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The Book of Grudges

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Da Dammaz Kron



Deep within the libraries of Urguan, there sits upon a pedestal a tome both ancient and sacred to the Dwedmar. Kept under constant guard both day and night by the legion of Urguan, whilst the book itself is kept shut using powerful runic locks. It is none other than the most honored, Book of Grudges.




The Book of Grudges is an ancient tome passed down through the ages of the Dwedmar. It can be traced back to the first dwarf himself, and father of all Dwarfenkind, Urguan. It is an ever-lasting record of all the wrongs and misdeeds committed against the Dwedmar. The contents of the Book of Grudges are kept secret to the rest of the descendant races, with only a handful of non-dwed ever having laid their eyes upon it.


Those who have wronged the honorable Dwedmar of Urguan will have their name written into the Book of Grudges, and will not have it crossed out until the terms of settlement have been reached. However, the Dwedmar are not by nature an unreasonable folk, and if an agreement can be made between both the wronged and the assailants, then a grudge can be settled, and a name stricken from the book.


For a grudge to be made and approved, there must be valid reasoning and clear wrongdoing committed against the Dwedmar who has submitted said grudge. Lest the seriousness of the Book of Grudges would be questioned, if there were to be grudges of both false and meaningless classification.





The Wronged:


The Assailant:


The Wrong:


Date of Wrongdoing:


Terms of Settlement:




OOC Disclaimer: The Book of Grudges is locked away under constant guard. In no way should you be able to see it, or anything written within, unless you were admitted into the vault. To be admitted, you must be a dwarf of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan who has been explicitly given access by someone who has the appropriate authority. This means if you are a banished dwarf or a wanted criminal or anything of the like, you would not have access to any of the grudges written into the book. Please RP accordingly.


Active Grudges

(If from old post please resubmit)





The Wronged:

The Race of Urguan and all his Descendants

The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

The Grand King of Urguan

The Legion of Urguan

The Clergy of the Brathmordakin

Clan Irongut

Clan Starbreaker

Clan Ireheart

Clan Grandaxe

Clan Frostbeard

Clan Goldhand

Clan Treebeard

Clan Irongrinder

Clan Emberhorn

Clan Blackroot

Clan Grimgold

Clan Metalfist

The many other Clans of Urguan, both Common and Exiled.


The Assailant:

Demonkind as a whole, of the Infernal variant in particular


The Wrong:

Theft of the Hammer of Urguan, Father of Dwarfenkind


Date of Wrongdoing:



Terms of Settlement:

The return of Urguan’s Hammer

The arms of ten thousand Demonkin as retaliation

The utter annihilation of any and all Demonic beings from the face of the mortal plane, from now until the End Times



Let it be declared before the Gods that this grudge stands to be inherited not only by my successors, but by any Dwarf who dares call himself a Monarch from now until the end of our race, or  the End of Times, whichever comes first.

Narvak oz Urguan

Yoth da Keznol nar Brathmordakin

Justice will be done



The Wronged:

Darinndrabor Blackroot

Belgrum Starbreaker

Wilhelm Ireheart

Urist Ireheart

Morul Irongut

Balek irongut


The Assailant:

Orenian General Alren Denurem and Sir Arcues reine


The Wrong:

Insults made against Darinndrabor Blackroot and his kin. Failure to apply proper strategy, leading to their near-defeat at the hands of the infernal scourge, prior to Dwarven intervention. Their near-defeat at the hands of the Infernal Scourge nearly leading to the death of Balek Irongut. Refusal to offer thanks to the Dwarvish party which rescued the Orenian retinue.


Date of Wrongdoing:

8th Of The Deep Cold, 1778


Terms of Settlement:

An official personal apology from the general and the knight.
Or 7k minaes.




The Wronged:

Clan Irongrinder


The Assailant:

Clan Grimgold

The Wrong:

The slander of the good name of the Irongrinders via the mistaking of Grimgold colors and Grimgold actions for that of the great actions of Clan Irongrinder


Date of Wrongdoing:

1 SA.


Terms of Settlement:

The payment of 500 mina, the changing of the Grimgold colors, and a public apology.




The Wronged:

Clan Grimgold


The Assailant:

Clan Irongrinder


The Wrong:

Accusing Clan Grimgold of stealing their colors 50 years after they voted to approve Clan Grimgold to the council under said colors. Choosing to resort to legal trickery to make money off of fellow Dwarves. Accusing Clan Grimgold of disrespecting the name of Clan Irongrinder, even though no action or words were ever taken against or towards them.


