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Faith & Corruption - Tome II


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Tome II: Faith & Corruption




Many outsiders have the understanding that the All-Father cares only about the Kingdom of Norland and its people. After all, history tells us that He gave Thoromir I the Three Tenets as he was about to die in a horrific snowstorm, saving his life after countless praying to every known God. That's the point in time at which hearthfire was first given to humanity, and it marked too the beginning of the Holy Hearth and the Kingdom of Norland. Many racially-charged statements have been made too by prominent members of the Holy Hearth, with claims that the Orkin, Heartlander, Halfmen and others are all below Highlanders. These facts can lead those living outside of Norland to think badly of our Father. The main issue is, they are all half-truths which do not allign with the Dawnlord's true message.


The Dawning is where it all started. The Dawnlord came into existence after Greed had wronged Jealousy. He then fought the Long Dark fiercely and emerged supreme. Then the first day came by, as he brought light into existence. Some time after that, shadow fell upon the land, in the form of mortals, who ravished through the land. Years passed and mortalkin slowly became more civilised, more warm, with fiery hearts, with the help of the All-Father. Slowly, but surely, involution took its place and Men branched out. First came the Long Ears, then Halfmen, afterwards the Orkin and so forth. Each being a deformation of humanity. That being said, mankind has always been part of the dark; after all, the original ruckus in ancient times was caused solely by humans. Is it not unreasonable to claim, then, that Orkin are akin to animals? They may be a 'corruption' of humans, but humans are by nature corrupt beings. We all are corrupt beings, from the most noble to the most dishonourable. That being said, all mortal beings posess a wick, otherwise known as a soul. The Dawnlord is the force that ignited the wicks of the Stonemen. He is the match to your wick, key in your success as a child of His.  The Father's light has helped the peoples of the past, not just Norlanders, with coping with that corruption that bites apart from us all. In light of this, it is most important for those wishing to redeem themselves from the darkness to embrace the Dawnlord's teachings once and for all.


Thoromir was the first prophet of the Red Faith. It is a fact, however, that the existence of the All-Father must've been well-known by that time. Otherwise, I ask thee, readers, how would Thoromir been able to pray to Him in the first place? Thoromir beseeched the Heavens as he was about to die in the snow: "Save us from this hell and we shall forever be yours". The Red Scrolls make it clear that the Father has always been reluctant to respond to humanity's prayers. However, this time, He decided to choose the prophet for reasons yet unknown to this day. He was not alone, but also followed by seven innocents, all of whom died in transmitting the All-Father's message. Their names have been lost to time. The Dawnlord spoke through each of them as they held their last breath, delivering The Code that most have forgotten to this day:


I. Tolerance is Cowardice. Suffer no Evil.

II. Hold Sacred thy Oaths. To break them, is to break your faith with me.

III. Stand with thy brethen in sun and storm.

IV. Unto thy chieftain what is his and unto me what is mine. For he is my agent amongst ye.

V. Stand for what is right, be it hard or softgoing.

VI. Live life as a fire, not as a stone. Your days shall be judged afore I welcome ye to my Hearth, as shall the manner of your death.

VII. Do not fraud thy brother nor deal in deceit. A twisted tongue reflects a twisted soul.

VIII. The Hearth is my essence. And to it ye shall pay homage.


You may have heard of The Three Tenets: Suffer not the Unworthy, Spread the Flame and Stand against the Long Dark. A simple analysis will show you that these are an oversimplification of the Father's original message. The origin of this misunderstanding is unknown. Regardless, the Red Scrolls explicitly states that Thoromir's Chieftain is the Father's agent amogst us. As much as this statement may hold water, it could also be argued that the ancient unified tribe of Norland is in no way representative of what the Kingdom has become today, so it may not even be the Father's agent amongst us.


The bigger picture many have missed is contained within The Dawning & Mission. As previously stated, we are all children of the Father because He saved us all from the dark; He lit the wicks of all mortals, and just like He told Thoromir when his faith dwindled, your faith is your own to uphold and what is Right is Hard, only Sin is found in Luxury. These may even be considered the ninth and tenth rules of The Code. It may not be the easiest thing to do, you may find hostility if you reside within pagan lands, but it is your obligation as a child of His to follow him, no matter your nationality, skin colour or race. Those who don't will not only suffer from the decay that comes with darkness, but will, too, end up purified with fire. In essence, it is your duty to stand for what is right, even if you find the highest obstacles in your way. Only through the Father may your wick be cleansed of corruption.





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Vykk furrows his brow after reading the tome "I was there during the descension of the All-Father though... there were only three Tenets spoken to Thoromir..." he sighs lightly to himself "Who has been whispering these half truths to this man? Perhaps I shall seek out this man so that he can hear from a direct source of truth."

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Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric frowns at the missive

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Orin Ve'lvenest sat back in his chair, a look of confusion on his face as he read further into the document 

"The Dawnlord? The Code?  Have I missed something so important through my studies, have I skipped past some major detail through all those old scrolls."

He rose from his seat, panic taking over his face as he ran to his study thinking 'No No I could not have possibly missed anything this important...'

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