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The Congress of Scholars

Papa Liam

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Congress of Scholars

of Almaris


76 SE


The Congress of Scholars is an international forum of scholars which crosses institutional barriers. The board is composed of institutional leaders in academia who organize academic events, programs, and standards to formalize academics and ensure that a new generation of scholars can more effectively share their works and learn from one another. The Congress is not a single university, college, or academic society; it is a neutral arbiter of academic affairs with a mandate to create a community of scholars.


The Second Age has marked a dramatic shift in contemporary global cultural attitudes. Following the departure from Arcas, the denizens of Almaris seem to have experienced a scholarly renaissance. The expansion of formal academic institutions in recent decades has created a hospitable space for those who seek to synthesize new knowledge merely for knowledge’s sake. There now exists the capacity to facilitate an international community of scholars who are motivated by nothing more than the accumulation, creation, and publication of knowledge; albeit, a small community. Nonetheless, the apparently small size of dedicated scholars in Almaris is the precise reason that a universal forum should exist to create a more intimate environment for academics who wish to see academia blossom.


Mission Statement

The Congress has three primary objectives; to facilitate networking events between scholars of all affiliations, to accredit degree-granting academic institutions, and formalize the process for awarding doctoral credentials. These objectives are not meant to hinder the activities of academic institutions – rather, they are meant to provide support for the next generation of scholars.


Doctoral Credentials


One useful function of the Congress is verifying the status of degree-holding scholars who have undergone the most rigorous academic training. Those who hold doctoral degrees have not only mastered their subject area, but have also created a novel and substantive piece of academic literature which has made an original contribution to their field. Truly, the doctorate signifies that the individual is capable of conducting original research and incorporating prior literature into their works. The doctoral degree certifies professors and researchers throughout Almaris, proving that they are capable of retaining, applying, and creating academic literature.

The actual training given to academics falls upon each individual institution. However, it should be general consensus that any doctoral degree holder has mastered the base theories in their discipline, has some understanding of research methodology, and has made numerous publications which present an original thesis. Scholars pursuing the doctoral degree should receive rigorous training from one or more instructors in their institution, write a final thesis of great significance, and then have it evaluated by a committee of scholars in their field. The Congress may assist with the logistics of committee evaluation, but does not determine the evaluation of doctoral candidates; doctoral theses are instead assessed by the candidate's thesis supervisor and two other scholars in their field, selected by the supervisor. The Congress does not concern itself with any other accreditation at this time. Institutions are free to award other types of degrees as they deem appropriate.


It is recognized that there are many well-established scholars with superb publications at the time of the Congress’s foundation. Those individuals are asked to submit their current publications and will be granted an ex post facto doctoral degree.


Accreditation of Institutions


Accreditation of academic institutions is intended to identify those institutions which are active members in the scholarly community. Accreditation is also critical to participation with the Congress, as accredited institutions will appoint a representative to the board. The credentials are designed to be unrestrictive to ensure that all academic institutions, no matter their size, have access to the same opportunities and resources. Institutions must meet three basic requirements to attain accreditation;

  • The establishment of a permanent, physical facility. The institution in question must have an identifiable campus.
  • Membership of one or more doctoral degree-holders. At least one mentor at the institution must hold a doctoral degree or the equivalent so that they may train doctoral candidates.
  • Continued dedication to academic research. The institution must continue to publish scholarly works to be considered an active member.

Institutions which meet the criteria above and would like to join the Congress of Scholars should make contact with the pro tempore Chair, Elibar’Indor.


Networking Events


In-person networking events between scholars are of utmost importance. Correspondence through letters are fruitful in sharing brief theories, but to truly interact with the intellectual work of others, a regular gathering of scholars is most effective. The Congress is responsible for the organization of academic forums wherein scholars are eligible to present influential studies with their peers and meet scholars from other institutions. The Congress may also provide logistical assistance with smaller conferences initiated by other academic institutions or individuals. Participation, of course, is not limited to those with advanced degrees, but simply those who have recently made scholarly contributions to their field.


The Board





The bureaucracy of the Congress exists to organize academic activities and meetings. The Congressional board is made up of one representative from each accredited institution, as well as one Chairman appointed by a majority vote to facilitate congressional activities. Each institutional representative receives the ability to present motions to the board, and reserves the right to vote on presented motions. The Chair acts as a non-voting, neutral arbiter of Congressional procedure. Although they may have an affiliation with one of the member institutions, their actions as Chair must present no biases or favoritism. The Chair serves indefinitely until departure or removal by the Congress.


Current members of the board include:

  • Dr. Elibar'Indor of the Vortician Society of Scholars and Artisans, serving as the Chairman (Pro Tempore)
  • Dr. Otto Wittenbach, representing the Northern Geographic Society
  • Dr. Renae Athri'onnrepresenting the Arcanic Celian Academy
  • Dr. Viction Trito, representing the Vortician Society of Scholars and Artisans
  • Dr. Arwen Amethil, representing the University of Vaelya





The Congress also considers the maintenance of detailed archive one of their primary duties. The keeping of records is critical to verifying doctoral statuses and reflecting on the organization's past. These records include a doctoral directory, displaying all current and past recipients of a doctoral degree, and an institutional directory, cataloguing all current and past members of the board.


((Both spreadsheets are to be updated regularly))


Ex Post Facto Degrees


It is recognized that, at the time of the Congress's foundation, there are already a cohort of scholars with fantastic publications of high quality. Scholars who are already established are not expected to pursue the current doctoral accreditation process outlined for future students. These scholars should submit all current publications to the Congress of Scholars directly to be awarded an ex post facto degree, wherein applications will be evaluated by the board. Ex Post Facto candidates are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Does the candidate have multiple publications in their field?
  • Has the candidate made an original research contribution to their field?
  • Does the candidate demonstrate mastery of the theories in their field?
  • Does the candidate keep up with the literature in their field?



Individuals with inquiries are encouraged to contact Chairman Pro Tempore, Elibar'Indor ((Liam#7649))

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Grandmaster Viction Trito clasps his hands together as he is handed a copy of the completed publication, smiling widely, "Dr. Hidea has done quite a wonderful job in organizing this congress of scholars! It only serves to strengthen the bonds between our organizations, and allow us to move forward in a unified community. The Vortician Society of Scholars and Artisans is happy to have been made of this history in the making!

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