Date of Wrongdoing:

18th of Amber Cold, Year 1 of the Second Age


Terms of Settlement:

An apology for accusing Clan Grimgold of disrecpect to be delivered before the Council and 500 minae in compensation for attempting to demand the same over a supposed slight, claiming it happened now when they approved the colors five decades prior when the Grimgolds were first brought into the Clan Council.




The Wronged:

Lord Atandt Irongrinder


The Assailant:

Oliver Renault and Joseph Brandt


The Wrong:

Mismanagement of troops and men directly leading to the stabbbing of Lord Atandt Irongrinder while he was working on a boat at Tor’Sjorvath. 


Date of Wrongdoing:

Year 45, of the Second Age


Terms of Settlement:

The extradition of the men responsible and 500 minas.




The Wronged:

Clan Irongrinder

    The Assailant:

Craegorn Grimgold

    The Wrong:

The Repeated Insult of Clan Irongrinder, the interruption of Irongrinder Clan Trials via insulting actions and spitting upon us, as well as the questioning of Clan Irongrinder’s honour, calling us cowards.

    Date of Wrongdoing:

SA 61

    Terms of Settlement: 

    The Removal of Craegorn Grimgold's new tongue.




The Wronged:

Thalgrim Goldhand


The Assailant:

Bakir Ireheart


The Wrong:

Dishonourably luring Thalgrim Goldhand into the Ireheart Clan Hall without informing him of the true intent of the meeting, then goldcasting Thalgrims right hand. 


Date of Wrongdoing:

116 S.A


Terms of Settlement:

That Bakir Ireheart apologise for his deceit, and that his right hand be removed and then goldcasted.



The Wronged:

Hefrumm, Blackroot Clan, the Green Collective, and Asketil Blackroot


The Assailant:

Durin Hammerforge


The Wrong:

questioned dwedness of the chief of the Blackroots, slandered the current High Chief of Hefrumm by calling him a kinslayer, slandered the previous High Chiefs by putting them in his letter, called for violence towards dwarves, ignored the laws of Hefrumm established and followed by the dwed of Hefrumm.


Date of Wrongdoing:

11th of the Ambercold, year 113


Terms of Settlement:

Because of the love Hefrumm has for the Hammerforge founders Durin is given three options; either an honor duel to the death, agree to submit to the courts of Hefrumm, or banishment from Urguan. Only these will solve the grudge.



The Wronged:

Bakir Ireheart and Clan Ireheart 


The Assailant:

Ulfric Frostbeard


The Wrong:

Undermining the clan, insulting Bakir, questioning the honor of Clan Ireheart, deception and running from an honor duel.


Date of Wrongdoing:

133 S.A.


Terms of Settlement:

A duel to the death or a debearding



The Wronged:

Bakir Ireheart and Clan Ireheart 


The Assailant:

Thalgrim Goldhand


The Wrong:

The insulting of Clan Ireheart, Bakir's sons and the constant slighting of Bakirs and the Clans honor and role. Finally, for giving Clan Ireheart his word and then breaking his word in full display of the clan. 


Date of Wrongdoing:

133 S.A.


Terms of Settlement:

The Debearding of Thalgrim and an item requested by Clan Ireheart containing the apology of Thalgrim Goldhand


The Wronged:

The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

Thurgrim Silverbraid


The Assailant:

The Iron Horde


The Wrong:

The constant slaughter, butchering, and robbing of countless herds of cattle from the rightful ownership of the Sons of Urguan. Upsetting the natural progression and growth of the dwarven economy under hard working dwarves.


Date of Wrongdoing:

157 S.A. - 163 S.A.


Terms of Settlement:
A thousand minae settlement paid to the treasury of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan to be demanded upon their surrender during the War of the Covenant, OR the surrender of an equivalent value in leather.













165. SA














165. SA





The Wronged: 

Urguan's Folk

The Brathmordakin


The Assailant: 

The Azdrazi


All Dragonkin


The Wrong:

The discovery of a heretic, a dwarven Azdrazi amongst their ranks, during the raid of Grelu Khron'edhekal upon the Red Mountain. A betrayal to all of Urguan's Folk, and an incomprehensible insult to the Brathmordakin.


Date of Wrongdoing: 

11th of the Grand Harvest, 170 of the Second Age


Terms of Settlement:

Nothing less than the immediate seizure and execution of the indicated individual. His beard - Or scales if the offending dwed no longer possesses a beard - is to be burned within a brazier within the temple to the Brathmordakin.


