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*A depiction of the monument standing out in the night sky*





At the end of three months of hardship, those who call the Rimeveld their home, a collection of soldiers and a Prinzen stepped back to admire their hard work. Their cloaks were dirtied, coats soaked through and faces gnarled by the frost of the north but they never faltered in their task, to honour their fallen King.


"Papej, I did it." The Prince whispered to himself as he wiped the sweat from his brow, he remembered what his father had told him upon that very spot. He then looked back in the direction of Karosgrad, he could finally return home as his promise was fulfilled.


So there it stood, upon one of the peaks of the Rimeveld, a monument built in the visage of King Sigismund III's sword. May it remind all those who gaze upon it that King Sigismund III never faltered and nor did his trusty blade, Aeternius.






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Leopold Alstion would converse with his family, arranging a time to travel to the frozen expanses of the Rimveld in the coming years to look upon one of the world’s true wonders.

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