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[✓] [Alchemy] Lady Bean's Legumes

The King Of The Moon

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Lady Bean's Legumes

The Pea Exposed: What Makes a Princess Real? (Andersen's Real Princess)


The exact origin of this recipe is unknown, though some theorise it to have initially served as an aid to soldiers of the Kingdom of the Westerlands during their night watches in the unhallowed wastes surrounding Mordring's frozen Abyss Gate. 


Folklore however accredits the noble Margaret Horen-Marna, the Lady of Beanville, as the first known user of this creation. A Westerlandic refugee forced to reside in the early Renatian states of post-Johannian Axios, who held quiet discontent with the rising number of claimants to the shattered Horen bloodline and the subsequent excess of 'false princesses' polluting this empire-in-abeyance.


Lady Margaret is said to have planted these legumes in the mattresses of her courtly enemies; driving many a sleep deprived princess to madness as a single pea sewn into a mattress would permeate past endless layers of sheets, blankets and pillows, denying these unconfirmed royals the respite of sleep and dooming them to raise their children wickedly. 


Brief Description:

An unnaturally green and rotten looking little vegetable.



1x Pea or Legume (Base). Any form of bean, lentil or peanut will technically suffice. 

3x Vigour

3x Rage

2x Poison


Creation Process:

-Coat base in both layers of poison.

-Add one layer of vigour and one layer of rage.

-Heat over an open flame until singed black.

-Add second layers of vigour and rage.

-Heat over an open flame until browned.

-Add final layer of vigour and rage.

-Leave to sit for one narrative day (three OOC hours). 

-Peel away the 'shell' of burnt and dried powder that has formed from the treated 'pea or legume' until only the original vegetation remains, now appearing unnaturally green and showing signs of rot.



Odourless, tasteless and non-toxic, Lady Beans' Legumes have no immediate effects apparent to them.


When kept within a three meter radius of a sleep deprived individual, a traceless gas exuded from the tampered vegetable will trigger a minor nervous response in those about to fall asleep: the feeling of a single, harsh prod between the ribs emanating from the direction of this alchemic creation that will jolt any descendant awake, no matter how heavy the sleeper. 


It should be noted that this does not energise willing or unwilling users, who will still suffer the consequences of sleep deprivation. It simply disturbs natural sleep inevitably when kept within range, its miasmas only disrupted by a layer of metal or stone between it and the user.


Further, this only applies to natural sleep, and cannot overpower any sleep inducing magics or poisons. This additionally has no bearing on unconsciousness wrought from physical trauma. The only exceptions to these caveats may be found in events, where ST discretion is advised. 



-Lady Bean's Legumes have no bearing on an individual's energy levels and cannot function as a substitute for sleep, but rather an intensifier of sleep deprivation over time. 

-The effects of Lady Bean's Legumes do not stack, meaning multiple in the same area of effect will yield no noteworthy results. 

-Lady Bean's Legumes have no bearing being knocked unconscious by physical, alchemic or magical means. 

-Tier 3, Common

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On this episode of LoTC, Mordu invents the concept of malicious, insidious evil. 


Tune in next time, where he invents alchemical throwing Legos!

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2 minutes ago, Valannor said:

On this episode of LoTC, Mordu invents the concept of malicious, insidious evil. 


Tune in next time, where he invents alchemical throwing Legos!

Oh boy I love legos!

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23 minutes ago, The King Of The Moon said:

The exact origin of this recipe is unknown, though some theorise it to have initially served as an aid to soldiers of the Kingdom of the Westerlands during their night watches in the unhallowed wastes surrounding Mordring's frozen Abyss Gate


Folklore however accredits the noble Margaret Horen-Marna, the Lady of Beanville, as the first known user of this creation. A Westerlandic refugee forced to reside in the early Renatian states of post-Johannian Axios, who held quiet discontent with the rising number of claimants to the shattered Horen bloodline and the subsequent excess of 'false princesses' polluting this empire-in-abeyance.




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+1 because I also member those times :) 


also legumes are cool

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