The Wronged:

Kazamar Khron'edhekal

Grand Marshal Grelu Khron'edhekal

Seven unnamed dwarves

Urguan's Folk


The Assailant:

The Azdrazi



The Wrong:

Grand Marshal Grelu Khron'edhekal, with the intent of avenging the death of Darek Irongrinder, moved to bring justice upon the Azdrazi menace. These dwarves were outnumbered and ambushed within their lands. Their commander, Grelu Khron'edhekal, debearded, disfigured, and crippled in the service of his duties. Of these dwedmar, many were sacrificed in the name of their overlord, Azdromoth.


Date of Wrongdoing:
11th of the Grand Harvest, 170 of the Second Age


Terms of Settlement:

Death of the named individuals.

Ten-fold deaths to the number of dwarven lives lost.

The direct and permanent crippling of the An-Go, as death is too fair a punishment.

The death of Azdromoth.


These grudges have been written in the blood of the offended, and before the eyes of Reckoner Thurgrim Silverbraid.



The Wronged:

Clan Silverbraid

Clan Mossborn
Clan Metaldrinks
Clan Gemeye
Clan Doomforged
Thurgrim Silverbraid
Maeve Mossborn
Obok Metaldrinks
Balas Gemeye

Auriel Doomforged

The Assailant:

The Ferrymen


The Wrong:

The Ferrymen, and their blackest, foulest, filth-ridden associates stormed into the tavern of Kal'Kadrelaz. Holding hostage, kidnapping, robbing, maiming and killing, or attempting to kill, all dwarves who had been present and caught unaware. Their actions were claimed to have been done in name of revenge - A payment for the part the dwarves had played in the Coalition, and particularly the role they fulfilled during the Battle of Breakwater.

Obok Metaldrinks, and Auriel Doomforged were pursued and terrorized by these individuals who sought to spread death within the streets of Urguan.

Balas Gemeye had been robbed, and run through the back by the scum that claimed 'retribution'.

Thurgrim Silverbraid had been cloven in the back, robbed, and left to die by the ones who called out in remembrance of Breakwater.

Maeve Mossborn was abducted, tied, and hung until near-death from the gates of the dwarven city, citing Former Grand King Garedyn's actions had led to such events.


Date of Wrongdoing:

18th of the Grand Harvest, 171 of the Second Age


Terms of Settlement:

[Three words lay underlined, punctuated, and stamped with a bloody thumbprint within this section.] 

Death and Reckoning.



The Wronged:

The Grand Kingdom of Urguan.


The Assailant:

Yera Silveira.

Juniper Aurelia Rose.

Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Silveira Godunov.


The Wrong:

Insulting the honor of the Grand Kingdom and Urguan's kin.


Date of Wrongdoing:
9th of the Amber Cold, 173 of the Second Age.


Terms of Settlement:

1k minas as monetary compensation.
A public missive apologizing for the slander.
The extermination of the bloodlines of the assailants.



The Wronged:

Narvi and the Khazadmar at large


The Assailant:

Aganar Kalgan


The Wrong:

Comparing the Dwarves to Elves and calling them Animals


Date of Wrongdoing:

8th of First Seed, 178 S.A


Terms of Settlement:

An apology and 250 minae as weregild to the Dwarven State



Struck-Out Grudges



The Wronged:

Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker

Commander Dimlin Irongut


The Assailant:

The Elf, Ikur Sullas


The Wrong:

Insults made towards the Dwarven people and monarch.

The insinuation that the Lord of Clan Starbreaker, a clan of learned Dwarfs, is illiterate.

The insinuation that Dimlin Irongut, a respected longbeard and learned dwarf, is illiterate.


Date of Wrongdoing:

10th of Snow’s Maiden, 1779.


Terms of Settlement:

The Issuing of a Public Apology, and the payment of five thousand minas to the Urguanite Treasury.

Or that the assailant recite Dwarven literature for no less than three stone hours in a public location.



The Wronged:

Urist Ireheart


The Assailant:

The Rex of Krugmar, Kolaz’Lak


The Wrong:

The attacking, torturing, and insulting the honour of Urist Ireheart.


Date of Wrongdoing:



Terms of Settlement:

The skinning and beheading of the Rex, and the ones who helped him commit this dishonourable deed.



