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The Mionlach - The Eternal Soldier


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The Mionlach, the most Sacred and Prestige Positions to hold within Daelish Culture.


The Mionlach are the most prestigious of soldiers within the Daelish Isles. Serving as a guard directly for that of the Righ’s they are tasked with very secret, yet effective work. Each Mionlach is picked specifically for their specialties whether it be espionage, alchemy, combat, or even architecture. Each of these aspects will have been proven to be extremely valuable and useful as they will be used to get the Mionlach through their trials and are sought after by the Righ’s to form an effective team of soldiers.

Outside of their duties to the Righ’s, the Mionlach are tasked with the sole purpose of defending the Daeland Realm and her citizens. Their actions are always justified unless spoken of differently by the Righ’s and should always be taken with caution. They have free-will over themselves when outside of Daeland and are sometimes even encouraged to participate in acts of chaos or even experiments upon group’s outside the Realm to gain experience and effectiveness that can be used within their work.

The Mionlach is a family, and will can only be separated from within. The pact between each and every Mionlach is sacred, and must never be looked down upon.


To Join the Mionlach the first task one must undergo, is one of recognition. Only a select few recognized by the Righ de Daeland even have the opportunity to undergo such trials to join the rankings of the Mionlach. After being recognized by their past and prior accomplishments, and offered the opportunity one may undergo the Cuairt Bàs. Should they complete it they will live a life of Service within the ranks of the Mionlach, and will forever be known and respected within the lands by their prestigious title.



The Cuairt Bàs, known as the Walk of Death, is the trial that aspiring Daelanders must undergo to achieve the title of Mionlach. This is a multi day trial that must be completed, with each day exponentially harder than the next.

The Cleansing. entails the stripping of one’s belongings and cloth that would protect them from the harsh desert that lies north of the Daelish Isles. Seeresses and Priests among the isles come together to paint the body of the aspiring individual with blood and paint as they etch in runes and other blessings or even curses to create a challenge for the next task. After a celebration is held the aspirant will set North as they venture into the Desert Basin known to the Daelander’s as the Gleann a ’Bhàis. Should they survive such a long trek north their next trial will begin.

The Scavenge is arguably one of the most important parts of the trial. It is here that they will spend their time hunting fauna and flora of the valley with an aim to survive each and every day following their arrival. Before this stage is to occur, many gatherings of beasts and monsters will be released by the Daelish Beastmasters to give opportunities for growth, but with the slightest mistake such opportunities could easily lead to death.

The Hunt is the final and most fatal of all trials that an aspirant must complete. Following the completion of their previous stage, The Scavenge, they must face in combat the very forces in which they are wishing to join. All current Mionlach will set out containing any gear or weapons that they see fit to slaughter the aspirant. They may choose to work together or traverse the Gleann a ‘Bhais alone to find their prey. This will persist for the duration of the Mionlach’s choosing and will only end when all forfeit their hunt, or the life of the aspirant has been claimed.


Should an aspirant live to see the end of these three trials, they must survive the journey to the Iron Thrones of the Righ’s de Daeland where they will then receive their garments and armor, serving as a gateway into the life of a Mionlach. The Cuairt Bàs is a self-enforced PK trial.

The apparel of the Mionlach is a sleek, well-fashioned one. Their faces are adorned with a well ventilated mask allowing for proper cooling and breathing within the southern biomes of Almaris. Their vitals and organs are protected by steel plating that is covered with a very thin gray robe. They are often seen hiding weapons and potions within their garments and are sometimes spotted wearing jewelry and other pieces of decoration significant to each individual. 


To go with their prior Daelish culture, the Mionlach also possess a culture of their own. Being able to bond over their trials and experiences that they endure together whilst serving the Mionlach have developed a culture that is very specific to their everyday tasks serving the Righ. This culture that they possess is often divided into different “Traditions” that the Mionlach participate in respectfully.


The First Tradition that a Mionlach will experience once appointed will be the forging of their first weapon. Using the tools and prior weapons from their trial they will further be enhanced by the most experienced of smith’s within the lands. Such an act is an honor to be the one who enhances the weapon of the Mionlach. This weapon will serve as their guide through the rest of their life and is the most sacred attachment that one will ever own.

