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Transcript of the Royal Court of 394ES


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Transcript of the





Held on this 10th day of Wzuvar and Byvca of 394ES


Matters of the Court

I. Retirement of the Lord Seneschal

II. Retirement of the Lord Treasurer

III. Retirement of the Lord Palatine

IV. Pregnancy of Queen Emma

V. Petition of Herzen Ailred Ruthern on Tutelage & Soldiers' Pay

VI. Petition of Ser Aleksandr Vyronov for a private audience

VII. Petition of Firr Feodor May on Tutelage

VIII. Appearance of a Ghost







Adrian Colborn: "The Koeng, Sigismund III enters. May everyone remain silent as court is in session."


Sigismund III: "Va birodeo herzenav ag edlervik. This sitting of the Royal Court is now in session, then. Well, let's niet tarry, shall we? Vy are all welcome. We've a few matters of state before the Crown shall receive petitioners, be there any. Now, then. Where is Firr Castaway? Ah, there vy are. I did niet recognize vy with that blue tag. Vy have news for us."


Fionn Castaway: "Tá, I do. I wish to announce my retirement as High Seneschal. It's been an honour to serve both tú and túr father in this role, though I feel the time has come that I pass on the role to someone else."


Sigismund III: "Naturally. I meant to ask vy when vy first told me … But why is it vy have chosen now?”


Fionn Castaway: “I'd like to think I have sufficiently done my part in the service of this nation, and I'm getting old. I think it's about time I enjoy retirement.”


Sigismund III: “Well, what say the people of Haense? Can the Court hear an 'Ai' for Firr Fionn's retirement?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Get him outta here.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Ai!”


Ser Reinhardt Barclay: “AI”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Ai!”


Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “Nie.”


Charles Darkwood: “Ai!”


Emma Karenina: “Ai!” 


Otto August: “Get him out of here and send him somewhere nice for vacation!” 


Dracomir Rorikov: “Nie!”


Erwin Bishop: “AI!”


Anoushka Solovyov: “Ai!”


Raijen Stars: “Yes!”


Filip Dmitry: “Ai.”


Sigismund III: “The people of Haense have spoken. I sentence vy to a Valwyck fishing boat.”




Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “Ve torture.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Ai.”


Adrian Colborn: “It seems you've a new duty to uphold then, my old friend. May you stay in the boat until the alcohol wears off, returning once sober.”


Sigismund III: “Alas, a good race horse does niet stay fast forever. Eventually, it grows old and vy have to put it do - … uhrr, let it retire. Before vy are dismissed, vy have assured me vy have chosen a successor. A successor vy will stake vyr honour on, lest I pull vy from vyr fishing boat.”


Fionn Castaway: “Of course, Túr Majesty. I have chosen Ser Reinhardt Barclay as my successor. He's been in the office longer than I, and his work ethic for the job has been admirable. I'm sure he'll be more than a sufficient successor.”


Sigismund III: “Ser Reinhardt ... And does the Meyster Knight share vyr confidence?”


Ser Reinhardt Barclay: “Ja, Ihre Majesty, ich do.”


Muhammad Hassan: “As-salamu alaykum, brothers and sisters.” 


Sigismund III: “Dobry. Vy, then, shall honour Firr Fionn's trust in vy to succeed him, and vy shall niet disappoint him. And vy shall niet disappoint me. Agreed?” 


Ser Reinhardt Barclay: “Du have mein word, ihre Majesty.”


Sigismund III: “Dobry. We'll speak later, then. Vy two may resume vyr positions.”






Sigismund III: “Now … the Bossir Morovar, I believe, has a similarly riveting tale.”


Otto August: “Certainly niet as long as Fionns nor as exciting.”


Sigismund III: “Out with it, then.”


Otto August: “Similarly to Mister Fionn I will too be request a very early retirement, though the time was only interim. Of course after I finish up with outstanding work I will be roughly about sixty-nine days interim as Treasurer… should I be released” 


Sigismund III: “Just shy of seventy, what a shame …. Dobry. Vyr interim appointment was a great boon in getting things in order, as vy well know. Spasiba, Bossir.”


