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The First of Many Deals


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A metal song, be warned.

The First of Many Deals



In the middle of the day a call echoed out in the streets


A void mage is needed!


It was not long before two members of the corrupted flock came forth, eager to abuse their spells. They were lured away from prying eyes under the guise that they would be able to hurt an innocent creature with their corruption.


Yet they were so wrong.

It was a trap - the Magi lured away and to their doom.
A blade into the side of one nearly ended them on the spot -
though in the bleakest of times they struck a deal with the snake.


Destroy your voidal artifact and be free.


And so they did - their precious blade soon shattered and tossed to the watery depths.
And so the other end of the deal was upheld.
The magi were freed without marking, though their faces were now known.

Remember this, dear reader -
Ra’zevir tulkhurz.


Forum dividers made by Trickfoot, check him out.


Props to @Moribundity & @ECS11 for the fun RP.



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A vile woman smiles, waiting for her turn to make a deal 

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"That worked?!" One aging bastard accidentally blurts aloud.

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There was a unusual elf of grisly features who in her way on her peaceful place heard whispers of some accursed event whilst a missive was offered upon her since she wished to read more about this unknown happening of sorts. Hence, she departed wishing to read said missive only when she reached the peaceful place; A hill slumbering directly within Norland and afterwards- she sat down. Her breathing was unastable, unusual of her mundane behavior! Perchance, scaring to see If it was what she thought, and whenever it was opened. Her pale eyes would scan it through before halting upon the most dreadful of them all. Needless to say, the bloody words pierced her eyes like a dagger whilst the harmful sensation sunk into her heart with pure innatural dread.


"The Infernal cli- They are back...?"


Finally, something that could put fear upon this bitter cold woman. For she didn't know what lurked in the shadows, for she didn't know If they were friends or foes, for she knew they might be around Norland since a odd demon-like creature was seen lingering outside its land. Nevertheless, she hoped for the better. Better not fall in despair in front of these creatures; If they may usher their presence.


Writing at 5 am and got a bit creative. Thanks box for helping me to translate the sentence! Epic Post tho.


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A thing laments;  It then shudders with a shriek for no apparent reason after brekkkie.

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