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On Musin, and Hook.


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[!] A missive would be posted, after several days of solitude and mourning from Toffee. The wording seems rather depressing, given her dejected state.



[!] A woodcut painting of Hook, drawn in his lifetime, rests here.


I did not want to post this.. I did not wish to write this. But I feel the need to. After the guidance of a good friend, and a long while of contemplating, it is time to write this missive.


On Musin.


Please, descendants. Do not hurt them. They are fragile.


Us Musin may steal minor things from you, trinkets, bobs.. even a single mina occasionally. Stuff we don't believe you'd miss, stuff that we believe we would need, to benefit our community. It isn't bad to any of them- they do not share your sophisticated sense of morality and legal code. In truth, we have no legal code, other than 'do not harm' and 'do not kill'. This results in our love for thievery, or as some of us call it, 'recycling' or 'borrowing'... However, this is not the only reason. I, personally, am not particularly fond of thievery. I don't love grabbing vases, reusing bedsheets and borrowing knives. But I feel compelled to. Truth be told, I sometimes find myself gazing into nothingness, only to pilfer a mina, grab a cup, or purloin a book, not knowing what I'm doing or why I'm doing it until I snap myself out of a daze. And when I do take something, it.. it feels amazing, an adrenaline rush like no other. It is our curse, given to us by our horrid ancestors and their feral brethren. Despite our many differences, it is our one psychological- not just mental, but soul-based- similarity to them.


But.. As my good friend has stated, is resourcefulness any worse than any of the current conundrums your races face? Your orcs, they have an insatiable lust to harm and kill. Your dwarves, their greed has consumed them beyond their recognition. Your humans, they fight amongst their own people, sending wave after wave of their children to die every day with no remorse. Your elves, they refuse to work with any other race, seeing everyone as far lower than themselves, their prejudice even worse than the orcs. Is a willingness to take what is not ours any worse than these?


Even though we are known to thieve, and love to thieve, we do not wish to harm anyone. We never wish to fight, we attempt desperately to avoid conflict, in anything other than our one sacred duty to free our people. It is taught from a young age to flee at any opportunity. We prefer love and companionship to harming any living thing. For this reason, even though you have killed one of my kin, even now I wish to remain formal and seek your companionship. All we wish is to be incorporated into the modern world and live harmoniously, as was idealized to us by The Giant. We cannot harm you even if we tried, we can only seek peace and acceptance.


On Hook.


Please, Musin. Do not hurt the descendants. We are weak.


We fail to understand the power that a 'giant' holds, and that we lack. My father and his ancestors, they have aimed to instill a distinct fear of conflict, a willingness to flee and never harm, and protect yourself through nonviolence. I know now why he wished to keep us locked up in the keep, despite it's crumbling state. He knew the status of the world around us, and did not wish to release us, for our own safety. I am beginning to regret our freedom, although it is far too late to retreat now. I have failed to teach you what they did, which is to be afraid, and not be as foolhardy. I will take this chance to do so. Do not fight battles you cannot win alone. This world is much more dangerous than before the descendants, not as carefree with boars and bears as the only real threats. Please.. treat everything as a potential threat, and stay cautious at the least...

In the End.


In the end... Please. Do not fight. I know I'm not the best leader, dear Musin, I know I cannot corral you like my father could. I regret his death, as he taught me little in the ways of leading, and left me to rule my people young. In this regard, today, I have failed you. His death was not caused by elves, who slaughtered a child for picking up /one coin/ and a single mina, and begged for mercy as he was held down and slaughtered or by Hook, who pricked a young girl with his fish hook. It is mine, for failing to protect and teach my kin and failing to inform the descendants of our shortcomings.


Signed, Toffee.


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Empty pleas.

Dark Dael thought to himself as he viewed over the missive in his travels, keeping a tight grip on the handle of his cane. He had nothing to say upon the incident of Hook's death, after all - you reap what you sow. Little thieves. The Dark Lord almost smiled at such a concept. 

