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A record and publication of the questions and answers of the Maer Candidates in the debate of the 355 ES general elections.

Scribed and ran by Irene Ceciliya Ruthern, Lady Speaker of the Royal Duma 







4 - QUESTION ONE: What are two aspects of the city you think need the most assistance and how do you plan to help this?

5 - QUESTION TWO: What views, policies, and standings make you stand out from your opponent?

6 - QUESTION THREE: What would you, if elected, be doing to attract new citizens to Haense?





Tarathiel Asul’onn

Franz Barbanov 




1. Each candidate will be asked for an opening and a closing statement, as well as three questions.

2. Each candidate will be permitted to fully finish their answer.

3. Rebuttals to candidates' answers will be permitted after the candidate finishes their initial response.

4. In order to give a rebuttal, the rebutting candidate will raise their hand, and be called on by the mediator.

5. Each candidate may only give a rebuttal once per candidate per question. Rebuttals are allowed to ensue into further debate, if allowed by the host.

6. Rebuttals are not allowed on opening or closing statements.




Tarathiel Asul’onn

"Eja, my fellow Haeseni. Once again, election season has come around, and this time, I wish to to be your Maer! As I have already stated such in my campaign ad, I shall keep this brief. I have, as an elected official, kept most, if not all of my promises in regards to legislation, and as your Maer, I will strive to continue delivering such a standard. However, I cannot legislate parades and fanfare, and I feel that as Maer, I will be better able to provide in that regard, as well as many others. I have been part of this nation for over a decade now, and I wish to continue giving back to the community that I cherish!"


Franz Barbanov

"Prevja, everyone, spasibo for coming to the Maer debate. I'm very excited to be running this campaign. I am niet here to be just another ruler from the royal family, I'm here because I see myself as just another Haeseni, and I want to participate in, and ensure, the continued growth of our city. I'm here to prove to you, the people, that I'm not just a lazy Prince, but someone who wants to give back to those who give their everything for this nation."


QUESTION 1 - What are two aspects of the city you think need the most assistance and how do you plan to help this?

Tarathiel Asul’onn

"An excellent question, Lady Speaker. To make a long story short, I feel that the industrial sector needs more work, as well as attracting more people to the city as a whole. For the former, I have discussed the prospect of a 'worker's guild' with some of my colleagues, so as to incentivize the production of arms and armors. For the latter, I will expand on it later, but I will strive to provide more opportunities for work within the city, be it cleaning up the countryside, or perhaps construction work."


Franz Barbanov

"I'd like to expand business opportunities in the city, to create an environment in which the stores that we have are more interactive, instead of just stalls. I'd like to see stores that attract people, where you end up meeting others. Furthermore, I want to create more leisure activities in the city. I want to have spots in the city where people can meet up, and participate in games with each other. Spots like these were incredibly popular in my youth in Arcas, like the public Haeseni Chessboard."


QUESTION 2 -  What views, policies, and standings make you stand out from your opponent?

Tarathiel Asul’onn

"Namely, I've a great deal of experience in regards to civilian affairs, and indeed, I have even been knighted under the Order of the Lily for such achievements. I would say I've a reputation about the city for getting things done, and with eight years of constant service in Duma of legislating for the benefit of the people, I would say I possess a great deal of qualifications that my opponent lacks, at the current time. To summarize, I've nearly a decade of legislative experience, a knighthood for civilian contributions, and over a decade of business experience."


Franz Barbanov

"I do niet have the same legislative experience as Tarathiel, I must admit. But I was born and raised Haeseni, I grew up amongst the citizens of this nation, and we share much of the visions, the same view on this nation. And I'd like to say that I'm immensely compassionate, a compassion that would come into play with my policies as Maer, I want to put people, individuals, at the forefront of city policy."


QUESTION 3 - What would you, if elected, be doing to attract new citizens to Haense?

Tarathiel Asul’onn

"As mentioned previously, I wish to establish more opportunities for work in the city, to attract both foreign and domestic activity alike to the city. As well, I do feel that we could be doing more to advertise ourselves as, pardon my bias, possibly the absolute greatest human city on the continent, for both our culture and our present atmosphere of being a welcoming nation, with a rich military tradition and varied avenues for all types within our walls."


Franz Barbanov

"First of all, as stated earlier, I want to make it increasingly easy to open up interactive businesses. This should hopefully attract a good few business-minded people. Additionally, I would wish to make it easier, and less expensive, for new citizens to purchase properties, perhaps in a designated area for new citizens, or an apartment complex of sorts. I'd also like to give discounts to established soldiers on houses, so that we could see more soldiers move from the barracks and into the city. This would allow new citizens, who enlist into the army, to move into a community in the barracks, and get to know others there."



Tarathiel Asul’onn

"I hope that today has granted you all some insight into my platform, and how I plan to conduct business if I am elected. Rest assured that if you put your trust in me, it shan't be abused. GODAN bless you all, lliran, and have a wonderful day!"


Franz Barbanov

"I would to thank everyone for coming and listening to both my opponent and I speak. I know the prospect of a member of the royal family running for Maer sounds rather absurd, but I hope that this debate has given you confidence that I can be a good Maer that will represent every soul of Haense. Spasibo for listening, Godan bless."

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