The Wronged: 

The Irongut Clan


The Assailant: 

Morul "Irongrinder"


The Wrong: 

The unwarranted abandonment of Clan Irongut and the forsaking of the Irongut Name. 


Date of Wrongdoing: 

Malin's Welcome, 1796


Terms of Settlement: 

Morul Irongrinder is to adopt the name of Morul the Amoral, and is to keep this name until the end of time. Furthermore, he is to pay a wergild of 500 mina to Clan Irongut. 


The grudge may also be settled by honor-duel, wherein Morul shall face a champion warrior of Clan Irongut. 




The Wronged:

Clan Ireheart


The Assailant:

Laetranis ap Tahorran
Eir'thall Ilathdyn


The Wrong:

The maiming of Urist Ireheart by severing his beard without any sliver of justification and the murder of Urist Ireheart by stabbing him simply for his spoken words of rightful rage. Also, selfishly denying any negative outcome of a neutral trial.


Date of Wrongdoing:

14th of the Deep Cold 1777


Terms of Settlement:

FOR the murder of Urist Ireheart by stabbing him simply for his spoken words of rightful rage, FOR selfishly denying any negative outcome of a neutral trial, Laetranis ap Tahorran shall be subject to forced HONOR DUEL and if lost shall be captured and publicly executed by the sons of Yavok, OR Laetranis may willingly submit himself to engage in an HONOR DUEL with a member Clan Ireheart on open grounds, where Dungrimm’s judgement shall decide the fate.


FOR the maiming of Urist Ireheart by severing his beard without any sliver of justification, Eir'thall Ilathdyn shall be subject to forced HONOR DUEL and if lost shall be captured and publicly executed by the sons of Yavok, OR Eir'thall may willingly submit themself to engage in an HONOR DUEL with a member Clan Ireheart on open grounds, where Dungrimm’s judgement shall decide the fate.


Other than the two grudged parties, no elf who claims to be of the Elvenesse is to be harmed less they disturb this grudge OR consent to a willing HONOR DUEL. Should a third party wish to interfere in any HONOR DUEL a son of Yavok rightfully calls OR interfere in other affairs, they are to be given a formal warning to take inaction. If they refuse, then the son of Yavok is permitted to include them in the fight.


The Elvenesse’s relations with the Grand Kingdom are otherwise to remain neutral unless otherwise stated, despite the dishonor some of its folk had done to the dwarves. Should the citadel take executive action to further prevent Justice and limit the effects of this grudge, it shall be considered a direct insult to that most hallowed book in all dwarfdom, and the Grand King which holds it. And Justice, shall be upheld.


The Wronged:

Durin Hammerforge


The Assailant:



The Wrong:

Summoning of a shark that caused the loss of Durin's leg.


Date of Wrongdoing: The Past (OOC: March 19th, 2021)


Terms of Settlement: 

500 Minas




The Wronged:

The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and its vassal-states

The Clans of Urguan, in particular Elder Clan Ireheart,

Clan Father Bakir Ireheart


The Assailant:

The War Nation of Krugmar

Rex Kor’garr Lur

Targoth Fishbreath

Targoth Hun-Din



The Wrong:

The illegal trial of Bakir of Elder Clan Ireheart

The shaving of Bakir of Elder Clan Ireheart

The attacks made upon the vassals of Urguan

The attacks made upon the citizens of Urguan

 The insults made upon the honor of Urguan

The insults made upon the integrity of Urguan

The insults made upon the honor and integrity of Urguan’s citizens

The insults made upon the honor and integrity of Urguan’s vassal-states

In specific, the insults made upon Dwarven Honor by insinuating an alliance between Urguan, and the Undead Netherspawn of Khorvad (against whom, Urguan has fought and repelled with far more frequency than the honorless folk of Krugmar)


Date of Wrongdoing:

29 SA - 34 SA


Terms of Settlement:

The tusks of the Rex of Krugmar

The heads of both Targoths of Krugmar

Withdrawing statements made upon the honor of Urguan, chiefly upon the insinuation of Undead-Allegiance


Let this grudge stand until it is crossed out, and let it be known that the wrongs written stand to be inherited by their successors (or next of kin, if the position is empty or abolished)










The Wronged:

Falk Irongut


The Assailant:

Craegorn Grimgold


The Wrong:

The Repeated demand that Falk Irongut Break an Oath, The Repeated Insult of Falk Irongut, both with his presence and without it, and the questioning of the honor of Clan Irongut. 


