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|HALERIR'ELAME| Clad in Wood and Steel


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After hours, days, weeks of smiths tirelessly hammering pieces of plated steel, leather tanners perfecting their craft and tailors designing fitted cloaks, the Greenblades and Gladeguards of Nevaehlen are called to retrieve their new set of armour. 


Wild Chiefs organize crates of the prepared armour, each set made for those warriors of the Vale. Old armour is traded in, but not to go to waste. Some are melted down to be reused, others saved for training equipment.


United the wood elves stood, pledged to protect their glade.



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A proud Matriarch thanks the Valeseer, Wild Chiefs and all those in the Halerir'elame for all the hard work they've been putting in for Nevaehlen, for the glade, their home. 





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Talim sighs in relief, wiping the sweat from his brow after he'd finished smithing the last plate. "By the grace of the aspects, let this armor protect my kin." The Elf replaced his tools and carried the last crate of arms and armor to his fellow mali'ame.

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"It is a most excellent looking armor. May our kin be safe from whatever brings them harm" Would remark Minuvas upon seeing a sketch of the design. 

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Relevas Vuln'miruel listens to the clamor around the village. Every villager's to receive their own entirely new set of armor. Below in his cave, Relevas stares at his old Warden plate and remembers old fights. The metal is grimy and spotted with dents. "It's time for you to retire, old friend." 

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A hardy and joyous laugh resounded as Scoria received news of the new armor. "Gehehe! A glorious day for Nevaehlen indeed!"

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Roylan gazed at his armours. The first set, chain, battered and broken helm that had yet to be melted down. The second. A armour forged from the hides of beast and monsters, glistening from the shine of treatment. The third armour, the old, still blood stained armour of a ranger with the hood drawn up. And then finally, the glistening shine of the new Halerir'elame plate. "Lets last together for a long, long time, partner." 

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A Wild Chief clad in the newly forged armor looked proudly upon the rest of his kin as they donned their own, setting his hands against his hips as he released a cool sigh, "If only y'could see me now. Ye'd like this." He snorted softly, nodding to another Greenblade as they approached to receive their uniform.

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