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Of the Hollows

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   In the olden days of Vira’ker the Syllar brothers stood together; Avurak, Canaan, Vulnir, and Valen constructed something they hadn’t thought of having in quite some time, a home.

Although difficult it was living under the watchful eye of the descendants of Krug, they managed for some time. Soon enough the nation was prospering and the ‘ker people were united.

Canaan and his brothers did their best to maintain the nation, until Vulnir had gone on a spiritual journey, only to be lost in the process.


   With the loss of his brother, the now three brothers were left stumbling without the head of state. Avurak and Valen were content with picking up where their eldest brother left off, whereas Canaan went off to find him. His journey began into the wasteland of the desert, the vast dunes and hollowed caves ahead of him. 


    Canaan had hardly prepared himself for the journey however, he found the desert to be very unforgiving, the harsh sun scorching the ground and his skin alike. He sought out refuge within the caves below. The young ‘ker found momentary respite within the caverns, the shade cooled his skin and gave him plenty time to recover, and so he began to make his way out.


                                               Hidden caverns found beneath the ruined courtyard of Xal Jarak, the heroes  of Second Chances believed that … | Fantasy landscape, Fantasy concept art,  Landscape art

   He swore the entrance was just there, could he have made a wrong turn? He approached the supposed location of the exit, only to find stone in its place. He must’ve lost his way. He began to panic, stumbling throughout the caverns in a desperate search, plunging him deeper into the hollowed depths. His resolve weakened, his will broken by the caverns as he desperately searched in vain, alas it seemed hopeless. 


  Within the week Canaan resurfaced, his rations depleted to nearly nothing. He stood emaciated and feeble, barely able to continue on, but he pushed onward for his brothers. He searched and searched, coming up with nothing. Throughout the years he began to accept his elder brother was gone, lost just as he was; then came the nation of Ando Alur, Canaan hearing rumors of a ‘ker named Vulnir at the head. He immediately made his way to the city, to find the rumors true, his brother at the head of another fine city. Canaan, now reunited with his brother, swore at all costs to never lose sight of him again, and protect him at all costs. As such the younger ‘ker was thus named the first Herald of the White Tower, Canaan of the Hollows.

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Ilyana paused for a moment. "Oh- is that what he meant when he said he lived in a cave?!"

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