Date of Wrongdoing:

Continuously from the years 52-54 S.A.


Terms of Settlement: 

The Removal of Craegorn Grimgold's tongue.



The Wronged:
Sigrun Ireheart & The Ireheart Clan.


The Assailant:
Alaric Grimgold.


The Wrong:
Continous disrespect towards the Ireheart Clan and Clan Father, Sigrun Ireheart.
Includes threatening to remove our vote from the Senate of Urguan, despite lacking power to do so. Not remaining impartial during Senate Meetings as chancellor among other charges.


Date of Wrongdoing:
Year 105 SA To Year 110 Sa.


Terms of Settlement:

The Honourable Ireheart clan shall set right these wrongdoings by cutting out Alaric's tongue and destroying his helmet.



The Wronged:

The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

The Assailant:

The League of Veletz, the Iron Horde, the Principality of Stassion, House van Aert, House Stassion, Grimruk'Lur, Richard I of Stassion, Gaspard van Aert

The Wrong:

The Deaths and woundings of fourteen hundred Dwarves during the Battle of Westmark.

Date of Wrongdoing:

159 SA.

Terms of Settlement:
Twenty-eight hundred mannish skulls belonging to the assailants, their next of kin, should they die before the grudge can be stricken. Alternatively, the capitulation of the League and its allies.



The Wronged:

The Dwedmar Corporation

The Assailant:

The Imperial Treasury, specifically Peter Sarkozic

The Wrong:

failing to repay a loan of 20k mina

Date of Wrongdoing:

The Past

Terms of Settlement:

40k mina or alternatively the head of Peter Sarkozic





The Wronged:
The Brathmordakin and their Mortal Servants, Da Kirkja Dverga.
Elder Clan Starbreaker

The Assailant:
Azdromoth and his mortal servants, the Azdrazi.

The Wrong:
Desecration of the Temple of the Worldmaker, and the Shrines of the Ancestor-Gods, the Brathmordakin.

Date of Wrongdoing:
72 SA.

Terms of Settlement:
The Eradication of Azdromoth and his servants.


The Exile of Azdromoth and his servants from the territory of the Grand Kingdom, the Heads of those responsible for this vile act, a formal apology issued by the Arch-Dragon himself, either delivered in person or through his foremost mortal servant, and compensation in the form of a treasure of irreplaceable value from the Hoard of the Arch-Dragon himself, delivered to the High Prophet or the Godslayer by the Arch-Dragon himself, or his foremost mortal servant.

Let it be known that should the High Prophet of the Brathmordakin, or that Jorvin ‘The Godslayer’ Starbreaker fall in battle before the grudge is fulfilled, the task of seeing this grudge crossed out shall fall to their successors and next of kin, from now until the End Times. Let it be known that should those responsible for this heinous act fall in battle before they may be brought to justice, the heads of their successors and next of kin will suffice in their place.



The Wronged:

Clan Ireheart


The Assailant:

The Vale 


The Wrong:

Betraying Urguan, leaving the dwarves to fight alone as they were sieged by the Mori. Insulting Clan Ireheart and insulting the honor of two former Grand Kings.


Date of Wrongdoing:

133 S.A


Terms of Settlement:

The ear of Mirven and her spouse, a payment of 1k mina and a barrel of Netherite ore. 




The Wronged:
Danika Goldhand and the Goldhand Clan

The Assailant:
Dunan Grandaxe

The Wrong:
Assault, Partial-Blinding and Mental Trauma caused by assault

Date of Wrongdoing:
7th of Malin's Welcome

Terms of Settlement:
The removal of Dunan Grandaxe's eyes, and the hand used to harm Danika Goldhand, to be cast in gold and hung upon the Goldhand Clan halls.


The Wronged:

Da Aurokanar, the Goldhand Clan.


The Assailant:

The Former Goldhands known as Davli and Rylanor, along with any progeny the two may yet or may already have produced be they natural, adopted or otherwise kin.


The Wrong:

Orchestrating and taking part in the massacre of the Goldhand Clan.


Date of Wrongdoing:

[Date to be Edited in when I translate it to LOTC terms].


Terms of Settlement:

Death. Only the deaths of Davli and Rylanor, along with any progeny the two may yet or may have already produced be they natural, adopted or otherwise kin.