Ser Karl Ruslan Amador: “A dobry number.”


Sigismund III: “As for the next Lord Treasurer … The seat shall remain vacant for a time. The Crown is sufficiently equipped to handle finances itself until a suitable candidate is found."


Otto August: “We'll shat surely after the four very necessary additional saints days….”


Sigismund III: “So ai, spasiba, Bossir. That is all.”






Sigismund III: “Two down, three to go …. Oh, whoever might be next …”


Adrian Colborn: “Aye, I wonder.”


Sigismund III: “Do vy have something to tell us, Firr Adrian?”


Adrian Colborn: “Perhaps, perhaps I do. I fear I too am all but too ravaged by time. I was an adventurer once, perhaps even intended to be a scribe. Such changed by your Papej's command. I've worked with many fine men and women It is only right the new generation is allowed a stage to perform, is it not?”


Sigismund III: “Ah. I … can imagine it is nie easy thing to assume a duty vy did niet want under surprising circumstances.”


Adrian Colborn: “Worry not my Koeng, as we have since the ancient pact upon a fateful day in the winter wastes of Athera. We, the Raven shall always stand beside the crow. It is our duty, no matter where you wish us to be to serve, humble as we are, selfless in dispostion, unless you are Casimir of coure. That blasted black sheep! So what say you my Koeng?”


Sigismund III: “And … it's clear vy sacrificed much for it."


The King stood from the throne, and extended a hand to the Lord Palatine to shake.


Adrian Colborn: “Now, now you're all sentimental my boy. Didn't take you for the type.” 


Sigismund III: “Spasiba, Adrian Colborn. Alas … we have nie time to dwell in sentimentalism as is. The Knight Paramount has just recieved word that Cillin Castaway and possibly some others are pinned down fighting a Minotaur in the Ruins of Krusev. Ser Karl - vy are to ride out to their aid, of course. If any of this Court seek to prove themselves or fulfil their oaths, vy are to venture out with Ser Karl. Gather now in the foyer and depart.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Ser Karl, letter if need be.”


The Knight Paramount rallied a party and departed to Krusev.


Sigismund III: “Godspeed to Ser Karl's retinue. But there is nie need to disrupt this Court and our remaining matters. Firr Adrian. Vy have a successor to nominate?”


Adrian Colborn: “I don't, for I believe it most important for the Koeng to choose the Palatine. It is you who will spend countless hours working besides them, as well as have them represent you, in all matters you don't So, I am curious. What will be your decision your Majesty?”


Sigismund III: “Of course. This is why I say 'nominate', Firr. Alas, I digress ... Kaustantin Baruch. Do niet **** it up.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Iv Joveo Maan, ea won't.”


Sigismund III: “See to it vy do niet. We'll have an induction ceremony later this year, for now the hour grows late and we've still business yet to do.”





Sigismund III: “ … Now, then. There is one other matter for the Crown to divulge, and it is niet talks of retirement, or Minotaurs … But it may well be one of successors. The time has come to announce that Godani has blessed our royal union with a child to be.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem!”


Annika Anastasija: “Thank Godani!”


Eleanora Amador: “Krusae zwy Kongzem.” 


Filip Dmitry: “Dobry, dobry.”


Tatiana Kortrevich: “I knew it!” She'd exclaim, recalling the Ruthern dinner.


Feodor May: “Little princes grow up quick….”


Vasilia Reza Kortrevich: “AEDYMAMEJ AM HAVING A CHILD?” The ward shouted out due to pure shock.


Sigismund III: “Godan willing, the child who may be our heir shall be born just before the Autumn of 394ES … Godan willing. Well, then. That concludes news from the Throne.”






Sigismund III: “Should there be any petitioners, they are welcome to come before the Crown now.”


Herzen-Knight Ailred Ruthern, Lord Marshal of Haense, presented himself before the Throne.