Another Tradition that is often taken up upon the shoulders of newly made Mionlach is the Celebration of Victory. Riding alongside their fellow Mionlach, the newly appointed will often set out within the night for either a journey of celebration and pride or for some they may choose to set out upon a grande raid or heist to show off such strength that they possess. Each and every celebration is different.


The following Rites are one’s that a Mionlach must choose from to partake in. These are Rite’s that serve to guide the Mionlach in their work and serve as a self sacrifice to tone their presence among the world into a pristine balance. For example a Mionlach who is well versed in combat and war, may find themselves taking a Rite of Silence so that their work cannot be inhibited by their self pride as an individual for first they are a Mionlach, before they are truly themselves. 


The Rite of Silence
The first of the five Rites is the Rite of Silence. It is within this Rite that a Mionlach will choose a life of silence that will guide them through the rest of their livelihood. To take upon silence throughout their work they extinguish the possibility of failure within their work in many ways. Often when as successful as the Mionlach soldiers will find themselves proclaiming their victories and battles across the streets of cities and among the townsfolk, amounting a following that will then inspire them to commit acts of treason or other heinous sins against their people and themselves. By taking the Rite of Silence a Mionlach chooses to never speak whilst performing their duties or some choose to never speak throughout their entire rest of their lives as they will forever be a Mionlach until death. It is known by few, but not uncommon for Mionlach to even remove their tongue to ensure that this Rite is never broken.

The Rite of Sacrifice
The Second of the Rites is the Rite of Sacrifice. A Mionlach may choose to remove all personal claims and belongings that they hold within their personal life so that they do not distract themselves from their work. Some measures are as simple as leaving a family or giving up a title, or as extreme as destroying their provinces, or killing their loved one so that they may act out of rage within battle for such horrid acts that accompany the life they chose to pursue.

The Rite of Eternity
Arguably one of the most controversial of Rite’s, a Mionlach may pursue the Rite of Eternity. It is this Rite that a Mionlach will use methods to damn their lives to a state of Immortality or Eternity. Each method contains a large amount of sacrifice and cruel methods which alone could destroy the mind of an individual. However this state of Eternity will be used so that the Mionlach will forever serve the realm of Daeland. Their flesh will never rot, and will always persist even when their comrades will cease to. Such a Rite is looked down upon, and has even been banished by some Righ’s in the past, however each Rite is sacred and often only known to that of the Mionlach.

The Rite of Passage
A Rite often sought after by many is the Rite of Passage. This is the Rite in which a Mionlach will dedicate themselves to not only the training and teachings to the newly appointed but also towards that of the citizens in which they protect. The Rite of Passage is the teacher role within the Mionlach, and is a very sacred path one may choose to take. With that being said this is often a Rite that some take up alongside a previously chosen one as the most experienced Mionlach have a capability to teach their comrades how to perform effectively. Some rare cases of the Rite of Passage even include prophets or seers who seek to guide in a more spiritual or religious way.

The Rite of Solitude
The Final Rite a Mionlach may take upon themselves, is the Rite of Solitude. This is one that is a very heavy decision to make as it would distance the bond between the Mionlach and their comrades. It is in this Rite that a Mionlach will permanently take upon a task given to them or one that is self-assigned. The Rite of Solitude is enacted when a Mionlach removes themselves from their forces entirely to achieve a mission or goal that is given to them at all costs and is often extremely dangerous. By removing themselves from the gatherings of the main Mionlach they are preparing to sever all connections as they pursue something that will likely result in their death or will continue until such comes. An example of this Rite being enacted would be if a newly appointed Mionlach were to set for the firelands to slaughter the Nephilim and their forces; for such creatures are immortal and will always exist the Rite of Solitude would ensure that the Mionlach would never return as for the rest of their life they will spend fighting this threat until their very last breath escapes their body.


OOC : If you are interested in participating in the above roleplay, please join our discord via ( https://discord.com/invite/SgwV6xxfF2 ) and feel free to reach out to me on discord via (Qizu#5409). We are aware that we listed that the trial is a self enforced PK clause. This is stated solely due to the fact that these events will involve nearly all individuals of our nation and your character dying in front of the entire nation is not really something that goes down well in roleplay so please respect that request should you choose to participate in these trials but alas only admins can enforce PK’s so do as you so please.


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