someone intercepts your path before you shift you will end up shifting in front of them stunned for an entire emote.
- You may not shift through people or materials (glass, iron bars and Arcanism included)


Material Teleportation [Combative]

In recent times with the resources of the Enchantry study on new forms of teleportation were created, a spell called Material Teleportation is one. Following the steps of minor teleportation but instead of focusing on dragging oneself through the void you would do such with an object in a similar fashion, the only problem being that these items need to be stationary. This is a more intermediate spell learned later in ones studies.



Following the same ruleset as minor teleportation the amount of emotes needed is depending on the distance being covered. First emote is connection, second emote is establishing an anchor, third emote is ALWAYS a telegraph emote of aura swirling around the desired object and the fourth emote is teleportation. You cannot increase the distance items can be shifted.


Connection -> Create Anchor -> Focus on desired object and Telegraph impending teleportation -> Teleport


T3: Max distance of 6 blocks, Max 5 shifts before Exhaustion.
T4: Max distance of 7 blocks, Max 6 shifts before Exhaustion.
T5: Max distance of 8 blocks, Max 7 shifts before Exhaustion.


Example Emote:
Don’s eyes turned a shade of bright blue once he connected to the void.

[!] The highlander looked down to his palm, a blue swirl of aura creating a dot over it a smirk on his lips.

Don eyed his target, a fat juicy coin purse on an unsuspecting individual. With focus, blue aura would begin to swirl around the merchant's coin purse that was rather noticeable to anyone looking at the merchant’s backside.

[!] Suddenly the coinpurse erupted into a small explosion of blue aura, appearing where the blue dot was over Don’s hands and landed with into his palm.



- Must always emote the anchor. Everyone can see it.
- Must always emote the telegraph. Everyone can see it.
- If your target item is moving, or moves during the telegraph. Your spell will not work.
- You may raise or lower your anchor it counts as your distance for how much up/down it is. (If your target is 5 meters, you may raise it 3 blocks in the air. If your target is 7 meters, your anchor may only go up 1 block in the air. Etc).
- Your anchor may if warded or another occupies it's space. The anchor will break.
- If warded mid-way, the shift will only take you half the distance.



Void Pocket [Combative]

Deconstruction and reconstruction are the basis of all things in the realms, similar to the void to store an item one must deconstruct it from the material world and collect it’s essence for storage in the void. The void pocket is a unique hub created by the sorcerer that’ll be a pocket in the void for storing trinkets, objects of importance and or tools for destruction. To remove an object once the essence has been stored the sorcerer needs to understand what they stored to reconstruct the item, without it, the item is lost.



Similar to transporting oneself through the void to another pinpoint location, you take out the anchor from the material world and move it to the void pocket you’ve created. First emote is connection, second emote is establishing an anchor and a telegraph emote of aura swirling around the desired object and the third emote is storage. Similarly the same process is to reconstruct the object. 

The object to deconstruct/reconstruct must be studied and understood otherwise cannot be deconstructed/reconstructed. The object requires to be whole for it to be shifted into or out of a void pocket, only targeting a partial area of an object, like a leaf off a tree wouldn’t work. Break the leaf off or anchor the whole tree to the void. Deconstructing an object would displace it within the void, losing all momentum or force it once had.


Connection -> Create Anchor and focus on desired object impending Telegraph -> Deconstruct/Reconstruct.


T1: Max Size of 1 cubic meter,Max 5 deconstruction/reconstructions before Exhaustion.
T2: Max Size of 2 cubic meters, Max 6 deconstruction/reconstructions before Exhaustion.
T3: Max Size of 4 cubic meters, Max 8 deconstruction/reconstructions before Exhaustion.
T4: Max Size of 8 cubic meters, Max 10 deconstruction/reconstructions before Exhaustion.
T5: Max Size of 12 cubic meters, Max 12 deconstruction/reconstructions before Exhaustion.


Deconstructing/Reconstructing an item with over the size of four cubic meters (T3) requires the caster to perform an additional emote per double the size, eg - 4 cubic meters (4 emotes), 8 cubic meters (5 emotes), 12 cubic meters (6 emotes).


Example Emote:
Erebus’s eyes turned a shade of misty white once he connected to the void.

[!] The aheral looked down to his palm, a white swirl of aura creating layered mask over the object.

[!] Suddenly the coinpurse erupted into a small explosion of white mist, deconstructing to the void pocket.


- Unable to store raw elements or living materials that have a soul. (Unless stored in a container. Superior souls cannot be stored)
- Must always emote Anchor. Everyone can see it.
- Must always emote the telegraph, everyone can see it.

-You cannot translocate half of an object. Its has to be the whole object 
- If your target item is moving, it will take increased focus to shift to the void.
and Thus will take 1 extra emote.