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Vyr Royal Majesties."


Sigismund III: “How swift, vyr Grace. Be welcome before the Throne and speak vyr peace.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Ea first, hearing of this dobry news, must congratulate vy both -- the first child is always the most cherished, so enjoy it, truly. Hence, ea offer my wardship over vyr child, if vy would accept me. Like ea did with vy, in vyr youth, Vyr Royal Majesty. Ea taught vy well, did ea niet?”


Sigismund III: “Rest assured, cherished it shall be. Wardship? That vy most certainly did. It's because of vy I wear this sword proudly. “Nie one else, vyr Grace, could possibly get someone like me past the second  round of a tournament. So, ai. It would be nie less our honour to have our child ward beneath vy.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Spasiba, Vyr Royal Majesties. Ea assure the child's education and safety to be in capable hands.”


Sigismund III: “Nie assurances are necessary. Spasiba, vyr Grace.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “But ea do have one last petition, Vyr Royal Majesty. All of this retirement has me pondering. . . Ea have been in the Crown's employment for fifteen upcoming years. And ea have another fifteen in this carcass of mine. But ea refuse, lest the damage of the late-late treasurer be undone, Vyr Royal Majesty.”


Sigismund III: “Damage?” 


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “My soldiers have died for this country, yet their pay was drawn down by five to ten mina pieces per rank in the military. This was done overnight, with nie word to me or anybody else, by the late-late treasurer. Ea ask that all of my soldiers be alloted this pay back.”


Sigismund III: “Ah. Our finances have had quite the reversal since the turn of the decade. Bossir Otto. Vy are Treasurer for four more days … Come, tell the Court of our financial state."


Bossir Otto August, Lord Treasurer of Haense, joined Herzen Ailred before the Throne.


Otto August: “I briefly mentioned how Mister Fionn has been one of the most successful Seneschals in Haeseni history, which is true. Within the length of the last saints month the Kongzem has made an incredible amount of mina surpassing all previous records. House purchases are reaching an all time high, taxes are as steady as ever, and overall the Kongzem is in an upsoar thanks to all of Her denizens. Within the last four years the Kongzem has made fifteen thousand mina profit. Coming after military pay and unlike neighbors we do niet tax vassals. Quite incredible.”


Sigismund III: “ … Safe to say, then, Marshal, vyr request is more than possible. Vy will make the adjustments to the payroll before vy leave Office, Bossir Otto.”


Otto August: “I will take the next four Saint Days to do so.”


Sigismund III: “An overdue spasiba to the Brotherhood. Spasiba for bringing this to my attention, Marshal.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Ea serve this country for prestige and passion, Vyr Royal Majesty -- nie doubt though, my soldiers will adore this adjustment. That is all."






Sigismund III: “And who is this ghost that comes next?”


Ser Aleksandr Vyronov, retired Knight of the Marian Retinue, came before the Throne.


Ser Aleksandr Vyronov: “Vyr Royal Majesties. . . “Prevja. . . I eh - Will niet take up much of vyr time. . . I ask for a private audience with vy after court, Vyr Majesty.” 


Sigismund III: “As is vyr privilege.”


Ser Aleksandr Vyronov: “Spasibo, Vyr Majesty. I will await vyr presence after court.” 


Sigismund III: “Lord Kaustantin - vy are to show the Knight out to the private gardens when we are done.”





Sigismund III: “And then we have the Hauchmaer. Prevja, Firr Feodor. Vy are looking most white.”


Feodor May: “Prevja vyr Majesty.”


Sigismund III: “What do vy seek to petition before the Crown?”


Feodor May: “First and foremost I wish to congratulate vy and vyr beloved with the news of vyr heir being underway. Similarly, I come before vy today niet on any matter of my position as Hauchmaer, but as vyr former tutor. I'd like to offer my services in teaching vyr heir once they are old enough.”


Sigismund III: “Heh.”


Muhammad Hassan: “Heh!”


