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Almaris Transition: Maintenance and Temp Map Info


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2 minutes ago, Boniface said:

I have a question, has an end of world event been planned, like a reason we decide to suddenly relocate via the sea and if so is there a time that this event will happen? @CommissarVoop

IMO it's not even really worth it. It'd just be a mental strain for the staff to manage at a time when they're already preparing for a whole bunch of stuff. We can just retcon there being some sudden disaster ruining everything and move on with our lives.

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aidi bokaldem


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12 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

IMO it's not even really worth it. It'd just be a mental strain for the staff to manage at a time when they're already preparing for a whole bunch of stuff. We can just retcon there being some sudden disaster ruining everything and move on with our lives.

Still, it would've made a lot more sense to have the inferi event carry on and be the reason for us leaving instead of coming up with a reason after the fact

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This is exciting! Just joined so I'm hyped I get to join in the new adventure with everyone!

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2 minutes ago, Boniface said:

Still, it would've made a lot more sense to have the inferi event carry on and be the reason for us leaving instead of coming up with a reason after the fact


there already is an end map event happening


Arcas is being torn apart right now...

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1 minute ago, Boniface said:

Still, it would've made a lot more sense to have the inferi event carry on and be the reason for us leaving instead of coming up with a reason after the fact

Oh yeah, it's a huge loss for the Inferi eventline to not have been the map ender. It's a real shame that the map ending event we'll probably get, if any, won't have the same buildup and tension that the Inferi eventline had (unless the inferi have some insane comeback where they conquer everything in 3 days.... which I doubt the ST could plan).

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Just now, NotEvilAtAll said:

Oh yeah, it's a huge loss for the Inferi eventline to not have been the map ender. It's a real shame that the map ending event we'll probably get, if any, won't have the same buildup and tension that the Inferi eventline had (unless the inferi have some insane comeback where they conquer everything in 3 days.... which I doubt the ST could plan).



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Just now, Professorus said:



sorry I'm too busy doing burrow build speedruns any% to care

Bilbo Swaggins - YouTube


Cool to know we get a map ending eventline, still a shame it's not the inferi.

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Will players be able to build boats like that previous transition map?

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14 minutes ago, Professorus said:



if there is its not been well advertised, I've seen no threads or anything about it

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