The Wronged:

Darek Irongrinder, Clan Irongrinder


The Assailant:

Unknown  woman,

Tall with orange eyes and white hair


The Wrong:

Insulting Darek's craftsdwedship


Date of Wrongdoing:

19th of Sun's Smile 50 SA


Terms of Settlement:

The purchase of a warhammer from Darek at a marked up price. Or the extermination of her bloodline.



The Wronged:

Narvi and the Khazadmar at large


The Assailant:

Aganar Kalgan


The Wrong:

Comparing the Dwarves to Elves and calling them Animals


Date of Wrongdoing:

8th of First Seed, 178 S.A


Terms of Settlement:

An apology and 250 minae as weregild to the Dwarven State



Original Post

(No Longer Updated)





Credit to Lefty for writing most of this post for me, I was dead tired last night.

Credit to Josh for making the original post.

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The Wronged: Balrog Firebeard 


The Assailant: Boldrumir “The Redeemed” Cottonwood


The Wrong: Inciting violence, refusing to follow commands given by a lord of a city, blatant disrespect against a fellow dwarf, and no self control, which led to his death, a clear case of self defense.


Date of Wrongdoing: 1680


Terms of Settlement: The line of Balrog being cleared of the charge of kinslaying.


((To make it extremely clear, this grudge was entered by Balrog II as Balrog the First is dead.))

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4 hours ago, J33xt101 said:

The Wronged: Balrog Firebeard 


The Assailant: Boldrumir “The Redeemed” Cottonwood


The Wrong: Inciting violence, refusing to follow commands given by a lord of a city, blatant disrespect against a fellow dwarf, and no self control, which led to his death, a clear case of self defense.


Date of Wrongdoing: 1680


Terms of Settlement: The line of Balrog being cleared of the charge of kinslaying.



//You cannot retroactively write a grudge as a dead man. Your grudge will not be entered into the book.

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1 hour ago, DixieDemolisher said:

//You cannot retroactively write a grudge as a dead man. Your grudge will not be entered into the book.

((OOC)) This event was written by Balrog I, the story is carried on by his son and former cult members. 

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On 6/27/2020 at 7:29 PM, J33xt101 said:

((OOC)) This event was written by Balrog I, the story is carried on by his son and former cult members. 


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The Wronged: Urist Ireheart


The Assailant: The Rex of Krugmar, Kolaz’Lak


The Wrong: The attacking, torturing, and insulting the honour of Urist Ireheart.


Date of Wrongdoing: 1774


Terms of Settlement: The skinning and beheading of the Rex, and the ones who helped him commit this dishonourable deed.


Edited by Juhti
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8 minutes ago, Juhti said:

The Wronged: Urist Ireheart


The Assailant: The Rex of Krugmar, Kolaz’Lak


The Wrong: The attacking, torturing, and insulting the honour of Urist Ireheart.


Date of Wrongdoing: 1774


Terms of Settlement: The skinning and beheading of the Rex, and the ones who helped him commit this dishonourable deed.


The Ireheart Retribution Grudge has been entered into the book.

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The Wronged: The Dwedmar Corporation specifically Darek Irongrinder


The Assailant: The Imperial Treasury, specifically Peter Sarkozic


The Wrong: failing to repay a loan of 20k mina


Date of Wrongdoing: The Past


Terms of Settlement: 40k mina or alternatively the head of Peter Sarkozic

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The Wronged:

The Race of Urguan and all his Descendants

The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

The Grand King of Urguan

The Legion of Urguan

The Clergy of the Brathmordakin

Clan Irongut

Clan Starbreaker

Clan Ireheart

Clan Grandaxe

Clan Frostbeard

Clan Goldhand

Clan Treebeard

Clan Irongrinder

Clan Emberhorn

Clan Blackroot

Clan Grimgold

Clan Metalfist

The many other Clans of Urguan, both Common and Exiled.


The Assailant:

Demonkind as a whole, of the Infernal variant in particular


The Wrong:

Theft of the Hammer of Urguan, Father of Dwarfenkind


Date of Wrongdoing:



Terms of Settlement:

The return of Urguan’s Hammer

The arms of ten thousand Demonkin as retaliation

The utter annihilation of any and all Demonic beings from the face of the mortal plane, from now until the End Times



Let it be declared before the Gods that this grudge stands to be inherited not only by my successors, but by any Dwarf who dares call himself a Monarch from now until the end of our race, or  the End of Times, whichever comes first.