Sigismund III: “I would entrust his academic education to nie one else. I still remember our first lessons, and our first books. I still remember the story of poor Ratibor.”


Feodor May: “Dobry to hear, vyr Majesty, spasiba.”


Sigismund III: “Spasiba, Firr Feodor.”






"Aren", a masked warrior, approached the Throne.


"Aren": “Your Majesty. I have but a humble petition I would like to share.”


Sigismund III: “A pity. I do enjoy grand and lofty ones. But who are vy to come before the Crown, armoured and masked?”


"Aren": “I am Haensei. The Northern blood runs through my veins. However- that blood now runs cold. My fate has been met, and yet I still stand. I wish to live as I did without the threat of being purged.”


"Aren" removed his helmet to reveal his armour to be completely hollow inside.


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Undead!”


Annika Anastasija: “Godan…” 


Muhammad Hassan: “Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala!” 


"Aren": “As to be expected. I didn't mean to scare anyone, my apologies.” 


Annika Anastasija: “Someone arrest him and set up a pyre!” 


Muhammad Hassan: “Astaghfirullah! He is kindred of Shaitan.” 


Raijen Stars: “Can you even burn a ghost?”


Sigismund III: “Why?” 


Muhammad Hassan: “He is here to do Shaitan's bidding. The devil has sent him. A spawn of Iblees!” 


Annika Anastasija: “This man is a sin against nature and Godani!”


Feodor May: “Eh, just one of the ghosts in this palace….”


"Aren": “I wish not to live in secrecy. If I were to die here, I would return to the mortal plane, I've no choice in the matter. But I would not return here. The only thing that has changed is my morality.”


Muhammad Hassan: “He admits!” 


"Aren": “Therefore, I beseech thee, my allegiance and pride still remains in the country that I once resided in.”


Annika Anastasija: “This is a Godani fearing Kongzem. Vy should niet think we would allo such a sin to live among us.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “What makes such a creature want to indure pain rather than leave to the afterlife?”


Annika Anastasija: “If vy were truly Haeseni, vy would have passed into the Seven Skies and been welcomed in through Godani's arms. Vy are a sin!”


Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “Nie, niet all apparitions are sinful.”


Otto August: “Some get stuck...” 


Sigismund III: “How can it niet be, Cardinal? Speak quickly.”


"Aren": “My existence is out of my control. However, what is in control are my own actions.” 


Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “Some dead that appear are an apparition that may have come from ve Skies, as it is written in Canon Law. But there are some that comes to haunt ve living.”


Sigismund III: “If vy canniet tell one from the other, Cardinal ….”


Annika Anastasija: “He is an abomination.” 


Sigismund III: “ … Then we have nie choice but to err on the side of caution.”


Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “What was vyr previous life, ghost?”


"Aren": “My previous life was as a squire, and a member of the Brotherhood. My name is Aren.”


The Court gasped, for they remembered the Brother named Aren.


Sigismund III: “What!?”


Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “Yet vy look as if vy were a cultist.”


Annika Anastasija: “Sigismund, this is nie right. He should niet be allowed here, especially with vyr unborn child present.” 


"Aren": “It is true that I am an abomination, but my choice in the matter is not my own. I leave it to your judgement to kill me as I stand, or let me live. My alliegence changes not either way.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “In life, Vyr Royal Majesty, he proclaimed my wife; as dead as dirt."


Sigismund III: “ … For all we know this specter killed Aren. For all we know .”


Otto August: “I do niet think an apparation with ill intent would reveal itself within a courtroom nearly decorated with guards.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Aren's soul may rest if we kill this abomination.”


Sigismund III: “It is the same ghost that terrorized Haense twenty years ago, and killed my mamej, for all we know. So, Specter. Vy claim vy will niet die. If this is true, then we shall see what to make of vy upon vyr return … So, let us see if it is true.”


Herzen Ailred, Anders Cardinal Jorenus, and brave Muhammad Hassan struck the ghost until its mail collapsed, empty.


Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “May he rest easy in ve Seven Skies.” 


Sigismund III: “Ailred. Pass me the helmet, would vy?"


The Lady Vasilia Kortrevich collapsed in the arms of Lady Eleanora Amador in fright.


Eleanora Amador: “Lord Ruthern, if vy would do me the favor of finding a medic.” 


Rhys var Ruthern: “Dear Godan, did the undead get her?”


Annika Anastasija: “Sigismund be careful.”


Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “How did ve ghost get in here? Is there niet aurum lining ve front door?”


Eleanora Amador: “Nie! Get a medic, she's fainted.”


Annika Anastasija: “There is. I had it placed myself.” 


Sigismund III: “Cardinal. Vyr free to inspect the rest of the mail, if it would do vy any good.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “A relic to be had, Vyr Royal Majesty. Sin is to be cast out, nie matter the cost, or words judged for it. Hang it in an aurum cabinet.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “May his journey to the Seven Skies be a peaceful one.” 


Annika Anastasija: “Perhaps we could have a prayer?”


Sigismund III: “May there be one at all.”


Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “Da.”


Anders Cardinal Jorenus led the Court in prayer.


Anders Cardinal Jorenus: “O' Godani, ve Most Merciful, it is by Vyr mercy ag by Vyr virtue that we all live dutifully. All sins we commit, we seek absolution truly. Ensure that this apparition rests easy in ve Seven Skies, for we are all guilty of sin. Let all those here find peace in their homes, so that they may continue living virtuous lives so that they may bring themselves close to Vy. Amin.”


Sigismund III: “ … I think that is enough excitement for one Court. Thus, we shall adjourn. Go in peace -- Krusae zwy Kongzem.”

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1 hour ago, Xarkly said:

Sigismund III: “ … Now, then. There is one other matter for the Crown to divulge, and it is niet talks of retirement, or Minotaurs … But it may well be one of successors. The time has come to announce that Godani has blessed our royal union with a child to be.”

A teenage boy can be heard cheering and rejoicing in the hallways of the Prikaz, running around in an odd fashion. It was Prinzen Andrik Nikolas, Duke of Akovia, and now NO LONGER heir-apparent for long! "REJOICE! REJOICE! MY BORSA AND THAT DUMB BROAD IS WITH CHILD!!!!!" he screamed out joyfully throughout the Prikaz

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2 hours ago, erictafoya said:

A teenage boy can be heard cheering and rejoicing in the hallways of the Prikaz, running around in an odd fashion. It was Prinzen Andrik Nikolas, Duke of Akovia, and now NO LONGER heir-apparent for long! "REJOICE! REJOICE! MY BORSA AND THAT DUMB BROAD IS WITH CHILD!!!!!" he screamed out joyfully throughout the Prikaz

"ANDRIK SHUT UP" the booming voice of the Prettiest Princess Anastasya Isabel, Duchess of Karlsburg could be heard echoing throughout the Prikaz following the eruption of her twin "VYR INTERRUPTING MY SCHEDULED CRY" she continued before returning to her very punctual wallowing.

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2 hours ago, shay said:

"ANDRIK SHUT UP" the booming voice of the Prettiest Princess Anastsya Isabel, Duchess of Karlsburg could be heard echoing throughout the Prikaz following the eruption of her twin "VYR INTERRUPTING MY SCHEDULED CRY" she continued before returning to her very punctual wallowing.


2 hours ago, erictafoya said:

A teenage boy can be heard cheering and rejoicing in the hallways of the Prikaz, running around in an odd fashion. It was Prinzen Andrik Nikolas, Duke of Akovia, and now NO LONGER heir-apparent for long! "REJOICE! REJOICE! MY BORSA AND THAT DUMB BROAD IS WITH CHILD!!!!!" he screamed out joyfully throughout the Prikaz


The Other Prettiest Princess - Petra Emma, Duchess of Karosgrad and Baroness-consort of Richtenburg, hates her siblings.

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