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Advice from a Monsignor


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A Boyar Before The Campaign, 1871 Oil On Canvas Photograph by Petr  Mikhailovich Shamshin
A painting of Monsignor Ser Fiske of Vasiland, praying before an altar in Ervemark, Aeldin.

Advice from a Monsignor

For our new High Pontiff, and for my brothers and sisters in the faith. As of recently, I have been appointed the Monsignor of Haense, a Pontifical Advisor. I am no theologian, but I am one of God's faithful. For these reasons, I feel the need to speak my mind regarding some of the recent events within our Church, or more specifically, regarding the ascension of our new Pontifex Maximus, Owyn III. I hope not to offend anyone with my words, but I fear I will, for I will be honest in the face of GOD.

Firstly, I believe I speak for many in Haense and perhaps in all of the Canonist world, when I say that I am tired and saddened to see how heavily our Church has become politicized once again. Matters of True Faith almost seem to have become second in importance to things like writing hurtful or defensive missives written by the hands of laymen all the way up to the Pontiff himself. These writs do no good for anybody. Wether they are true or false, all they do is divide the faithful and heavily politicize something that is meant to be sacred, our Church and the position of Pontiff.

As one of His Holiness' advisors, I hope, no, I pray, that he will allow me to be honest if not blunt when I say that I am not and likely will never be a fan of Him. Perhaps it is not up to me to say this, but I believe the same counts for many of my brothers and sisters in Haense. Wether the rumors about his sinful exploits are true or not I will not dive in to, for I do not know the answer nor do I wish to know. What I do know however from personal experience and what the Pontiff has shown either in person or in paper, is that His Holiness does not share the good Canonist virtues of kindness and humility to all whom are now His subjects. Combine this with the stance he has in the past taken on towards my homeland of Haense and my Haeseni kinsmen, and I do believe I can reasonably say I dislike His Holiness.

Wether you like or dislike His Holiness, wether you like or dislike those in the Curia and those writing hurtful or politicized missives, we are all still Canonists. Therefore I, as a Pontifical advisor would like to give the following advice to both His Holiness and all other Canonists: Stray from and ignore the politicizing of our Faith. This is not what the Holy Scriptures prescribe for our Church to be. Instead, let all of us, including those in the Curia, turn to the scriptures, the virtues and the sins they prescribe and warn us about, and focus on them. Pay no mind to those who seek to sow strive and dissent. Pay no mind to those who you believe to be sinners in the Faith. Pay mind to your own devotion, for when you ascend to the Seven Skies, you will be judged on your own faith, and not that of others.


No matter what side you, you Canonist soul, are on. Wether you like the Pontiff or hate him. You may condemn foul schemes, you may condemn those individuals who you believe to be sinners, but do so in your thoughts and prayers, and focus on your own virtuous profession of the religion. Stay faithful.

The Reverend Monsignor, the Most Honorable Ser Fiske III of House Vanir, Margrave of Vasiland, Baron of Kraken's Watch, Lorentz, Serpentstone and Hallaberg


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"It is strange, we are told to follow canon law but canon law would logically state that he is invalid. I read in the recent publication by the former Pontiff that the college of cardinals may only elect a man who is unmarried but the pontiff has been married, what are we to do, Monsignor?" Hubert asked Fiske.

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Bishop Otho of Valwyck, would study this document carefully, stroking his beard. After reading it, he turned his head and looked at the city of Karosgrad, from the bassilica's second floor. "Terrible times of hardship and division. I will pray to the Godani, for guidance and strength" Said and released a sigh of sadness. 

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