Narvak oz Urguan

Yoth da Keznol nar Brathmordakin


Justice will be done


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The Wronged:

Darinndrabor Blackroot

Belgrum Starbreaker

Wilhelm Ireheart

Urist Ireheart

Morul Irongut

Balek irongut


The Assailant:

Orenian General Alren Denurem and Sir Arcues reine


The Wrong:

Insults made against Darinndrabor Blackroot and his kin. Failure to apply proper strategy, leading to their near-defeat at the hands of the infernal scourge, prior to Dwarven intervention. Their near-defeat at the hands of the Infernal Scourge nearly leading to the death of Balek Irongut. Refusal to offer thanks to the Dwarvish party which rescued the Orenian retinue.


Date of Wrongdoing:

8th Of The Deep Cold, 1778


Terms of Settlement:

An official personal apology from the general and the knight.
Or 7k minaes.


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Just now, Datweirdguy said:

The Wronged:

Darinndrabor Blackroot

Belgrum Starbreaker

Wilhelm Ireheart

Urist Ireheart

Morul Irongut

Balek irongut


The Assailant:

Orenian General Alren Denurem and Sir Arcues reine


The Wrong:

Insults made against Darinndrabor Blackroot and his kin. Failure to apply proper strategy, leading to their near-defeat at the hands of the infernal scourge, prior to Dwarven intervention. Their near-defeat at the hands of the Infernal Scourge nearly leading to the death of Balek Irongut. Refusal to offer thanks to the Dwarvish party which rescued the Orenian retinue.


Date of Wrongdoing:

8th Of The Deep Cold, 1778


Terms of Settlement:

An official personal apology from the general and the knight.
Or 7k minaes.


The Blackroot-Denurem Compensation Grudge has been entered into the book.

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The Wronged:

Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker

Commander Dimlin Irongut

The Assailant:

The Elf, Ikur Sullas

The Wrong:

Insults made towards the Dwarven people and monarch.

The insinuation that the Lord of Clan Starbreaker, a clan of learned Dwarfs, is illiterate.

The insinuation that Dimlin Irongut, a respected longbeard and learned dwarf, is illiterate.

Date of Wrongdoing:

10th of Snow’s Maiden, 1779.

Terms of Settlement:

The Issuing of a Public Apology, and the payment of five thousand minas to the Urguanite Treasury.

Or that the assailant recite Dwarven literature for no less than three stone hours in a public location.

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3 hours ago, DixieDemolisher said:

The Wronged:

Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker

Commander Dimlin Irongut

The Assailant:

The Elf, Ikur Sullas

The Wrong:

Insults made towards the Dwarven people and monarch.

The insinuation that the Lord of Clan Starbreaker, a clan of learned Dwarfs, is illiterate.

The insinuation that Dimlin Irongut, a respected longbeard and learned dwarf, is illiterate.

Date of Wrongdoing:

10th of Snow’s Maiden, 1779.

Terms of Settlement:

The Issuing of a Public Apology, and the payment of five thousand minas to the Urguanite Treasury.

Or that the assailant recite Dwarven literature for no less than three stone hours in a public location.

This grudge has been stricken out.

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The most innocent and merciful Ireheart, Urist, was humiliated then murdered in the woodland town of Siramenor. The faux justification first offered for this atrocity was deeds done by Clan Ireheart to the people of the Elvenesse, despite such being allowed by an agreement between the Clan Father and the Sea Prince. At first, a peaceful resolution was sought between Almenor and Urguani officials, and a court date was set for the murderer. Instead, the murderer came to court professing he would refuse blame and any punishment, and elven officials desperately tried to slander the word of dwarves in an attempt to sway the Grand King. A false resolution was found, but justice was lost. This mistake shall not continue. Justice shall be ensured for Urguan’s Folk.

Therefore with endorsement of the Great Book of Grudges, Clan Ireheart rights these wrongs;


The Wronged:

Clan Ireheart


The Assailant:
Laetranis ap Tahorran

Eir'thall Ilathdyn


The Wrong:

The maiming of Urist Ireheart by severing his beard without any sliver of justification and the murder of Urist Ireheart by stabbing him simply for his spoken words of rightful rage. Also, selfishly denying any negative outcome of a neutral trial.


Date of Wrongdoing:

14th of the Deep Cold 1777


Terms of Settlement:

FOR the murder of Urist Ireheart by stabbing him simply for his spoken words of rightful rage, FOR selfishly denying any negative outcome of a neutral trial, Laetranis ap Tahorran shall be subject to forced HONOR DUEL and if lost shall be captured and publicly executed by the sons of Yavok, OR Laetranis may willingly submit himself to engage in an HONOR DUEL with a member of Clan Ireheart on open grounds, where Dungrimm’s judgement shall decide the fate.