Half Translocation [Combative]

Through experimentation and innovation with Translocation, mages have created a method to establish two constant mana anchors in two different places. Half Translocation gives the mage the ability to open two rifts within a distance of each other, allowing objects to pass through one of the rifts and exit through the other and vice versa.



This is a late tier ability, only feasible by Translocationists tier 3 and above. Half translocation cannot be performed more than four blocks away from the mage and they may not be moved in any way. Such an ability may be used to shoot a projectile back at their adversary, or thrust a sword through the rift to jab into their opponent. Keep in mind that these rifts are two way, a great aid to the mage could become a deadly backfire.


Connection -> Create Anchor 1 -> Create Anchor 2 -> Item Passes Through Rift


T3: Range of 2 blocks, rift size of softball, 1 half-translocation before exhaustion.
T4: Range of 3 blocks, rift size of basketball, 3 half-translocations before exhaustion.
T5: Range of 4 blocks, rift size of beachball, 5 half-translocations before exhaustion.


Example Emote:

Judas flipped open his grimoire to a page somewhere in the middle of the spell book. The odd glyphs on the page beginning to glow a soft pale green.

Bandit Bruh leans down to search for a rock, letting out a pleased gasp as he found and picked one up.

[!] A green rift appeared in front of Judas’ forehead vibrating in the air gently.

Bandit Bruh took out a bottle of disinfectant from his bag, carefully sterilizing the rock as to make sure it was worthy of being thrown at the great thaumaturgist Judas.

[!] A second pale green rift appeared in front of Bandit Bruh’s groin.

Bandit Bruh, finally satisfied with the rock, lobbed it at Judas’ head.

[!] The rock would enter the green rift on Judas’ forehead, shooting back out of the second rift straight towards the bandit’s groin.

- Half-translocation cannot pass living organic matter through rifts.
- Half-translocation will separate objects if the rift is closed while an item is inside.
- Half translocation reacts negatively to combative potions and will explode if a concoction such as alchemist’s fire is tossed through a rift.
- Half translocation cannot exceed the size of a beachball at T5.

-Life of Sight is Needed
- Half translocation cannot exceed a range of 4 blocks.




  • Cannot translocate organic matter in the void for storage/half rifts (unless contained). Organic matter may be teleported through the void (Shifting).
  • Magic cannot be translocated.
  • Cannot translocate more than 4 people. Including the caster.
  • Cannot translocate combative potions.
  • Translocation does not carry velocity. Half-Translocation is an exception to this.
  • Translocation cannot be instant cast.
  • Translocation requires line of sight.
  • An item must be fully understood in order to be translocated. Half-Translocation is an exception to this.
  • People may not be trapped in the void with Translocation.
  • A proper tell is required for any spell. Simply emoting 'Shuddering' is not acceptable.


Toxcat - Shifting Author
Jenny_Bobbs and Isaac - Translocation Authors


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+1, but I’m bias because Tox held me at gunpoint to help.

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>cannot translocate organic matter

>mages (beings made of organic matter) can teleport



anyways this is cool, yes. +1

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5 minutes ago, howard said:

>cannot translocate organic matter

>mages (beings made of organic matter) can teleport



anyways this is cool, yes. +1


The rule of magic is to not question it,,,,

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Yeah, I like it. Not bias or anything. +1

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So if this is mixing shifting and translocation, would those with and MA/TA In either one be able to learn all this?

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5 hours ago, Starfelt said:

So if this is mixing shifting and translocation, would those with and MA/TA In either one be able to learn all this?

Everyone's TAs are likely going to be pulled to give people who don't have both magics time to learn to RP them.

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Why’d you get rid of translocated objects maintaining their momentum :sad_face:

Regardless I like it a lot ?+1

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It doesn't seem like there is a mechanics section for how the magic actually works. 


Unless it's in the abilities spoilers somewhere. 

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1 minute ago, Demotheus said:

It doesn't seem like there is a mechanics section for how the magic actually works. 


Unless it's in the abilities spoilers somewhere. 

Each spoiler describes how a spell works and how it's done. Just take a look there.

12 minutes ago, Anthony303 said:

Why’d you get rid of translocated objects maintaining their momentum :sad_face:

Regardless I like it a lot ?+1

To get rid of three emote one shots and Deus ex machina arrows that were never RP'd being translocated in the first place. A lot of people don't like it, including the LT.

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I was referring mostly to an overall description of how the magic functions and works fundamentally/as a whole. Or is that not a requirement? 

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On 12/30/2019 at 9:19 PM, Tato said:




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Seems like a useful update to a magic that had been rather niche beforehand. I’ve had it for ages but honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever had much reason to use it. This would alleviate that limited use case quite a bit, I think.



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Would you be willing to make the greater teleportation work with groups? Since it’s a solely out of combat spell, and a lot of magics have amplified up their non-combat abilities. 

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