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"Death to all these wicked rats!" affirmed a bystander 

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Mia would awaken after sometime had past, having pushed herself to the limit this day, helping Luciensburg attempt to take back their home, as well as healing plenty of people from the aftermath. She'd make her way outside, wandering for sometime before finding the missive and reading over it, taking in a small breath, glad that Toffee is attempting to reach forward to the Descendants in such a manner, after all it was her suggestion, but it suddenly hit her, an intense burden of sorts, she very well could have determined the course of history for the Musin with her suggestion to the leader of the Musin. Her feelings were mixed on how the other Descendants might react, but she knew it was better that than to live in constant fear and leaving that to drive the Musin forward. She'd ponder for a moment, on the possibilities of the future, while she'll remain cautious she will still be hopeful for a better future for all, either way, willing to help the Musin secure their future however she could.

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Swiss would read over this message and look at the ISA uniform next to him.  He would squeak the sentence, "It was evea even being used."  

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It wasn't until the missive of Toffee's that Rosalia learned of Hook's end. A frown tugged at her lips, amber reading along each word. 




The only sound that came out, filled with a sadness, for the Musin she'd only met once. Not only that, but the rest that of the Musin, for they surely felt this loss deeper than she did. After all, they were his family, not her. But he was a nice little Musin, and she'd liked him. How could anyone have wanted to hurt him? 

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Glizzi’Gobbla’Raguk feasts on the musin he had skewered over a spit, ripping off piece by piece with his massive tusks. He savored every bite to f the meal. A wicked mile formed over the Turks face as he blahed  “ Diz mi noo favrit grub!!”

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Some ephemeral lord would glance over the missive, before cackling and returning to the assembly of his undead mouse army.

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Angr Ireheart would be sitting just outside his home in the deep roads, leaning against the giant rib bone that supported his dwelling. His fists clenched tighter and tighter as he listened in on the mournful squeaks and shouts of his Musin neighbors arguing with eachother over the loss of kin. "Ef et's blood tah knoife ears beh weshen tae spill..." He grumbles, pausing for a sigh as he heads back inside his residence. "...T'en maybeh ah shoul' show tae soft fockers 'ow ets done." Angr would reach up to a shelf and grab a pair of rusty dull shears and tie them to his belt, along with a few other trinkets useful for removing ears. "Tae cowards nae deserve peace ov moind, 'specialeh ef t'eir first move wus tae kill ah 'armless an' petty thief." He continues, a boiling animosity building his throat. After a bit more prep, he'd step out fully equipped with a loaded crossbow and many questionable and painful looking tools. "Maybeh t'ey needed tae feel strong aftah taken et en tae arse from Krug..." He chuckles, taking a seat in the shadow of the crumbling structure above his house, waiting just out of sight for the next elf to mess with his neighbors.

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Kor'garr scowls at the missive, face contorted into a rictus of fury before he tosses the parchment to his side. The crackling roar of flames surges for a moment as the forge's fire hungrily consumes the paper, just like the one before giving details of Hook's death. "Agh dah zoggin' zkah'herz blah dat wiz 'av nub 'oner!? Dey wuld vlat ah zmwl mowz juzt azh zhinie koin, 'untyng dem lyk zport wit nub zenze uv der zo kawl'd juztyz." The grey orc glances over to the forge, a cold grin stretching beneath his heavy handlebar mustache.  "Kor'garr wuld peep dem twiggiez awl vlatt'd... Agh wihl mayk dah wehpunz vor Kor'garrz nu awliez tu klomp wit. Tik tu pripare dah leetle Mowziz vor ah propah wagh..." The dominus begins drawing out some ferrum ingots in preparation for his craft.

Edited by Mannamannaa
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Aeonn reads upon the missive haveing only recently met that of the musin people and knowing they could cause little to no TRUE harm. 

Hed look around at the faces of those who he trusts the most "Should anyone harm such as a hair on the head of any musin we see they shall pay strongly for it, they who strike down someone who merley is taking such small things...in order to live...shall have no mercy granted to them as they have showed none" hed say scattering copies of the heartbreaking missive about to the many dark clad figures who wandered the halls.

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