FOR the maiming of Urist Ireheart by severing his beard without any sliver of justification, Eir'thall Ilathdyn shall be subject to forced HONOR DUEL and if lost shall be captured and publicly executed by the sons of Yavok, OR Eir'thall may willingly submit himself to engage in an HONOR DUEL with a member of Clan Ireheart on open grounds, where Dungrimm’s judgement shall decide the fate.


Other than the two grudged parties, no elf who claims to be of the Elvenesse is to be harmed less they disturb this grudge OR consent to a willing HONOR DUEL. Should a third party wish to interfere in any HONOR DUEL a son of Yavok rightfully calls OR interfere in other affairs, they are to be given a formal warning to take inaction. If they refuse, then the son of Yavok is permitted to include them in the fight.


The Elvenesse’s relations with the Grand Kingdom are otherwise to remain neutral unless otherwise stated, despite the dishonor some of its folk had done to the dwarves. Should the citadel take executive action to further prevent Justice and limit the effects of this grudge, it shall be considered a direct insult to that most hallowed book in all dwarfdom, and the Grand King which holds it. And Justice, shall be upheld;


Kjellos wills it. 


Narvak oz Urguan, Narvak oz Brathmordakin.

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On 11/5/2020 at 9:24 PM, Lefty said:

The most innocent and merciful Ireheart, Urist, was humiliated then murdered in the woodland town of Siramenor. The faux justification first offered for this atrocity was deeds done by Clan Ireheart to the people of the Elvenesse, despite such being allowed by an agreement between the Clan Father and the Sea Prince. At first, a peaceful resolution was sought between Almenor and Urguani officials, and a court date was set for the murderer. Instead, the murderer came to court professing he would refuse blame and any punishment, and elven officials desperately tried to slander the word of dwarves in an attempt to sway the Grand King. A false resolution was found, but justice was lost. This mistake shall not continue. Justice shall be ensured for Urguan’s Folk.

Therefore with endorsement of the Great Book of Grudges, Clan Ireheart rights these wrongs;


The Wronged:

Clan Ireheart


The Assailant:
Laetranis ap Tahorran

Eir'thall Ilathdyn


The Wrong:

The maiming of Urist Ireheart by severing his beard without any sliver of justification and the murder of Urist Ireheart by stabbing him simply for his spoken words of rightful rage. Also, selfishly denying any negative outcome of a neutral trial.


Date of Wrongdoing:

14th of the Deep Cold 1777


Terms of Settlement:

FOR the murder of Urist Ireheart by stabbing him simply for his spoken words of rightful rage, FOR selfishly denying any negative outcome of a neutral trial, Laetranis ap Tahorran shall be subject to forced HONOR DUEL and if lost shall be captured and publicly executed by the sons of Yavok, OR Laetranis may willingly submit himself to engage in an HONOR DUEL with a member of Clan Ireheart on open grounds, where Dungrimm’s judgement shall decide the fate.


FOR the maiming of Urist Ireheart by severing his beard without any sliver of justification, Eir'thall Ilathdyn shall be subject to forced HONOR DUEL and if lost shall be captured and publicly executed by the sons of Yavok, OR Eir'thall may willingly submit himself to engage in an HONOR DUEL with a member of Clan Ireheart on open grounds, where Dungrimm’s judgement shall decide the fate.


Other than the two grudged parties, no elf who claims to be of the Elvenesse is to be harmed less they disturb this grudge OR consent to a willing HONOR DUEL. Should a third party wish to interfere in any HONOR DUEL a son of Yavok rightfully calls OR interfere in other affairs, they are to be given a formal warning to take inaction. If they refuse, then the son of Yavok is permitted to include them in the fight.


The Elvenesse’s relations with the Grand Kingdom are otherwise to remain neutral unless otherwise stated, despite the dishonor some of its folk had done to the dwarves. Should the citadel take executive action to further prevent Justice and limit the effects of this grudge, it shall be considered a direct insult to that most hallowed book in all dwarfdom, and the Grand King which holds it. And Justice, shall be upheld;


Kjellos wills it. 


Narvak oz Urguan, Narvak oz Brathmordakin.

The Ireheart-Tahorran-Ilathdyn Vengence Grudge has been entered into the book.

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